: Section 324: Ape Corpse Sieges the City

Of the two planes, one was caught by a few apes. Because the speed of the plane was not fast, a zombie climbed directly above the pilot's cockpit. With a throat, the zombie punched into the cockpit and the plane immediately Lost control and fell into the city.
The other plane dodged right and left in the city, and finally escaped the chase and interception of these ape corpses, and escaped to a high altitude, before being spared. After that, the plane flew back to the airstrip with lingering fears.
Li Yuanhong was very worried at this time. Two planes crashed and one was crashed. Li Yuanhong still doesn't know who piloted this plane. Li Yuanhong was very worried that the crashed plane belonged to Lu Fatty.
Li Yuanhong was eager to learn about the pilot’s information. Therefore, Li Yuanhong was not interested in watching the performance of the zombies behind the bridge. He hurried back to Jiangxin Island. Li Yuanhong hurried to his airport after getting off the boat. Li Yuanhong was now afraid to see him again. When I get to Fatty, I want to see Fatty again, and I feel very conflicted.
When Li Yuanhong entered the airport, he saw the plane safely parked on the tarmac, but the pilot was nowhere to be seen. He wanted to hide somewhere to calm his nerves.
When Li Yuanhong came to the pilot’s lounge, he really sat on the sofa with a fat body, but at this moment, the huge body, with the big head hidden in the arms, said nothing.
Li Yuanhong was secretly relieved when he saw the huge body, but still cursed, "You bastard, you still have the face to sit here. If I were to find a piece of tofu and shoot myself to death, forget it! The military orders are deaf ears, and they actually use the lives of their comrades-in-arms as a trifling matter. Those false military exploits are so important? Is it worth your desperate fight?"
Hearing Li Yuanhong's reprimand, Fatty Lu raised his head, tears rolling in his eyes, forcibly not falling: "Brother Li, I...I..."
"No need to excuse, you should remember that any officer, any word of his may determine the life and death of your soldiers. Don't underestimate any opponents. They may kill you anywhere and in any way. This is a Lesson, you will always remember the soldier who died today, and don't let this kind of unnecessary sacrifice happen again. Do you understand it!" Li Yuanhong shouted at last.
"Yes, I understand! I will always remember this day!" The fat man stood up suddenly and replied loudly, while tears flowed out.
Li Yuanhong stepped forward and patted the fat man on the shoulder: "I must give you a warning about today's affairs, confine you for three days, and revoke all your current positions. Do you have any comments?"
"No opinion! I should punish!" The fat man still said loudly.
"Okay! Then you go to rest!" Li Yuanhong whispered.
Li Yuanhong walked out, suddenly Fatty Lu called out.
"Li... Brother Li, there is one thing I forgot to say."
"What's the matter?" Li Yuanhong asked back.
"That's it. The reason why we came back so fast is because we saw a place where humans gathered one hundred and fifty kilometers away. There is a group of zombies marching there, and there are not many zombies. There are only more than 10,000, but there are a lot of ape corpses inside, at least more than two hundred." Fatty Lu said with a serious face, the tears still not dry.
"What? There are zombies besieging the base? How is the defense there?" Li Yuanhong was shocked when he heard this. If the base does not have strong firepower, then two hundred ape corpses may destroy the base, so Li Yuanhong is very anxious.
"It is estimated that it will not last long there. We brought a few missiles to the zombies and led them away. It is estimated that the zombies will have more than half an hour to get there." Lu Fatzihui reported.
"Where is that base?" Li Yuanhong quickly took out the map and spread it on the table.
Fatty Lu hurried to the table, looked at the map, and drew a circle on the map.
Li Yuanhong took a look. The base was in a mountain and the road was not easy to walk. If he sent troops to support from the land, it would definitely be too late, but the plane must have insufficient firepower, and Li Yuanhong frowned. A minute later, Li Yuanhong looked up: "Fat Lu, how long does it take for the plane to get there?"
"If it's an airplane, it won't take ten minutes."
"Just do it, Fatty Lu, your punishment will be postponed first, and your punishment will be executed when the pilots behind you arrive. Now you immediately ask the ground crew to refuel the aircraft and put the missiles in ten minutes. We will leave in minutes." Li Yuanhong said.
Fatty Lu immediately replied: "Yes!"
After agreeing, he immediately ran out and went straight to the airport.

Li Yuanhong went out and hurriedly ran to the warehouse, where there were a lot of new weapons and ammunition. Li Yuanhong wanted to fill his space with weapons and ammunition. At that time, Li Yuanhong would turn himself into a mobile ammunition depot, and one person would block these ten thousand zombies.
Soon the space was filled with ammunition and the entire warehouse was half empty. Li Yuanhong saw that more than ten minutes had passed, so he hurried to the airport. At this time Fatty Lu had asked the ground crew to load the aircraft ammunition, and the fuel was also Fill it up and wait for Li Yuanhong to arrive.
