: Section 55 The White Tiger Hero

Just as these people were about to kill the killer, it suddenly rained all over the sky. Arrows fell from the sky and directly covered these chasers. These people were not prepared to be attacked by someone above. So everyone was hit by the arrows. The light ones were shot and the heavy ones were killed, especially the machine gunners. The head is tilted, and the dead can no longer die.
When several soldiers were about to give generously to justice, suddenly the gunshots stopped. A few people were taken aback, did the person on the other side leave? Impossible! So these few people poked their heads out to find out what happened to the opposite side, only to find that all the people on the opposite side had fallen down. All of these people had arrows shot in their bodies. Some had died, and some were still wailing.
Several people knew that they had been rescued, so they seized the time to quickly withdraw to the other side of Taniguchi. When these few left the canyon, a figure appeared on the top of the canyon, and it was Li Yuanhong riding a white tiger. Seeing that these soldiers had left, Li Yuanhong waved his hand at his back, and the archers behind him withdrew to the other side of the mountain. Then Li Yuanhong also disappeared on the top of the mountain.
Although Li Yuanhong only appeared for a moment, but at this moment, he was seen by a wounded but not dead, but he did not see Li Yuanhong's face, only a white tiger riding a man.
I don't know how long it took, Wu Hong came with a group of people. As soon as he got outside the canyon, he found the truck driven by the army, so Wu Hong took the people to search the canyon. Before I went far, I saw his own man who fell on the ground. Wu Hong was shocked. He sent more than 20 people and brought two machine guns to chase down less than ten soldiers. It should be It's a sure thing, but I don't know that these people are now falling in the canyon, and the soldiers who are chasing them are gone. How could this not make Wu Hong anxious, he had promised his brother-in-law at the beginning. Now not only did not kill the other party, but also killed and injured such a person. When Wu Hong was in a hurry, his men ran over to him and said, "Report to the Chief, how many brothers are still alive!"
"Okay, take me over to see!" Wu Hong must now confirm who ambushed his men.
Wu Hong came to the few people who did not die. Although these people were not dead, they also suffered serious arrow wounds. If left alone, it is estimated that they will not live long. Wu Hong came to a few people. Seeing Wu Hong was here, those people hurriedly asked Wu Hong for help: "Director, help us!"
"Well, I will save you, but by whom were you ambushed?"
"I don't know, we were attacking those soldiers, and suddenly there was an arrow rain from the sky." Several wounded police officers said.
"Have you not seen anything?" Wu Hong did not want to give up, and continued to ask.
Several people shook their heads feebly, only one hesitated to speak. Wu Hong saw this action, so he said to the police officer: "As long as you say what you saw, I will treat you first."
When the police officer heard this, he immediately said, "It's a black knight riding a white tiger!" said the police officer.
"A knight riding a white tiger? Have you read too much novels!" Wu Hong didn't believe in such nonsense.
"Chief, I really saw it, right on the top of the mountain," the police officer continued.
"Well, I see, you can go down for treatment." How can Wu Hong believe this kind of nonsense. So Wu Hong turned around and walked out of the valley. When approaching Taniguchi, he whispered to the people next to him: "Do the finishing work beautifully, don't leave any handles!"
"Yes, don't worry, Chief!" The police officer turned and returned to Yanai.
Not long after, the police officers who followed Wu Hong returned with the guns, while the injured police officers were lost.
Wu Hong took the people and returned to the base to return to Zhao Zhizhong. He lied, saying that those soldiers were dead. In Wu Hong’s opinion, these people were injured in such a cold day without a base. , Definitely can't live. When Zhao Zhizhong heard that these people had died, he naturally let go of his heart.
Besides, the soldiers marched along the mountain road to the so-called army base. These people were injured. In the cold winter, if there were no accidents, it would be difficult for these people to get to Li Yuanhong's base. These people just walked out of the valley and heard a ringing sound. With the ringing, a few sleigh carts appeared at the end of the road. The sleigh was a few red deer. The deer’s neck was tied with a bell and each deer’s head Christmas hats are like Santa’s elk in the legend.
These soldiers rubbed their eyes vigorously, thinking that their dazzles were wrong, but when they opened their eyes, they found that everything was real. The deer cart came to a few people and stopped. A few soldiers thought that there was someone in the car, but found that there was no one in the car. This made them even more wondering, did they really meet Santa Claus? After a long time of tossing, a few people were really tired, and standing dry on this snowy ground, they would freeze to death sooner or later, so the marketer gritted his teeth and said: "Brothers, what's so scary? Let's get in the car. "After speaking, take the lead to board a car.
So several soldiers boarded the car, and finally got into the car. They also found that there was still a blanket of Sui Han on the car. Obviously, these cars have owners. After a few people got in the car, the red deer ran to the oncoming road quickly pulling the car. Several people were sitting in the car, in a daze when they suddenly found an ice city wall. The high city wall looked crystal clear in the sun. Many soldiers with bows and spears were patrolling the city wall.
The red deer passed through the city wall and continued to move forward. As a result, they saw two tall and magnificent walls. Several soldiers confirmed that they had come to Santa’s palace.
When the red deer's sleigh came to the square, the Christmas tree, the kissing ice sculptures, the wooden house, everything made a few soldiers feel that they were in a fairyland. When a few people were in a daze, they suddenly found a man riding a white tiger. When they walked out of the tall building, the soldiers were shocked. Did they meet the protector god?
When a few people were suspicious, Li Yuanhong rode a white tiger to the front of the car, and then said: "Welcome a few heroes to my base!" Then waved his hand, many children walked out from both sides, they all had small red flags in their hands, shouting With the slogan of welcoming heroes, this scene made several people puzzled.
Li Yuanhong let a few soldiers get out of the car, led the way in front, and led a few people into the chamber. After arriving in the chamber, several soldiers were fascinated by the simple and mysterious architectural style, and they were even more convinced that they had come to a fairyland. When a few people came to the conference room, they saw it was full of people. Although these soldiers didn't know these people, they could feel the same breath from them.
Li Yuanhong walked to his seat and asked a few soldiers to sit in the empty seats. Then he turned on the screen on the back of the meeting room, which showed a map of the gathering place of Hunchun. Several soldiers wondered why there is a display screen here, isn't this a fairyland?
Li Yuanhong pointed to the map and said: "This is a map of the Hunchun gathering place. At the valley entrance of the gathering place, there is a four-meter-high fence. After the fence, there is almost no defense inside. The front is a civilian area with many adobe houses. If you are not familiar with the terrain, you can easily get lost in it. When you go inside, it is the village before the end of the world. There are many forces stationed here, including the forces of the former deputy mayor, but I don’t know which room the force is in. Clear."
Li Yuanhong said this, then looked at the soldiers and said, "Do the heroes feel confused."
Several soldiers nodded one after another, their faces still kept surprised and confused.
"Don't be confused. It was me who was in the valley just now, and it was the deputy mayor Zhao Zhizhong who wanted to kill you." Li Yuanhong said these words unhurriedly.
These soldiers were even more shocked when they heard this, so the sergeant asked, "How do I believe you, why did the deputy mayor kill us?"
Li Yuanhong did not rush to answer the question, but asked these soldiers: "Why are you going to that canyon?"
"We were going to the army base. I didn't expect the canyon to go to the army base was blocked. When we turned around and wanted to leave, someone suddenly attacked us." The sergeant said as it was.
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