: Section 166 Guidelines for River Passage

Griffon approached the battlefield quietly, and the poisonous corpse was a little far away from the battlefield. After all, the biggest weapon of the poisonous corpse is spray poison. Without this skill, he is no different from ordinary zombies on the battlefield, and now the poisonous corpse has used up all its skills. It is in a period of relative weakness, so leaving the battlefield is the greatest protection for yourself. But the poisonous corpse didn't know that he had been targeted.
The poisonous corpse was resting in the outer circle, and suddenly felt wind hitting his head. The poisonous corpse habitually looked up, and saw a dark silhouette enveloped him in the black night sky. Before the poisonous corpse came and judged what it was, a pair of sharp claws grabbed his shoulders and poisoned him. The corpse felt his feet off the ground, and his body began to rise to the sky. The poisonous corpse opened its big mouth and prepared to roar to call for the rescue of its companions. But just after opening its mouth, the poisonous corpse was hit the head, and then the poisonous corpse plunged into the boundless darkness.
The disappearance of the poisonous corpse did not attract the attention of the corpse group. The corpse group was still fighting with the fish school. Without the help of the poisonous corpse corrosive liquid, the efficiency of the zombie's attack was obviously reduced. At this time, the scale protection of the giant fish was reduced. The advantage came out, and the casualties of the zombies began to climb. But after such a long battle, the magic value of the giant fish began to bottom out. Instead of spraying water arrows, the giant fish only used their bodies and teeth to attack physically, causing blood and blood to fly on the battlefield for a while. Extremely.
Li Yuanhong looked at the changes in the battlefield situation, estimated the comparison of the winning and losing strength of the two sides, and was ready to take another shot. This time Li Yuanhong was targeting not zombies, but giant fish. The griffin vacated again. This time two griffins took off at the same time, quietly flying towards a very active giant fish. At this time, almost all the zombies surrounding the giant fish were killed by the giant fish. But this giant fish is not tired yet. It is necessary to know that the stamina consumed by the fish coming ashore to fight is quite huge, but this giant fish is not exhausted, indicating that this giant fish must have something special, so Li Yuanhong must obtain the crystal core of this giant fish.
The two griffins quickly flew over the giant fish, and then swooped down suddenly. Before the giant fish could react, they were taken to the sky by the two griffins. When they returned to the place where Li Yuanhong was, the giant fish was caught Threw it down from a height of more than 100 meters. Although the giant fish did not fall to death on the spot, it was not far from death. The giant fish that was thrown down could only breathe with its mouth open, but the tight breathing became slower and slower. And beside the giant fish, a zombie whose brain was smashed was lying quietly beside the giant fish.
The battle continues over there, but both sides have suffered heavy casualties. Although the giant fish scales are relatively strong in defense, they can't stand the zombie's scales. Once the scales are pulled off, the giant fish will lose its advantage. When Li Yuanhong saw this, he admired, when did this zombie learn to be so smart!
An hour later, the twelve giant fishes were all dying, and there were less than 20 zombies left. Li Yuanhong saw this, so he patted the white tiger on the head: "Go, the fisherman is on the court!"
After speaking, Li Yuanhong rode on the white tiger, and the griffin behind him flew into the sky and killed him on the battlefield. The battle ended soon. Li Yuanhong was not good at killing fish, but killing zombies was done by hand. The twenty zombies were solved by Li Yuanhong in less than five minutes, but Li Yuanhong obviously felt that the zombies now are better than before. It's even more powerful.
After solving the zombies, Li Yuanhong packed the few uncontaminated giant fishes into the space. The system can show that these fishes are superior and delicious, and can increase evolution. This is a good thing and must not be wasted. After finishing this, Li Yuanhong rushed to Hunchun City overnight. To open a waterway, Li Yuanhong must pass the giant fish level, but in the water, these giant fish are not so easy to kill, so we must find a way to avoid These giant fish clash, this is the long-term solution.
Back in Hunchun City, it was late at night. Li Yuanhong simply slept for a while, got up in a hurry, called Liu Hu, Shangqiuyuan and others to the office for a meeting: "Yesterday I went to the Songhua River to investigate and found that He There is a very fierce giant fish, which is very aggressive. If we are sailing on the water, it is easy to be attacked by them. Here are their habits." Li Yuanhong showed the habits of the tetro fish and continued Said: "Now that zombies are rampant, if we want to go north, there are only two roads. One is a detour to the Far East. There is sparsely populated and relatively few zombies, but the detour takes a lot of time. The second is to go. Waterway, but we have to face the giant fish. Let’s find a way!"
