: Section 171 The Power of Cavalry

Li Yuanhong followed Du Sanniang to the southwest corner of the island. There is a bridge leading to the opposite bank. The bridge is used to connect to the land, so the bridge is not very wide. There are only two lanes and the entire bridge deck is more than ten meters. width. Moreover, the river surface here is divided into two by the island, and the river surface is not wide on each side, so the entire bridge is more than 60 meters long. But now the bridge is full of zombies, and on the opposite side of the bridge, more than ten thousand zombies gather there.
In order to prevent zombies from coming over the bridge, Du Sanniang built a defensive wall at the bridge head on this side of the island. The wall is not high, only a little over three meters, and in the middle of the city wall, a wooden door leads to the bridge. There were also zombies coming from the bridge before, but they were all shot and killed by Du Sanniang, and in the past, the zombies came to the island, the most one time was more than a thousand zombies, and there were not too many mutant zombies. It was this kind of corpse attack that made Du Sanniang almost exhausted all the ammunition before he withstood the attack of the zombies.
Later, there was a proposal to blow up the bridge, but the giant fish appeared untimely, and the proposal to blow up the bridge was naturally invalidated. The river was blocked by the giant fish and only the bridge could be used. If the bridge was also blown up, the entire island would be dead. .
When Li Yuanhong felt the bridge head, there was already a gunshot here, and at this time the zombie pioneer had not reached the middle of the bridge, many bullets hit the bridge, sparking. Seeing such a wasteful play, Li Yuanhong straightened up the teeth. If he beat the zombies in this way, he would have been poor as pants.
When Du Sanniang arrived at the bridge, she frowned slightly when she saw the situation, but she didn't say anything. After all, zombies were coming here at this time, not the time to attack the enthusiasm of the soldiers. So she said to the machine gunner: "Be careful to aim, aim at the head, don't hit the leg, so you can't kill them!"
Due to Du Sanniang’s arrival, these female soldiers have become a little more stable and their shooting accuracy has improved. In fact, these female soldiers have also gone through battles, and the shooting accuracy is still good, but the number of zombies this time is a little too large. , That's why these female soldiers are a little confused.
Li Yuanhong also came to the city head and looked at the simple fortification in front of him, knowing that the psychological comfort of this fortification is greater than the actual protection. It seems that if you want to guard this barrier, you can only keep the zombies away. Otherwise, once the zombies cross the bridge, this wall , Can't play much role at all. So Li Yuanhong took out his binoculars and looked towards the other side to observe the enemy.
The zombies on the opposite bank were in a torrential stream, and there were no giant zombies. Obviously, this group was wandering over spontaneously. It is estimated that the female soldiers guarding the wall saw the zombies on the bridge, so they shot and led the zombies. This kind of zombies without a command is actually the best to eliminate, but these female soldiers have not been attacked by a large group of corpses in the last days, so it is estimated that it is difficult for these female soldiers to deal with these zombies.
At this time, the zombies on the bridge had already crossed half of the bridge, and many zombies were even pushed under the bridge, causing a wave of spray on the river, which was quickly washed away by the rapids. But the ever-approaching zombies caused the female soldiers who had just stabilized to hang their hearts again, and the sound of shooting guns became chaotic again. If it develops like this, the bridge will soon fall, and then the entire island will be lost. Will be captured by zombies.
Li Yuanhong knew that he couldn't expect these female soldiers to guard the bridge, so he said to Du Sanniang next to him: "Miss Du, this kind of defense will definitely not work. You will open the gate soon and I will take someone to drive the zombies off the bridge. !"
Du Sanniang was also very anxious at this time, but when Li Yuanhong heard that Li Yuanhong was about to open the city gate, she quickly shook her head and said, "No, this is too risky. If you can't drive the zombies down, the entire wall will be in danger!"
"If I don’t bring people to rush over, this city wall will not stop the zombies. Once the zombies rush across the bridge and spread out, and we are rushing to fight with them, then we will face the danger of being surrounded on all sides. We guard the bridge. The passage here is narrow and easy to defend. This is the key point to guard."
Du Sanniang is still very entangled, after all, normal thinking is to defend in the city, and will not run down to fight the zombies. While Du Sanniang was struggling, Li Yuanhong knew that he couldn't wait any longer, so he quickly said: "Don't hesitate, you will open the gate of the city for a while, and when we get out of the city, we will immediately close the gate. This way, you can always come!"
