: Section 58 The Army in the Evacuation (3)

The zombies heard the sound of the vehicle driving, they raised their lifeless eyes, the big mouth that will exude the virus, and the hands that have become deadly toward the convoy. The initial movement of the zombies was slow, but the shaking figure step by step caused Xue Hong's heart to beat violently, which might bounce at any time. Xue Hong brought the military walkie-talkie to his mouth, but there was no sound. The driver next to him was also staring at the zombies nervously, holding the steering wheel tightly with his hands, sweat was leaking from his palms, and his arms were wet. The entire sleeve.
Xue Hong knew that now is not the time to hesitate, so his arduous voice rushed out of his throat with difficulty: "Attention all, shoot at the zombies!"
The command was issued, but no shooting sound was heard for a long time. Xue Hong was angry. This was a life-killing, not a drill. Xue Hong sweared in the intercom: "A bunch of bear eggs!" Then he got out of the cab and climbed up. On the roof, there is a machine gun. Xue Hong kicked the gunner on the boot, and cursed: "Do you want to kill everyone!" Then he personally aimed the machine gun at the head of the zombie group, and hugged the machine gun to the end.
The machine gun sound of "dongdongdong" sounded. As the tongue of fire erupted, the zombies fell one after another, but due to tension, many zombies did not hit the head. Those zombies that were only hit and were not deadly got up again. , Making the lifeless pale face add horror, making people even more terrifying, but Xue Hong, who fired the shot, no longer pays attention to this. What he has to do now is to leave here quickly, because when he shot the shot , Zombies appeared on both sides of the street, they were surrounded by zombies!
"Damn it, shoot me quickly. Wu Yan, you bastard, why don't you organize shooting from behind, do you want to die here! Take the squad as a unit and shoot freely. The platoon leader will give me the bastard. Throw it down, we don’t have bears here!" Xue Hong shouted at the walkie-talkie, and put the machine gun back into the machine gunner’s hand, then took out the pistol, pointed at the machine gunner, and said bitterly: gun!"
The machine gunner returned to his soul at this time, took the machine gun, aimed at the zombies, and started shooting shiveringly. Xue Hong kicked the machine gunner fiercely: "What shivering, the bullets have been shot to the sky for me, you Is it the old lady!"
Perhaps stimulated, the machine gunner finally shot the bullet at the zombie. At the same time, his eyes were violently opened and his mouth was shouting, as if he was shouting at the violently beating heart.
"It's all she aiming at my head, we don't have too many bullets to waste these soft guys, do you usually shoot at the girls taught!" Xue Hong seemed to shout out all the swear words for a year in the past few minutes. .
As the gunfire continued to sound, the sound of the gun slowly stabilized, but more and more zombies were attracted by the gunfire. Xue Hong stood on the roof of the car, observing the situation surrounding the zombies, and at the same time looking for a way to escape. When you see the right side of the intersection, the car collided and created a vacuum. It may be that the car in front rushed forward due to the car crashing too hard, but the car stopped suddenly, so that the two cars left half a parking space. Neutral.
Xue Hong climbed back into the cab again, and saw that the driver was still nervous, so he slapped him on the back of the head: "You are a bear egg, don't froze, show Lao Tzu. Can you rush over?"
At this time, the driver finally returned to his soul, looked at the direction Xue Hong was pointing, and finally regained his confidence, so he nodded fiercely: "Company commander, wrap me around, no problem!"
"Okay, wait a while to listen to my order, give me a heavy accelerator pedal, and rush over."
"Guaranteed to complete the task!" the driver said excitedly.
"Pay attention to each car. After a while, follow the car ahead to break through. Don't let the zombies approach the car. Pay attention to the shooting rhythm!"
After giving the order to the walkie-talkie, he shouted to the driver, "Come on!"
The driver hurriedly started the car. While stepping on the accelerator, he stepped on the brakes, and then suddenly released the brakes. The car flew out like an arrow from the string. The few zombies in front of the car were hit and flew out, making a "crack" sound of bone cracking. But then the car overwhelmed the corpse of the zombie lying on the ground, and this sound continued to sound, mixed with the sound of "pupupupu" being crushed, which made the back chill.
As the car started again, the sound of shooting became thinner, and the zombies on both sides finally had a chance to attack again, but obviously, the initial zombies moved too slowly, and when they moved to the middle of the road, most of the cars had passed. , The last few cars were all soldiers' rides. After a few shots and killings just now, all the soldiers are now bloody. Before the zombies can touch the body, the bullets knocked them down, allowing the cars to pass smoothly.
