: 224th Yanjing Raiders

Li Yuanhong was stunned. Why did he think of this question and asked himself, he was not an expert. Suddenly Li Yuanhong remembered a movie. The aircraft in that movie is a flying base that can be suspended in the air. This aircraft is like an aircraft carrier flying in the air. It can be loaded with fighters and other weapons and equipment. The device is very similar to a magic device, so Li Yuanhong said: "Two doctors, why do we still use the past driving method? Why don't we use the magic device to replace the past driving method?"
Li Yuanhong's words made the two cheer up. The two are a bit too conservative now. Since magic appeared on the earth, many weapons have been added to weapons, why not try to use magic to advance.
Seeing the two people began to meditate, they seemed to be moved. So Li Yuanhong said: "Second elders, you study the aircraft. Let’s put them aside. I don’t know if the two doctors have new weapons. I want to fight Yanjing. Can I give us a precise shooting weapon so that when we attack, Let the building suffer less damage."
Upon hearing Li Yuanhong's question, the two of them pondered for a while, and then said: "Don't say, we have really made a few gadgets recently, maybe it's suitable for you." Then, they brought Li Yuanhong to the weapons depot, here. Li Yuanhong had never seen most of the weapons. Obviously, Dr. Bai and Dr. Yuan had studied new things during this period.
Dr. Bai walked to a booth, picked up a mobile phone and a dragonfly-sized aircraft, and said to Li Yuanhong: "This is a miniature reconnaissance aircraft that can detect things within a hundred meters range. It is very suitable for urban warfare, and the interior of this reconnaissance aircraft There is a miniature missile that can assassinate at critical moments. The only drawback of this reconnaissance aircraft is that the flight time is too short, and the endurance is only one hour. After one hour, the energy spar must be replaced." Dr. Yuan said. .
"Great, it will be much more convenient for us to fight in the corridor. I don't know if this aircraft is noisy?" Li Yuanhong was afraid that the noise would be too loud. When the investigation started, he would expose the target by himself.
"You can try it!" Dr. Bai said with a smile.
"Good!" Li Yuanhong was about to experiment, so he turned on the mobile phone controller and started to control this reconnaissance aircraft. Sure enough, when flying, almost no sound was heard. If there is a sound, it is not much worse than a mosquito.
"Okay, great!" Li Yuanhong was very happy. This time he will be able to play Yanjing.
"Don't be too happy, there are still good things!" said Dr. Yuan next to him.
"Is there any good stuff?" Li Yuanhong looked at Dr. Yuan suspiciously.
"Look, this one is specifically for dealing with shadow zombies." As he said, Dr. Yuan picked up a spider-sized six-claw crawler.
"So small? How to deal with shadow zombies?" Li Yuanhong asked.
"Don't underestimate it, this little thing, there are ten miniature magic light knives hidden in the stomach, as long as this kind of magic light knives is set in a narrow passage, then this passage will be blocked by the magic light knives, and all those who pass under the magic light knives Creatures will be cut into pieces." Dr. Yuan said.
"Such a cow, it seems that I have to be careful when others get me off." Li Yuanhong joked.
"Don't worry about this. These spider robots have overall control. When you hold the master control room, you can know whether there are traps set by spider robots nearby. In addition, these spider robots can not only set traps, but also recycle them. Trap." Dr. Yuan explained.
"This is great!" Li Yuanhong was very satisfied.
At this time, Dr. Bai walked to a booth with a few vulgar, RPG-like transmitters on it, and then picked it up and handed it to Li Yuanhong: "This is our weapon against King Kong guarding zombies. See the electric shock net rope gun. The bullet fired is a net rope of a special material. Once the target is covered, the net rope will automatically tighten to restrain the opponent’s limbs. This net rope also has a lightning rune, which will generate a powerful current to make the opponent You get numbed by electric shocks, and then the monsters in the net will be your target."
"Well, this is good, this is good!" Li Yuanhong was a little excited now.
Dr. Yuan also came over, picked up a device similar to underwater crossbow arrows, and said to Li Yuanhong: "This is a weapon for dealing with ghosts, called a magic weapon. There is a powerful intermediate light magic lasso against ghosts. A ghost within a hundred meters launches an attack. Once it encounters a ghost, the lasso will automatically bind the ghost, making him incapacitated."
Li Yuanhong only brought back some basic ghost information last time. Unexpectedly, Dr. Yuan and the others would create targeted weapons, but ghosts are not so easy to deal with, they are monsters that can attack souls.
Li Yuanhong searched these scientists again in the Magic Tower, and after not finding any inventions that could help him in this attack, he left the Magic Tower, but when he left, he left the corpses of the Harpy and Medusa. .
After Li Yuanhong got out of the Magic Tower, he went to the Magic Academy again. This time he went to the Magic Academy to send Karina to the academy. Ever since he rescued Karina, Li Yuanhong has been taking her by his side and attacking. St. Petersburg also took her with her and let her witness Medusa being killed, thus fulfilling her wish.

