: Section 24 Magic Notes

Li Yuanhong felt strange, he should have heard it right, why didn't he see anyone when he opened the door twice? Could it be that the little guy next door played a prank? No, the speed of these little guys is definitely not that fast. I should be able to spot them, and they should have a sound after knocking on the door and escaping. I didn't hear any sound at all.
While Li Yuanhong was thinking about it, a black shadow sprang up next door and ran to Li Yuanhong quickly. Li Yuanhong glanced intently, it was the yellow mutant dog Shan Ying among the three little milk dogs. I saw this little milk dog come to Li Yuanhong's door, circling around a place non-stop, wagging its tail, with a pleasing expression.
Li Yuanhong thought that the little milk dog would come to please him, so he squatted down, stretched out his hand to touch the little milk dog, and called Shanying's name: "Shanying come here, come here!"
Unexpectedly, Shan Ying ignored Li Yuanhong's call at all, as if Li Yuanhong did not exist, still wagging his tail, and kept showing good betrayal to the empty place. Li Yuanhong finally knew that the open space in front of the door was weird, so Li Yuanhong hurriedly used the real eye at the door, and then a pretty figure appeared, it was Li Luoxia.
Seeing that her figure was discovered, Li Luoxia glared at the little milk dog angrily: "It's all you little villain who broke other people's tricks. Be careful not to feed you back!"
The little milk dog was scolded, especially when he heard the eggplant beating like frost without food, he drooped his head and whimpered in his mouth. Seeing the pitiful look of the little milk dog, Li Luoxia felt relieved again, so she said, "For the sake of your knowledge, I will forgive you this time!"
As soon as the little milk dog heard it, he immediately came to his senses, wagging his tail, and rubbing his head against Li Luoxia's trousers, trying hard to sell cute. Li Yuanhong was completely stunned by the performer, when did the little milk dog be so smart!
At this time, Li Luoxia said braggingly to Li Yuanhong: "How about it? The magic just now is not bad!"
"Well, not bad, not bad!" Li Yuanhong admired and envied him. This magic is a voyeuristic artifact, but he can't learn it.
Li Luoxia showed off to Li Yuanhong for a while, and was so happy that Li Yuanhong gave her a little flattery, and then returned to the house with her little milk dog. Li Yuanhong also returned to the house, thinking to himself that this invisibility magic is not only a voyeuristic artifact, but also an assassin's artifact. Once a hostile force sends an invisible person over, then his life is in danger. No, you have to understand it yourself. The flaw in this magic, or I feel uneasy. Suddenly, Li Yuanhong remembered the magic note that the alien had left for him. He kept throwing it in the space and didn't make time to read it. It happened that this time was relatively leisurely and could study.
Just do it, Li Yuanhong went back to bed, sat cross-legged, took out the magic notebook, this is a very thick notebook, judging from the thickness, it is no less than a Cihai, it seems that this is called Ivan, and he has worked hard. . And the notes seem to be some years old. Li Yuanhong turned over the first page of his notes, and Li Yuanhong found that the inner pages inside were not the paper he was familiar with, but Li Yuanhong did not delve into it. Li Yuanhong began to read the magic notes: "
The origin of magic
On the mainland, it has been circulating that magic is a gift left by the gods to the world. I was convinced of this before, because there are relics left by the gods everywhere, which proves the reliability of the origin of magic. Until after an expedition to the tomb, all this was changed. "
When Li Yuanhong saw this, he thought to himself that this Ivan was also a tomb thief, or else he ran into the graveyard to do nothing. Li Yuanhong then looked down:"
That ancient tomb is obviously an early tomb from the age of the gods. In the tomb, we found many primitive mantras and many stone carvings, but one thing is that there is a kind of writing that I have never seen before. At that time, I hadn’t practiced linguistic magic and couldn’t understand the meaning, but I knew there must be something hidden in it. It’s a pity that the people who came with me were busy fighting for artifacts and didn’t pay attention to these worthless steles. . I happened to refine a space ring at that time, and installed these steles back by the way.
