: Section 37 Encountering the Siege Again

Li Yuanhong returned to the base and immediately rushed for a meeting. Wang Jingrong and Liu Hu also returned. Both were slightly tired. Therefore, Li Yuanhong simply arranged the task, and then the meeting ended. After all, more are needed. Prepare before the war so that you can recharge your energy to meet the challenge.
The moving speed of the zombies was really slow, and it was not until late at night that Li Yuanhong received a report from the front post that the zombies had reached five kilometers outside the valley. Li Yuanhong quickly got off the bed, stretched his waist, and rode the white tiger straight to Taniguchi.
When he arrived at Taniguchi, Li Yuanhong saw Xu Ying already on the ice city wall. At this time, Liu Hu and Wang Jingrong were still resting. Li Yuanhong didn’t want to swarm everyone up. Not only did it not work well, but it was also not conducive to the lasting fight. war.
At this time, the sky was still dark, and the outside of the city wall was dark. There was light only when it was 500 meters away from the city wall. Li Yuanhong used one of the few diesel generators for lighting. If it was normal, Li Yuanhong would not bear to use it. But today there was a large number of zombies attacking. Li Yuanhong didn't want to fight with zombies in the dark. That was a very dangerous thing.
It took about an hour for the zombies to turn around the mountain bay in front of Taniguchi, and the zombies in front were all zombies with missing arms and broken intestines. These zombies rushed towards Taniguchi.
Li Yuanhong looked at the dark mountain pass through the binoculars, feeling a little strange, so he asked: "Xu Ying, if it were you, would you send old and weak soldiers to attack first?"
"Of course not!" Xu Ying replied somewhat puzzled, not knowing why Li Yuanhong asked so.
"Why not send old and weak soldiers first?" Li Yuanhong then asked.
"Soldiers in a war pay attention to morale. Old, weak and remnant soldiers have no combat effectiveness. They have no effect other than sending food to the enemy, and they will also lose their morale." Xu Ying is even more puzzled. Why is Li Yuanhong entangled with this issue. Endless.
Li Yuanhong looked at Xu Ying, knowing that he was wondering why he was asking, so he pointed to the zombies that were slowly approaching, and said: "Look at those zombies, those with broken arms and bowels, are they considered as remnants among zombies? There should be a lot of zombies, why are these zombies sent in the first place?" Li Yuanhong said.
Xu Ying understood what Li Yuanhong was referring to, so she thought about it, and then said, "Is it for firepower detection?"
"What fire detection?" Li Yuanhong asked.
"Just make some fake offensive postures, and then look at the opponent's firepower allocation. When the real offense is done, you will know how to get those firepower points." Xu Ying explained.
"That's how it is, it is estimated that this zombie planned this way. It seems that we should hide the ignition power." Li Yuanhong nodded in agreement with Xu Ying. Then Li Yuanhong issued an order to the walkie-talkie: "Xiao Yongyi, don't rush to launch the catapult for a while, wait for my order to launch."
"Yes, Brother Li!" Xiao Yongyi replied.
Then Li Yuanhong turned around and said to Xu Ying: "Xu Ying, when the zombies are approaching, let's not expose them all at once. Let's shoot arrows with only one-third of our strength. This will make the zombies think that our strength is insufficient. Only if they attack, will they have no scruples." Li Yuanhong and Xu Ying discussed.
"Well, I didn't expect the zombies to use the plan too!" Xu Ying sighed.
It took nearly half an hour for the pioneer zombies group to move within fifty meters. During this period, Li Yuanhong closed all the controllable traps. Li Yuanhong felt that it was worthless to waste traps on these corpses. Within fifty meters of the corpse group, Li Yuanhong waved his hand, and one-third of the soldiers who defended the city, less than a hundred people, stood up, then took arrows and bowed, shooting at the zombies, because there were not many arrows. The density is not high, but during this period Li Yuanhong has not few people in the training base, so now the archery hit rate has been greatly improved. There are at least 30 arrows shot in a round of 50 arrows, which hit the zombie’s head. So a piece of zombies fell. But the zombies that did not fall continue to move forward, but these corpses move too slowly. The city has shot three rounds of arrows. The zombies have not advanced ten meters, and the fallen zombies have already passed a hundred. Up.
