: One hundred and fifty disappeared giant zombies

The zombies continued to attack the city, and the piles of corpses slowly piled up in front of the city wall. In less than an hour, the piles of corpses were piled up to a height of five meters, and they kept shooting arrows and bows, which made the entire defense team tired. , Li Yuanhong can only weaken the offensive and let the defenders begin to take turns to rest. The zombies are not fatigued and they are simply cheating. Other creatures will know that they are tired and have to sleep when attacking. Unfortunately, these zombies only know to blindly attack and then attack. There is no such thing as a rush, exhaustion, and decline. The rhythm of the battlefield is gradually dominated by zombies.
The attack on the city weakened and was keenly caught by the giant zombies. Although more than an hour’s continuous attack cost the zombies nearly ten thousand losses, this loss is more than the uselessness suffered along the way. It is nothing at all. Mankind has appeared fatigued. This is the precursor to human failure. It has always been the case when attacking gathering places in the past, but in the past, giant zombies have not encountered such fierce resistance.
On the head of the city, Li Yuanhong looked at the zombies that were still pouring in. Li Yuanhong shouted to the intercom: "Xiao Yongyi, please burn and bomb me up and clear the pile of corpses under the city. You can’t let the zombies take the corpses so quickly. Stack it up!"
"Yes, I understand, absolutely burn those dead bodies!"
Soon afterwards, a dozen or so burning fireballs were thrown out of the city and scattered outside the city. Soon these fireballs ignited everything around the city. Many zombies were ignited. These zombies immediately fell to the ground and began to roll on the ground, wanting to put them out. The flames on the body, but the movements of the zombies, not only did not extinguish the flames on the body, but spread the flames to the whole body. Where did the zombies know that gasoline can only be suppressed, and the more it rolls, the faster the gasoline spreads to the whole body, and there will be no The way to put it out. The burning zombies kept tumbling, and as a result, the pile of corpses was also ignited. The flames spread wider and wider, and soon the fire burned to the entire city, and there was a tendency to continue to spread.
Soon the flame spread to 50 meters away from the city wall. All the piles of corpses were shrouded in flames. The strong flames scorched everything and blocked the attack of the zombies. Looking at the seven or eight meters high fire wall , The giant zombie reluctantly stopped the attack, the giant didn't want his soldiers to be burned to death innocently, so the battlefield returned to calm, only the crackling sound when the flame burned.
With the help of a short armistice, Li Yuanhong allowed the soldiers to take time to rest, especially in continuous combat. Many soldiers had not eaten lunch yet, so Li Yuanhong also took the opportunity to eat a bite. At the same time, Li Yuanhong sent out griffins to investigate the movements of the corpse group.
At this time, the leading giant zombies are at the end of the entire group of corpses, and several of his men are scattered among the corpses. After continuous ambushes, there are now only five giant zombies in the corpse group, and one level six giant zombies. There were four fifth-level giant zombies. Before Li Yuanhong was investigating in front of the Hunchun River, there were ten fifth-level giant zombies in the zombies team. It seems that all six giant zombies were pitted by Li Yuanhong.
Seeing the sixth-level giant zombies far away from the corpse group, a bad idea came out of Li Yuanhong's west again.
The fire has been burning for more than an hour. The zombies finally piled up a five-meter-high pile of corpses and were burned. The giant zombies were even more furious. Although they attacked in the morning, they lost nearly 20,000 zombies, but for the giant zombies, , This loss is really nothing. After the fire was extinguished, the giant zombies immediately urged the zombies to start attacking.
After an hour’s rest, the attacks of the humans in the city recovered somewhat, but Li Yuanhong deliberately controlled the attack rhythm. After all, the zombies’ attacks were uninterrupted. He had to maintain the continuity of the battle, and Li Yuanhong had all the personnel in the base. Arranged on the city wall, began to take turns participating in the defense, which played a role in training soldiers. Even Li Yuanhong saw Huang Xiaopeng leading a group of baby soldiers on an arrow tower, using a Lianzhu crossbow to seriously aim and shoot down the city.
Orderly defense on the city, crazy attack by the zombies under the city, due to the tall city wall protection, human beings were a little tired, but there were no casualties, until Fatty Lu was carrying a big sword, just wandering around the city without stopping, He muttered: "Why doesn't this zombie have wings? Let me cut twice!"
