: Section 202 Black and White

Li Yuanhong secretly threw the grenade to his feet, and the few King Kong guard zombies also began to use the collision skills. Seeing that the King Kong zombies quickly rushed up, the grenade exploded when the few zombies passed by Li Yuanhong and threw the grenade.
Although King Kong guarding the zombies did not suffer any harm, the flashing moment caused these zombies who had adapted to the darkness to suddenly stimulate their eyes, which caused these zombies to subconsciously raise their arms to block them, and their speed also dropped. This time, the distance between the zombies and Li Yuanhong's team was a few meters farther.
When these King Kong guard zombies rushed out of the stadium, Li Yuanhong everyone had already rushed to the edge of the playground, so the fat zombies began to rush under the stands. However, when these fat zombies reached the edge of the stands, suddenly these zombies resembled deflated balls, and they changed back to their original appearance, but at this time, these zombies appeared to be more loose and fleshy, as if the skins were fattened. Only a layer of skin slumped outside.
When Li Yuanhong saw it, he knew that it was the time for the King Kong transformation of these King Kong guarding zombies. It was the weakest time for these zombies. When should they not be abused at this time, Li Yuanhong shouted: "Shoo me these turtles." grandson!"
After shouting, Li Yuanhong took the lead in looting. This time the bullet was not bounced back again, but these fat zombies were too fat, and the bullets were only embedded in the fat of these zombies, without further harm.
These King Kong zombies were injured, knowing that the invincibility state was invalid at this time, so they wiped their heads and ran away. Unfortunately, they were very weak at this time and their speed slowed down.
Li Yuanhong saw that these fat zombies were about to run, so why would he let him go. These guys had been chasing him in embarrassment just now, and now he must seek justice.
So Li Yuanhong took the lead in chasing the escaped King Kong guard zombies, so another chase scene began, but this time the chase and the character being chased changed.
The few King Kong guarding the zombies were very hard to escape. Not only did the back leave Li Yuanhong, let him unscrupulously embed bullets on his back, but also bear the various sequelae caused by his magical backlash. This way of escape is not to mention how many Sad, if they hadn't bowed their heads and escaped, they would have been shot by Li Yuanhong's rifle.
Seeing that shooting the backs of these zombies had no effect, Li Yuanhong lowered the muzzle slightly and started shooting the legs of the King Kong zombies. Although the legs of zombies also have a lot of fat, the thickness of the fat is definitely not as thick as that of the body. The King Kong zombie who ran to the back soon was interrupted with a hamstring, and fell to the ground with a sound of "Kudun" and lifted the thickness of the ground. The thick dust filled the corridor with choking smoke and dust.
Li Yuanhong couldn't take care of this either. He chased behind the fallen zombie and put the rifle close to the zombie's head, which was a shuttle, so this King Kong zombie was completely finished.
The next few King Kong zombies were shot through their heads. When Li Yuanhong returned to the house just now, he found that the giant zombie had disappeared. It seems that the giant zombie also ran away while it was running away. Up. Of course, Li Yuanhong would not let the flesh of his mouth run away, so he shouted into the walkie-talkie, "Fat man, quickly search around the stadium to see if any zombies have escaped!"
"Why Brother Li? You let the zombie run away, this is not your style!" Fatty Lu teased on the other side of the phone.
"Stop talking nonsense, look for it quickly, if you can't find it, you are asking!" Li Yuanhong said angrily. He was exhausted here, and Fatty Lu was in the sky leisurely.
"Yes!" Fat Lu didn't dare to neglect, it was obvious that Li Yuanhong was angry.
Soon, Fatty Lu’s voice came on the phone, and as expected, the giant zombie escaped from the stadium and fled to the west of the stadium.
"Fat Lu, stop it with artillery fire, and I will be there soon." Li Yuanhong ordered.
"Brother Li, don't worry, he definitely won't be able to run." Fatty Lu patted his fat zombies and said.
Li Yuanhong did not regularly hear the noise on the phone, and directly led the team to chase the giant zombies.
After rushing out of the west gate of the gymnasium, I heard the sound of guns and guns not far away. It was obvious that the giant zombies were intercepted. So Li Yuanhong ran to the place where the guns were sounded. This is an intersection. At this time, it has become a battlefield, everywhere. It was the potholes that were bombed by the shells and the broken limbs of the zombies, and it was impossible to see whether the giant zombies were in them.
There is no way, Li Yuanhong has only a dumb way to see if the zombies in other places are still under control. If the zombie group is not under control, then it means that the giant zombie leader has been killed.
Li Yuanhong hadn't asked about the situation, but in the buildings on both sides of the intersection, many zombies sprang up. These zombies included ordinary zombies and zombies with supernatural powers. As soon as these zombies arrived on the street, they rushed towards Li Yuanhong with their teeth and claws.
Seeing the zombies came to the door, Li Yuanhong naturally would not let it go, so the machine gun robot fired automatically, and Li Yuanhong also started firing at the corpses, but the gunfire caused more zombies to rush out from the building and join the team attacking humans. in. At this time, the fat man saw that the street was full of zombies, so he shouted into the walkie-talkie: "Brother Li, it's not good, the zombies in the whole city are in riots, and they all ran out of the building!"
