: Section 159 Clearance by one person

The zombies came to Li Yuanhong and surrounded him as soon as he saw him. At that time, even if Li Yuanhong was more powerful, he would be attacked on his stomach and back. The so-called double-fist was hard to beat the enemy. Then Li Yuanhong was injured when the lighter was injured, and the more severely killed directly.
Li Yuanhong suddenly accelerated and ran towards the end of the village. This made the few people on the hill very anxious: "Captain, how could this guy run to the back of the village? There is a dead end there. Except for a piece of cultivated land, there are steep mountains and no way at all. Isn't he seeking his own dead end? "A soldier said anxiously.
"Does he have climbing skills and can climb unarmed, right?" another soldier guessed.
"Watch well, don't mumble!" Captain Sun showed a worried look in his eyes, but didn't say anything.
At this time, Li Yuanhong was very close to the zombies coming from the tail of the village. There were seven or eight zombies in this group. If Li Yuanhong stopped to fight with them, he would surely let the zombies behind catch up, and Li Yuanhong would be completely surrounded.
And Li Yuanhong slammed his feet on the ground, and then his whole body jumped up to a height higher than the zombies. Then Li Yuanhong dived in the air and jumped forward four or five meters away. When he fell in the air, he waved the knife in his hand. Finally, the head of the zombie that blocked him was directly chopped off.
Li Yuanhong's body fell. At this moment, he was head down. He saw Li Yuanhong propping on the ground with one hand. He kicked the dead corpse with his back foot and kicked it into the group of corpses. Those zombies who turned their heads, and that The zombies smashed into each other and suddenly became chaotic. With this kicking force, Li Yuanhong quickly turned forward, leaped three meters away, stood up and accelerated forward, leaving the group of zombies far behind.
Just as Li Yuanhong was out of trouble, suddenly two shadow zombies rushed out of the diagonal alley. These two zombies had not been found before. After the two zombies rushed out, they quickly outflanked Li Yuanhong. Li Yuanhong's previous running speed was similar to that of ordinary zombies, but when these two zombies appeared, Li Yuanhong suddenly accelerated again. At the moment when the two shadows were about to surround him, he rushed out from the gap between the two zombies.
Seeing Li Yuanhong rushing out of the encirclement, the people on the hills breathed a sigh of relief. Everyone thought that Li Yuanhong would run back around the village. The Li Yuanhong went out of the end of the village and did not turn around, but rushed straight towards the river behind the village. . When Li Yuanhong rushed to the bridge, Li Yuanhong stopped abruptly, turned around abruptly, swung the knife in his hand backwards, and the two shadow zombies following Li Yuanhong had not reacted yet, and the heads of the two zombies flew into the air. From the sides of Li Yuanhong's body, the corpse without the head rushed forward until it rushed out of the bridge and fell to the ground.
Li Yuanhong cut off these two shadows and did not turn back to continue running. Instead, he stepped back a few steps and retreated to the middle of the stone bridge. This bridge is an ordinary folk stone bridge with a length of only five or six meters and a width enough. Two people walking in a car, standing side by side, almost took up more than half of the bridge, so Li Yuanhong wanted to use this bridge to stop the zombies.
After a minute, the group of corpses at the back caught up, and when they reached the bridge, the group of corpses could only line up to rush towards Li Yuanhong, and they would definitely fall into the river. It would not be so easy to climb up again.
Then faced with two or three zombies, these ordinary zombies simply brought food to Li Yuanhong. Li Yuanhong, who possessed intermediate sword skills, easily turned the zombies coming in line into headless corpses.
Time passed quickly. Five minutes later, thirty zombies were lying on the bridge. The zombies affected Li Yuanhong's actions and forced Li Yuanhong to retreat to the bridge to make room to continue killing the corpses. At this time, there are not many zombies left, there are more than forty. If this rhythm is followed, these ordinary zombies will be completely slaughtered by Li Yuanhong.
At this time, a roar of zombies suddenly came from the village. Then, the brick wall of a blue brick house was slammed open, and then a tall figure appeared in the dust. When the dust dissipated, he was lying The few people on the hillside were shocked and speechless. It turned out to be a 14th-level giant zombie. But soon, a few people were a little confused. This giant zombie is the commander in charge of the team. Where there are giant zombies, there are tens of thousands of zombies. Why are there only so few in this small village?
With the appearance of giant zombies, the blue brick walls of several houses were knocked open. It was the guard of giant zombies, fat zombies. After these zombies appeared, they began to run towards the stone bridge behind the village. As these zombies approached, those zombies who were still preparing to attack the stone bridge stepped back and gave way to the stone bridge.
Li Yuanhong looked at the dozens of tall figures running towards Shiqiao, with a smile on his face, and muttered: "The Lord is finally on the stage!"
Then Li Yuanhong wiped the Blade of Time on a corpse of a zombie, wiped off the blood on the knife, put the knife on his back, and then pulled out the sand eagle on his waist, silently waiting for the arrival of the giant zombie.
Perhaps the giant zombies did not walk very fast. The road from the center of the village to the stone bridge was only five or six minutes faster. The giant zombies walked for ten minutes. For these ten minutes, the people on the hill Three people, it feels like a year later, a few people have been sweating for Li Yuanhong. Although there are only a dozen zombies behind, the combat power of these dozen zombies can absolutely easily destroy a small one. The gathering place is the gathering place where Master Wuxiong is. When encountering these dozen zombies, all the artillery must attack with full force to stop them from attacking, but they may not be able to kill them. If these dozens The zombies didn't go towards the end of the village, these people had already run away.
