: Section 60 Distribution of Urban Benefits

The receiving camp went well. Li Yuanhong did not immediately arrange the work of the people in the camp. After all, most people were cold and hungry for a long time and hardly had any physical work. So Li Yuanhong provided these civilians with porridge and food to restore their physical strength. However, Li Yuanhong was not idle either. Li Yuanhong planned to re-occupy Hunchun City. With a population of 20,000, Li Yuanhong has the confidence to occupy Hunchun City. Moreover, only by occupying Hunchun can he have a broader development space. After all, the canyon base space is too small. It can be regarded as a secret base of its own, as a base for scientific research and food storage.
Since the group of zombies in Hunchun City disappeared, the whole city has been idle, but there are still zombies in many houses, which need to be cleaned up one by one. Li Yuanhong doesn't want those big guys to sit back and enjoy their lives. So Li Yuanhong once held a meeting. In this meeting, besides his team, there were those big guys.
"Calling everyone here today, there are two things. The first thing is Zhao Zhizhong's handling of the problem." After speaking, Li Yuanhong looked at the big men.
"Easy, just kill it!" Ma Tianyu said indifferently.
"Yes, just kill it." The others echoed.
Li Yuanhong saw that only Gao Zhiyuan had not expressed his opinion, so he asked, "Brother Gao, what do you think?"
Gao Zhiyuan was surprised. Li Yuanhong asked him his opinion alone, so he hurriedly said: "I think the ending is the same when dealing with him, but it must not be simply killed, otherwise it will give people a feeling of disobedience. I suggest opening one. The trial conference, so that the entire base knows, it can play a role in gathering people's hearts."
Gao Zhiyuan's words fell, and Ma Tianyu gave him a roll of eyes. Obviously, Ma Tianyu didn't care about such troubles. In his opinion, doing so many tricks was a waste of time.
And Li Yuanhong nodded: "Brother Gao is right. Now the camp is lifeless and needs something to gather and stir people's hearts. Well, your suggestion is good."
Li Yuanhong's affirmation brought Gao Zhiyuan's impression of Li Yuanhong one step closer. After all, not many people can listen to the opinions of the minority.
Li Yuanhong stood up and said again: "The first thing is to find an opportunity to hold a public trial meeting. We will gather people's hearts through this meeting. The public trial is set up in front of the border guard cemetery." Li Yuanhong settled.
"The next thing is the second thing, this matter involves the interests of everyone, I hope everyone will take it seriously. We will clean up Hunchun City next." Li Yuanhong said.
Li Yuanhong's words made the people below immediately become active. After all, cleaning up the city means huge resources, and everyone is excited.
"We have three principles for cleaning. The first is that the owner is still alive. The materials in such materials belong to the owner. After I finish the statistics, I will send you the distribution map. The second is that I will divide it in a while. To clean up the area, you can choose to clean up the area according to your own strength. Don't be greedy, because there are still many zombies in the city, and there are mutant beasts in some places, which is not so easy to deal with. The third is your own area. The materials searched out belong to you. I don’t take any money. But none of you can cross the border and go to other people’s areas to search for the materials. If once found, I will not be merciless. Now it is the end of the world. His life was lost." After Li Yuanhong finished his last sentence, a flash of killing intent flashed in his eyes, which made many people in the audience feel cold.
Everyone accepted the above three points, and even the boss Ma, who has always liked to sing anti-tai opera, did not raise any doubts. Seeing that everyone agreed, Li Yuanhong took out a map, which was a city map of Hunchun City, with many blocks marked on it, and each block was marked with a number. Li Yuanhong pointed to the map and said: "Each block represents a search area. Now everyone can choose their own search area according to their abilities!"
The next step is to fight for me. However, many people did not notice that on this map, many factories and government agencies were not circled, but for these bigwigs, except for machines and waste paper, there are no The available materials are really not attractive to them. On the contrary, in those residential areas, there are not only necessities such as clothing and food, but also many high-value items such as gold and silver jewelry that can be directly used as currency. Therefore, no one cares about the things that are not divided into factories.
After nearly an hour of arguing about the distribution work, Li Yuanhong did not interfere with this. After all, Li Yuanhong didn't care about the materials that could be obtained by searching hard.
After the assignment, Li Yuanhong began to arrange the cleaning up of the city and prepare for the public trial meeting.
The public trial meeting was held on the second day. Nearly 10,000 people gathered in front of the collective tomb of the border guards. After all, many border guards died in the corpses. The bones were long gone, so they had to build a large grave and put the names of these soldiers. Engraved on a stone tablet, it is regarded as the residence of the soul of the army.
Two sinners knelt in front of the grave, and nine surviving soldiers stood upright on either side of the grave. Today they will personally avenge their comrades.
Later, Li Yuanhong announced the crimes of the two people and announced some basic laws of the base in the future, including the handling of robbery, rape, and murder. The trial meeting was held in a solemn and desolate atmosphere until nine shots were fired and two criminals fell before the grave. The joy of the people seemed to vent all the pain that had been frozen and starved before. In the past two days, Li Yuanhong has provided the civilians in the camp with the most basic food and clothing guarantee, and coupled with the disposal of Zhao Zhizhong, people's hearts are slowly coming to Li Yuanhong.
Zhao Zhizhong's affairs are over, and Li Yuanhong will prepare for Hunchun City next.
This morning, ten days after the zombies left Hunchun City, Hunchun City once again ushered in a large number of living creatures. They are the team headed by Li Yuanhong. Li Yuanhong gave the rich living communities to the big men, so that these big men are He thought he was taking a lot of money, especially Ma Tianyu thought that Li Yuanhong didn’t have heavy weapons like guns, and he was afraid of them, and his complacent opponent said:
I’ve seen him, that kid was so good that day, he was not good at the end. Leave the benefits to us, boys, search for me, don’t even leave a single hair."
Of course, there are also sober ones here, especially Gao Zhiyuan, who has always kept a low profile, especially when choosing a region, it is the last choice, which makes the people with his men very puzzled, especially the young man who glared at Li Yuanhong that day. "I said, Brother Gao, you see that other people are fighting for the good area, and they are red-faced. Why don't you take it seriously, so many benefits have been taken away by others!"
"What are benefits?" Gao Zhiyuan asked.
"Of course it's supplies!" the young man replied.
"Hahaha, Li Yuanhong was right. We big men are really short-sighted." Gao Zhiyuan said mockingly.
"Brother Gao, why do you say that?" Xiaoyoung asked puzzledly.
"I ask you, what can you find in a residential house? Clothes, food, and gold and silver jewelry. These are all consumables. Once they are gone, what else do you do?"
"Search again at that time!" The young man said dismissively.
"Where are you going to search?" Gao Zhiyuan asked unhurriedly.
"Of course I went to the village or town!" Xiao Young still didn't care less.
"Then, have you ever thought about whether there is anything other than materials in those places?" Gao Zhiyuan still enlightened.
"What else is there? Are there weapons?" Xiaoyoung asked in confusion.
"Oh, you, your eyes are lost by the interests. Haven't you thought that there are zombies, or even powerful zombies, you may not get the supplies, your life will be gone." Gao Zhiyuan explained.
"That's Li Yuanhong, what use is it for factories that don't have them, and what use are government agencies?" The young man asked after breaking the casserole.
"The factory can produce materials, and there are many files in government agencies that record information about the city and nearby. That is an invisible treasure." Gao Zhiyuan said.
"Why didn't I expect it! Brother Gao is still amazing!" Xiaoyoung flattered.
"You kid will be less glib and learn more!" Gao Zhiyuan said. After that, Gao Zhiyuan accelerated to Hunchun City.
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