: Section 187: The Western Expedition (12)

Li Yuanhong said to let the zombies bury themselves, everyone didn't understand what Li Yuanhong meant, so everyone looked at Li Yuanhong in a daze.
"This time we went down the well and found that the air in the well was very turbid. At this time, the gas concentration in the cave was too high due to the long time that the downhole has not looked at the exhaust and ventilation, and the underground miners used earth magic, so They usually can’t cause sparks to detonate the gas in the pit. So, I think we might as well detonate him and bury the zombies completely underneath. Of course, we can’t be the fuse to ignite the detonation, we have to let the zombies Do something yourself." Li Yuanhong said.
"Oh, Brother Li, I understood the first half, but I didn't understand the last sentence!" Fatty Lu said again.
"If we people come to order, we need our people to control the remote control, but the remote control should not be too far from the fire point, otherwise it will not work, so if someone comes to order, this person will definitely not be able to get out of the mine." Li Yuanhong said.
Li Yuanhong glanced at everyone present, and everyone looked very serious. Obviously Li Yuanhong's words stung everyone present.
"So, we must design a trap for the zombies to activate the ignition device, so I said that the zombies bury themselves." Li Yuanhong explained.
"Brother Li spends more intestines!" Fatty Lu praised with a thumbs up. After listening to Fatty Lu’s praise, Li Yuanhong felt that this is not a taste, what does it mean to have a lot of intestines?
"Fatty, how come Commander Li has a swanky bowel, that's why Commander Li has a lot of twists and turns!" Xing Ling corrected. Li Yuanhong's expression turned dark when he heard these words. These words of Xing Ling are not much better than Fat Lu's appreciation.
However, Li Yuanhong didn't pay much attention to these two sentences, but directly set out the task.
In fact, the plan is very simple. First, send someone to block all the vents of the mine, which will quickly increase the gas concentration in the mine, and then send someone to set up a dead-moving device in the mine, and the zombies should step into the trap. Will trigger the ignition device.
The early stage of the plan went well. Many mines were bombed by gas, and the zombies in the mines were buried in the ground along with the collapsed earth and rocks.
But in the later stage, many mines went underground, and the mines extended into the city. Once the mines were bombed, the city above the mines would also collapse, which made it difficult for everyone to do.
"Commander-in-chief, these mines can't be exploded! Once exploded, the entire city is gone!" Xing Ling said to Li Yuanhong at another combat meeting.
Li Yuanhong did not speak. He looked at the map. The mines that could not be exploded included the mine he had visited last time. At this point in time, he had seen that the mines that were bombed would cause geological collapse, leaving ravines on the surface. . If you don't use the method of gas explosion and go underground like last time, your team's casualties will rise sharply, a dilemma.
At this moment, Fatty Lu said: "Brother Li, can we flood them?"
"No, flooded mines can indeed drown zombies, but after flooding, the stratum soil becomes loose, which will also cause the ground to collapse." Li Yuanhong rejected this suggestion.
For a while, the entire venue fell into silence.
At this moment, a guard suddenly came in and reported: "Report to the commander-in-chief. There is a unit that claims to be the Northeast Rescue Army and wants to see you outside the camp."
Upon hearing this, Li Yuanhong knew that it was Wang Jingrong's army, and quickly said, "Okay, I get it!"
Then Li Yuanhong stood up: "Everyone, let me see the friendly troops from Mongolia!" Then he took the lead and walked out of the meeting room.
When the crowd came outside the gate, they saw that this team was small, with less than 1,000 cavalry, but the team was very large, and there were many animals in the team, such as griffons, weasels, bulls, and even more. Many camels.
Everyone was stunned, where is the team, they have all caught up with the zoo.
At this time, the leader of the team ran over: "Report to the commander-in-chief, Song Haichuan will report to you!"
Li Yuanhong looked at it, isn’t this the skinny monkey? When I tried to save him, he had a thin body, I'm afraid a strong wind would blow him away. I haven't seen him for more than a year, he has become stronger and he has grown taller. a lot of. Moreover, the Lean Monkey is now the head of the team. It seems that he has grown a lot this year. When you first saw him, he was a lot more stable.
"Ok, thin...Oh, Song Haichuan, how is your army commander Jing Rong's situation?" Li Yuanhong almost called out the thin monkey again.
"Report commander-in-chief, our side is progressing smoothly. The commander is afraid that your side will be short of manpower, so he sent me to support." Song Haichuan said.
"Okay, let's talk inside." So everyone entered the camp, and the whole camp looked curiously at this strange unit.
Everyone entered the meeting room. After they took their seats, Li Yuanhong asked, "Haichuan, why are there so many animals in your team?"

When everyone heard it, they looked at Song Haichuan curiously.
"Report Commander-in-Chief, Mongolia is a nomadic area, and there are many mutated animal groups. We conquered these animals to fight for us, such as the bulls. Commander-in-chief, do you know who their leader is?"
"Oh? Who is the leader of these bulls?" Li Yuanhong's curiosity was seduced.
"Their leader is the head of the herd of cattle that appeared in our village in the end of the world." Song Haichuan said.
When Li Yuanhong heard this, he immediately remembered the situation where a group of mutant cows ran across the corpse group outside Song Fengyu's village. He didn't expect that this group of cows would be conquered by Wang Jingrong.
"Their heads are very powerful, we named him Niu Demon King!" Song Haichuan grinned.
"Haha, good name, what's the combat effectiveness of this group of animals?" Li Yuanhong asked.
