: Section 12 Zombie Blocking War

After Li Yuanhong ordered the weapon, he went outside to watch the progress of the ice wall. Only four hundred people had been rotated. Many of the people who had worked before had their hands flushed with freezing. If they continue to dry, they will probably freeze their hands. , There is no other way but to let others take over. In this way, the progress of the project slowed down. After all, most of the people who took over were women, and they were not as strong as the men before. At this time, it was less than ten hours before the zombies arrived at the base, and the inner wall was built less than one-tenth. At this speed, when the zombies hit the door, half of the city wall could not be built.
So Li Yuanhong called Xu Bing and Erya to the front and listened to the difficulty of the project progress.
Erya said: "It's too cold. Many people carry water and often spill the water on their bodies. Soon the water is frozen, and many people get frostbite like this."
Xu Bing also said:
Now it’s too cold and the ground is frozen hard, so the foundation is difficult to dig. A one-meter deep foundation can’t be digged for ten meters in an hour even if ten people dig it, so the speed is always increasing. Not coming up."
Li Yuanhong listened, thought for a while, and then said, "Let everyone not just know how to do it, let everyone use their brains, who has a good solution, let everyone put it forward, and whoever proposes a good solution will be rewarded as long as it is adopted. Canned fruit." Li Yuanhong said the reward policy.
Erya and Xu Bing quickly promulgated the reward policy. It didn’t take long before someone proposed a way: set a fire on the place to be excavated. Not only can the land be heated and softened, but it can also be used for work. People who want to keep warm at any time, dry the wet clothes.
Others proposed that the irrigation pump should be directly connected to the wall so that people don’t need to carry the water. Others proposed to use wooden planks to make a frame and shower with water so that the wooden planks would be frozen into the outer wall. Wall skin, so you don’t need to use ice bricks piece by piece, and this speed will increase.
The method is there, and the next step is the practical application. Sure enough, the construction speed of the ice wall has increased. Some people even work simple and mixed with men and women. In this way, lighter tasks are assigned to women, heavy tasks are given to men, and then two shifts. Everyone has time to rest, and efficiency will be improved.
Those who made suggestions, Li Yuanhong not only rewarded them, but also asked Erya to write down the names of these people, and later see the performance of these people. If they perform well and have good character, Li Yuanhong doesn’t mind promoting them. After all, it’s a management and a test. It is whether it can be flexible when dealing with things, rather than sticking to stereotypes.
Although the construction speed has increased, but if you want to complete the work before the zombies arrive, there is still not enough time. At least you must find a way to make the zombies three hours late, and if the zombies arrive longer, you can also prepare more. Weapon, so Li Yuanhong intends to stop the group of zombies.
Li Yuanhong came to the second floor of the chamber, entered the sand table, clicked on the sand table, and carefully looked at the moving route of the zombies. Suddenly, Li Yuanhong saw a good ambush location, and Li Yuanhong previewed his idea on the sand table. Sure enough, the zombies moved. Was delayed. At this time, Wang Jingrong and Liu Hu had already set out to stop the scattered corpses with their main troops. They were not at the base, and Xu Yingyou was better at defending the city, so it seemed that they could only lead the team out by themselves. So Li Yuanhong immediately called Mahjong. Mahjong had been in charge of the quarry before. This time he was called back by all his staff and was working at the construction site.
Seeing the sparrow coming, Li Yuanhong immediately asked: "Sparrow, who is responsible for the quarrying and firing in your quarry?" Li Yuanhong asked.
"Oh, it's Wang Yonghai." Sparrow replied.
"Where is he now?" Li Yuanhong asked.
"He was working with me just now, this meeting should be on a shift." Sparrow said.
"Okay, call him in a while, then bring some people, take weapons, pickaxes for quarrying, mines, and explosives, and go with me to beat zombies." Li Yuanhong said.
"Good!" Sparrow said excitedly.
After a while, Sparrow and Sparrow led a dozen people to Li Yuanhong. Li Yuanhong only gave them five rifles, and then said, "These five guns are for self-defense. They are not for war. Don’t I thought you could only use a gun in battle, and you could use a stick with your brain. Okay, I'll take you to fight zombies in a while." After that, Li Yuanhong didn't care about these people with question marks, let them check all the tools, especially Tools for blasting mountains and quarrying. After all the checks were completed, Li Yuanhong led everyone, as well as the pikemen and archers, and boarded the RV.
