: Section 68 Persuasion

Lin Yue finally touched the entrance of the village and secretly looked into the village, and saw a lot of people wandering in the village, but Lin Yue didn't know if these people were those wild beasts, so he touched a fence and climbed onto the top of the wall. , Seeing that there was no one in the yard, he turned over and jumped in. Obviously, the family had left in the morning. There was no one in the yard, and the door and door of the house were locked. This is exactly what Lin Yue hopes. He can observe outside through the wall, so that even if he is found to be blocked by the courtyard wall, he can escape in time. Secretly came to the other side of the yard and sneaked up the yard wall, Lin Yue finally saw the true face of those lunatics. These people have become like zombies, their faces are pale, their eyes have turned pale, their limbs are stiff, they are constantly wandering in the village, occasionally roaring. Although Lin Yue didn't know this was a zombie, Lin Yue had heard the zombie story told by his grandfather since he was a child. Are these crazy human beings zombies?
Lin Yue did not know the existence of zombies, but the ancient zombie legends still have deep memories. For these monsters that will be poisoned by zombie once they bite, they can hide as far as they can hide, so Lin Yue did not go deep into the village, but When searching in this empty yard, Lin Yue is also a duty person. He can't do anything about stealing chickens and dogs, but his donkey was eaten by the villagers, and he took the food from the villagers, which was considered exchanged. .
Every family in the countryside has the habit of storing grain, and this one is not different, and it is obvious that this family died soon after harvesting the farmland. Therefore, this granary was full of grain, or four to five hundred catties, which is enough for the forest. Yue had eaten it for a year, but such a large amount of grain would definitely not be able to be moved at one time, so Lin Yue had to move it in batches. And because I don’t have a means of transportation at the moment, it has become hard work to carry food, and it is tiring to carry 50 catties of food at a time. Lin Yue carried it three times and was found by the zombies. When he came to the village again for the fourth time, the family home he had just visited was already surrounded by zombies. Lin Yue did not dare to enter the village anymore and could only go back. At any rate, with food, he has the resources to survive, but the problem is far from simple.
After more than a month, at the end of the year, Lin Yue found that his salt was gone, and he could go to the woods to get rabbits if he had no food. Although the rabbits are not easy to mess with now, they can at least catch one or two occasionally. But this salt is small, but it's a big deal. Without salt, not only does the meal lose the taste, but without salt, the body feels weak. Moreover, he has not communicated with people for a long time, which makes Lin Yue feel particularly lonely, mentally empty, and he often feels crazy. Therefore, Lin Yue often went down the mountain to see the humans who had become zombies, and wondered when these people would return to normal.
But suddenly one day, the zombies in the village disappeared collectively. Although this will prevent Lin Yue from worrying about the threat of zombies, he can freely enter the village to search for supplies, especially salt, but without the zombies, Lin Yue feels it. alone.
On this day, Lin Yue had just finished lunch and was taking care of his ginseng in the ginseng field in the forest. This is the only motivation for him to survive. Suddenly, when he heard the direction of his house, someone was shouting: "Lin Yue Are you there? Lin Yue, where are you?" The voice is familiar, but I can't remember who it is for a while.
Lin Yue immediately became energetic when he heard the voices. After a long time he did not hear the voices, which made him feel more cordial. So Lin Yue threw down the tools in his hand and ran towards his cabin.
When he arrived near his wooden house, Lin Yuesheng stopped, because Lin Yue saw two people and two animals. It was a tiger and a white tiger that told him to stop. Although Lin Yue hadn’t seen a real tiger, he learned from books. I've seen it before, but Lin Yue was taken aback now, and he stopped quickly, not daring to step forward.
At this moment, one of the two people saw Lin Yue and whispered a few words with the other. The man turned his head and saw Lin Yue, and then shouted to Lin Yue: "Lin Yue, it’s me, Park Zhixian ."
Only then did Lin Yue see clearly that one of the people who came was someone he knew. He was a logging head in a nearby village. He occasionally came here to check the mountains and forests. So he often met and traded with him. It was an old acquaintance. Up. Seeing an acquaintance, and he was still a normal person, Lin Yue waved his hand happily, but he didn't dare to come closer. After all, the tiger thing is not a good match.
When Park Zhixian saw Lin Yue didn't dare to come forward, he took the initiative to come forward: "Brother Lin, you are still alive!"
