: Section 191 The Man in the Dark

When the caveman squadron came out of the inner cave, he found that his subordinates were very capable. Near the inner cave, half of the gold coins were evacuated. The cavemen in front were also working hard to carry the gold coins into the submarine. It seems that this trip can accompany one-third of it. Now there are more than eight hours before the guardian beast wakes up. If you hurry, you should still have a chance to carry it again.
When the caveman squadron leader was thinking about how to load as many gold coins as possible, he suddenly felt that there was movement behind him, so the caveman turned his head and looked at it. This look immediately scared the caveman squadron leader so that all the hairs on his body stood up. If it has hairs if. I saw that the white plesiosaur who was lying there just now had its neck raised, and his eyes were staring at them in anger.
"No, the monster is awake, everyone quickly evacuate!" The caveman squadron yelled, and the shout immediately caused confusion among all cavemen. Those cavemen who were pushing carts and shoveling gold coins immediately turned around and fled into the submarine. , And the caveman squadron leader used magic to speed up his escape, but the two short-legged cavemen who were following him were left far behind by the squadron leader.
The white monster that had just awakened discovered that the shiny treasures in his collection had been stolen by these dirty reptiles, and he was unaware of it. How could this sacred beast with noble dragon blood be not angry? , So he opened his mouth and issued a few lightning bolts from his mouth, and went straight to the two cavemen who were escaping. The two cavemen who ran at the end didn't even say a word, and they turned into coke and fell to the ground.
Dangjean, this white monster didn't give up, shook his body and wanted to stand up. Obviously, it was deceived by magic and had not fully recovered, so its movements were still very slow.
When it stood up, the caveman squad leader had already ran into the submarine, and he ordered the submarine to be shut down. At this time, a few slow cavemen had not entered the submarine, watching the closed dive The door of the boat, these cave people immediately cried out, hoping that the door would not be closed, but their shouts could not evoke the closed door of the boat. As the door of the submarine closed, the submarine also sank. In the lake, those few cave people's eyes were empty, looking hopelessly at the rippled lake.
At this moment, these cavemen heard the sound of heavy objects trampling on gold coins behind them, and saw the white monster swaying this body and walking towards them.
These cavemen are now full of despair. The huge body that is 20 meters high can not be shaken by these little men who are less than one and five meters, but under the trend of despair, these cavemen actually raised their hands. The shovel roared and rushed to the behemoth.
The white monster didn’t pay attention to these small charges at all. It raised one foot and stomped the team fiercely on the ground. As a result, there was a wave of seismic ripples on the ground. The cavemen overturned to the ground, and then a gust of wind blew on the ground. The cavemen had not yet reacted, and were directly blown into the lake by the gust of wind.
Looking at several cavemen struggling in the lake, the white monster did not respond. It was looking down at the loss of its collection. When it saw the missing piece of gold near the inner cave, he would especially see the inner cave. A few treasures with magical fluctuations were gone. This time it flew into a rage and roared. It jumped into the water. The cavemen who were still struggling in the water were directly affected by the huge body. Shot in the water, there is no trace again.
This white behemoth entered the water and quickly dived out of the hole. Although the monster has not been completely affected by the magic, it is a monster in the water after all. Swimming is just like a human running and drinking water. It is absolutely instinct and speed quickly.
After rushing out of the hole at the bottom of the lake, the white monster was not very clear in his mind. He just started chasing in the wrong direction. It found a small submarine running in one direction, so it chased it up, but the small submarine was very fast, and it would take a while. At this time, the sober water monster realized that he was wrong. This kind of small submarine is enough for one or two dirty reptiles to sit on. It cannot be a thief submarine who stole his own treasure. The white monster fired a bolt of lightning directly at the small submarine. The lightning quickly hit the submarine. The submarine paused and then continued to flee.
The white monster paused looking at the submarine, knowing that the lightning was working. As for why the submarine could continue to escape, this was not something he could figure out, and it didn’t want to figure it out now. It wanted to recover its own treasure now. The white monster turned to chase in the other direction.
Soon, less than 50 meters away from the surface of the water, he saw a submarine rushing to the surface. Seeing the size and style of the submarine, it was the submarine driven by the reptiles he wanted to chase, so it was white. The monster fired several lightning in succession and went straight to the submarine.
The lightning ball quickly hit the submarine, but the submarine had a magical defensive array. When the lightning ball was about to hit the submarine, magic ripples appeared on the entire surface of the submarine, and the lightning ball disappeared in these magic ripples.
Seeing this, the monster became even more angry. It opened its big mouth and made a roaring body sound from its mouth, and then it yelled at the submarine with its big mouth, following this sound It sounded, from the monster's mouth, a beam of thunder and lightning spurted straight away at the submarine.
When the submarine’s magic shield collided with this magic, it instantly tore the magic town apart. The powerful lightning beam directly hit the back of the submarine and opened a large hole to the submarine. It exploded and left a lot of gold coins and gold objects from it, apparently hitting a warehouse of the submarine.