The reason why Li Yuanhong took care of Karina in this way was because Karina might be a powerful spiritual magician in the future. Such magicians are very rare, precious and must be trained well, so Li Yuanhong brought her back to the Academy of Magic , Leave it to the old magicians for training, and there are a bunch of children in the magic academy, which will also allow her to recover from the trauma faster.
When Li Yuanhong handed Karina into the hands of the dean of the Academy of Magic, a group of children started to chat about it, especially Huang Xiaopeng's eyes were not far from Karina, but Li Hongyun pulled her ears and her eyes away. It made Li Yuanhong laugh secretly. At this young age, Huang Xiaopeng was taken care of. It seemed that this was the tradition of the Luoxia family, and Huang Xiaopeng had suffered.
After Karina was arranged, Li Yuanhong went straight to Yanjing. After several months of training and actual combat training, Wu Xiong’s troops had already possessed very strong combat qualities. This time Li Yuanhong brought a large number of new equipment to let this The army was armed to the teeth, and then attacked the city of Yanjing.
When Li Yuanhong stepped off the airship, Wu Xiong had already waited in front of the tarmac: "Commander Li, you have finally arrived, I hope your eyes are tired!" Wu Xiong said boldly.
"Hehe, Brother Wu has been waiting for a long time. Now the speed of this airship is too slow. After a while, it will be soon to be replaced by a new aircraft." Li Yuanhong said politely.
"Why? New equipment!" Wu Xiong keenly felt something.
"Yes, the research center is conducting the final public relations. Once the research is successful, the planes with magic energy can be used for hunting." Li Yuanhong said.
"Okay, great. I thought that the airship was too slow. If I had a plane, I wouldn't be afraid that the air force would not be able to keep up." Wu Xiong said happily.
"Okay, let's go back to the camp and say, next we are going to capture Yanjing City, this is a hard bone."
"Yes, get in the car!" Wu Xiong gave Li Yuanhong to the armored car, and the armored car rushed straight to the camp.
The armored vehicle drove to the camp quickly, Wu Xiong called all the cadres above the regiment level for a meeting. When all the officers arrived, the meeting began.
"We recently won Chengde City. Although there are millions of zombies there, it is incomparable to our next goal. Some people have said whether we will fight Yanjing next. Then I can tell everyone, Yes, you are not mistaken. We will complete the glorious task of liberating Yanjing!" Wu Xiong said passionately on stage.
Li Yuanhong carefully looked at the expressions of the officers present, and most of them were still very excited. After all, Wu Xiong's troops were withdrawn from Yanjing, and it was the dream of many people to fight back to Yanjing. However, some officers still frowned. Obviously these officers were even more worried about not being able to shake more than 20 million zombies. After all, more than 20 million zombies and two million were not of the same order of magnitude, and the mutant zombies and abilities in Yanjing City More zombies.
Wu Xiong had almost mobilized on it, and then said: "This battle will be directed by Commander Li himself. Okay, then Commander Li will be invited to speak!" Then Wu Xiong withdrew from the platform and gave the platform to Li Yuanhong.
"I saw that some officers were very unconfident in this battle. Actually, if I had encountered such a huge group of corpses, I would have no confidence. After all, there were more than 20 million zombies. Maybe a zombie charge would drown us. Yes. But today I am not afraid of these zombies, because we have not only activated abilities, but also used more advanced magic weapons, and we have developed many weapons for those special zombies. Our scientists have also developed many weapons. These weapons will be equipped in the troops."
After Li Yuanhong stood on the stage, he did not make a long speech, but introduced new equipment and features to everyone present, especially the dragonfly reconnaissance aircraft and spider robots, which aroused the interest of the people present, because in the urban warfare , Whoever discovers the other party first will take the lead, and set up traps in urban buildings, which is the best place.
Soon, a mobilization meeting ended, and everyone was confident. Everyone was gearing up and preparing to do a lot. After all, soldiers can only stand upright if they show decent military exploits.
Li Yuanhong handed out all kinds of equipment to the following. What machine gun robots, new magic rifles, various grenades, dragonfly reconnaissance planes and trap spider robots were all equipped to the platoon, and let the soldiers familiarize themselves with these weapons and attack Yanjing’s. The battle started.
In this battle, the battle for buildings was still used, but the road on the central axis of Yanjing was wide, and the whole city was virtually divided into two independent bodies. Li Yuanhong first wiped out the zombies on the central axis with an armored tank, and then himself With the special forces, they rushed straight to the Forbidden City, preparing to catch the giant zombies hiding in the Forbidden City for a beheading operation.
Li Yuanhong led the commandos into the Forbidden City. At this time, the gate to the Forbidden City was still closed. Li Yuanhong led people over the wall before entering the Forbidden City. Only when he overcame the wall did Li Yuanhong experience why the ancients did not come to the Forbidden City. The height of the city wall is not high for modern people, but the inner city wall that is more than ten meters high is also difficult for ordinary people to climb.
When entering the Forbidden City, there are only a few palaces, but it is very quiet here, there are no zombies, no humans, not even the sound of birds and beasts, here is a dead city, Li Yuanhong is very puzzled, is the nest of giant zombies not here ?
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