: Section 205 Negotiations

"Oh? What deal?" Teacher Xiao asked.
"I will find you a place to settle down, but the survivors in your camp will be managed by me."
"Impossible, even if I let go of those survivors, you won't be able to take them away!" Teacher Xiao said excitedly for the first time.
"Why do you say that?"
"First of all, these survivors are so large, how do you take them away? Secondly, this camp is superficially under my control, but there are also the deputy governor and the person from Tian Manfeng who secretly intervened behind them. Even I can't fully control all the survivors here. Those.
Master Xiao said honestly.
"So this is a deal. If you cooperate with me, I will be sure to take these people away!"
"What are you doing with these people?"
"Actually, I have a base. That base is much larger than yours. The food Ms. Du brought you was produced by our base. But we have an empty site, but the population is not large, so I need people to come. Production, come to expand the army. You have people here, but these people are here with you, just starving, just useless. If you don’t manage it, your survivors will be swallowed by zombies one day."
"Hehe, what a big tone, you have a survivor base? Are you not afraid of zombies attacking your base? What do you use to resist zombies' attacks? I have never seen you use a gun." This time Xing Ling thoroughly, It's getting hot, watching Li Yuanhong lose his closeness in the morning and start to sarcast Li Yuanhong.
"Gun? You know that guns are not very useful when you shoot zombies. If you kill zombies without hitting the head, zombies will not die, and high-level zombies can't be killed with guns. Don't you know? Let's talk about it, who said I didn't grab it, but I can't mass produce bullets here, so my weapon is more practical than a gun." Li Yuanhong said with a smile.
"A gun can't kill a zombie? This is what the said. It's not the same time I hit a zombie. I've never seen someone who can't blow a head with a gun!" Xing Ling's voice became louder. Next to Master Xiao, he sat peacefully, without any intention to stop Xing Ling.
"Hehe, how long has Brother Xing not fought with zombies?"
"In less than three months, does this have anything to do with not being able to kill zombies?"
"Then what is your level, Brother Xing?"
"Hahaha, I'm sorry, my level is a bit lower than the teacher, and there is also a third level!" Xing Ling said proudly.
"Really? Congratulations to Brother Xing, your level can match the lowest zombies!"
"You...you...what do you mean?"
"I mean, the lowest level of zombies is now Level 3."
"Impossible. Two days ago, my soldiers also reported that the current zombies are still at the second level!" Xing Ling said in disbelief.
"Oh? It seems that there is something wrong with Brother Xing's subordinates. Brother Xing had better look back at your subordinates to see if they have already taken refuge in Tian Manfeng. He didn't tell you about such important news. This is obviously hurting you!"
"You don't have to be here, my soldiers will never do anything like that!"
"Since Big Brother Xing doesn't believe me, let you see a video I took on my way this time!" Li Yuanhong finished speaking and nodded to Li Luoxia.
"Big Brother Xing, can you give me the phone first?" Li Luoxia spoke to Xing Ling at this time. The crisp voice extinguished Xing Ling's anger.
"Hey! Ok... Ok!" Xing Ling quickly picked up the mobile phone in front of Master Xiao's coffee table and handed it to Li Luoxia.
Li Luoxia called up another video, and then handed the phone to Xing Ling again. Xing Ling took the phone. When he saw the screen on the phone, Xing Ling took a breath. The video was not long, less than two minutes, but that scene made Xing Ling, who had fought with zombies, all The scalp is numb.
In the video, the zombies are completely different from the previous zombies. They are not in a straggler, but in a highly disciplined team, and the zombies are not empty-handed, all holding sticks, and even in the team, there are a few fat zombies pulling a few vehicles The truck moved forward, and the team was mighty. Wherever it passed, there was no grass, and even trees more than ten meters high, which had been obviously mutated, would be uprooted by the team of zombies, and then stuffed into the truck, not knowing what it was used for.
In the team, there is a giant zombie leader every other segment, and these giant zombies are all six levels of existence, which shows that these giant zombies are not the highest commander. And the zombie soldiers they led were the lowest at level 3. Such a zombie team is definitely the strongest zombie group Xing Ling has ever seen.
