: Section 153: The explosion in the oil depot

The next morning, after a day of wrangling, Chen Shaokun finally exchanged five thousand original bullets for a car of diesel. Although the fuel was not much, it was enough to support six tanks to complete the attack. From the information provided by Chen Yong, The city of Hunchun has only a few walls. Although the walls are not easy to explode, the city gates are all wooden. Its own tank and artillery can easily blast the other side’s gate, plus its own soldiers’ rifle attacks. Some guys with big swords and spears, it is too easy to occupy such a city. After watching the truck loaded with diesel set off, Chen Shaokun already regarded Hunchun City as his own.
There are three trucks carrying supplies this time, one for ammunition, one for food, and one for fuel. But of the three vehicles, only the fuel tank in the middle is fully loaded, the other two vehicles are half-loaded, and the remaining space is full of guard soldiers. There are a full 30 people, all holding submachine guns and machine guns. If someone dares to hijack this The vehicles in the country will definitely be knocked back by dense bullets, even if they encounter small-scale zombies, these people will have the confidence to rush out. Moreover, the current vehicles have been modified, and the outer shell is definitely thick enough that it cannot be destroyed by ordinary guns.
The vehicle left the military base and went all the way to the south, bypassing the big cities. After all, big cities are now turned into corpse nests. Like Li Yuanhong, there are not a few guys who always provoke zombies. Even if there are, they are sneaky, no. Dare to do like Li Yuanhong. Therefore, there was originally a distance of less than 300 kilometers. This team traveled more than 500 kilometers. When the sun started to go west, the team approached the Hunchun city area.
The leading car suddenly braked on the advancing convoy, almost causing the car behind to crash. Then the walkie-talkie in the first car remembered: "I said the king bald, he can drive, do you have too much pee again!"
The bald Wang who drove the first car also picked up the walkie-talkie and cursed: "Li Ergou, don't know how to speak human words, close your mouth. Didn't you see what's going on in front of the road? Get in the car. Brothers are ready to fight!"
It turned out that there was a bend in front of the road. At the bend, a huge boulder was in the middle of the road. It was obviously rolled down from the mountain. Unfortunately, there were at least a hundred zombies wandering around the boulder. This means that if the team wants to break through, it must be impossible, either turning around and looking for him, or completely destroying these zombies. But the detour here does not take a long time, and the detour may encounter more groups of zombies, so the best choice is to destroy the group of zombies, and then remove the stones.
So the guards on the convoy quickly got out of the car, opened the formation and began to attack the group of zombies.
When the zombies heard the sound of cars, they turned to the direction of the convoy and roared. Although the number was only over one hundred, the whole road was still full. As the gunfire sounded, the zombies roared more joyously. But for soldiers who have lived for more than half a year in the apocalypse, this is already a small scene. Although shooting can't reach the headshot of the gun, the hit rate is also very high, and there are three machine guns to help out. It didn't take ten minutes. More than a hundred zombies all arrived, but the 30 soldiers who pressed the car were also scared in a cold sweat, because the zombies were at a bend in the road, and when they found the zombies, the distance between the two parties was too close, less than 50 meters. Fortunately, there are no shadow zombies in the corpse group, otherwise these soldiers will definitely die.
At the end of the battle, the soldiers began to clean up the scene. Although someone was guarding the car, their attention was still in front. No one noticed that someone got in the car and added some condiments in the tank.
After cleaning the road, the convoy continued on the road. This time the convoy went smoothly. When the sun was about to west, the convoy finally arrived at the mountain village base. The commander of the army had already waited anxiously at the entrance of the village. Seeing that the convoy had finally arrived, a stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.
The convoy stopped at the entrance of the village. A platoon-level cadre got out of the car and saluted the armored company commander: "Hu Dazhu, the platoon leader of the transportation platoon, reports to Company Commander Xu."
The company commander Xu responded: "Okay, the road goes smoothly!"
"Everything goes well, the supplies are intact!"
