: 141st half-day madness

The so-called dressing and eating is the most fundamental need for people’s survival. Without food, it means going hungry. Many people regret that they didn’t buy more food and store it when there was food. Now the food in the market is suddenly gone. How will people live in the future!
When people were anxious, news suddenly came from the market that a new store had been opened in the market with grain, but the price of grain was eight times higher than before.
At this time, a person from a foreign gathering place came to see that there was food for sale, but saw that the price was eight times higher than the normal sales price in the city, so he frowned and asked, "I said this big brother. Why is the price of food so high? Can it be cheaper!"
"You still think it's too high, I tell you, it's still low. Now the whole city has food for our family, and I tell you that the price of food will go up in the afternoon, and it will double. If you don't buy it, quickly give way to others!" The person sitting at the entrance of the store said arrogantly, as if someone outside owed him millions.
When that person heard this, he became more entangled. Although the interpersonal relationship is simpler for these small bases outside the large gathering place, it is more difficult to survive. It is very difficult to get some crystal nuclei. The big corpses can't afford to provoke them, and they dare not. Yeah, the small corpses are basically cleaned up by mercenaries, and they don’t want to go to the mercenary association for fear of being controlled, so the crystal nucleus in their pocket is really a flower of careful calculation. In the past, their crystal nucleus can not only be bought With enough food, you can also update some equipment for yourself to better fight against zombies. But the soaring food prices have left the crystal nucleus in their hands barely enough to eat! If prices are increasing, I am afraid they will return to the state of starvation before.
Dangren, there are people like this survivor. Many people have a certain degree of trust in the base two days ago. Even if they bought some high-priced food, they didn’t buy a lot. The civilians in the city did not store food at all. habit. However, today's announcement shattered everyone's hopes.
Soon, there was a long line at the door of this grain store. Many people took out the few crystal nuclei in their pockets, planning to buy life-saving food before the price of food continued to rise.
When queuing to buy food at this grain store, there was another message in the market saying that the economy of Hunchun City was about to collapse. The high-level officials in Hunchun City, represented by Li Yuanhong, were asking for help, and even planned to flee to the north of Jishi with the money. base.
The message spread quickly, and in just half a day, it became a household name. Although many people are not convinced, after all, this base was brought down by Li Yuanhong. It stands to reason that this hard-working base should not be thrown away and become a second-class citizen on someone else’s turf. However, the price of food has been rising recently, Hunchun The inaction of the city made many people feel a little disappointed, so many people rushed to queue up to buy food.
Chen Yong sat in the office in the shop that he had just rented and asked his subordinates: "How about outside sales?"
"Report to Captain Chen. There are many people, but there are still many waiting to see."
"What did I say? I called my boss outside. How many times have I said it. Our current actions must be kept strictly confidential. Don't let the other party beware!"
"Yes, yes, Chen Lian... Boss Chen!" The person below quickly changed his words.
"That's right. Keep an eye on external matters. Don't worry about food sales. Control daily sales. You must learn to sell hungry and make them feel the food crisis. This will not only help us continue to increase prices, but also disturb their bases. Human heart."
"Okay, I took it down!" The subordinate replied respectfully.
"By the way, you must send someone to keep an eye on the movement of this base, pay attention to the team they are going out to search for supplies, whether it is possible to attract some zombies to destroy their food search operation, and let us brothers look for them in the city. Where did the soldiers who disappeared go!"
"Yes, the soldiers who disappeared disappeared almost ten days ago. Will they interfere with our actions?"
"Don't be afraid of 10,000 yuan, just in case, we can't be careful, we messed up last time, if we messed up this time, then we don't have to go back!"
"Yes, yes, or the boss's thoughtful consideration."
"But if the plan is successful this time, their base will disperse. As long as we send tanks, the base will surrender obediently!"
"Then boss, will they come to grab our food?"
"If they dare to it, just give us a reason to attack him, and if they dare to snatch, the fire-burning objects we buried in the warehouse will be useful. Then the grain will be burnt and their base will be chaotic. Faster!"