Li Yuanhong sat down after speaking, then looked at everyone, waiting for everyone to make their own decisions. For a while, there was no idea here. After all, there is a giant fish hidden in the water. When and where it will attack, this is completely unpredictable. Sailing on this water is completely a chance of luck. This is not a bet on life.
For a long time, there was no sound in the meeting room, and the atmosphere was extremely dull. Suddenly Bai Yuqian laughed. Although the laughter was very pleasant, it was unusually ear-piercing in the dull atmosphere of the meeting. Everyone looked at Bai Yuqian with strange eyes.
"Ms. Bai Yuqian, did you think of something?" Li Yuanhong asked politely, without losing his temper. After all, this sudden laughter must have something to do with it. As a famous host, he would never lose his temper casually.
"Well, I think of a joke!" Bai Yuqian said. After hearing this answer, everyone was even more surprised. Such a serious meeting, Bai Yuqian wanted to make a joke, it was too ridiculous.
"Oh? What a joke?" Li Yuanhong showed interest.
"That's it. Say that on a hot summer day, the park transported a polar bear to the park. As a result, when the polar bear arrived in the park, people opened the transport vehicle and found that the polar bear was dead. What do you think the polar bear died?" Bai Yuqian smiled and looked. To everyone.
Everyone was taken aback again. This joke is too far from the main body of the meeting, right? Where did Bai Yuqian make a noise? Liu Hu quickly winked at Bai Yuqian and reminded in a low voice: "Yu Qian, don't be kidding, this is in a meeting!"
Bai Yuqian ignored Liu Hu's reminder, but stared at Li Yuanhong and continued to ask: "Captain Li, how did you say this polar bear died?"
Of course Li Yuanhong knew that Bai Yuqian would never make trouble unreasonably, so he folded his shoulders, leaned on the back of the chair, thought for a moment, and said: "This animal is transported to death by starvation or suffocation. These two methods of death will never be the same. The answer, if it is the answer, then the joke is not ridiculous, right?" Li Yuanhong looked at Bai Yuqian this time.
"Well, Captain Li is smart, so how should he die?"
"Polar bears are transported in summer. This should be the key to the puzzle, right? If this is the key, your answer should be related to temperature!"
"Well, the polar bear died of heat. Captain Li really grasped the point."
"It seems that Yu Qian wanted to remind me that this philosopher is also afraid of heat, right!"
"Yes, but this philosopher is not the same as the polar bear. To what extent is it afraid of heat, Captain Li can only find someone to test it." Bai Yuqian said.
"Well, this is a way of thinking. I did not find the georgette during the day. If it is because of the temperature, then we might be above a certain temperature and can safely drive on the river. Thank you Yu Yu today. A reminder from Qian." After speaking, Li Yuanhong stood up and bowed deeply to Bai Yuqian.
Bai Yuqian quickly stood up and replied: "Brother Li is serious, we are all in a team, why are you so polite!"
"Okay, then I'm not welcome. Everyone is studying a feasible way of sailing. When I look back, Shangqiuyuan and I will investigate together, what temperature does this phillipino do not come out of the water!"
"Good!" Shang Qiuyuan readily agreed.
The investigation quickly yielded results. This tetro fish is really afraid of heat. Once the temperature exceeds 26 degrees, it is determined not to come out of the water. But in summer and daytime, there is no more than 26 degrees, so as long as it is not scraped Wind and rain, sailing during the day is basically safe.
Li Yuanhong intends to use the summer to speed up the connection with the north. In fact, Li Yuanhong opened the business route to the north, mainly to contact more survivor bases as much as possible. This world cannot fight all zombies by himself, so Li Yuanhong must find Those who can unite, then business is the best way to understand each other.
Secondly, Li Yuanhong also needs a lot of materials, especially crystal cores. He has been able to build magic towers for a long time, but because of the lack of a few attribute crystal cores, he has been unable to build it for a long time, but if he has established a trade route, he can. Exchange with others, then you can greatly shorten the development time, which is only profitable but not harmful. Of course, commerce also faces many risks, so Li Yuanhong must find some reliable allies. At this moment Li Yuanhong thought of a person: Du Sanniang.
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