: Section 285 Underground Factory

As Li Yuanhong stepped out of the elevator with the guards, it was another long passage. Li Yuanhong saw that in addition to the monitoring of the passage, there were hidden machine guns and anti-stealth magic runes. It can be seen that this passage is a death passage for the intruder. . It seems that this underground factory is tightly guarded. If you don't have a masquerade mask and space, this underground factory can be said to have no loopholes.
At the end of the passage, there was another heavy door. The soldier knocked on the door three times, and the door slid open to both sides. Then Li Yuanhong entered a wide room with bright lights. The dim passage I walked through just now was completely in contrast. The room is very large. There are many busy soldiers in it. Some soldiers sit on the monitor panel and monitor some screens. There are also many soldiers who keep entering and exiting at some doors. Seeing these busy soldiers, Li Yuanhong stood there blankly. , I don't know where to go.
"Platoon leader Wang is here." The soldier who led the way shouted to Li Yuanhong. The soldier who led the way was not surprised about Li Yuanhong's daze. After all, this room made many people who came here for the first time feel confused. .
"Huh?" Li Yuanhong woke up from a brief period of confusion, and followed the soldier who led the way. The soldier took Li Yuanhong to the door of a room and knocked on the door. A powerful voice came from the door: "Come in!"
After the guards let Li Yuanhong in, he went straight away. After all, those who can enter here have almost been rigorously screened, and assassins are definitely not allowed here.
Li Yuanhong entered the room. Behind a large desk, sat a standard soldier with an angular face with a Chinese character, a short shaved head, and a strong physique, all showing the explosive power of a soldier.
"Oh, the platoon leader is here, come sit down!" The soldier pointed to a chair at the table to Li Yuanhong.
Li Yuanhong sat on a chair in a standard military posture, and then said to the officer, "Batal Commander, what should I do next?"
"Hehe, this is not in a hurry, by the way, why would Platoon Leader Wang apply for our Qingshui Yamen?" the battalion commander asked.
"The battalion commander wants to hear the truth or lies?" Li Yuanhong said with a firm face.
"Of course it's the truth."
"Because I can't understand what those Afghans are doing, I can't see and don't worry. You are the only one in Uzbekistan and there are no such annoying Afghans here." Li Yuanhong said calmly.
"Hehe, your temper fits my taste very well, and you are welcome to join." Then, the battalion commander stood up and stretched out his thick hands to shake hands with Li Yuanhong.
Li Yuanhong also quickly stood up, stretched out his hands and held the battalion commander together.
"Well, I'll let the guards take you around, get familiar with the environment here, and talk about your specific work arrangements later." The battalion commander returned to his seat and said.
"Yes!" Li Yuanhong stood upright in a standard military posture.
"Guards!" The battalion commander shouted to the door, and soon two guards with live ammunition walked into the door.
"Here!" the two guards stepped in and reported.
"You, take the platoon commander Wang to go outside and get familiar with the environment." The battalion commander pointed to one of the guards.
"Yes!" So Li Yuanhong went out with the guard.
Walking into the hall again, Li Yuanhong was led to a small door by the guards, then opened the door and walked in.
"This door leads to the workshop where cold weapons are made," the guard said when he opened the door.
"Oh, does every door here lead to a different workshop?" Li Yuanhong asked.
"Yes, and the level of each workshop is different. Like this cold weapon manufacturing workshop, the level of defense is low. I guess you will be responsible for your future work." Guards said.
"Oh, it seems that the protection here is quite strict." Li Yuanhong said.
"Well, our Marshal Chen attaches great importance to this place. It is almost impossible to make an idea here." The guard continued.
Li Yuanhong nodded and said yes. Li Yuanhong was walking, paying attention to the unknown and defensive situation on both sides. Sure enough, there is a monitoring every few steps here, and many automatic machine guns are hidden. Once there is an intruder, these machine guns will be the first time. Launch an attack.
Soon after entering a large factory building, the heat wave rolled inside, and accompanied by the roar of huge machines, there were many people in labor uniforms busy.
These people are very mechanical, their facial expressions are also very numb, and there is no emotional fluctuation at all. If it weren't for them to breathe, Li Yuanhong even thought these people were robots. In the vicinity of these workers, there are several people with whips in their hands. These people are constantly shuttling behind these workers. Once they encounter people who are slower, they will go up with a whip and swear all kinds of insults. People's swear words, and the person who was beaten and scolded just shouted when he was beaten, and then worked immediately.
Li Yuanhong noticed that behind these workers, almost all traces of being beaten, obviously the supervisors here are very cruel.
The guards who led the way turned a blind eye to this. Obviously he had become accustomed to it, and he continued to introduce to Li Yuanhong:
This is a rolling mill. All kinds of scrap steel we collected from the outside will be re-forged here, and then turned into various types. The raw materials of the weapons, and there is an aluminum alloy production machine over there. These are all obtained from Lanzhou City. It is not easy, so you will have to protect these two machines strictly in the future, and don't make any mistakes."