The submarine was hit but did not prevent the submarine from escaping. At this time, the submarine had jumped out of the water and fleeing to the shore. At this time, the monster saw the gold coins in the submarine fall, which proved that the people in this submarine were the ones who stole their own treasures, so magical attacks attacked the submarine more intensively.
At this time, the submarine was less than 30 meters away from the shore, and it began to counterattack. The dragon's mouth gun was pushed out from the submarine's firing port, and then aimed at the white monster. The power was reduced a lot. When the shooting approached the white monster, the white monster sneezed a few times and shot out a few lightning rays, which cancelled out the powerful Longkou Cannon on the ground.
Finally the submarine fled back to the shore in embarrassment. At this time, there were many holes in the tail of the submarine. I don’t know how many gold coins leaked out. However, if the submarine could return, even if it was a victory, the squadron leader hugged the golden armor and jumped quickly. On the shore, ran to the cave, completely ignoring the life and death in the submarine.
At this time, the captain and the priest were waiting for the return of the submarine at the entrance of the cave. Suddenly they saw the submarine emerge in embarrassment, and something seemed to be constantly attacking the submarine. The captain and the priest felt bad, so they hurriedly ordered the team to meet the enemy, especially The Longkou Cannon must be transferred, because the priest said that it is difficult for the monster to injure it with ordinary attacks.
When the submarine crookedly landed, the hatch quickly opened, and the squadron leader ran down the submarine in a panic expression, and he was holding a golden armor. They wanted to come and this was the gold armor, so the two were ready to come forward to meet the squadron leader. At this moment, there was a wave of water waves behind the submarine, and a white monster suddenly emerged from the water, swimming quickly to the shore, and his mouth kept roaring with anger.
Seeing the monster appearing, the captain and the priest already knew that if they wanted to protect the treasure they had brought back, they had to fight with the monster and beat it away, so that they could unload the treasure to the cave without worry. in.
So the caveman's captain gave an order, and the cavemen began to line up and drew towards the lake, seemingly intending to face the monster. So the explosion of magic bullets came from the shore, the roar of monsters and the screams of the cavemen before they died, all kinds of sounds intertwined, and the tranquility of the entire Lake Baikal was completely destroyed.
The two sides were fighting very lively. Although the cavemen were blown away by the white monsters, the white monsters did not please. They were injured by the Longkou Cannon, bleeding out bright red blood, and staining the surrounding lake with blood red.
With the passage of time, the white monster finally couldn't stand it anymore, dived underwater and slipped away.
After the monster was evacuated, the cavemen suffered a slight loss. In the first battle, more than a dozen cavemen were killed, and nearly a hundred cavemen were injured. It can be described as heavy casualties. However, the cave leader didn't care about it. As long as it could get the golden armor, even if the loss was greater than this, it was willing.
While the cavemen were fighting against the white monster, on the other side of the lake, the small submarine that had been attacked by the monster landed. A person emerged from the submarine, and this person was Li Yuanhong. At this time, Li Yuanhong smiled on his face. This time he went to the caveman’s lair. It was quite rewarding. In the caveman’s room, Li Yuanhong used the magic of fetching objects from the air to exchange the resource ring. As for The resource ring once again seen by the cave leader is the fake resource ring created by Li Yuanhong for Du Sanniang and Zhizi.
As for why Li Yuanhong is here today, it is because Li Yuanhong entered the cave at the bottom of the lake with the cavemen, and Li Yuanhong entered the second layer of the cave before the cavemen. There are actually two golden armors inside, but Li Yuanhong has The real eye, one scan, you know which one is true. So Li Yuanhong took a short time to sweep away the real treasures in the second-story cave. What surprised Li Yuanhong most was that there was a large space-time stone here, which I thought was one of the Tunguska meteorites.
After sweeping the second-level cave, Li Yuanhong came out. The caveman just came over. Li Yuanhong hurriedly hid aside. When the caveman entered the inner cave, Li Yuanhong began to fill the space with gold coins. This is the caveman. The captain saw the reason why a large piece of Gold Coin Mountain was missing.
When the space was full, Li Yuanhong planned to return to the submarine, and then back to the ground with the submarine. At this time, he suddenly sounded a bad idea, that is to wake up the lake dragon, and the lake guarding the second floor cave is the lake. The middle dragon is a dragon species left over from ancient times, but this dragon species has impure blood. It is no longer a god-level creature, but a holy-level creature. As for what a level is and what a holy level is, Li Yuanhong doesn't quite understand, anyway, the level is better than the holy level.
As for waking up this dragon in the lake, Li Yuanhong still has many ways to do it. Dr. Han himself will use magic techniques. She has a lot of research on hypnosis. She has researched many potions for dehypnosis. In Li Yuanhong’s space, naturally Such a potion was indispensable, so the dragon in the lake woke up.
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