Later, through research and learning language magic, I learned that the most primitive magic knowledge is explained here. Although it is the most primitive, but also the most profound, he solved a lot of my previous confusion about magic, and learned from an article that the owner of this tomb turned out to be the master of the gods. It turns out that the gods are just ordinary people. This man's teachings opened up the supernatural powers, but for some unknown reason, the gods did not pass on this man's knowledge intact. Instead, there were errors, which caused the lack of the current magic system.
In addition, from the process of translating texts that I don’t know, I learned that this person came from the other end of the space-time tunnel, where the world, for some reason, triggered a world explosion, which caused a major leakage of world energy. The original abundant magical energy began to decrease sharply. When the big bang happened, this person happened to be near the space-time tunnel with his companions, so they brought their dragon pets to our world and brought the civilization of their world to us. However, his companion eventually went to the far eastern continent, leaving only him and a head dragon. Moreover, I found a seal among the stele. The image on it was the image of Shilong, which was very different from the legendary image of Shilong. The image of the dragon in the seal is very strange, with antlers, fish whiskers, snake gods, and fish tails. Such a first dragon, without wings, can fly through the clouds and drive the fog, calling the wind and the rain. I really can't figure out how it flies.
Shilong heard of being amorous. After he came into this world, he got into trouble everywhere. They mate and mate with the ice monitor lizards in the north, gave birth to ice dragons, and mate and mate with the fire monitor lizards on the Flame Island in the south, and gave birth to black The fire dragon mates and mates with the western desert rock monitor lizard and gives birth to the golden earth dragon, and mates and mates with the eastern forest monitor lizard to give birth to the forest green dragon. "
After reading the introduction of the dragon, how do you feel that the first dragon is the dragon of China? The Dragon of China likes to commit adultery and promiscuity everywhere, and as a result he has nine very strange sons. Unexpectedly, this guy ran to another world again and brought out a lizard-like dragon clan. It was really not a peaceful guy. Li Yuanhong then looked down:"
I am not surprised about the origin of the dragon. What is surprised is that the severity of the lack of our magic system has reached the point where it cannot be dealt with. This will be recorded in detail in my magic analysis later, and I will not be tired of it here.
Another thing that caught my attention was that the documents mentioned the artifacts in the tombs. He said that these artifacts were used for sacrificial purposes. Once used for warfare, they would be devastating, but he had already consumed mana at the time. Exhausted, the artifacts cannot be destroyed, only the burial of the artifacts separately, hoping that the constraints between the artifacts can play a role, otherwise the artifact will fall into the hands of an ambitious person and it will be a big disaster. Moreover, the owner of the tomb deliberately pushed an artifact into the space-time tunnel before he died. However, due to the time being too far away, the whereabouts of these artifacts have long been lost. I hope that these artifacts will not appear in the world, but it seems impossible. Since that expedition, many artifacts have been found, and there was an undead invasion that defeated the allied forces many times by relying on a artifact. If it weren’t for the wizards to find a artifact and fight against it, they could turn the tide, otherwise the world would Become another look.
Finally, the stone stele mentioned the space-time tunnel. This space-time tunnel is opened once every 100 years. However, the time and scale of opening for the New Year’s greetings are very small. It is impossible to transmit oversized items, and it is difficult even for people to transmit. The channel will be opened by powerful energy every 10,000 years, and the duration will be as long as five years. Moreover, during the stable period of the space-time tunnel, not only can it transmit items, but even the army can be transmitted. And the time they sent it was a once in a million chance. According to my research, I found that the time when the tomb was opened again after ten thousand years, the time has not been very long. "
Seeing this, I faintly felt uneasy. Maybe the time-space tunnel that happened once in ten thousand years in the magic notebook opened, maybe it was opened this time, or how could a virus from another world leak into our world! If this is the case, then creatures from other worlds are likely to invade the earth, and then humans will be really dangerous. It seems that there is less and less time left for my growth.
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