Just when the giant zombies were less than 20 meters away from the bridge head, the giant zombies finally stopped showing up and began to rush towards Li Yuanhong at an accelerated rate. In the eyes of the giant zombies, the weak human on the bridge couldn't resist a collision. However, when the giant zombies ran less than five meters away from the bridgehead, Li Yuanhong's gun sounded, with three shots, and three bullets lined up in a row and quickly flew towards the giant zombies.
The giant zombies did not have time to react. Three bullets broke through the magical protection of the giant zombies. The last bullet shot into the head of the giant zombies. Then the tall figure rushed to the bridge head inertially, and then fell to the front of the zombies. On the corpse.
But Li Yuanhong's gun did not stop at this time, bullets kept shooting at the fat zombies behind, and these fat zombies were also shot dead by bullets without resistance. When Li Yuanhong shot out seven bullets from one of the magazines, he saw Li Yuanhong. With a handle, the pistol magazine fell off the gun. Then Li Yuanhong inserted the pistol into his waist, and the magazine inserted in the waist was closed. , The time before and after did not exceed three seconds, and then the gunfire sounded again.
When the bullet was shot out again, Li Yuanhong quickly changed the magazine. This time he replaced the magazine with his vacated left hand. The time before and after it did not exceed three seconds. This sand eagle has almost been fired since the first bullet. Never stopped. The sound of "boom" in the hall, and the "dangdang" sound of the shell casing falling to form a metal symphony. With the sound of the symphony, the zombies fell one after another. These zombies were almost a bullet hole in the forehead.
When Li Yuanhong finished shooting five magazines, the Metal Storm Symphony finally stopped. At this time, the number of zombies left at the bridge was less than fifty. Li Yuanhong inserted the pistol back into his waist again. Actually, Li Yuanhong still had it installed in the space. Li Yuanhong did not want to expose too many secrets. The remaining zombies were ordinary zombies below level 10. These zombies could not pose a threat to Li Yuanhong except for the number.
So Li Yuanhong pulled out the blade of time again and rushed towards the group of corpses, so close hand-to-hand combat took place on the bridge again. Half an hour later, all the zombies fell. The two sides of the bridge were piled with corpses of zombies. After cutting the last zombie, Li Yuanhong took a breath and began to squat down to find the shells in the pile of corpses. Li Yuanhong set the rules of exchanging shells for bullets. No exception.
While Li Yuanhong was concentrating on finding the cartridge case, several soldiers on the hill had already come down the mountain. This battle had made several people completely stupid. Several people were wondering if these zombies were extravaganza actors invited by Li Yuanhong. They cooperated. If you say that you chop the head, you chop the head, and the shooting, as long as the gun is shot, it will fall to the ground, so a few people came down to confirm whether the zombie was real.
When Li Yuanhong returned to the barracks, everyone looked at these people with great admiration. The zombies in Erdaohezi had already known about it, but no one dared to provoke them. Many zombies have been removed, and the entire military camp regards these people as gods.

After Li Yuanhong returned to Wu Xiong's office, Wu Xiong came up with enthusiasm: "Hey, I didn't expect Brother Jia to be so ferocious, and more than a hundred zombies were destroyed like this."
"Small, in fact, if your troops can be equipped with my equipment, you can send four people to destroy this corpse group." Li Yuanhong said.
"What you said is true?" Master Martial Artist asked in surprise.
"Of course it is true, more real than real gold!" Li Yuanhong said with a smile.
"Then what conditions can get your equipment?" Wu Xiong and Li Yuanhong sat down and began to bargain.
"The conditions are very simple, just join us." Li Yuanhong said.
"Except for this condition?" Wu Xiong asked.
"If you don't join, you can only exchange for our cold weapons, weapons like the pistol I use cannot be given." Li Yuanhong said.
"Can't accommodate it?" Wu Xiong asked with last hope.
"What's wrong with joining us?" Li Yuanhong asked back.
"Join you, I'm afraid the soldiers below will not approve it." I bearded.
"Why don't you agree, our backstage is only bigger than you, not younger than you." Li Yuanhong said lightly.
"Your backstage?"
"Do you know the number two chief?"
"Head 2? Do you know Chief 2?" Wu Xiong asked in surprise.
"I use this gun, which was invented by the scientist who was taken away by the second chief, and many of the weapons we used were invented by the second chief scientist. Now the second chief is sitting in Spring City!
"The second chief is in Spring City, are you lying to me? I know that the second chief went to Hainan Island!" Wu Xiong cast a suspicious look.
"What you are talking about is the old almanac. Hainan Island is a small land. What's so good about it? There are factories and no factories, no fields and no fields, how the army develops, now the entire Northeast has been liberated, and of course the chief will not lie down. In Hainan Island."
Wu Xiong bowed his head for a moment, and then asked, "Can I contact the chief?"
"Of course, I will give you the chief contact channel. You can talk directly with the chief at any time." Li Yuanhong said relaxedly.
"Okay, after I contact the chief, I will determine the issue of ownership." Wu Xiong said.
"No problem, but before that, you have to pay attention to one thing." Li Yuanhong became serious.
"what's up?"
"Your base may be attacked by zombies!" Li Yuanhong paused.
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