When Li Yuanhong saw him, he kicked Fat Lu angrily: "It's okay to get a stone to smash the zombies, don't wander around in front of my eyes and bother me!"
"Isn't that afraid that no one will guard Li Brother, what if a zombie climbs up!"
"Go go, wait until the zombies attack! Did you run here to hide from Cuihua!"
"Ah! Brother Li can see this! Brother Li, don’t you know that Cuihua’s management is getting stricter now. I have to report if I drink a glass of wine. Brother Li, when will you take me? Transfer back to the fighting force!"
"When Dr. Han develops the antidote for the virus, he will definitely put you on the battlefield, and I will be afraid that you will die!" Li Yuanhong looked at the fat man with a smirk.
"I'm afraid of Fatty Lu!"

"Really?!" Li Yuanhong paused, then looked behind Fatty: "Cuihua, Fatty is here!"
Fatty Lu was startled, and he turned around in a panic and looked around: "Where is the emerald flower? Where is the emerald flower?" Fatty Lu looked at it for a long time, but didn't see the emerald flower. Fatty Lu turned around and saw Li Yuanhong looking at him with a smirk.
"Aren't you afraid of nothing!"
"This, that, except Cuihua!" said the fat man Nono.
"Well, I won't be kidding you, I will give you a task."
When the fat man heard that he had a task, he immediately became energetic: "What task?"
"You secretly take some strong people at night, with burning and bombs, climb to the mountain on the opposite mountain pass, wait for my signal, and then throw all the burning and bombs on your body to me within one minute. Then quickly evacuate. Can it be done?"
"No problem, why is it important to me!"
"The task is of course very important. Remember, it must be hidden and not be discovered by the zombies." Li Yuanhong warned.
"Okay, promise to complete the task!" The fat man saluted the military salute seriously, then turned and walked down the city.
At night, there is only a small crescent in the sky, and everything is shrouded in darkness. Only the searchlight on the tower illuminates the city. Under the searchlight, the zombies are still attacking forward, and the attacks on the city are still constantly moving. A rain of arrows poured down, and taking advantage of the dark night, the giant zombies dispatched long-tongued zombies, sneaked close to the city wall, and climbed up the city wall. Li Yuanhong has been keeping an eye on the movements of the zombies. For these city-climbing zombies, arrangements have long been made. When these long-tongued zombies climbed halfway to the city wall, a lot of spears suddenly stretched out inside the city wall, and the spears directly penetrated the abdomen of the long-tongued zombies, so these zombies belted Falling down the wall with blood.
Seeing that the zombie's attack was contained, Li Yuanhong shouted into the walkie-talkie: "Launch a flare!"
Following Li Yuanhong's secret order, a red signal bomb lifted off. As the flares lifted off, on the mountain on the mountain pass opposite the city gate, suddenly many fireballs fell towards the corpses under the cliff. Soon there was a sea of ​​fire under the cliff, and the fire was still spreading. The light of the fire illuminated the corpses. Group, where the black corpse group is, the night becomes day.
The giant zombies were suddenly attacked, and they immediately ordered the long-tongued zombies to climb up the cliff, trying to catch these humans who dared to attack them. This fire not only disturbed the corpse group, but also caused the place where the giant zombies were to be illuminated by the firelight, and the attention of the giant zombies was also attracted by the firelight. At this time, the giant zombies felt that there were gusts of cold wind blowing. Attracted the attention of the giant zombies, but soon the giant zombies felt wrong. This cold wind was not natural wind, but came from the top of his head. When the giant zombies raised their heads, two dark shadows in the sky rushed towards them. The giant zombies quickly roared and asked their guards to protect themselves. However, the two groups of dark shadows were fast, and the zombies’ roar just came out. Grabbed by two giant claws, he took it to the sky. The giant zombie just wanted to fight back, and suddenly received a heavy blow on the head, so the giant zombie fainted.
Two groups of dark shadows, with giant zombies, disappeared into the night sky.
Losing the command of the giant zombies, the group of zombies immediately fell into chaos, and the attack stopped. The remaining four giant zombies were also confused. I didn't know where his boss went there at this critical moment. So the group of corpses was divided into four groups, each fighting each other, and the whole offensive was disintegrated.
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