The number of corpses is actually not many, only a few thousand. In less than a minute, more than a hundred were lost, making the giant zombies monitoring the attack of the zombies anxious, and the giant zombies saw them, although the zombies were seriously injured. , But the density of bows and arrows is not high, so the giant zombies feel that they can take advantage of it, so they roar to the sky, and the ordinary zombies behind swarm up.
Li Yuanhong has been paying attention to the movements of the zombies in the mountain bay, and found that the giant zombies finally dispatched ordinary zombies. He knew that the real battle would begin. However, Li Yuanhong did not immediately attack, and still used a small number of archers to clean up the surrounding walls. Zombie. Only this time another group of people was changed, so that the soldiers could take turns to rest so that the soldiers could fight for a long time.
Ordinary zombies travel faster than those corpses. It didn't take ten minutes to rush to the 50 meters in front of the city. At this time, most of the corpses had been wiped out. For these cannon fodder corpses, Giant zombies don't care, as long as they can take this place and avenge the pitfall, it is more important than losing some zombies. Unexpectedly, this attack was calculated by Li Yuanhong again.
As the ordinary zombies entered the shooting range, Li Yuanhong finally let everyone start shooting. The density of the arrow rain suddenly increased, causing the zombies who had just adapted to the density of the previous arrow rain to suffer heavy losses. There were hundreds of zombies falling every minute. Down, but because the charge has been launched, the giant zombies can't stop, so they can only continue to increase their offensive efforts.
The zombies’ offense was even more frantic. Before, the zombies still maintained a certain formation. At this time, it was like a crowded subway crowd at the rush hour. There was no place to stay. This way, Arrow Rain’s hit rate rose rapidly. The zombies in front of the city piled up more than a meter high. Seeing this, Li Yuanhong quickly ordered: "Don't focus on shooting arrows in one area, give priority to shooting zombies in the distance, and don't let zombies pile up corpses." Li Yuanhong gave orders while observing the movements of zombies.
The attack lasted for half an hour. The zombies had lost more than 2,000 corpses under the city. In addition to the corpses of the previous corpses, more than 3,000 zombies had disappeared. If the giant zombies were not caught by Li Yuanhong, naturally I don't care about this loss, but now, the entire corpse group has lost more than half of the zombies. At this time, the number is more than 60,000. As a result, a charge, before it hit the city, lost more than 3,000. Many, this time the giant zombies quit, so they roared to the sky, long-tongued zombies and shadow zombies, from both sides of the corpse group, rushed toward the city wall.
Li Yuanhong had long been waiting for the appearance of these mutant zombies. When two kinds of zombies appeared, Li Yuanhong immediately issued an order: "The trap is open, the trebuchet is ready!"
With the order given, the trap that has been closed has revealed his ferocity.
Outside Taniguchi, there are a total of five organs: the first is the sinkhole. Before it is activated, the sinkhole is covered with hardwood. Zombies or people walk on it. It's okay, but once the trap is opened, the wooden board on the sinkhole will be Automatically retract into the pre-made compartment. The trap opens.
The second type is the nail board trap. This trap is designed to attack the feet and deal with the fast-moving zombies. It can reduce their speed. The long tongue and shadow zombies that lose their speed are living targets. They cannot defend against bows and arrows. attack.
The third type is super landmines. Li Yuanhong asked Wang Jingrong to collect many oil drums, large and small metal oil drums, and then handed them to Zhang Haitao, who asked him to make a lot of barrel shots in the same way as the previous liquor jar shots. Buried in the ground, Li Yuanhong can detonate once a group of zombies pass by, and the lethality is absolutely leveraged. However, Li Yuanhong used the first two traps first, because the last trap was for giant zombies.
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