: Chapter 109: Turn on Abilities

Li Yuanhong did not pursue the zombies, mainly because the number of corpses was still more than 40,000. Although it was much less than before, but to fight against them in the wild, without digging traps for the zombies in advance, Li Yuanhong would never attack blindly. In addition, after a great battle, crossbow arrows are now consumed very high. If you chase them, moving and shooting will make the hit rate of crossbow arrows lower, which means that a huge number of crossbow arrows can complete the pursuit task. But the reality is that the logistical support cannot keep up. Each soldier can only carry ten arrows, that is, fifty crossbow arrows. In the first battle, the soldiers here used an average of fifteen arrows. .
Therefore, Li Yuanhong intends to look back and slowly look for fighters, and the unnecessary casualties are undesirable.
In fact, what Li Yuanhong is most concerned about now is to upgrade his abilities. After bringing back the giant zombies that would teleport last time, Li Yuanhong took out the crystal nucleus, and it turned out that this crystal nucleus was another special crystal nucleus, and Xiao Yiling came uninvited, turning around the crystal nucleus several times, and his mouth I kept muttering: "Tsk tusk tusk, Li Yuanhong, what the did you kid do in your previous life? With such good luck, you have obtained such a rare crystal core!"
"What rare crystal nucleus?" Li Yuanhong looked at this fifth-order crystal nucleus. It was very special. The whole crystal nucleus was like the night sky. In the endless darkness, there were many dots of light that kept shining, just like the stars in the night sky. shine.
"This is a crystal core of temporal and spatial attributes. It is one of the most difficult to find among the eight basic attributes. I didn't expect to be easily obtained by someone like you." Xiao Yiling said with envy.
"Then who in our base has space-time attributes?" Li Yuanhong also knows the power of space-time magic through the magic book, so he cares more about who can activate this ability.
"You can do it!" Xiao Yiling looked at Li Yuanhong with a smirk.
"What! I...I can, then why didn't you tell me before." Li Yuanhong said excitedly.
"That's not to let you develop with peace of mind, and save you from thinking about some unmarginal things all day long." Xiao Yiling gave Li Yuanhong a blank eye and said.
Li Yuanhong was not arguing either. Just like Xiao Yiling said, if he really knew that his hidden attributes were temporal and spatial attributes, he would be thinking about it all the time. Now that God cares about yourself like this, you must tap your potential. Only in this way can you lead your team to go far.
After repelling the zombie's attack, Li Yuanhong began to make upgrade potions for himself. At the same time, he also made upgrade potions for the fire attribute crystal core Wang Jingrong gave him. After Xiao Yiling's inspection, Liu Hu's potential is fire. Attributes, this is also in line with his usual temperament, it happens that this time Liu Hu can also be upgraded to level 4 by the way, so that the highest combat power of the entire base will reach level 4, and there are six people who have activated the ability ( Xiaochunxue, the future Queen of Ice and Snow, is not counted, she is too young now), so that her team's overall combat effectiveness has improved by a large amount.
In the middle of the night, Li Yuanhong took the Evolution Liquid and had quoted it many times, and he had long lost the excitement, but this time there were some exceptions, and he would awaken his potential. Li Yuanhong raised his head and drank the evolution liquid. Since drinking the evolution liquid for the first time, Li Yuanhong has not experienced much pain, but this time it was different. The pain that went deep into the bone marrow came again.
Li Yuanhong clenched his teeth, the pain was like bones beginning to crack, something seeping out of the bone marrow, what's more terrible, the pain did not pass away at once, but continued to invade himself, the whole process It lasted for nearly an hour, during which Li Yuanhong nearly fainted several times. Li Yuanhong was sweating with pain, and the bed he was sitting on was thoroughly drenched with sweat, as if being splashed by water. An hour of suffering finally passed. When the pain gradually disappeared, Li Yuanhong also felt that he had collapsed. He was not as refreshed as the previous evolution, but tired and hungry.
Li Yuanhong endured the feeling of lethargy, took out a large amount of food from the space, and quickly piled up a large number of food bags and mineral water bottles beside Li Yuanhong's bed, but Li Yuanhong ate his head crooked and fell asleep!
The next morning, when Li Yuanhong woke up, an embarrassing scene appeared in front of him. He was biting a chicken leg in his mouth. The saliva soaked the chicken leg. He held a bottle of water in his other hand. Sprinkle most of it, making my chest wet, and the unpleasant smell exuding all over my body, almost choked myself out again. Li Yuanhong hurriedly threw the chicken drumsticks and water bottle in his hand into the garbage dump, swish, got into the bathroom and started to wash.
