: 227 Bloody Promenade

Seeing that the corroding long-tongued zombies were about to spray acid, Li Yuanhong cleanly threw the grenade out. The grenade exploded near the ceiling, and the electric light raged in the air, energizing all the zombies that were climbing on the roof. Several The long tongue was instantly electrocuted into coke, and several long tongue zombies were stunned and dropped.
The zombies were attacked and immediately exploded. The long-tongued zombies began to pounce on Li Yuanhong from all directions. At this time, the two machine gun robots also began to shoot barrage at the zombies, and soon those zombies were blocked by the machine guns. A few zombies wanted to spray acid rain on Li Yuanhong, but they were all electrocuted by Li Yuanhong threw a grenade in time.
Throughout the battle in the waiting room hall, the machine guns were hit everywhere with bullet craters, and the dead zombies were thickly spread on the ground. Seeing that there were no zombies, Li Yuanhong attacked him again, so he took the machine gun robot and continued to walk cautiously inward.
However, as soon as Li Yuanhong took two steps, there was a long-tongued zombie in the corpse rushing towards him, and the sharp long tongue was about to pierce Li Yuanhong's chest. When the tongue was only a few centimeters away from Li Yuanhong, Li Yuanhong suddenly disappeared, and then a gunshot sounded behind the zombie. The long-tongued zombie who just attacked Li Yuanhong stiffened, and then fell down.
Li Yuanhong was also panicked in sweat at this time. Obviously, these zombies had fake deaths, and he couldn't remember when to give him a bit. If it weren't for this long-tongue zombie to attack him from the front, I'm afraid he would really not be able to escape.
Li Yuanhong hurriedly scanned the zombies on the ground with the real eye. Sure enough, there were many suspended zombies hiding in the pile of zombies. Now these zombies are more and more shady.
So Li Yuanhong drew out his pistol and began to name the zombies. The gunshots kept "touching". Soon the zombies hidden in the pile of Li could no longer hide. They jumped up and rushed towards Li Yuanhong again, but they As soon as he showed up, the machine gun robot began to show off again, and before they started a few times, these zombies that got up again fell down in the afternoon and could no longer get up.
Li Yuanhong checked the pile of zombies with real eyes, and found that there were no zombies pretending to be dead, and then carefully walked through the pile of corpses and entered the hall passage.
There are different waiting halls on both sides of this hall passage. The passage is dark. Due to the power outage, there are no windows here, so things a little further away are submerged in the dark. Maybe it’s a dark corner with zombies hidden. Ready to pounce on the prey at any time.
Li Yuanhong turned on the headlights, and the straight beam of light shot towards the end of the corridor. No zombies were found. Out of caution, Li Yuanhong also inspected the back and the top of his head and found that there were no zombies before he walked to the center of the hall.
When Li Yuanhong came to the door of the next waiting hall, out of caution, he looked into the door with his probe. But when he looked, he saw a pair of dead white eyes facing his four eyes, which was like a zombie and a dead fish. eye.
The zombies suddenly saw Li Yuanhong, and immediately yelled, rushing towards Li Yuanhong with their teeth and claws, and this roar was like lighting a gunpowder barrel. In the waiting hall on both sides of the corridor, the roar of the zombies sounded, accompanied by the roar, Many zombies rushed out of the waiting hall and began to approach Li Yuanhong.
When Li Yuanhong saw something bad, he quickly took two machine gun robots and withdrew to the hall that had just been cleaned up. But Li Yuanhong turned around and found that the road behind him was also blocked by the zombies rushing out of the waiting hall behind him.
"Damn, there are wolves in front and tigers behind. This is obviously the rhythm to besiege me!" Li Yuanhong slandered.
Although being surrounded, Li Yuanhong is not worried. There are no King Kong Guarding zombies here. As long as the bug is not here, other zombies are easy to handle. Even if it is a shadow zombies, Li Yuanhong believes that he can easily kill these with the sword energy he has opened today. A guy who likes to hide his head and show his tail.
"You two are responsible for the zombies in front, don't let one go." Li Yuanhong directly handed the zombies on the front side of the corridor to the machine gun robot. He drew out his war knives, took out a few grenades, and rushed over the zombies who had copied them from the back.
Li Yuanhong's allocation in this way was not because Li Yuanhong was a hero, but the number of zombies behind was relatively small, only one or two thousand. The number of zombies in front was over 10,000 by visual observation. Such a large number could not be dealt with by Li Yuanhong.
Following Li Yuanhong's command, the robot started the bullet rain mode, and a piece of bullets were sprayed at the corpse. Some bullets could even penetrate three or four zombies before they stopped, and the huge impact of the bullets even directly tore the corpses of the zombies. , Making the scene extremely bloody.
On Li Yuanhong's side, blood was also flowing. Li Yuanhong threw a few grenades into the group of corpses. The zombie who exploded suddenly turned upside down, and this time the grenade thrown by Li Yuanhong exploded in the air, and the light of lightning almost exploded on the head of the zombie. , So most of the zombies who fell down died directly.
Li Yuanhong then raised his sword and rushed into the group of corpses, and then started the advanced sword technique. Li Yuanhong wanted to take advantage of the sudden appearance of aura today to thoroughly master the advanced sword technique, even if he exhausted his energy again.