It’s been a long time since Li Yuanhong was playing a RV. It was because all the armored vehicles were driven away. Li Yuanhong could only drive the RV on the road.
Due to the heavy snow, the ground was slippery, and the vision was not very good, Li Yuanhong did not dare to drive the car very fast. The speed was only controlled between forty and fifty miles. After driving for a full hour, Li Yuanhong could The motorhome drove to the destination.
This is a winding road. The place where Li Yuanhong is located is the narrowest part of the road. It is close enough for two cars to pass side by side. On one side of the road, there is a cliff with a depth of more than 100 meters. It is a cliff with a height of several tens of meters, and the cliff is almost at right angles. Not to mention the zombies, even Li Yuanhong can't climb up without professional tools.
What Li Yuanhong has to do is to blow up the cliff and completely block the road. Once the road is blocked, unless the zombies can climb the mountain, they can only retreat and take a detour. This detour, the zombies at least To walk more than 60 kilometers, in this kind of weather, these 60 kilometers, at least four or five hours can be obtained for Li Yuanhong.
Li Yuanhong got off the car, let Wang Yonghai take a look at the mountain, and then said: "I will let you blow up the mountain in front and completely block the road. Can you do it?"
Wang Yonghai did not answer immediately, but looked up to the mountain. It was around four o'clock in the morning, and the sky was still dark. You could only see the outline of the mountain with the help of the car lights. However, with so much experience in shooting and cannoning, Wang Yonghai nodded and promised: "No problem!"
So Li Yuanhong arranged for Wang Yonghai to start digging and installing explosives. About ten minutes later, Li Yuanhong’s walkie-talkie suddenly heard Zhang Yuan’s voice:
Report to the boss and found that the zombie group is moving here.

When Li Yuanhong heard this, he didn't dare to neglect, and hurried to Zhang Yuan's direction. Zhang Yuan was standing at an intersection of Panshan Road, which happened to overlook the entire Panshan Road. Li Yuanhong took out his binoculars and looked down the mountain. At this time, the white snow covered the entire mountain. At the foot of the mountain, under the reflection of the snow, you could see a black shadow, slowly walking along the winding road. Going up, perhaps because of the cold weather, the zombies are not moving very fast, but the large area of ​​zombies, like a huge black wave, is directly pressing on. From it, Li Yuanhong even found many tall figures. Due to the dark sky, It is impossible to distinguish between fat zombies and giant zombies, but no matter which kind, the defense of the future is a huge test.
Li Yuanhong calculated the moving speed of the zombies, and it was estimated that it would take more than 20 minutes to reach him. It seemed that time was tight. So Li Yuanhong ran back to Wang Yonghai. At this time, Wang Yonghai was hanging on the cliff, constantly shooting shots. Li Yuanhong did not dare to distract him, so he waited for a while, and when Wang Yonghai finished his work, he shouted: "Yonghai, how is the work going? , How long will it take?"
Wang Yonghai rubbed his somewhat frozen hands and said, "Brother Li, it takes only five shots to complete it. It takes half!"
After listening to Wang Yonghai's words, Li Yuanhong knew that such progress would definitely not work, so he said to Wang Yonghai: "Yonghai, in this way, you mark the positions of the five blastholes, and I will be responsible for drilling the blastholes!"
Wang Yonghai didn’t argue either, so according to Li Yuanhong’s instructions, he drew the positions of the five blastholes. Li Yuanhong asked Lu Yi with three gunmen to take charge of one blasthole, and he himself took charge of one blasthole. Li Yuanhong evolved twice. Excavating the blasthole was a trivial matter. Pile, so less than ten minutes, all the shots were finished.
Wang Yonghai didn't expect it to be so fast. After checking it, a blasthole was loaded with explosives and fuse. Everything went well. Then Li Yuanhong led the people out of the explosion zone, preparing to explode.
At this time, the frontier troops of the zombies are less than three minutes away from the explosion zone. Even people like Wang Yonghai who have not evolved can see the dark and overwhelming figures of the zombies. Everyone is a little afraid. If it was late just now, not only Cannot complete the blasthole job, and may be surrounded by zombies.
Li Yuanhong did not detonate immediately, but waited for the zombie to completely enter the explosion zone before giving an order to detonate. With Wang Yonghai pressing the detonation button, the big bang time Li Yuanhong was looking forward to has finally arrived!
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