The car in front accelerated and smashed into the gap in the intersection, rushing all the way, and finally rushed through the siege of the zombies. The body was left with blood, bumps and scratches. Fortunately, it was protected by the car and no soldiers were injured. But it was not all right. When they stopped shooting just now, a few people couldn't stand the pressure and ran out. As a result, the zombies were given food and the soldiers also saw the scene of zombies cannibalism.
When Xue Hong came to the division headquarters, he saw a large number of vehicles and soldiers gathered here. After getting off the car, Xue Hong and Wu Yan ran to the division headquarters, but they were stopped by the guards at the door: "There is a meeting inside. Only officers above the battalion can enter. You are on standby!"
Xue Hong could only stand by outside, so he discussed with Wu Yan: "Old Wu, you should go back to the company and sort out the troops. There was a shock just now. Many fighters have not recovered from their emotions. You also need to check the ammunition consumption. Otherwise, There is really something to do in a while, it is troublesome to have no ammunition."
"Well, you are here to pay close attention to the orders of your superiors. If you have anything, let the messenger inform me."
"it is good!"
Before long, many people walked out of the division. Xue Hong saw Captain Zhong Song at a glance. He immediately ran over and came to Captain Zhong. One stood at attention: "Report to Captain, Xue Hong is ordered to report!"
Zhong Song was thinking about something, when he heard Xue Hong's voice suddenly, he immediately came to his mind: "Okay, okay, okay, come here, how many soldiers do you have now?"
"The report leader, Xue Hong is incompetent, and nine brothers have been infected with the virus." At this point, Xue Hong's voice was a little low: "But I brought all the brothers!"

Zhong Song was taken aback: "You kid won't lie to people, right? Tell me that there is basically no loss in your organization?"
Xue Hong was also taken aback for a moment, and then asked in a low voice: "Head, why have I lost so many brothers, not many?"
"Well, the emergency meeting of the division just now, preliminary statistics show that the losses of the various units have reached almost one-third. One company was located near the commercial street. As a result, the virus-infected people were attacked at the first time. People! You are here, and there is an important task for you."
"What task?"
"Just now the division received an order to ask our division to walk north along the Fifth Ring Road to pick up a group of academicians from the North Fifth Ring Road. There is an internal defense force there, but their ammunition consumption and personnel losses are very large. I am afraid they will not last long. So we need to meet them before dark, and then move towards the east airport. Our regiment is a pioneer regiment, and other companies have a lot of damage. Only your troops maintain combat effectiveness, so I am going to let you clear the road ahead. Are there any difficulties?" Head Zhong stared at Xue Hong.
Xue Hong did not answer immediately, but first talked about the conditions with Captain Zhong: "Leader, the mission is okay, but, as you know, we are an ordinary company and there is no hard-handed guy. Can you apply for us? Equipment!" Xue Hong looked at Captain Zhong with a smirk.
"Your kid still knows to talk to me about the conditions, let's talk, what do you want!" At this time, the head of Zhong no longer had the solemnity in his eyes.
"Look, we are the vanguard and we need to be fast. We definitely can't fight the bayonet with those zombies, so you have to provide me with this ammunition!"
"Okay, give you a car of ammunition, it should be enough."
Xue Hongmei said with a smile: "Enough is enough!" As a result, the voice was still down, and the leader Zhong said again, making Xue Hong choke.
"But you can only use half of the car, and the other half of the car will be handed over to them after seeing the Central Defense Forces converge."
"Head, don't play like that."
"Don't talk nonsense, now the division reserves not a lot of ammunition. It is already a great advantage to be able to give you half a car, don't be unsatisfied!"
"Well, even the vehicles we use now are ordinary trucks. This vehicle is too poorly protected. Can you give me two armored vehicles? It would be better if there are tanks!"
"You kid, you want the lion to open mouth, there are no tanks, two armored vehicles for you, but don't break it for me!"
"Head, don't worry, I absolutely love these two armored vehicles like my father."
"Stop playing around, are there any conditions?"
"No, but there is a problem!"
"Your kid stabbed me again!"
"It's not Lou Zi, but when I was in the company, I took in a group of civilians. Look at me as the vanguard. You can't take them together!"
"You don't need to worry about this, and it will be handed over to the division logistics for a while. It happens that they are also short of people now! Are there any questions?"
"Report leader, no more!" Xue Hong stood at attention, putting away the hippie smile just now.
"Then set off for me as soon as possible. If you can't get to the destination before dark, be careful I take care of you!"
"Leader rest assured, promise to complete the task!" After saying that, Xue Hongjing gave a military salute, then turned around and ran to his company.
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