When Lin Yue heard this, he was at a loss as to why I am still alive, do you expect me to die? So there was a bit of displeasure on his face, but he didn't cut his head for a long time, plus the shaggy beard, Park Jixian didn't notice. So he continued: "Brother Lin, I picked you up down the mountain, how about it? Let's go with us!"
Lin Yue was even more upset when he heard this. I had been on the mountain well, why did I go down the mountain? Did you miss my ginseng? So he said stiffly: "Why should I go down the mountain?!"
These blunt words made Park Ji-hyun stunned. Unexpectedly, Lin Yue, who greeted him enthusiastically just now, suddenly became cold like winter. So Park Ji-hyun explained: "Brother Lin, you are alone on this mountain. It's dangerous, so let's go down the mountain with us!"
Lin Yue became more and more suspicious of Park Ji-hyun's motives. He stayed on this mountain well, and where the danger must be, he must have misconducted his ginseng field, so he said with a colder tone: "I am fine here, no need to go down!" "
Now Park Zhixian doesn't know how to say it. After all, Park Zhixian is also from the mountain. He goes straight and doesn't know how to turn around. This persuasive work is really not what he can do.
At this time, Li Yuanhong came over and saw the embarrassing atmosphere of the two, so he asked Park Jixian, "Jihyun, is this the brother Lin Yue, the ginseng king you mentioned?"
This person likes to be complimented, and Lin Yue is no exception. The reason for his withdrawn character is mainly because he had no mother when he was young, so he was often laughed at by other children, so inferiority shut himself up. In fact, his heart still longs for others to praise him. Today Hearing Li Yuanhong said that he is the king of ginseng cultivation, this unintentionally is the best affirmation for him, and I naturally have a good feeling for Li Yuanhong.
At this time, Park Zhixian quickly introduced: "Brother Li, this is Lin Yue!" Then he introduced Li Yuanhong to Lin Yue: "Brother Lin Yue, this is the captain of our survivors, Captain Li Yuanhong!"
When Lin Yue heard this, he was confused again, what survivor?
Seeing Lin Yue, Li Yuanhong was a little dazed. He estimated that he was isolated from the world in the mountains and didn't know the changes in the outside world. So he first spoke: "Brother Lin Yue, can you let us come into your house?!"
"Oh! Ah! OK... OK, please come with me!" Lin Yue was a little relieved at this time, and invited Li Yuanhong and Park Zhixian into his home.
Li Yuanhong entered Lin Yue’s house and saw that the wooden house was very simple, without a refrigerator, color TV, and no electrical appliances. Even the lighting used oil lamps. However, the house was very clean and the furnishings were neat. Organized person. The fire in the room was now extinguished, and it was a bit cold, so Lin Yue first lit the fire, put a pot of water on the stove, and slowly burned it, then sat down and asked, "I don’t know if two of you will come to me. , Is it for ginseng?"
Li Yuanhong replied via the interface: "Yes, nor is it!"
"Huh? I didn't understand what you said!" Lin Yue looked at Li Yuanhong with some confusion.
"I wonder if Brother Lin Yue has been down the mountain recently?" Li Yuanhong did not answer, but went on to ask.
"Next, what's wrong?"
"Then have you noticed anything abnormal under the mountain?" Li Yuanhong asked next.
"Oh, I discovered that the people under the mountain have become lunatics without knowing what disease they have gotten, and then they don't know where to go recently!" Lin Yue said.
"Hahaha, it seems that Brother Lin Yue doesn't know the changes outside." Li Yuanhong said with a laugh.
Lin Yue was laughed inexplicably, so he asked, "What's changing outside?"
So Li Yuanhong explained the affairs of the zombies outside, and also explained the current situation of the survivors. It was only then that Lin Yue realized that those who thought they were zombies were actually not zombies, but zombies. What's more terrifying is that now there are ten human beings, and the world is full of zombies!
At this time, Li Yuanhong continued: "I just said that we came not for ginseng, but because we are not here to buy your ginseng, nor are we greedy for your ginseng field, but want you to join us so that everyone can stay together and keep warm. , In order to survive better in this last days. And what I said is for ginseng, because of this." Then, Li Yuanhong took out the third-level mutant ginseng from his underwear pocket (in the space) and handed it to Lin Yue.
Lin Yue took the ginseng, but when he saw the ginseng, he was stunned.
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