After watching the video, Xing Ling handed the phone to Master Xiao. Master Xiao didn’t come over and watched it carefully, and then asked, "Did you shoot this?"

"Do you have a plane?"
"How did you shoot without a plane? This is aerial photography, and the picture is very clear and the angle is also very high. It can't be achieved by a remote control model. Do you have a drone?"
"Neither do I have a drone. I have a few of the model aircraft you mentioned. As you said, model aircraft can't fly that high. But I have an air force. If we can become friends, I will let Master Xiao see me. Of the Air Force!"
"Okay, then I won't be entangled in the shooting methods, so when was this video shot? Where was it shot?"
"It was taken on the way I came yesterday, the location is Spring City!"
"What! Spring City!" Teacher Xiao and Xing Ling exclaimed at the same time.
"Yes, Spring City!"
Now Master Xiao and Xing Ling are silent at the same time. Although Baicheng is still some distance away from Spring City, this distance is not a natural moat, and the road is very flat and there is no high mountain blocking. Even if there is Songhua River, there is a bridge over Songhua River. Now that humans have lost control of the bridge, it is too easy for zombies to cross the bridge. Just now Xing Ling and Master Xiao both watched the scenes. If the scenes are true, the zombie tide is definitely not something their base can stop. With this scale of corpse tide, Master Xiao expects that he will be able to withstand it for an hour. There must be enough bullets and there can be no pauses. But the bullets currently in stock cannot meet this requirement at all.
"Is the corpse tide spreading now?" Teacher Xiao asked in a low tone.
"Yes, and part of it is spreading to the north. If there is no accident, it will meet with the zombies in Songyuan City in ten days. At that time, this part of the zombies may drive the zombies in Songyuan City to go north, and it will definitely be impacted by then." Li Yuanhong said.
"Why are you so sure that the zombies will come here?" Teacher Xiao was not in a hurry at this time, because he had to bargain with Li Yuanhong.
"Because there are no other survivor bases around!" Li Yuanhong said sadly.
"Impossible. We also visited a caravan last month. Their camp has at least nearly 10,000 people, and their weapons and equipment are also very good. I heard that they found a militia reserve weapons warehouse. Strong. And the terrain where they are located is also very dangerous." Xing Ling retorted.
"Unfortunately, is the base you mentioned is the Chagan Lake base?"
"Yeah! Why do you know?"
"Well, I passed by that base three days ago. There are only zombies and ruins there, and there are no survivors anymore. I think the ruins there should be zombies broke through the wall and the city was destroyed!"
Xing Ling was shocked by the news of Li Yuanhong: "How is it possible? Is there no one who has escaped?"
"I really don't know this, but I advise Big Brother Xing not to take a fluke in his heart, zombies attack the city and never keep his hands."
"Well, Mr. Li, don't scare Xiao Xing!" At this time, Master Xiao said.
"Hehe, I didn't scare Brother Xing Ling, but it was a bit off the point. I don't know what Teacher Xiao has to advise?"
"We are talking about cooperation, right, since you want those survivors, how do you arrange us?"
"I have two options for Teacher Xiao to choose. One is to go abroad to recuperate, but to open up a base in Mongolia."
"Oh? What about going abroad?"
"Well, we took down Vladivostok, Russia at the beginning of the year. It is now almost an empty city. It is appropriate to arrange Master Xiao to stay there for recuperation, thinking that the nearby zombies have been cleaned up."
"What, did you take Vladivostok? That is Haikou city with a population of nearly one million!"
"Haha, I was lucky to have used some small tricks, so I took the city with some external force. If I tried hard, I would give me a hundred thousand soldiers, which may not be possible." Li Yuanhong said modestly.
"Sure enough, the hero doesn't ask where he came from. How about going to Mongolia?"
"Mongolia now has no trace of the border guards, only the scattered gathering places established by our people, where the population is small, so there are few zombies, and it is suitable for rapid development. However, there are several tough battles with zombies, and even death. In addition, there is another important reason for the expansion of the base there. Due to the disappearance of the border troops, the people of the neighboring country of Mongolia may cross the border to our people, so there must be troops guarded there. Going to Mongolia is one thing. Hard work."
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