: Section 210 Attack of the Zombies

When people were boarding the ship in an orderly line, suddenly there was a faint explosion sound from the north. The explosion sound was not a single shot, but a continuous explosion. The sound should be far away, but it shocked people's hearts. Many people came from the end of the world. The explosion sound is definitely not the sound of ordinary guns. It is definitely the sound of shelling or bomb explosion. This sound means that something important has happened, so calm down. There was a commotion in the crowd, and many people began to look back nervously in the direction of the explosion. Some took the opportunity to squeeze forward, and the team became chaotic for a while.
At this time, regimental leader Fang brought a group of soldiers to the dock and shouted with a loudspeaker: "Give me a quiet line. Who dares not follow the rules and I will disqualify him from boarding!" The soldier ordered: "Take good care of Lao Tzu, whoever dares to disturb the order, pull him out for me!"
"Yes!" the soldier replied with salute.
Seeing the soldiers coming, these people immediately calmed down. After all, they were still in the camp and their prestige was still there. Although the team calmed down, the atmosphere of the entire camp became obviously uneasy.
The explosion sounded for ten minutes, and during these ten minutes, it aroused people's suspicion. At this time, Li Yuanhong was arranging a second line of defense with Xing Ling, and when he heard the explosion, his brows frowned: "This explosion seems to be less than 20 kilometers away from here. Is this zombie moving too fast?"
"Is it a mistake?" Xing Ling was also puzzled.
"Don't worry about that, make the current arrangements first. By the way, Brother Xing, let your people plant a circle of landmines outside the wall. Now there should be no one of us outside, and then seal the city gate with sandbags. ."
"Well, good I'll make arrangements." After speaking, Xing Ling hurriedly left.
It didn't take long for the second batch of explosions to sound, but the time and density of this explosion were not as long as the first time. It lasted less than two minutes and ended. Li Yuanhong arranged for people to continue to build a second line of defense, and ran to the warehouse quickly. Before the third wave of bombing, Li Yuanhong wanted to look at the camera tied to the griffon to see how the bombing effect was.
From this look, Li Yuanhong immediately stopped the third bombing. During the second bombing, the zombies had learned to disperse and avoid, and they also learned to lie down. The effect of this bombing was obviously not as good as the first one, and Li Yuanhong also did it. I understand why the zombies are moving so fast. In this group of zombies, there are no slow zombies at all. Zombies like giant zombies that will obviously drag the whole team are not found in this team, and Li Yuanhong has seen it. A few special long-tongued zombies, these zombies are very similar to invisible zombies, it seems that the scout who disappeared last night is related to these guys.
After reading these, Li Yuanhong directly ordered the Griffin to rest on the spot, and he ran straight to the defensive wall. Today’s tough battle is not easy to fight. There is only Commander Xiao’s team here, and his team only has the Air Force. Once these zombies rush up , These soldiers are at risk of death. Especially those few invisible zombies are not easy to defend at all, only their own real eyes can crack the other party's invisibility.
Soon Li Yuanhong came to the top of the city. The city wall here is not as tall and majestic as the one built by Li Yuanhong. Although the city is about ten meters high, the entire wall is only three meters thick, which is slightly thin, and there are only cut-off shots on the city wall. Kong, there are no other supporting defense facilities, so Li Yuanhong frowned slightly after he stepped on the city wall. Such a fortification, facing a group of more than 100,000 corpses, can cost lives if you want to defend it. The commander's ammunition consumption is so large, which has a lot to do with the unreasonable configuration of the city wall.
At this time, Li Yuanhong couldn't pick and choose here, he could only try to find a way from the firepower ratio.
Li Yuanhong looked at the soldiers on the wall, staring at the outside of the city nervously at this time, for fear that the zombies would not be found when they came over. Li Yuanhong found Xing Ling: "Brother Xing, are the landmines outside the city ready? Are the city gates blocked?" Li Yuanhong asked, afraid of mistakes.
"Don't worry about me doing things, absolutely no problem!" Xing Ling said, patting his chest.
Li Yuanhong did not say anything, but took a binoculars and looked into the distance. At this time, the team of zombies was less than fifteen kilometers away, but they had not yet come into sight. Therefore, Li Yuanhong said to Xing Ling: "Brother Xing, we I’m looking at arming to see where there is any omission."
