: Section 199 Captures Taiyuan City

Li Yuanhong walked to a gate with a sci-fi styling, then turned around and said to everyone: "This building is called the arena. It is a place where you can compete. As long as you have registered members here, you can participate in the competition. Each game can be based on the size and popularity of the audience, the winner can get a certain reward, of course, this function is a bit similar to the pre-apocalyptic e-sports, but the form of expression is a little different, if you are interested in the future, you can experience it yourself "Li Yuanhong introduced briefly.
"The next thing we are going to enter is the training room, where we can conduct simulation training on our tactics, or for certain monsters, so this is very similar to the real environment, so people who will enter in a while should not take it lightly. Ten people, everyone who can survive in this environment is qualified to be a member of the special forces." Li Yuanhong said.
"Ah, Commander Li, there are still dead people here?" Commander Xiao asked in surprise.
"Hehe, Commander Xiao rest assured, dying inside is equivalent to the end of the game in the game, not real death." Li Yuanhong said.
Hearing what Li Yuanhong said, the commanders were relieved that if all the team members he brought died here, the loss would be great enough.
"Well, everyone will be divided into groups, fifty people will go in for ten minutes each." Li Yuanhong said.
Soon the group was set up, and these soldiers entered the room in neat steps. When fifty people entered, the door of the room closed automatically.
Ten minutes later, the door opened again, and all the fifty people came out again, but these people seemed to have gone through a big battle. Everyone looked stern. Some people could feel murderous, and others. People are dejected, obviously these dejected people did not pass.
At this time, Li Yuanhong opened a report, then took a look, shook his head and said: "There are three people in your group who passed, and all the others are eliminated.
As soon as Li Yuanhong said, the officers were taken aback, and it was decided so quickly that only three people passed. This was too rash.
Commander Xiao just wanted to go up and ask, he saw Li Yuanhong wave his hand: "Commander Xiao doesn't need to say much, let you experience this training ground when you look back, and you will understand."
After speaking, Li Yuanhong turned around and said to the next group: "You go in!"
As groups of people entered, Li Yuanhong kept announcing the pass rate of each group. Until an hour later, the selection of the 300-person team ended. Only then did the team with less than 50 people be selected. Li Yuanhong saw only With such a small number of people, he shook his head helplessly. It seems that there are still too few people who meet his needs.
At the end of the election, in order to satisfy the interest of Commander Xiao and the officers, Li Yuanhong opened a D-level training ground for them. As a result, within five minutes after a few people arrived, ten senior officers were killed.
"This is too true. I was attacked by zombies before I was ready!" Commander Xiao said with an unwilling look.
"Hehe, the zombies on the battlefield will not ask if you are ready before attacking." Li Yuanhong said.
"Yes, but isn't that on the battlefield!" Commander Xiao was still a little unconvinced.
"Now in the end of the world, any place can become a battlefield, and entering the training ground is to improve your combat effectiveness. That is a kind of training. If you don't take it seriously, how can you improve your combat effectiveness. Besides, you entered It's the lowest difficulty battle mode, just this kind of difficulty..." Li Yuanhong didn't say anything below, but the meaning was obvious. This sentence made Commander Xiao's face a little bit red!
After the preliminary selection is over, the troops will bring people to test and screen. Many soldiers who have participated in the test are eager to try again, but Li Yuanhong did not give them another chance because time is not allowed, and the door to time and space is opened again. It's been a few days. Li Yuanhong wants to occupy Taiyuan City as soon as possible in the shortest time. Only in this way can he open the gate to the northwest.
Time flies quickly, ten days passed in a flash, and five days before the opening of the gate of time and space. Li Yuanhong felt that the soldiers trained in the past few days had some effect. Li Yuanhong decided to take down Taiyuan City in the last five days.
It was another morning. Taiyuan City was quiet for more than ten days, and more than a dozen airships greeted the sky again.
At this time, the fat man and the guard were standing beside Li Yuanhong. The fat man looked at the surveillance screen and asked Li Yuanhong: "Brother Li, what level have you played at the training ground in that arena?"
"Me, I've played the highest grade A." Li Yuanhong said lightly.
"A-level? Damn, I can't even last for two minutes at B-level. You've actually played A-level. Didn't you just go inside for a while?" the fat man asked.
"Cut, you think I'll be like you. Once I've been to a certain district, I'll say that I've played XX level. I've played all A level scenes before I've passed A level." Li Yuanhong said.

"Huh? Several scenes have passed?" The fat man asked in surprise.
"Well, it can't be considered as a complete experience. There is an underwater adventure scene, and it is impossible to die. The water pressure there is too high, and I was exhausted before fighting! I really don't know why there is an underwater world there? Could it be possible that there is an underwater civilization on our planet." Li Yuanhong rarely complained.
"Then Brother Li, how many scenes are there in that training ground?"
"There are twelve in total, including forests, deserts, villages, castles, cities, seabeds, glaciers, mountains, snow islands, tropical islands, caves and dark valleys." Li Yuanhong said.
"So many, it seems that I have only fought the city. I said the guard, how many scenes have you fought?" the fat man asked.
