: Section 87 The First Trade

After talking with Lin Yue, Li Yuanhong went to Dr. Han to check the hidden skills that Dr. Han had opened. The attributes that Dr. Han turned on were a little special. They were herbalism, alchemy and toxicology. They didn't even have the ability to actively attack. Later, after seeing the meaning of several attributes, Li Yuanhong understood the reason for not having the offensive skill.
Herbalism (Elementary): Each herbal medicine has its own pharmacological properties. Elementary herbal medicine can explore the two basic pharmacology of herbal medicine and have a good grasp of the basic properties of various herbal medicines.
Alchemy: It has a 10% bonus to the effectiveness of refining herbs, and reduces the probability of failure in refining medicine by 10%.
Toxicology (primary): Any herbal medicine has a toxic side. The primary toxicology can detect the two basic toxic properties of herbs, and when configuring poisons, it has a 5% bonus.
After reading these attributes, Li Yuanhong felt cold. It seems better to stay away from Doctor Han in the future. If you don't pay attention to giving yourself some poison, it will be enough for yourself.
Li Yuanhong finally ran to Song Fengyu, and Song Fengyu also got three attributes, namely Yan Miao Technique, Plant Control Technique, and Life Discovery Technique.
Yan Seedling Technique (Elementary): Expends 10 mana points, it can accelerate the growth of plants within 20 meters by 10%. It is limited to three times a day and can only be used once a day for the same plant.
Plant Control (Elementary): You can control plants within ten meters to fight for yourself.
Life Discovery (Elementary): Consume 10 points of magic, can detect any life object within 50 meters, 5 meters underground.
After seeing the new skills of a few people, Li Yuanhong felt that all of them were lucky. This will help them in their future work, and they all have the means of fighting. Not only can they survive better in the end times, but they can also help themselves better. Build a base.
After talking with a few people, Li Yuanhong went to Li Luoxia happily. I didn’t see Li Luoxia yesterday. Later I saw Erya and said that he was in school and was teaching the teachers the basic knowledge of magic. It was Li Luoxia who wanted to teach children magic knowledge in the school, but the entire base, now Li Yuanhong and herself know magic, but Li Yuanhong is busy all day long and has no time to teach magic knowledge, so Li Luoxia can only do it by herself Go personally.
Li Yuanhong came to the school. Now the school has more than one hundred children and ten teachers. This is not all because Li Yuanhong will take over Hunchun’s children in the future. There will be three to four hundred children in class here, but for a population of 20,000, these hundreds of children are still too few. Li Yuanhong is thinking whether to introduce a policy to encourage childbirth, or fight against zombies. Working hard, mankind has no offspring, and zombies don't need to fight, as long as all human beings die, the zombies will win.
Li Yuanhong came to the school. At this time, the sound of childish reading came from the school building, which made people feel tranquil and innocent. Perhaps this is the last pure land in the last days, and this is also the pure land that Li Yuanhong is willing to protect.
Li Yuanhong looked for a while, and saw Li Luoxia's figure in a school building. At this time, Li Luoxia was wearing a women's suit and her hair was pulled up. The detachment disappeared, but instead It feels like an office belle. The two completely different contrasts almost made Li Yuanhong miss it. Li Yuanhong saw that Li Luoxia was focusing on giving lessons to the people below, so he stood quietly outside the door and waited without disturbing Li Luoxia. For half an hour in class, Li Yuanhong felt that his legs were a little stiff, only to hear a ringing tone, and get out of class finally ended!
Li Luoxia went out of the classroom and saw Li Yuanhong at a glance, her face was flushed, and she whispered: "When did you come here?"
"Not long after I came here, seeing that you are in class, I didn't disturb you!" Li Yuanhong said and kept looking at Li Luoxia. She was very embarrassed to see Li Luoxia, so he quickly pulled Li Yuanhong and left the classroom behind. There was a lot of noise from children.
When she came to an office with no one, Li Luoxia let go of Li Yuanhong's hand: "Why come to see me today!" At this time, Li Luoxia showed a sad expression.
"Hehe, I miss you!" Li Yuanhong said as he took out a book from his arms, which is the book of magic defense: "By the way, give this book to you. You must learn it first. This is for self-defense. Yes, you don’t have to be afraid of zombies’ attacks after you learn.

