: Three hundred and sixty-eighth three heads to eight heads

The sky suddenly fell shadows, and Li Yuanhong hurriedly teleported to 20 meters away. At this time, the monster that fell from the sky happened to hit the place where Li Yuanhong just stood. It was directly hit by the fallen monster in a big pit. If Li Yuanhong was still standing there , I'm afraid it will be smashed into flesh directly.
After the monster landed, it directly made a croaking noise, accompanied by the croaking, eight heads and sixteen pairs of eyes, staring at Li Yuanhong.
Li Yuanhong saw it clearly. There was a monster standing in front of him. This monster had eight heads, eight tails, and the abdomen linked by the tail to the head. It was ten meters long, and there was a stench, and thick water was constantly flowing out. , Li Yuanhong knew that it was definitely not that the monster was injured, but the poisonous blood he exudes.
Li Yuanhong quickly checked the eight-headed snake with his real eyes:"
Copy Yaqi Orochi
Level: 25
The eight-headed snake is an ancient monster hydra. Because of harm to the world, the Yellow Emperor only sent the gods to go down to the earth to cut off one head and one tail, and injured its body. The wounded large snake sneaked into the sea to hide for thousands of years, and almost kept the wounded. , But because the abdomen wounded by the Excalibur could not heal, it became the breeding ground for his poisonous gas, and all the swords that touched it would be corroded by its blood. Therefore, it is difficult to have a sword in the world that can hardly hurt it.
Each head of the Baqi Orochi controls one direction in all directions, so it has the four attributes of fire, water and wood thunder. Because the ninth head and nine tails in the middle of the earth line were cut off, it no longer has the ability of earth element.
After lurking for a thousand years, the big snake crawled out of the abyss of the sea. Because of fear that the gods would chase and kill him again, he did not dare to return to the mainland and wandered around the Japanese islands. Later, he was tricked by a Japanese foreigner, and he was drunk and sealed in the famous Japanese sword heaven. After thousands of years of refining, its fierceness and ability have greatly reduced, and it has become a sword spirit, integrating with the sky cloud sword.
After the end of the world, the Yachi Orochi Sword Spirit was activated by the earth’s increased magical aura, and then activated by Japanese royal scientists to obtain the blood of the Yachi Orochi, thereby cloning a clone of the Yachi Orochi, and casting a pseudo-celestial cloud sword, these swords The avatars of the Yaqi Orochi are sealed inside, and the avatars of these clones are much weaker than the abilities of the Oki Orochi, but they are also much stronger than ordinary mutant beasts.
Skills: weaken thunder, weaken ice, weaken water dragon, weaken fire dragon, weaken poisonous dragon
Thunder: Inspire the thunder from the sky to punish the world, and the enemy who directly smashes souls are scattered. After being weakened, it can only hurt the body, and can no longer hurt the soul.
Frozen: The opponent can be frozen instantly and frozen in the ice layer, so that the opponent's soul and body are completely frozen by the ice coffin. The weakened ice seal greatly reduces the ice power and cannot immediately freeze the opponent, but it can greatly freeze the opponent's limbs and torso, and even cause frostbite to the opponent's soul, thereby reducing the opponent's mobility.
Water Dragon: Summon a water dragon that can instantly swallow the opponent and drown in the water dragon's belly. The weakened water dragon can only fire water cannons at the opponent, and cannot swallow the opponent.
Fire dragon: Summon a fire dragon, entangle the opponent directly, and incinerate the opponent into fly ashes. Even the soul is burned to ashes. The weakened fire dragon can only spray fireballs at the opponent.
Poisonous dragon: can spray out poisonous mist that can corrode everything, corrupting opponents into blood water, weakened version of poisonous dragon, the poisonous mist sprayed can only have a lethal or stun effect, and cannot immediately corrode the opponent.
Weakness: Because the Yaqi Orochi was injured by the gods and lacks the protection of the earth element, as long as its body is cut off with a pure earth elementary artifact, or eight heads are cut off at the same time, it can be killed. "
After reading this introduction, Li Yuanhong had another headache. The three-headed dog a while ago had to kill three heads at the same time. This came out with an eight-headed dog, which also had to be killed at the same time. Obviously bigger than that three-headed dog, how can I fight it!

Seeing Li Yuanhong there, Matsumoto thought he was frightened, so he arrogantly said: "Hahaha, Shina man, how about it, now I kneel on my knees and beg for mercy and I can spare your life."
"Huh, it's weird to believe in your nonsense!" Li Yuanhong said inwardly.
"Hehe, you are so much nonsense, it's just a little snake, you will summon, I will also summon, see which summoned beast is powerful!" Li Yuanhong shook his star blade directly. Released the three-headed dog that was sealed in the knife.
As soon as the three-headed dog came out, he still didn’t understand what was going on. He only remembered that he was by a silver chain before being sealed and dragged into a black hole. At this time, he was still in that chaotic and struggling state. At the same time spraying his own magic, and standing in front of it is the Yaqi Orochi.
