: Section 135 Killing Crabs

Li Yuanhong took the airship and quickly arrived at the accident site. The place where the patrolman was bitten was not far from the mouth of the river in front of Shanhaiguan. Only then did I know why the bitten soldier’s leg was bitten. I saw the crabs there, waving tongs one by one, demonstrating towards the soldiers who were preparing to approach the beach. Each of these crabs was the size of a washbasin. Some of them were all the size of a grinding plate. Li Yuanhong estimated that the soldier who was bitten must have been bitten by a crab the size of a basin. If he encountered a crab the size of a grinding plate, at least one leg would definitely not be able to hold.
Looking at the number of crabs on the shore, there are tens of thousands of them densely packed, occupying the mouth of the river to the sea. Looking at this posture, this is to book the entire beach.
Li Yuanhong was also taken aback when he saw the formation of these crabs. These crabs gave him the feeling that they were not going to attack the land, but rather they were trying to defend their territory. In order to find out the end of the matter, Li Yuanhong ordered the airship to fall behind the patrolling soldiers, and Li Yuanhong was going to ask these soldiers for detailed information.
"How did you patrol here?" Li Yuanhong got off the airship and called the captain of the patrol over for questioning.
"The report commander, we were instructed by our division commander to go to the mouth of the river to investigate the flow of the crystal nuclei that were washed into the river." The patrol leader replied directly without concealing it.
Then why did you conflict with these crabs?
"In the beginning, we only searched in the river. Later, we found that most of the crystal nuclei in the river were washed up to the sea entrance, and some were washed into the sea, so our teacher sent us here to salvage. Who knows, these crabs did not know where they came from during the salvage process, and suddenly attacked us." The captain said aggrieved.
"You were attacked in the process of salvaging the crystal core?" Li Yuanhong asked.
"Yes, we were not attacked by these crabs before we fished the crystal nuclei, but when we fished a net of crystal nuclei, these crabs began to attack us frantically. If it weren't for my order to retreat quickly, I guess we This person is surrounded by these crabs."
"Oh? You can't beat these crabs?" Li Yuanhong looked at the captain curiously. Not only was the captain holding a knife in his hand, but also carrying a magic gun behind his back.
"Commander Li, don't you know that these crabs have very hard shells. I have a level six soldier who used a knife to chop that crab. As a result, the knife was blocked by the pliers. The pliers were undamaged. The soldier’s knife was knocked off by a gap, and the crab took the opportunity to give my soldier a pair of pliers, and directly removed a piece of meat from his thigh. I saw something wrong, and use this magic gun , Fired a shot at the crab, but the shot hit the crab's shell, leaving a deeper pit in the crab's shell, and didn't penetrate the shell at all."
"Oh, is this crab shell so tough?" Li Yuanhong became interested in these crabs.
"Isn’t it? I saw that I couldn’t penetrate those crab shells, so I quickly let the troops retreat. During the retreat, I attacked the crab that attacked us again. As a result, I fired five shots in a row and the crab was still active. , There is no appearance of damage at all."
"Well, you take your soldiers to evacuate here first, and delimit this area as a restricted area. Don't let any soldiers approach in the near future, in case another soldier has an accident." Li Yuanhong told the captain.
"Yes!" The captain took the order.
Li Yuanhong decided to try the force and defense of these crabs himself, so Li Yuanhong drew out the blade of time and walked quickly to the beach. Just two steps away, he was stopped by his guard: "Commander in chief, it’s too dangerous. , You can't go!"
Li Yuanhong was very helpless. Since the last time Li Yuanhong had an accident, the guard was forced to guard Li Yuanhong 24 hours a day, not allowing Li Yuanhong to leave his sight. Last time Li Yuanhong ran into the fat airship and was able to go alone without taking him. Hunting the zombie leader, otherwise he is there, Li Yuanhong's hunting action will not be possible at all.
Some people would suspect that where this little soldier has such great power, they don’t look at who sent this little soldier. This little soldier is Li Yuanhong’s father-in-law, Li Luoxia’s father, and the thief Li Yuanhong encountered in Daqing City. This is his apprentice, known as the number one guard in the world. This kid has awakened an ability, the danger prediction in the dark system. This ability is somewhat similar to the ability to predict the future in the space-time system, but the ability to predict the future is too It is too BUG, ​​and it is recorded in the magic book that this ability can only be awakened by people with legendary level or above, so few people of time and space can learn this ability, but the danger prediction in the dark system and the luck in the light system Perceiving these two abilities, many people with a little aptitude will wake up to learn.
Because of the guard's special status, Li Yuanhong often had to be at his mercy. He couldn't help but was stopped by the guard today. Li Yuanhong said helplessly, "Why, do you have a premonition of danger?"
"Yes, and the risk factor is high."
"You don't think that those big crabs there can hurt me?"
"No, the danger does not come from those stupid crabs, but among these crabs, there is a danger that I can't predict."