"High, the boss is still high!"
"Okay, go out and stare, don’t make any mistakes. By the way, if they don’t have food for sale in the afternoon, we will increase the price of food as planned. We used to lose money, not only to make money back, but also to make a lot of money. earn!"
"Yes, boss!"
Time is watched by the entire city residents. At one o’clock in the afternoon, people are paying attention to the market dynamics in Hunchun City. Chen Yong’s store is also preparing for price increases. Once there is no food sales in the Hunchun City market, their food prices are definitely Also increase the price again.

As the door of the market opened, the notice in the morning changed again: starting this afternoon, food sales have returned to normal!
This notice is like a blockbuster bomb, making the whole city boil.
"I'll just say that our Captain Li is absolutely convinced. Look, don't you start selling food." A civilian said.
"Come on, who was queuing up to buy food in the morning but didn't get it, crying and making trouble there!"
"Ah? Ah...Isn't that my eyes got into the sand!"
Arguments between passersby will only add some excitement to the quiet city, but at this time Chen Yong's office is in a hurry.
"What, they have food for sale?" Chen Yong asked in amazement.
"Yes, that's what the person who was sent to stare at them came back."
"Impossible, where did they get the food?"
"I don't know. Did they use the last grain to force us to lower the price?"
"Well, it's possible. How many crystal nuclei do we have?"
"There are less than 10,000 crystal nuclei, and more than 5,000 crystal nuclei have just been recovered from the morning sale of grain."
"Okay, take it out for me, how much they sell, how much we take, and see how much food they have to fight with us." Chen Yong said fiercely.
The grain sales department, which used to be calm in the past, welcomed a crowd of people today. For this reason, Shangqiuyuan specially transferred some people and opened a few more trading channels to meet the trading needs. For a whole afternoon, the transaction volume reached 300. More than tons is the sum of the usual two-month sales. As the sun went west, the flow of people slowly dispersed.
Chen Yong sat listlessly in the office and asked the subordinates standing in front of him: "Are you sure that their food supply has not been cut off?"
"Yes, I also find it strange. It stands to reason that they only have more than a dozen tons of grain left, but the people we stared at in the afternoon said that they sold nearly 300 tons of grain at least!"
"What? Three hundred tons? Do you know what three hundred tons means? That's a total of ten days of consumption. If they have so much food, they are restricted from buying anything. Is our intelligence wrong, do they have secret food? Library?"
"It shouldn’t be! The people we sent in before said that their grains were to search for nearby grains and to support their bases for their own use, which would be enough for more than a year. But Li Yuanhong had to engage in external sales. How much is left, even if we don’t come to buy them, they will be out of food in half a year!"
"Well, let's look at it tomorrow. By the way, let our people find out if they have a secret granary!"
"Yes, I understand!" The subordinate turned and left.
And Chen Yong had been sitting in the shadows, motionless.
In the evening, in the conference room of the Hunchun City Council, Li Yuanhong and cadres at all levels in Hunchun took the entire conference room full, and the table was full of food, stewed dishes with canned braised beef and cabbage noodles, and Russian A large dish of stir-fried red sausage and green vegetables. There are canned fish. In short, the table is full. Although there is no fresh meat, these dishes are by no means worse than before the end of the world. Especially many people have not eaten it for a long time. A luxurious meal.
Li Yuanhong took the lead to stand up and raised the wine glass in his hand. It was not a traditional Chinese liquor, but a red liquid. It was red wine from Russia. Li Yuanhong toasted and said, "Everyone has worked hard during this time. For food, I heard that many people have set a good example and did not rush to buy food. Some even reduced the amount of food purchased. Your presence has stabilized the hearts of the people in the city. Here, on behalf of all citizens, thank you for your hard work. , So that we can finally win this food war and win time."
After speaking, all the people present stood up and toasted together to celebrate the victory of this food war!
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