: Section 206 Terracotta Warriors and Horses

After passing the Mercury Sea, Li Yuanhong continued to walk in, and within two steps, he encountered the corpse of the zombie, but this time the zombie did not die under the arrows, but in the trap pit.
This trap is in the middle of the road, and this trap is the water galaxy that links the two sides of the road. If you look at the map, the water galaxies on both sides should correspond to the Yellow River and a smaller river, and the murals on both sides of the road. The paintings are all the customs and customs of the Qilu land at that time, which should correspond to the current Hebei and Shandong provinces. It seems that these zombies must have encountered many traps in front of them. On the contrary, this makes Li Yuanhong feel fortunate. If he encounters these traps, There is also the possibility of being recruited.
With the zombies leading the way, Li Yuanhong has saved a lot of trouble, although there are also many restorative traps. Fortunately, Li Yuanhong's real eyes can be alerted in advance, and the whole team has passed through smoothly.
Along the way, Li Yuanhong saw that these zombies were just walking forward blindly. Many of the sacrifices stored in the tomb had not been moved, as if these zombies had a purpose.
Li Yuanhong paid attention to the marks on the ground and quickly came to a place called Niangziguan. At this time, he entered a checkpoint in Jin Province. According to the Qin Shi map, this should be the land of Wei and Zhao, the country that gave Qin the most headache at that time. Up. When he got here, Li Yuanhong found that many zombies were lying here, and it seemed to be a battlefield. A simulated Niangziguan level had been breached, and the gate had been broken, and those who fell to the ground were not only zombies, but also many clay figurines. But if you look closely, these terracotta warriors turned out to be corpses. Is it true that Qin Shihuang used one hundred thousand elite teachers to cast the warriors?
Regardless of what happened to Li Yuanhong, it was a good thing that the zombie team was weakened.
Moving on, many imitated passes have traces of battles, and the loss of death and injury is definitely greater than those of the terracotta warriors. Li Yuanhong doubted the level of these terracotta warriors and why are they so powerful?
Following in the footsteps of the zombies, Li Yuanhong came to Tongguan. From a distance, he heard the roar of zombies and the roar of unknown creatures, mixed with the sound of fighting and objects hitting the wall.
When Li Yuanhong heard a movement, he immediately ordered everyone to turn off their headlights to prevent his party from being exposed.
"Guard, you and I will go ahead and investigate." Li Yuanhong said softly to the guard.
"Okay, but I always feel that there is a very powerful creature ahead." The guard also replied softly.
"We only investigate, not exhibitors." Li Yuanhong said.
So the guard and Li Yuanhong touched forward.
After walking through a long passage, I came to a large cave. The area is very large. In front of the entrance to the next cave, there is a tall city wall. Many terracotta warriors are standing on the wall at this time. Crossbow arrows were continuously fired downwards, these thousand-year-old bows and arrows can actually penetrate the zombies below.
However, when he lost the attack on the terracotta warriors on the city wall, he did not show any weakness. Several fat zombies bowed their heads, cats at their waists, and slammed into the city gate. The huge impact force caused the city gate to break. The sound, and what was even more frightening was that the door bolt on the city gate, because it was old enough, there was already a sign of loosening, this hit, there was a crack along with it, obviously it would not last long.
The terracotta warriors in the city are working harder at this time. Seeing that the fat zombie who hit the city gate is about to hit the gate, a strong crossbow and a thick crossbow arrow appeared on the city wall. On the crossbow.
"Hoho!" A terracotta warrior dressed in a different armor took a Qin sword, pointed at the fat zombie below, and yelled at the fat zombie below. The giant crossbow was launched, thinking that the warrior warrior would be the commander defending the city.
The giant crossbow shot directly at the fat zombie, and the fat zombie with a huge body was directly carried by the giant crossbow and nailed to the ground not far away. The danger of the city gate is temporarily relieved.
Naturally, the zombies would not give up their attacks on the city gate, and then a few fat zombies attacked the city gate. Although the Qin warriors on the city kept shooting and killing fat zombies who dared to attack with a giant crossbow, it must be a giant crossbow. The shooting speed was too slow, and there were still fat zombies who successfully used the collision skill and hit the city gate.

With a bang, the city gate was knocked open by the fat zombies, and then the fat zombies took the lead and rushed into the city wall. At this time, many Qin warriors holding spear weapons came around behind the wall, wanting Sealing the city gate, the fat zombie's collision force was too great, and the Terracotta Warriors who had just surrounded them were knocked into the sky one after another, and fell far away.
The gap in the city gate was opened, and the zombies poured in like a tide. Then there was a melee between the zombies and the Qin warriors. These Qin warriors are absolutely superior in personal combat skills, whether it is a ge or a sword, not every move is tough. The soldiers had a slaying aura, but helplessly, the number of these Terracotta Warriors was too small. Soon thousands of Terracotta Warriors were surrounded by the tide of zombies, and finally submerged in the tide of corpses.
The swarm of corpses passed through the border like locusts, and soon after leaving a mess, they disappeared into a cave one kilometer away. In fact, there are several caves leading to the next direction, but these zombies seem to know where they are going. These zombies directly Choose a cave without dividing troops.
Seeing this, Li Yuanhong was also very puzzled. In this gloomy underground with no lights and full of mercury gas, how did these zombies choose the road? Although Li Yuanhong was puzzled, it did not prevent Li Yuanhong from continuing to follow the zombies with his soldiers.