Du Sanniang also knew that the situation was in some crisis. At this time, the female soldiers under her were in chaos. Most of the bullets only hit the zombies, but the weakness of the zombies is the head. Shots in the body can't kill these zombies. The zombies were shot beyond recognition and looked even more hideous, which in turn made these female soldiers more panic.

At this time Du Sanniang could only take a gamble, and then nodded to Li Yuanhong and said: "Okay, I agree with you to lead the team to kill, but how sure are you?"
"I don't know how sure. I know that if we don't kill now, we won't even have a chance in a while."
"Okay, I will cover you on the city wall." Du Sanniang's expression became firm at this time.
Li Yuanhong quickly came down to the city, then rode on the white tiger, turning around and shouting to the cavalry behind him: "Everyone mounts, and you will charge with me!"
These cavalry mounted their horses in unison, waiting for the opening of the gate. In front of the soldiers who were waiting for them, they could not feel their fear, only the killing intent overflowed. As the wooden door "creaked" opened, the zombies outside the city smelled the human scent and became more frantic. They kept roaring and rushed towards the wide open city gate.
Li Yuanhong did not wait for the gate to be fully opened, so he urged Baihu to rush out of the city. Li Yuanhong was holding a five-level steel knife in his hand at this time. This is a system-built steel knife. The saber given by Master Zhang last time was The giant fish was bitten off, and it must be too late to create a new one, and can only use the steel knife produced in the system.
Li Yuanhong urged the white tiger and quickly rushed into the group of corpses. Li Yuanhong wielded steel knives to the left and right, chopped over the zombies to the ground, and the knight behind him was even more vigorous. Like a heavy tank driving into the Mianyang group, these disgusting and fearful zombies fell to the ground one after another, and some even directly picked the zombies off the bridge and turned into a wave in the water.
As Li Yuanhong rushed to the bridge with cavalry, the team of zombies also began to become chaotic. Li Yuanhong knew that he had to rush across the bridge quickly while the zombies were in chaos. Only in this way could the morale of the charge be maintained. Once the speed of the cavalry slowed down, the impact force would be reduced. Then he wanted to rush over. Zhiren said a dream.
As the horse team continued to move forward, the zombies on the bridge were cleaned up, but the zombies were crowded to the bridge head, waiting for the food on the bridge to be automatically thrown into their arms. Of course Li Yuanhong would not do such a stupid thing. When he arrived at the bridge, Li Yuanhong slapped Baihu's forehead and shouted, "Leap over!"
With a long roar, Bai Hu kicked his limbs on the ground, suddenly rose into the air and leaped behind the group of corpses. The cavalry behind Li Yuanhong followed suit, jumping from the heads of the zombies to the middle of the group.
Since most of the zombies are crowded near the bridge head, the density of the rear part of the corpse group is not high, so Li Yuanhong jumped into the corpse group without feeling too much pressure, but led the cavalry to sprint quickly, without nostalgia. At this time, the zombies crowded at the bridgehead were attracted by the cavalry over their heads, and they began to turn around and prepare to besiege the cavalry. 'S left behind.
Du Sanniang stood at the head of the city and watched Li Yuanhong rush to kill. At the beginning, he was sweating for Li Yuanhong, but when the cavalry battled with the zombies, the zombies were killed as if they were chopped melons and vegetables. , I didn't expect Li Yuanhong these ancient arms to deal with zombies so powerfully, Du Sanniang wanted Li Yuanhong to keep these cavalry behind. But soon, Li Yuanhong rushed out of the siege of zombies with his cavalry. Yiqi Juechen ran far away. This made Du Sanniang mutter: "This Li Yuanhong won't take the cavalry without running back!"
Li Yuanhong ran a distance, and then turned the white tiger to face the group of zombies again, and the cavalry behind him also turned their horses and formed a wild wing formation, quietly waiting for the approach of the zombies. The corpse group followed Li Yuanhong at this time, and the distance between the two sides kept getting closer. When the distance was less than 500 meters, Li Yuanhong urged the white tiger and rushed to the group of zombies again, followed by a hundred cavalry. The smoke and dust on the ground is like a charge of ten thousand people. When Du Sanniang, who was standing far above the city, saw it, he felt excited. If there was a war drum at this time, Du Sanniang would also beat the drum to cheer for the cavalry.
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