The magic of the three-headed dog is authentic magic. Although the Yaqi Orochi is also an ancient divine beast, it can withstand the attack of this three-headed dog. But the one in front of Li Yuanhong was a weakened version of the eight-headed snake, and its defense was also weakened, so it was not so comfortable to be attacked by the three-headed dog.
In particular, the poisonous fog caused the Yachi Orochi's skin to corrode, but it was not very powerful. These attacks caused the Yachi Orochi to make a painful hiss, and began to attack the three heads who dared to attack themselves. The big dog launched a counterattack, and suddenly lightning flashed over the road, and various explosions sounded one after another, as if two armies were fighting fiercely, and the battlefield of two beasts was gradually filled with dense fog, making it impossible to see two How the beast fought. And this layer of mist has a strong smell of sulfuric acid. If someone accidentally inhales a small mouthful, they will immediately fall to the ground and die.
After Li Yuanhong released the three-headed dog, he teleported twice and moved behind a big stone to hide his figure. He didn't want the three-headed dog to see him. That three-headed dog would be very vengeful. The three-headed dog sees it, if the three-headed dog sees itself and does not attack the big snake, then it will really kill itself. At the same time, Li Yuanhong had experienced the poisonous fog of the three-headed dog in hell, but he didn't want to be corroded by the poisonous fog of the three-headed dog.
Obviously Li Yuanhong was thinking too much. The attacked Yachi Orochi immediately fought back, especially Matsumoto, who mistakenly believed that the three-headed dog was Li Yuanhong’s summoning object, so the first time, the Yaqi Orochi was ordered: "Kill the little one. Dog! His soul is your food!"
Since this big snake has been sealed for a long time, its energy is very high, so they have to constantly devour the souls of creatures in order to replenish their own energy, and the souls of powerful creatures like the three-headed dog are undoubtedly the best tonic.
Hearing Matsumoto’s order, the Orochi Yaki no longer had any estimates, and he immediately went to the Hell Dog Gong with all his strength. Although the Orochi Yaki has eight heads, they sound very big, and all the heads and tails are connected together, let him The attack is very limited. If it weren't for his eight heads to attack together, the attack would be like a machine gun. The dense magic exploded around the Hellhound, making the Hellhound always be vigilant.
The three-headed dog was also very depressed at this time. He came to another world. He was sealed first and then released. There was such an eight-headed monster. The dog almost thought he had opened the wrong planet. He came. It is not a blue planet with zombies rampant and very weak creatures, but a planet similar to theirs. This kind of eight-headed snake is also a high-level existence on their planet. However, looking at this big snake, constantly attacking himself, it is obvious that he intends to kill him, but the three-headed dog will not sit still.
The advantage of the Yachi Orochi is that it has many attack methods, many heads, many tails, and a huge body. It is like an armored car full of machine guns and steel whips. All kinds of magic attacks are like machine gun bullets, which are constantly fired and exploded. The road was like shelling, and it was bumpy everywhere.
The advantage of the three-headed dog is speed. When he was called out, the three-headed dog was confined to a small space. His speed did not have a chance to play. At this time, the vast world completely allowed the Hellhound to play. The advantage of speed, and the magic of the dog, that is the magic from hell, his attack damages more, if it weren't for the huge body of the big snake, which made him take more damage, the big snake would have been long ago The dog was killed.
This is an endurance game, but Li Yuanhong knows very well that the current situation is very unfavorable to him. The Hellhound has now regained his own ownership. He can escape at any time, but the opponent's Yaqi Orochi has an owner, he Must fight to death. Li Yuanhong was worried that the dog could not stand it, and was beaten away by the Orochi Orochi first.
At the same time, Matsumoto was also very worried. He didn't expect that the monster released by the other party would have such a strong ability. The general mutant beast would have been scared away when he encountered the Yaqi Orochi. It was an ancient beast, even if it was. The clone, that is also the blood of the ancient fierce beast. But this monster, which looked very much like a mutant dog, dared to challenge Yaqi Orochi, and even matched it, and even Yaqi Orochi was beaten very embarrassed. Although the Yachi Orochi has many methods of attack, most of the attacks are avoided by the three-headed dog, and these three-headed dogs can always find the weakness of the Yachi Orochi, and then give him a bite. With the attack of the three-headed dog, Matsumoto could feel that the Yachi Orochi became weak, not from physical weakness, but from the weakness of the soul. At this time, Matsumoto couldn't hold on.
Matsumoto is a soldier with no very good family background. The reason why he can come to this day is completely at the beginning of the last days. He dared to kill and dare to break through. With his own life, he saved His Majesty the Emperor’s life because of this life-saving grace. Matsumoto was awarded this sword, the Pseudo Sky Cloud Sword. This sword is the basis for his upward climb. Once he loses this sword, he will completely lose power in the army, so Matsumoto intends to retreat.
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