Li Yuanhong's swordsmanship is majestic, but in another word it is cruel and cruel. As long as Li Yuanhong’s sword light passes, either the head is chopped off, or the zombie is split in half. In fact, the Hundred Schools of Swordsmanship also has the tricks of healing people, but Li Yuanhong will not be more about benevolence and justice. That is to find death by yourself.

Soon, where Li Yuanhong was, the heads of the zombies rolled all over the floor, and the blood spewed from the zombies, and the armor of Li Yuanhong splashed everywhere, from a long distance, Li Yuanhong's magic armor was stained with blood.
The killing lasted for half an hour. Li Yuanhong once again exhausted his energy. However, more than a thousand zombies were also used as ghosts. Nearly 10,000 zombies in front were also screened by robots. The entire corridor was Stained red by blood.
Li Yuanhong wiped off the blood with the saber, then re-sheathed it, took a short break, and took out ammunition from the space to refill the robot. Then he took out some bread and eight-treasure porridge, and ate it by himself. He continued to fight and was physically exhausted. Li Yuanhong was physically exhausted, and if he didn't add it, he might not have the energy to escape as soon as he encountered danger.
But to be honest, if you can eat in such a environment, Li Yuanhong can do it. If you change someone, it would be nice not to vomit and eat!
After eating and drinking, Li Yuanhong walked forward with the robot again. Li Yuanhong walked for more than ten minutes in the more than 100-meter-long corridor, mainly in the corpse group. There were zombies who died fraudulently. Li Yuanhong had to always Be vigilant, use the real eye to keep finding out those fraudulent zombies, and then send them back to their hometown one by one.
After walking through the flesh and blood corridor, Li Yuanhong finally saw the round hall, but before Li Yuanhong walked out of the corridor, he heard a roar of corpses, and then the whole train station was boiling.
Li Yuanhong is on the second floor. You can see the passages and stairs on both sides of the circular hall. Many zombies are coming in, and there are shadow zombies and long-tongued zombies, especially the long-tongued zombies attacking Li Yuanhong from the top of the building. Now Li Yuanhong is fully attacked.
"Fortunately, the two machine gun robots have four machine guns. If they are missing, they can't handle it!" Seeing the battle, Li Yuanhong secretly rejoiced.
"Retreat while fighting, don't fight melee with them!" Li Yuanhong ordered the two robots.
Following Li Yuanhong's instructions, the two robots began to slowly move backwards and dumped bullets to the group of corpses. Wherever the bullets passed, patches of zombies fell down, but at this moment, came from the stairs. Li Yuanhong could feel the trembling of the floor with the loud sound of "dongdong" footsteps.
"It's broken, it's the King Kong zombie!" Li Yuanhong heard the voice and guessed that it was the King Kong zombie coming out.
Sure enough, Li Yuanhong just guessed that King Kong zombies appeared, and two huge figures appeared behind the group of corpses. When a stray bullet hit the two zombies, not only did the bullet not hurt the two zombies, but it also reflected the bullet directly. Went back. Fortunately, these bullets are stray bullets. The trajectory of the bullets has deviated. If the bullets fired directly by the machine gun robot, it is estimated that the reflected bullets will destroy the two robots.
Two stainless steel zombies strode towards Li Yuanhong and the robot. The zombies in the front were also hit by two zombies. For a while, the whole group became chaotic. I don’t know if these two King Kong zombies are here. Who is it to help?
Of course, Li Yuanhong knew what would happen if he was hit by these two King Kong zombies, so he quickly took out the net rope gun that Dr. Bai had given him from the space, and shot the King Kong zombies towards him. Said that this net rope gun is the nemesis of the King Kong zombies. The net rope is covered, and a burst of lightning flashes, and the King Kong zombies "boom" and fall to the ground, and they overwhelm a few hapless zombies.
Seeing that the net rope gun was effective, Li Yuanhong quickly retracted the empty net rope gun into the space, took out a prepared net rope gun, and fired it at the last King Kong zombie. This zombie stepped into the footsteps of the previous zombie and fell directly to the ground.
Although the two King Kong fell to the ground, they were still struggling constantly. What surprised Li Yuanhong most was that he flashed away a few shadow zombies, rushed to the King Kong zombies, and began to frantically tore the rope tied to the King Kong zombies. Once the rope is torn, the King Kong zombie in front of you will destroy itself every minute.
Seeing this, Li Yuanhong immediately took out the frozen grenade, then threw it at the two King Kong zombies. As the grenade exploded, the violent cold air struck. King Kong guarding the zombies was enveloped by the deep cold ice. Several shadow zombies slowly The movement slowed down, and finally it was called a seat ice sculpture.
At this time, Li Yuanhong breathed a sigh of relief. The ice also made the ropes that were attached to the King Kong zombies brittle. Although the shadow zombies were frozen, the King Kong zombies were still very energetic. They were constantly struggling, and the ice covering them The layer was slowly shaken off, and the brittle rope was also broken, seeing the two King Kong zombies about to escape.
Seeing this, Li Yuanhong could only take out a few more frozen grenades and threw them directly at the King Kong zombie. This time Li Yuanhong threw them at the legs of the King Kong zombie. The huge low temperature damage caused the legs of the King Kong zombie to be frozen directly. Popsicles, but the King Kong zombies still refused to admit defeat, and they were still struggling. At this time, the ice layer on the legs of the King Kong zombies began to crack, and the King Kong zombies were about to escape.
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