When he came out of the bathroom, Li Yuanhong felt refreshed this time, but the house was temporarily messed up by himself and needed some care, so Li Yuanhong had to stay next door temporarily. Since Hunchun City had a conference hall, Li Yuanhong moved here, but there was no company with Li Luoxia, which seemed a bit deserted.
When he arrived next door, Li Yuanhong opened his watch and began to check his evolutionary data: "
Li Yuanhong Age: 32
Level: Level 4
Skills: Elementary Trap, Level 1 True Eye, Level 1 Magic Arrow, Time and Space Teleport
Health: 140 Mana: 90
Defense: 6 Spirit: 9 Attack: 12
Power: 11 Speed: 9
Constitution: 10 Wisdom: 5
Time and space teleportation: consumes five points of mana, and can move to any position within five meters. It consumes 20 energy points, and can move to any position within ten meters. Consumes 50 mana points, and instantly moves to a distance of 20 meters randomly. "
Li Yuanhong took a look at his data and said that he was quite satisfied. Among them, his strength and physique improved a lot because he drank the physique enhancement liquid. Among them, the newly acquired ability is what Li Yuanhong is most satisfied with. This ability is a life-saving yin person's plug-in. Skills, you can flash behind the enemy if you can't beat them, and you can flash people at any time if you can't beat them. This is an excellent skill that suits your personality.
After Li Yuanhong checked his attributes, he hurriedly left the bedroom. Today, Li Yuanhong must find a way to clean up the zombies who have retreated to Qingyuan County, and then upgrade the chamber of the valley base. Li Yuanhong must before the arrival of spring. Laying the foundation well, don’t think it’s easy to fight zombies now, but Li Yuanhong believes that once spring comes, zombies should regain their fierce nature. Once humans have lost the help of the weather, it will not be so easy to fight downwind. Up.
Li Yuanhong led people to the outskirts of Qingyuan County and looked inside the city on a high slope. There were many wandering zombies in the city, but these zombies were physically mutilated, and they seemed to be very low-level. The clothes on his body were not as broken as the previous zombies. Obviously, these zombies had just changed. Obviously these were survivors in Qingyuan County before. Li Yuanhong shook his head helplessly, maybe this is fate!
Li Yuanhong observed for a long time, out of the newly changed zombies, no other zombies were wandering outside. Obviously, the main force of the zombies was hidden. Such zombies were the most difficult to fight, just like a lion biting a tortoise. Li Yuanhong has no other solution in the short term, he can only think of other methods.
Li Yuanhong brought people to Li Zhizhong’s camp again. This time, Li Zhizhong’s camp was even more lively. The number of people at least doubled from last time, reaching more than two thousand people.
Seeing Li Yuanhong from a distance, the soldiers guarding the wall hurried in to inform Li Zhizhong. Li Zhizhong greeted him more enthusiastically this time: "Brother Li is here, thanks to your information last time, I saved many people! "
Li Yuanhong didn't say much about this. After all, the zombie attack last time was also related to him. Sending information by himself is considered a duty. But Li Yuanhong replied politely: "It's nothing, it's all human beings. It's okay to help each other out."
Li Zhizhong made a few more polite words and welcomed Li Yuanhong into the conference hall. After seated, Li Yuanhong found that Li Zhizhong had a few more people around him, but Li Yuanhong did not ask. At this time, Li Zhizhong said again: "Brother Li, what's the matter this time?"
"It's nothing serious. Last time the zombies ran to us to attack the city, and we were beaten back. But this group of zombies ran to Qingyuan County again, so I'm looking at the situation, and by the way, I will find out about the survivors on your side. Situation." Li Yuanhong said.
When Li Zhizhong heard this, he sighed: "Hey, I immediately went to Qingyuan County to inform when I heard from you on the same day. I didn't know that Jinshan rehabilitated and took a bite, saying that I was spreading rumors and inciting, so that everyone should not listen to me. It’s definitely not a good idea to do this. So most of the survivors still live in the city and didn’t come out. Only the first group of survivors left with me.
At this point, Li Zhizhong’s eyes were a little dim. Obviously he saw something bad. Things.
Li Yuanhong counseled: "You are doing your best. Some things are reluctant to come. But in this incident, you should also know that if a person is conscientious by rights, sooner or later he will be swallowed up by the end times, so you should Take this as a warning."
"Well, I took it down!" Li Zhizhong said emotionally.
"By the way, is Jin Shanping still alive?" Li Yuanhong is very disgusted with this person. If this person is still alive, he will come out to cause trouble sooner or later, and Li Yuanhong believes that although this person will not really take Li Zhizhong's words into ears, he will definitely Take precautions in advance.
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