When Li Yuanhong heard that he was not anxious, but rather happy. This situation shows that the giant zombies have been wiped out.
"Fatty, tell all the spacecraft to join the action to eliminate zombies, and you must try to eliminate the zombies on the street before dark." Li Yuanhong said to the intercom.
"Yes, understand!" The fat man agreed.
Li Yuanhong knew that he had nothing to do with himself now, and head-to-head with the zombies was definitely not his own style, so he said to the guard: "We also withdraw, withdraw to the stadium." After speaking, he ran to the stadium first.
As the zombies came out of the building, human airships began to attack everywhere, and the entire city was enveloped by the sound of cannons and magical explosions. For a whole afternoon, Taiyuan City did not stop until the stars appeared at night.
On that day, nearly one million zombies were wiped out in Taiyuan City, which means that nearly one-third of the zombies in Taiyuan City have been wiped out, and now that the zombies have lost their command, they can only wander around blindly. , Just gather there, this will facilitate the magical cannon attack in the air. Li Yuanhong predicts that in three days, this Taiyuan city will be completely liberated.
Returning to the camp at night, in his room, Li Yuanhong took out a seventeenth-level crystal core, which giant zombie belonged to. When he retreated, he suddenly found it in a crack in the stone. The waves hit it.

Li Yuanhong took out this crystal nucleus and looked from left to right. He didn't find any difference from ordinary dark system crystal nucleus, but why did this giant zombie have such a profound magic!
So Li Yuanhong called out Xiao Yiling, intending to ask some questions.
"Xiao Yiling, what do you say is magic in this realm?"
Xiao Yiling sighed and looked at Li Yuanhong dissatisfied. This night, calling her out, disturbing people's dreams: "Why do you have the time to ask this?"
"How to call idle! No, today I met a zombie who knows domain magic!" Li Yuanhong said.
"Impossible, absolutely impossible!" Upon hearing this, Xiao Yiling immediately lost his sleepiness.
"How can it be impossible?" Li Yuanhong looked at Xiao Yiling in confusion.
Xiao Yiling patted her beautiful little wings and said: "This domain magic is definitely high-level magic. No one can master it before the 20th level. In our world, at least one small lord who masters domain magic Status."
"But I killed a zombie in the realm of society today!" Li Yuanhong said.
"What?!" Xiao Yiling's face was shocked: "How did you kill?" Xiao Yiling asked again.
So Li Yuanhong told the story of killing the giant zombies today.
Xiao Yiling pondered for a moment: "Are the laws of your planet different from ours? Why do domain magic appear so early?"
Then Xiao Yiling stared at Li Yuanhong seriously: "It seems that your trouble is big, and domain magic appears now, which shows that the evolution of the zombie is beyond common sense. Fortunately, this zombie will not use the domain, otherwise you will have died long ago. !"
"Ah? How to use this field?" Li Yuanhong asked curiously.
"You didn't realize that when you attacked the giant zombie, did it never move?" Xiao Yiling said.
"It seems to be!" Li Yuanhong recalled.
"This is because this zombie hasn't learned to control domain magic, so it can only stand there to maintain the existence of magic, and once it moves, the magic will automatically be broken." Xiao Yi Ling said.
"Then this magic is nothing powerful! Standing and being beaten, I broke its magic with a few grenades, and it's okay if I don't learn this magic!" Li Yuanhong said with some disdain.
"Why don't you say that you are an unseen bunny? Do you know how powerful this domain magic is! Domain magic is equivalent to within the domain. You can specify your own magic rules, control his life, death, and even thinking. Not great!" Xiao Yiling gave Li Yuanhong a white glance.
"So powerful? Then why did we break its magic with a few grenades today?" Li Yuanhong asked a little confused.
"That's because the other party's control of the domain is not at home, and you are using his nemesis element, which causes its domain to collapse. If you give this zombie a period of time, your grenade attack will probably not work."
"Damn! In other words, you will be invincible if you learn this field of magic?" Li Yuanhong said excitedly.
"Nor say the same. First of all, this domain has its own attributes. If there are attributes, there are areas of mutual restraint. For example, in this dark system domain, if it is used in broad daylight or at noon, the effect will be much weaker, and it will even automatically collapse. , But if it is performed at midnight, it will be almost invincible." Xiao Yiling said, Li Yuanhong listened intently.
"Also, this domain magic has energy to accommodate online. If the domain receives more energy than it’s online, the domain will automatically collapse. More importantly, it also takes energy to maintain the domain’s existence. The element of Xiang restraining enters the domain, which accelerates the consumption of energy." Xiao Yi Ling said.
"Then how to enhance the control of the field?" Li Yuanhong asked.
"This is a mystery. Until now, no one can understand how to increase domain control. Someone once thought that domain is a kind of attribute magic. As long as the power of attribute is increased, the control of the domain will be increased accordingly. But there is one thing It completely subverted this perception."
"What's the matter?" Li Yuanhong asked very cooperatively.
"It was a peak black and white duel, an unfair but world-changing battle." Xiao Yiling said solemnly.
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