Li Yuanhong led the team behind the group of zombies. At this time, Li Yuanhong did not dare to turn on the lights. Although the headlights could shine further, it was easier to attract the attention of the zombies, so Li Yuanhong could only rely on the light stick. illumination. Through the faint light of the glow stick, Li Yuanhong discovered that the painting style on both sides of the tomb has changed again. It is no longer like that of Ji Province. The characters in the picture appear rough and bold, and there are few scenes of doing business in the picture. Mainly farming and fighting.
The team didn't go very far, they heard the sound of "rumble" before Li Yuanhong didn't know what happened, he heard a loud "boom", like something being exploded. Then there were many cheering and roaring zombies, and it didn't take long for the whole tomb passage to return to calm.
Li Yuanhong didn’t walk long before he came to the place where the explosion just happened. He found many broken stones scattered on the ground. In front of the broken stones, there were many crushed zombies. Seeing this, Li Yuanhong probably understood. The zombie must have encountered the rolling stone trap, but the huge rolling stone was blown up by magic.
Li Yuanhong hopes that the more zombies here will be killed by the organs, the better, so he doesn't need to do it himself. I walked forward for about a mile, and finally saw the exit of the tomb passage, but the roar and weapon attack sounded, but this time the movement was even greater and the scope was wider.
Li Yuanhong came to the entrance of the cave and secretly looked inside, only to see a cave with a lot of space inside. The center of the cave is a huge city. The city wall outside the city is two kilometers long, and the city wall is nearly ten meters high. There are also tens of thousands of soldiers who defend the city.
The city wall is not only tall, but also has a moat, but this river is not an ordinary river, but a water galaxy. The river is more than ten meters wide. At this time, the suspension bridge leading to the inner city has been hoisted, and the bows and arrows on the city are constantly raining. Pour down, the zombies fell one by one, it was a unilateral massacre.
Such defense, without these Terracotta Warriors, only relying on the moat and traps along the way, it is estimated that few tomb robbers would be able to come here. Now the zombies have arrived here with a huge number of them, but they have suffered heavy losses, especially Ordinary zombies were even blocked as stepping stones and thrown directly into the moat.
As the battle progressed, the corpses of the dead zombies were thrown into the water galaxy. Soon the river more than four meters deep was filled with the corpses of the zombies. Then the corpses of the zombies stepped on these cannon fodder corpses, braving like rain. The arrows rushed towards the city gate, especially a few shadow zombies. They quickly climbed up the suspension bridge. The iron chain facing the suspension bridge was just a few times. The iron chain was almost rusted, so it was only a few times. Cut off and fell, but the wooden suspension bridge, after falling, fell apart. However, the zombies were just to allow the suspension bridge to open the door, and the fat zombies behind one side could directly attack the door.
With the drop of the suspension bridge, the gate was finally unobstructed in front of the zombie army. At this time, the Qin warriors on the city wall attacked more frantically, especially all kinds of flying stones and ballistas were also used, but at this time a few King Kong The guard zombies appeared. These fat zombies, who were not afraid of physical attacks, rushed straight to the city gate. The impact of these guys was stronger than that of the fat zombies. As soon as they hit, cracks appeared in the city gate.
The Qin warriors above saw that the gate was dangerous, so all kinds of attacks were concentrated at the gate. However, the King Kong zombies in an invincible state did not care about this attack. They just blindly slammed the gate. After a few clicks, the gate was hit by a few. King Kong zombies crashed. Then King Kong zombies rushed into the gate first.
Without the barrier of the gate, the corpse group rushed into the city and met with the Qin warriors in the city. Several King Kong zombies wanted to use their invincible state to continue their rampage, but soon there were a few Qin warriors riding warriors. They galloped forward, these terracotta warriors all had chain hammers in their hands. They didn't directly hit these diamond zombies, but directly flew out the chain hammers. The chain hammer quickly entangled the diamonds. The legs of the zombies directly tripped the King Kong zombies to the ground, and then the soldiers of the Qin warriors came up and tied the King Kong zombies.
Although the King Kong zombies were tied up, more and more zombies came in, and soon the Qin warriors lost their advantage in number. The zombies, especially when the zombies appeared behind the zombies, the magic light exploded in the Qin warriors. Limbs wrapped in mud were flying in the air, and the soldiers of the Qin warriors could no longer hold them.
At this moment, suddenly a large number of arrows flew on both sides of the city wall, and there was the sound of horseshoes on both sides, and the sound of horseshoes was also heard in the depths of the city. The attack force of the attacked zombies was suddenly reduced, especially the ability. The zombies were suppressed, and the zombies were quickly beaten back, especially the cavalry on both sides rushed into the corpse group, causing many zombies to die under horseshoes.
The suppression of the zombies did not prevent the follow-up zombies from advancing, especially the zombies soon sent shadow zombies, and many long-tongued centurion zombies appeared in the zombie group. These zombies used their long tongues to continuously stabbing horses, causing The cavalry was in chaos. For a while, the entire city gate was full of fierce fighting scenes. Zombie limbs and Qin warriors broke their arms, covering the entire city gate. At this time, the number of zombies had fallen to less than 100,000, but at this time, the group of zombies basically They are all power zombies and mutant zombies, and their combat power is not comparable to those of ordinary zombies. Especially the magic fired by the power zombies, killing and blasting the Qin figurines into pieces.
With the passage of time, the Qin warriors who defended the city finally did not have the low-level offensive of zombies, all the zombies finally poured into the city, and the zombies finally occupied the city gate.
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