The guard quietly stretched out both hands, and then opened the fingers of both hands to show the number ten. After the gesture, the guard immediately put his hands away and stood beside Li Yuanhong with a sharp eye.
"I rely on, there are more than me, no, next time you must finish playing the deep forest scene and experience the fun of hunting!" Fatty said.
"You are anxious, I don't know who beats whom by then!" Li Yuanhong curled his lips and said.
The fat man still wanted to argue, when the soldier piloting the spaceship ran over: "Report to the commander in chief that we have flown over the target."
"Okay, let's take action!" As he said, Li Yuanhong put on his combat uniform. In this combat uniform, Li Yuanhong deliberately wore a soft armor made of the skin of the insect of death. The last time he was sprayed with strong acid venom The long tongue zombies were shocked, but fortunately they had reflection space magic. The Death Worm soft armor that I wore this time was specially designed for anti-virus and anti-electricity. If you encounter similar zombies this time, you have to kill it in minutes.
More than a dozen spaceships chose different buildings, and more than 20 soldiers descended from the airship. These soldiers were similar to Li Yuanhong: urban combat uniforms, lined with soft armor, holding rifles in their hands, and pistols on their waists. He carried a round shield and a short knife behind his back. On the armed belt around his waist, there are not only a magazine with pre-loaded bullets, but also six grenades.
After these people got down, they did not rush to attack, but began to set up fortifications on the roof, and built a simple bunker inside the fortifications. With the completion of the roof fortifications, many resource boxes were hung from the plane, and these soldiers again The resource box was moved into the fortification, and the fortification became a material warehouse.
When the soldiers were busy, suddenly the door leading to the roof was knocked open, and many zombies crowded and rushed to the roof. Those soldiers who were on alert immediately started shooting at the zombies that rushed up, and those soldiers who were carrying supplies also began to put down their boxes and began to shoot at the zombies.
The quality of these trained soldiers was obviously higher than that of the soldiers led by Li Yuanhong that day. Not only were they not in danger, but they also had accurate marksmanship. The zombies were all killed in almost a minute. Just when these soldiers breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly a gun fired on the airship. The sound of the gun made the soldiers on the roof startled. Now the zombies on the roof have been wiped out, and the people on it fired some guns for no reason. Huh?
When these soldiers were puzzled, the gunshots suddenly sounded again. Only this time, the soldiers discovered that the guns fired from above were aimed at the edge of the roof. At the same time as the second gunshot, many long-tongued zombies showed their heads. At the same time, the door leading to the safe passage on the roof rushed out many zombies again, and the soldiers fell into a dilemma of fighting on both sides.
The soldiers were in a hard fight when suddenly two black shadows jumped from the airship. These were self-propelled machine gun robots. When they landed, the roof trembled. As soon as the two robots landed, the machine guns on their arms began to emit magic bullets. Those long-tongued zombies that were already aggressive were overturned by the heavy machine guns. The machine gun hit downstairs. As for whether it was killed or injured by the fall, this is no longer what these soldiers are concerned about.
As the two machine gun robots landed, Li Yuanhong's entire roof battle was stabilized, and the freed soldiers began to throw grenade into the corridor, clearing a large number of zombies in the corridor, and the airship began to clean the outer walls of the building. The moving zombies, soon these long-tongued zombies could not stand on the outer wall, and they got into the building and hid.
The zombies attacked for the first time, and they were repulsed by the soldiers. At this time, the soldiers began to move the materials in an orderly manner. The airship flew away. At this time, the zombies attacked again. As a result, the machine gun robot was a wave of bullets. I thought there were zombies that could be taken advantage of, and many of them were left behind, and then they withdrew.
After attacking three times in a row, after the zombies dropped hundreds of corpses, they did not launch any further attacks without seeing any effect.
This kind of battle broke out in several buildings almost at the same time. Li Yuanhong knew that there were zombies in command of these zombies. Li Yuanhong still could not find the hidden giant zombie commander, but Li Yuanhong believed that this cunning zombie Sooner or later, the tail is exposed.
As the base on the roof became stable, the soldiers began to attack downstairs. Because of the presence of materials on the roof and two monster-level weapons guarding the house, the building was like a crocodile den without the protection of a female crocodile. Was destroyed by humans. Although you will encounter shadow zombies from time to time in the corridor, these fighters have already mastered the characteristics of these zombies in the training ground. Now they are very familiar with the road. These shadow zombies have not had time to use their skills, they are directly The human grenade was subdued, and the human soldier obediently shot through the head.
As for the kind of long-tongued centurion zombies, they are all small BOSS classes, and not everyone can encounter them. However, Li Yuanhong once taught these soldiers that such lying zombies are most afraid of fire, and a flame grenade is thrown over them. , The zombie's skin with high defensive power immediately was lit, and soon a prohibitive zombie was burned to death.
With the liberation of mankind building after building, troops slowly approached the center of the city. Li Yuanhong has been looking for a place with a large area and a large internal space. The giant zombies have been hidden in the train station several times before, but today, Li Yuanhong went to the train station. Since the train station is outside the city, there are no giant zombies. Hidden there, now the gunshots are getting closer and closer to the city center. Li Yuanhong hopes that the gunshots can force out giant zombies.
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