"Okay, understand!" Li Yuanhong nodded and said yes, secretly remembering this in his heart.
Then the guard brought him to a strange machine. "This is an enchanting machine, which was made by the master of the National Normal University. It is very precious. You must be extra careful in the future." The guard continued.
Li Yuanhong kept this in mind while promising.
The entire Cold Weapon Workshop was huge, and it took Li Yuanhong only half an hour to finish shopping. Then the guards led Li Yuanhong back to the hall, opened another door, and walked in.
"The workshop we are going to immediately is the magic cannon production workshop. Now it mainly produces the first-class death magic cannon. It is expected that in two days, the second-class death magic cannon will be produced." The guard said with a smug look.
"Oh? Level 2 magic cannon?" Li Yuanhong showed a questioning expression.
"This second-level magic cannon has more damage and can shoot farther. It is expected to reach a distance of five kilometers. The radius of the enemy can reach five meters, and the death magic lasts for more than five seconds. It can be regarded as an absolute killer on the battlefield. ."
Hearing this, Li Yuanhong's eyes flashed with cold light, but his face was still happy and said: "Really, so we can counterattack with this weapon?"
"I heard that the battalion commander said that they were urging for this weapon. I heard that Jiayuguan was lost recently. That is the gateway to our Urumqi city. So there must be better weapons to deploy. As for the counterattack, that is not something we can care about. Yes, but the battalion commander does not seem to be very happy recently."
"Oh? Why are you not happy to produce good weapons?" Li Yuanhong was curious about what kind of person the battalion commander with strong military temperament was like.
"It's not because of the death of Battalion Commander Xu. They are old comrades in arms. The reason why they came here was that the Battalion Commander also took refuge, but now that so many powerful weapons have been produced, I heard the Battalion Commander lament that many people will become Slave. I think the battalion commander is a little softhearted." The guard sighed.
"Well, the battalion commander is a real soldier, so don't talk about this everywhere, otherwise it will be very troublesome to let the people above know." Li Yuanhong felt that the battalion commander was not bad, but he just followed the wrong person, but now Being in the enemy camp, he can only restrain his sympathy.
"Yes, yes, I think you are also an old man, and I hate those zombies and Afghans. That's why I told you that I wouldn't talk to others." After speaking, the guard led Li Yuanhong in the artillery production workshop and began to turn around. stand up.
The artillery production workshop is not smaller than the cold weapons workshop, and Li Yuanhong also found that there are tank production equipment here, but it is not possible to produce engines here, so the tank has only a few shells, but the tank turret and barrel have been produced. , It is estimated that they are waiting for the engine, once the engine is in place, these tanks can be on the battlefield.
Li Yuanhong asked on the side, why these tanks weren't assembled, the guard didn't know, but said that the engine seemed to be out of production here and it had to be shipped from India. Hearing this, Li Yuanhong was shocked. Is there a similar factory in India? If this is the case, then the disaster facing mankind will be great. After all, India's industrial system is also very strong.
"Then we can't just produce weapons directly from India. What kind of factories do we have here? We have to guard against this and that every day." Li Yuanhong pretended to complain.
"I heard from the battalion commander that when the living people arrived in the kingdom of zombies in India, they were dismembered by those demons within minutes. If our emperor had the ability to control zombies, we would not be able to form an alliance with zombies. And factory production must be completed by humans , Those zombies cannot be made, so the factory can only be built here. The reason why the engine is shipped from there is like the Indian armory. There are many spare tank engines. When those engines are shipped, they can be installed on the tanks. Now." The guard said.
"I said, you are the guards who are well informed." Li Yuanhong boasted.
"Haha, didn't I stand guard next to the battalion commander? There are some unclassified topics. The battalion commander doesn't shy away from us, so I know more." The guard said contentedly.
The two talked and walked inside the base. Li Yuanhong discovered that the area where magic cannons were produced also had machines specially enchanted for artillery. This made Li Yuanhong deeply remember that as long as the enchanting machine was destroyed, the magic cannon was equivalent to Destroyed.
In the artillery base, Li Yuanhong found that the surveillance here is more stringent, and even each slave has a special camera to prevent them from working on the weapon, and each weapon has a number. Once the weapon has a problem, the relevant personnel will be Punishment, of course, this punishment is very severe, the lighter can be whipped, and the severer will be executed directly.
Soon Li Yuanhong followed the guards to visit the gun production workshop. The guns here are prepared for humans, but these guns are not enchanted. It is estimated that the zombies are afraid that these guns are used against them, and the guns are traditional weapons. Firearms can only deal with ordinary people, they are no longer lethal to zombies.
After visiting the three gates, Li Yuanhong's tour itinerary is over. Li Yuanhong is puzzled, aren't there still several gates left?
"I said Brother Guards, don't we go to those doors?" Li Yuanhong asked, pointing to the doors that I had never visited.
"Oh, those doors, I don't have permission. You probably just came here and wouldn't arrange for you to go there, so there is no need to visit them," the guard said.
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