"Well, well, quickly drive the car into the village, take a rest tonight, add fuel to the tank tomorrow, and attack Hunchun City with me!"
"Yes!" Hu Dazhu saluted again, then got in the car and drove into the village, and unloaded the fuel into the oil depot.
Due to the exhaustion of driving all day, these soldiers soon finished their dinner and fell asleep.
Soon it was midnight, and suddenly there was a loud noise in the direction of the oil depot, and then a bright small mushroom cloud skyrocketed. The rapidly expanding mushroom cloud completely engulfed the oil depot and destroyed the surrounding houses. Before the soldiers on guard around the oil depot had time to reflect, they were blown to death by the heat, and instantly turned into soot.
The loud noise suddenly awakened the soldiers in their sleep. Many people hurriedly got up, put on their clothes, picked up their guns, and rushed outside. The whole camp was in panic. At this time, no one fired a shot in the camp. Shouted: "The people from Hunchun City have killed in, everyone, run away!"
The soldiers who had just rushed out of the house had not figured out what was going on. They saw someone running out of the village, and they ran out of the village. At this time, gunshots continued to be heard from the back of the village, asking the soldiers to join the fleeing crowd. The number has increased, and soon half of the people have entered the fleeing crowd.
At this moment, three commanders came out of the house, grabbed a soldier who was fleeing in a panic and asked: "Fuck, it was you who made you escape!"
"Ah? I don't know, everyone runs, I also follow!"
"Asshole! I didn't order to run. Who dared to run, I shot him!" the officer roared.
However, at this time, a bullet hit the officer’s head directly from nowhere, and a burst of hot blood sprayed directly onto the soldier’s face, making the soldier even more alarmed, with a roar of "Ahhh" , Kept emitting from his mouth. Leading the two officers, for a moment, was about to take out pistols to guard, when two more bullets flew, the two officers also fell.
Seeing everything in front of him, the soldier was completely crazy, so he ran out of the village, threw the gun in his hand, and shouted hoarsely: "The company commander was killed, the company commander was killed. killed!"
With this roar, the village that had been out of order became more chaotic. Many soldiers who had been waiting and watching also joined the ranks of escape. In less than twenty minutes, almost all the people in the village fled.
Just after all the soldiers escaped, there were many people behind the village who touched into the village. These people went straight to the tank. At this time, the tank stood quietly in the center of the village. The soldiers who were guarding around the tank were no longer there. I know where I went. Of course, these tanks have no fuel and are not much different from living coffins, so no one wants to drill into them at this time.
Those dark shadows came to the tank, and one of them turned into many oil drums in plain white. Under the light of the burning house fire nearby, one could see that this was a diesel oil drum. Then the people who came over took a few oil drums and started refueling the tanks. Soon these oil drums were empty. After these people filled the tank with fuel, they all jumped into the tank, opened the top cover of the tank, and got in one after another. After a long time, the tank made a dull motor sound and started to start slowly, some like a drunkard, slowly Drive like outside the village.
The soldiers who had just escaped from the village were also a little calm at this time. In the last days, headless flies running around was no different from looking for death, so these soldiers stopped one after another. At this time, several platoon-level cadres stepped forward to gather the team. Although these soldiers were recruited into the army after the end of the world, they did not undergo rigorous training, so when they suddenly encountered a war, the bombing would happen.
As soon as these soldiers were gathered up, they heard the sound of tanks coming from the direction of the mountain village camp. These were some doubts. Isn't the tank running out of fuel? Why did it suddenly sound? More importantly, those thirty tank soldiers were also among the soldiers. These soldiers also looked in the direction of the tank's sound with a bewildered expression. Could it be a supernatural incident?
In the dark night, several huge figures slowly emerged. Accompanied by the rumbling sound, a voice came from the first tank: "Listen to the soldiers in front, put down the weapons, otherwise we will fire the cannon and put down the weapons!"
The shouts made the soldiers who were still in shock even more stunned. Why did this tank make a fuss, and how did you hand in your gun?
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