"What? The danger you can't predict?" Now Li Yuanhong had to pay attention to it. Li Yuanhong admired the guard very much. The reason why the guard let Li Yuanhong run away by himself last time, he said afterwards that he had not met that day. He was in danger, so he didn't pay too much attention to it. Li Yuanhong stole away that one momentarily.
However, Li Yuanhong thought about it afterwards. This guard was also right. The giant zombie leader, although he was stronger than himself, was actually not dangerous after being bombarded. If he didn't kill himself, he ran with him in a gliding suit. In battle, there is almost no such thing as being abused by zombies. And later when he was in danger, he was still shocked, but he seized the opportunity and killed the giant zombie.
Li Yuanhong is a bit entangled in this. If you want to understand these crabs, you must go up and fight the crabs. But this guard can't stop. It's better not to do things like death.
"Then do you feel that this group of crabs is less dangerous in that direction?"
"It's all the same, there are strong dangers lurking." The guard said uncompromisingly.
Just as Li Yuanhong was embarrassed, Fatty Lu's voice sounded behind him.
"Brother Li, why are you standing here? You have to eat crabs with your hands!"
Fatty Lu was going to return to Spring City today, so Li Yuanhong did not ride Fatty Lu's airship.
"Fatty, why are you here?" Li Yuanhong asked back.

"It's not that I heard that someone was bullied by crabs. As a chef, how can I not avenge them. So I came back to see, I didn't expect Brother Li to be here to catch crabs too!"
"Fat Lu, do you have a good way to catch these crabs?"
"It's simple. These crabs like to eat carrion. Let's get some heavy-tasting sea fish and place them not far from the shore to attract them." Fatty Lu said.
"Good idea, it deserves to be a chef." Li Yuanhong agreed.
Soon the traps for the crabs were set up. Li Yuanhong and Fatty Lu both hid. The crabs are also very good. If someone is nearby, they will not easily get the bait.
After waiting for a long time, I saw a crab only the size of a plate crawling over quietly, carefully holding the fish that was placed in the trap. Li Yuanhong stabbed Fatty Lu and asked in a low voice: "I said Fatty, will your strategy fail? Why did you have such a small one?"
"It shouldn't be, this may be a scout for crabs!" Fatty Lu said without confidence.
"Well, let's wait a while." Li Yuanhong has no choice but to wait and see.
Sure enough, after waiting for a while, I saw the little crab crawling back to the crab group. After a while, a dozen crabs emerged from the crab group. These crabs are not ordinary crabs. The smallest crabs are big. The size of a washbasin, and even a crab the size of a grinding plate.
Seeing this, Li Yuanhong was a little worried. The crabs who will come here seem to be a bit too strong: "Fatty, how do you kill crabs?"
"I always steamed directly alive, never killed!" Fatty said.
"Huh? You haven't killed a crab?" Li Yuanhong was also taken aback. The chef had never killed a crab. This was the first time I heard.
"Why don't we get some wine for the crabs to drink, and then it will be drunk crabs, it tastes better than fresh crabs." Fatty had a bad idea.
When Li Yuanhong heard it, his face was black. This idea is at the same level as the mouse trying to hang a bell for the cat. At this time, he went up to give the crab wine.
No way, Li Yuanhong can only use the real eye to see more crabs.
"Fourteenth level swimming crab
Skills: Clamping, water bomb
Attack power: 28
Health: 400 Mana: 100
Defense: 36 Spirit: 10
Constitution: 15 Strength: 24
Speed: 18 Wisdom: 1
It evolved from the ordinary swimming crab. The huge pair of tongs is its natural weapon. In addition, it has a thick carapace to protect it. Generally, few animals make it its opponent. In addition, the swimming crab has general crab skills. Eight legs can be broken to regenerate and evolve. Later, the regeneration ability is strengthened, and after breaking the leg, it can be restored within ten minutes.
Weaknesses: eyes, leg joints and abdomen are afraid of fire. If you tip over on land, it will be difficult to turn over.
Li Yuanhong read the introduction of the crabs, which had not been the biggest, and had an idea in his heart, so he discussed with Fatty Lu and prepared to start with these crabs.
A few crabs were eating the fish carcasses, and suddenly they saw a human being rushing out from their front, holding a black knife, and flaunting them. These crabs just beat a group of people in the morning. On the other side, this human being who didn't seem to be very strong, didn't put it in the eye, so a few crabs that didn't grab the fish, crawled towards this human sideways.
Seeing the crab coming, the human yelled and rushed to the side of a crab. The crab's four legs were directed at the human. The large tongs were inconvenient for the human, so he planned to turn around and face the enemy. Just when the crab was about to turn its head, the human suddenly raised the knife and severely chopped it on the crab's leg joints. He only heard a "click", and the hamstrings at the joints were severed by the knife.
The crab was cut off by one leg and didn’t take it for granted. Instead, the other three legs swung quickly and wanted to turn around quickly. However, this human also followed the crab to turn around and continued to attack the other three legs. Minutes, the other three legs were also severely severed. The crab could no longer support his figure. It fell down suddenly and sank on the sandy ground. There was no choice but to wave the tongs weakly.
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