Li Luoxia took the magic book and stuffed it into her briefcase, and then continued to ask: "Are there any other things?"
Li Yuanhong took out the third-level evolution liquid again: "And this, this is the third-level evolution liquid, don't forget to drink it at night!" Li Yuanhong said.
"Does that still exist?" Li Luoxia asked after taking the Evolution Liquid.
Li Yuanhong really didn't know how to answer this time, so he scratched his head: "It seems to be gone!"
Li Luoxia said with a somewhat annoyed expression: "You are a dead wood." After speaking, she kissed Li Yuanhong on the face, then turned and ran. At this time the class bell rang.
Li Yuanhong stroked his cheek with his hand, recalling Li Luoxia's scented kiss, and his mood immediately fluttered. As a result, his body seemed to be lighter by several jins, and he bounced out of the school like a child.
Time passed quickly, and three days passed in a blink of an eye. On this day, Hunchun City welcomed a group of special guests, a trade group led by Li Zhizhong. Prior to Li Yuanhong’s visit, he brought information about Hunchun City. The DPRK’s food was already in short supply. Many of the survivors who fled to the mountains did not bring much food with them. In the wild, it would be more difficult to find food. Natural environmental protection is in place, and there are still many wild animals in the mountains. Many people barely survived hunting. But with the evolution of animals, hunting has become more and more difficult. At this moment, Li Zhizhong began to visit various survivor forces, negotiate with them, and come to Li Yuanhong’s Hunchun City to try his luck. If he can get food and weapons, Then you can have the capital to survive.
This time I came to explore the way. Li Zhizhong's team was not many, only a dozen people, two trucks, and the weapons carried by the people in the car were mostly wooden sticks, and there were almost no thermal weapons. After all, the DPRK’s control of guns is not worse than that of China, so even if they can get a gun, it is left by the sacrificed soldier or police.
The motorcade quickly drove outside of Hunchun City and saw the tall ice city wall from a distance, giving people a feeling of being in a fairyland. Entering within ten kilometers of Hunchun City, no zombies can be seen again, and everything is back. The tranquility before the end of the world, which makes the survivors of the kingdom who came with the car feel very incredible, after all, there are large plains near Hunchun City, and there are many villages and towns here, which also means that there will never be fewer zombies. If there are no zombies, there can only be two situations, one is that all the zombies are killed, the other is that all the zombies have moved. These survivors would rather believe in the second and the first situation, and they would not believe in killing them.
When the convoy came to the city, it gave people a dazzling feeling from a distance, and it was even more shocking when viewed up close. The wall was nearly ten meters high with an ancient style arrow tower on it, and there was an arrow at every interval on the wall. There are many figures on the tower and the city wall patrolling back and forth, everything looks majestic and solemn, if you live in such a city, no matter how many zombies, you will not be afraid.
Li Zhizhong first came to the city, raised his head and shouted at the city: "Is there anyone in the city? We are here to make a deal!"
However, after shouting with the people in the city for a long time, the city master was indifferent. At this moment, one of the people in the convoy remembered that this is the Chinese nation. Just now Li Zhizhong was talking in the Korean dialect, but the people above did not understand. So the team looked for someone who could speak Chinese and started to shout again. This time, the people in the city finally responded. Soon the gate of the city was opened, and a group of neatly arranged soldiers greeted the gate and exchanged a few words with Li Zhizhong. Then the group led the way and entered the city.
Soon, Li Zhizhong was brought to Li Yuanhong. Li Yuanhong had heard the report and asked Gao Zhiyuan to greet him. After all, Gao Zhiyuan had done border trade business before, and he was still familiar with some customs and etiquette of the DPRK. The greeted team was not very exaggerated, but it was also very grand. When Li Zhizhong was sent to the meeting hall, Li Yuanhong only appeared.
After the two parties exchanged greetings, Li Zhizhong easily went straight to the subject: "Brother Li Yuanhong, we are here this time to do business with you. We need food and weapons. Can you do business with us?"
"No problem, as long as you have items to exchange with us, we can do trade!" Li Yuanhong is very confident, and Li Yuanhong does not bother to take advantage of the opportunity to raise prices. After all, this is the first business. Only fair trade can be done. To establish a long-term trade relationship, Li Yuanhong believes that as his base develops, he needs more and more resources. At that time, a large part of it will be obtained from trade, and then he will get Return.
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