"There is absolutely nothing to say about the fighting power. That cattle herd, assaulting the corpse herd, can definitely break any corpse group to pieces. At this time, we will send cavalry to rush and kill, and there will be griffin troops in the air to cover, any zombie group will be wiped out."
"Then what happened to the camel and the weasel?" Li Yuanhong always felt familiar when he saw the weasel just now.
"Commander, why have you forgotten that you brought this group of weasels back to the base? There are many rats in Mongolia. These weasels are their nemesis. With them, we will be less harassed by many rats. Those camels, but there A tool for finding water in arid areas, even if it is tens of kilometers, as long as there is a water source, they can easily find it."
"Okay, um, great!" After hearing Song Haichuan's words, Li Yuanhong suddenly thought of a way to deal with underground zombies. He could completely drive the rats and swallow the corpses, and then have another unloading mill to kill the rats.
Three days later, the underground mines of Datong City were as dark and silent as ever. Although there were occasional roars of zombies, most of the time it was a dead silence.
Suddenly, the group of corpses was irritated, and they turned their heads and looked in the direction of the hole, where there was a heavy smell of living creatures. Being stimulated, the group of corpses began to move towards the entrance of the cave, and soon they heard a "squeak" sound. This cry was in the ears of the zombies, like the sound of heaven. The desire for flesh and blood stimulated the zombies' madness, so these zombies held their pickaxes and began to attack the rats that appeared in the cave.
The rats naturally did not dare to show their weakness. They were approached by a group of mutant weasels and finally found peace. There are some ugly zombies to disturb their cleanliness. This is a serious majesty to the king of the underground kingdom, the Rat King. Damage, so the rat king in the rat group gave an order, and the rat group began to rush to the zombie group.
As a result, the battle for control broke out in the underground world. The deadly mine cave immediately turned into a battlefield of flesh and blood. The roar and the rat's squeak were intertwined, and the biting and chewing sound mixed in the entire cave. The mine soon Crimson stained with flesh and blood, blood filled the entire mine.
The battle lasted for a few days. The hundreds of thousands of zombies in several mines and nearly a million mice that entered the mines fought both defeats, but the mice took the advantage in numbers and finally occupied several mines. After the war, the mice began to enjoy the spoils, and the zombies in the pit and the corpses of their companions became their meals.
However, the good times did not last long. It didn’t take long for the Rat King to sit on the throne of the King of the Caverns. It felt the death threat of the natural enemy. It was the smell of the weasel. When he was forced to be helpless, the Rat King chose to escape. Nothing is as important as their own lives, so the group of rats rushed out of the ground along the road where Li Yuanhong left the cave, and entered the ground. This is the old nest of zombies, so the giant zombies began to send groups of zombies to protect themselves. Fighting with these rats, the same flesh and blood battlefield unfolded in the inner city of Datong City.
This time the mouse group is not as cheap as it is in the hole. After all, the mouse is small and can drill everywhere. The zombies in the hole can be said to be attacked by rats on the ground, and they can only attack the mouse group head-on, and the rats in the hole The number is absolutely dominant, but the number of corpses on the ground is more than two million.
An unequal battle broke out between the rat group and the zombies. Although the rat king kept roaring to encourage his subjects to bite hard, the number of rats was rapidly declining, watching the millions of rat groups disappear quickly.
As the Rat King was surrounded by a group of zombies, several spaceships flew in the sky. These spaceships flew over the city and began to fire. The shells exploded in the group of zombies, and the attack of the bombed zombies immediately slowed down.
Seeing that he had a chance to fight back, the rat king gave an order, and the rat group began to fight back with all his strength. After a while, the zombies attacking in front were killed by the rat, and the rat king led the rat army and rushed towards the giant zombies. .
Of course, giant zombies will not let the Rat King run rampant in their own territory, so various zombies appeared on the front line, and the zombies in the corpse group also began to sacrifice magic, various magic exploded in the corpse group, and the mouse did not show weakness. , Don’t look at mice, they know a lot of magic, especially all kinds of virus magic, especially the plague, it is a killer for other creatures, but mice forget that zombies are dead creatures and are not afraid of viruses.
Under the full encirclement and suppression of the zombies, the army of rats was finally destroyed in front of the giant zombies, but the zombies also paid a heavy price, because the rats were not only fighting themselves, but human artillery and bullets have never stopped. Many times, The giant zombies even suspected that this group of mice was controlled by humans.
The entire army of zombies was annihilated. Before the zombies could catch their breath, rumbling machine motors sounded around the city. Then the figures of human soldiers appeared all around. The zombies who had just killed the rats were immediately attacked by humans. The violent artillery attack soon caused the zombies to be surrounded by human artillery fire.
It was just a face-to-face, and the group of corpses lost tens of thousands. At this time, the number of zombies had dropped to one million, nearly half of the battle damage, and the remaining one million zombies, and many of them were missing arms that were bitten by rats. The combat effectiveness of the broken leg had been greatly reduced, and the giant zombie felt that he was deceived.
The battle was not fierce, and the entire group of corpses was suspected of being slaughtered by humans, because at this time, almost only ordinary zombies remained in the group. Those supernatural zombies and mutant zombies were almost all attacked by humans in the battle against the rat group. Killed all.
Feeling that the deceived giant zombies decided to break through, he didn’t want to be killed by humans here. He just showed his head and was targeted by a few magic sniper rifles. Soon after the gunshots, the tall figure of the giant zombies , It fell down.
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