"Okay... OK!" Xing Ling was obviously reluctant, but still reluctantly agreed.
This inspection scared Xingling enough. The sandbags blocked in the doorway were loose. If they were hit by the outside, the sandbags would collapse on their own, and the city’s defenses were also very uneven, with some blind spots and even no soldiers garrisoned. After reading this, Xing Ling's face turned pale and shouted: "Which is in charge of arming today, is he trying to kill Lao Tzu?"
Li Yuanhong hurriedly persuaded: "Big Brother Xing, now is not the time to be held accountable, so quickly plug these loopholes."
After hearing this, Xing Ling angrily ordered people to re-arm. This time Xing Ling did not dare to be careless and personally supervised.
Time passed quickly. After more than an hour, a shadowy figure of a zombie appeared on the horizon. Li Yuanhong quickly picked up the binoculars, and the group of corpses arrived.
Seeing the corpses, Xing Ling hurriedly ordered: "Boys, give me all the guns, and listen to my orders to shoot!"
Li Yuanhong was paying attention to the changes in the corpse group at this time, and found that the corpse group that came this time was different from the corpse group he had encountered in the past. Now the zombies are more orderly, and even ordinary zombies have taken up weapons, even Some zombies are also equipped with shields, and now zombies are more like an army.
After the zombies entered the line of sight, they did not rush to attack. Instead, they came to two kilometers below the city and stopped walking, as if waiting for something. Li Yuanhong also took the telescope and kept looking for the giant zombies in the group. Only by killing the commander in the corpse can the attack of the zombies be paralyzed, but Li Yuanhong did not find the giant zombies, which made Li Yuanhong wonder, where are the giant zombies hidden?
After about an hour, the 100,000 zombies were basically in place. With the roar of the zombies, the zombies roared, and at the same time the entire corpse group moved, and the momentum was like a black sea tide, rushing toward the embankment. Here, the footsteps of the zombies are like drumsticks shaking the earth, so that the soldiers in the city can feel the trembling of the earth. The zombies charged quickly, and within ten minutes, they rushed to a place less than 500 meters from the city.
Xing Ling held his pistol tightly, staring at the group of zombies, sweat couldn't help streaming down. But Xing Ling still did not give an order to attack, he was waiting, waiting for the sound of the mine exploding. Also waiting for the zombies to enter the best range. And at this time, the soldiers were holding their guns tightly, their hands full of sweat.
At this moment, the landmine arranged under the city suddenly exploded, and at this time the group of zombies was still a long distance away from the minefield. This explosion made Xing Ling stunned and cursed: "Fuck, this landmine. Why did he blew himself up? It's nothing to add to the chaos!"
Li Yuanhong shouted: "Attention everyone, there are invisible zombies attacking!"
Sure enough, as Li Yuanhong’s voice landed, the figure of a long-tongued zombie appeared. This zombie was wounded by a landmine and was howling in pain. Li Yuanhong knew that this was a zombie attack force, but he did not expect that humans had landmines. This thing, it seems that this giant zombie leading the team is not easy.
Li Yuanhong instantly took out a sniper rifle from the space and fired a single shot, exploding the head of the long-tongued zombie that had not been relieved from the pain, because Li Yuanhong knew that this bomb injury was not a threat to the zombie. Once it came over , Then it is very likely to destroy the mine array, so it must be removed as soon as possible.
This shot surprised Xing Ling. There was at least 400 meters away from the zombie. Although snipers could easily shoot and kill, it was not so easy to shoot and kill instantly, so Xing Ling raised his big hand. Thumbs, compared to Li Yuanhong, and then shouted: "Little bunnies, have you seen it? There is nothing terrifying about zombies. They were shot and they were still upright. They all aimed at them for a while and gave me death. hit!"
"Yes, commander!" The people below were encouraged by this shot, and the voice of the answer was very loud.
The zombies did not stop because they died of a mutant zombie, but rushed like a city wall more crazily. As the zombies entered the minefield, the explosion of landmines one after another, but these explosions also set off a small group of corpses. The waves couldn't stop the tide of corpses, and the tide of corpses passed the minefield in an instant and entered within two hundred meters of the city.
At this time, Xing Ling couldn't help it anymore. He took a rifle from his side and shouted: "Fight me!" Then he took the lead in setting fire to the zombies.
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