Li Yuanhong hurried over and got into the cabin quickly: "Take off quickly."
As soon as Fatty Lu heard it, he hurriedly pressed the button, the door of the plane closed automatically, and then the engine spewed out flames, and the plane sprang up and galloped towards the sky, disappearing into the air in just ten seconds.
The plane flew to the southwest for about ten minutes before entering the mountains. When he arrived, Fatty Lu did not dare to fly quickly, for fear of hitting the mountains, and the mountain roads were rugged. If he did not search carefully, he would easily miss the target. Fortunately, there were a lot of zombies, and soon they saw the group of corpses on the mountain road. At this time, the group of corpses was not far from the base.
The base is in a valley, and the mountain pass into the valley is very narrow. It can only be paralleled by the width of two trucks, and the walls on both sides are very high. It can be said that it is easy to defend and difficult to attack. If the defensive firepower is enough, Not to mention 10,000 zombies, even if it is several times more, it is difficult to attack. It’s just that Moriyaguchi’s survivors are almost the same as those of the peasant rebels. The best weapons in their hands are those steel knives that are re-refined with iron pots and rice scoops or abandoned car shells. Killing first and second zombies is okay. The current zombies, it is estimated that it is not easy to break the defense, so facing the influx of zombies, these defenders are panicked.
"Brother Wang, what should I do? Why are so many zombies here?" A guard holding a javelin panicked.
"Hurry up and ring the alarm. With so many zombies, it is estimated that we can't keep it, so quickly find a way to get everyone to evacuate."
"Withdraw? Where do you withdraw?"
"There is a cave in the back mountain, where there is a secret road leading to the back mountain, which is the retreat path I prepared. Quickly take everyone from there. I will lead people to resist for a while and help you fight for a while." The leader Said.
"Brother Wang, I will lead people to guard, you take them away, this team can't be done without me, it's impossible without you."
"No, your level is too low, you can't stop it for long. There are tens of thousands of people here. Time is short, and there are not a few people who can leave at all. You go quickly, don't give me nonsense!" The leader was determined, he knew , I left, only one death, the kind of ape-like zombies, this leader knew that he could not beat even one ape corpse, not to mention there are hundreds of them here. Fortunately, he has a geographical advantage and can block it for a while. .
Those guards also knew that their level was too low and they couldn’t help here at all. They had to go and help, but there were still a few people staying because they had lovers in the camp behind them. If the zombies swarm into the camp, their relatives must be Will die without a burial place.
Brother Wang glanced at the few people left: "Brothers are not afraid!"
"Don't be afraid, I have had enough in the last days anyway. Those who hide in Tibet will die sooner or later. If I die today, I will give birth sooner." A young man said with a resolute expression.
"Yes, if you are afraid of death, you should fall asleep, and you can sleep peacefully." Another said.
Several other people were also bragging about their words and beat themselves up. In fact, the hearts of the few people were throbbing and throbbing. They all knew that death was approaching.
At this moment, the army of zombies reached Taniguchi and began to rush towards the gate of the gable. This gate is made of car steel plates sandwiching a huge wood. Although it is primitive, it is also relatively strong. In a short period of time, the zombies cannot be knocked open.
"Brothers, don't be idle, hurry up and push the rocks down the mountain, one can kill one." The leader of the king saw the zombies piled up under the mountain, so he shouted to several guards.
The camp had also prepared for the siege of zombies, so on both sides of the canyon gate, a lot of boulders were set up in advance to wait for the zombies to come and attack. They knew that the weapons in their hands had no effect on zombies, and they could only rely on these huge stones to support the facade.
As several people wrestled together, a huge boulder of nearly half a ton was pushed down the cliff. With a loud noise, the boulder fell into the group of corpses in front of the door. The zombies that were constantly attacking the door immediately had ten Several zombies were smashed under the rock by the boulder, and many zombies were overturned by the impact of the boulder.
"Okay, good smashed, brothers put more effort to push this boulder down!" Seeing that the boulder is very effective against zombies, the leader Wang continued to walk to another boulder.
Others also followed Wang Ge, preparing to push down another huge rock together.
But at this moment, there were a few roars of zombies in the corpse group, and several ape corpses jumped to the top of the corpse group, stepped on the heads of the zombies, and quickly rushed towards the gate. They arrived at the gate and did not attack the gate. Rather, they grabbed the gap between the gates and jumped up to the city wall with a few jumps. To them, the city wall more than ten meters high was like a flat ground.
At this time, there were no guards on the wall, only soldiers on the cliff. At this time, the second boulder fell down, and with a "boom", the boulder fell into the corpse group again, and it was a mess again. With a sound of a corpse throat, a few ape corpses leaped on the city wall, their eyes immediately turned red, and they looked up to the top of the cliff, then they grabbed the cliff and rock and quickly climbed to the top of the cliff.
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