: Section 401: Sacrifice to Zombies

Those excited zombies not only increased their running speed, but also their defense and jumping ability were significantly improved. The bullets of a few soldiers obviously hit the head of the zombies, but the bullets were only stuck on the head of the zombies and could no longer be used. Make every inch of it. Before those zombies with sticks appeared, those zombies didn't have such high defense power.
So Li Yuanhong took out the golden bow, drew the bow, and injected magic power into the bow. With the sound of the bowstring, an arrow with magic light disappeared directly into the air, and then instantly appeared on a wielding stick. In front of the zombie’s eyes, that arrow instantly hit the zombie’s forehead. However, this zombie did not directly penetrate the zombie’s head like usual zombies, but the arrow only penetrated into the zombie’s head less than half of the head. The magical energy is exhausted.
As the magic light disappeared, the zombie also arrived. Although the zombie was dead, Li Yuanhong also achieved the goal of shooting the zombie, but that was the zombie's defensive power, which surprised Li Yuanhong.
"When did the head of the zombie become so hard?"
With doubts, Li Yuanhong opened his bow. This time Li Yuanhong aimed at another zombie who was waving a stick. The bow of that Li Yuanhong was not fully drawn. The few zombies dancing with the stick hurriedly returned. In the dark fog, this made Li Yuanhong unable to aim.
As the leading zombies returned to the fog, the corpse tide offensive also weakened. Not long after, the zombies all returned to the fog and disappeared.
The soldiers who were still shooting stopped shooting and looked at each other, wondering why these zombies retreated. You must know that the zombie offensive just now almost broke their defense.
"Squad leader, how did the zombies retreat?" a soldier asked.
"Where did I know?" The monitor said in a stale voice.
"Are they afraid of being beaten?" Xiao Bing asked Zai Ci.
"Did your head be damaged by the black energy of the zombies just now? When have you ever seen zombies be afraid? Besides, when the zombies attacked just now, they obviously have the upper hand, and I see you kid, you haven’t shot a few shots. To shoot a zombie, you must be afraid that your kid should be afraid." The squad leader was training the little soldier in an angry manner.
"Squad leader, I don't want to kill those zombies. At first, the machine gun hit the heads of those zombies, but the zombies weren't dead, so I panicked." The soldier said aggrieved.
"Let you practice marksmanship at ordinary times. You won’t listen. You won’t shoot them in the mouth until you can’t hit the forehead. Those zombies like to open their mouths and spit black smoke while you’re shooting them. Be sure. A gun!" The old monitor patiently taught the trick.
Li Yuanhong listened to the side, and kept nodding. The old squad leader was right. Just now, he used an arrow to attack the zombie’s forehead, the bones of the forehead, but the hardest part of the head, he should be like this squad leader. Look for the weaknesses of those zombies.
Seeing that the zombies had all retreated, Li Yuanhong jumped out of the fortifications and rushed directly to the zombies he had shot to death. Li Yuanhong felt that these zombies had become stronger and were related to those zombies who wielded sticks.
When Li Yuanhong rushed to the edge of the dense fog, several zombies suddenly rushed out of the dense fog, and rushed towards Li Yuanhong with their teeth and claws. The speed of these zombies is very fast, and the speed is completely comparable to that of the shadow zombies. The sudden attack made Li Yuanhong also a little unprepared, so he hurriedly backed away.
Fortunately, Li Yuanhong was not an ordinary person. If he were replaced by other fighters, the attacks of these zombies would definitely not escape. But Li Yuanhong jumped back several times in a row, and distanced himself from the zombies, and then quickly took out the Star Blade from the space, and slashed at the zombie that rushed forward. As soon as the zombie raised his arm, he listened. With a "dang" sound, the zombie actually blocked the knife, but the skin of the arm was chopped off.
This knife made Li Yuanhong stunned for a while, but the zombies won't give Li Yuanhong time to froze, and soon the claws of the zombies stretched out in front of Li Yuanhong's eyes, and the claws were also sharper than ordinary zombies.
Li Yuanhong hurriedly put a knife in front of him to block the zombie’s attack, but Li Yuanhong soon felt that his arm was shocked. Li Yuanhong has never suffered from ordinary zombies, but today he was taken by ordinary zombies. The arm is a little useless.
"Damn, when did ordinary zombies become so powerful?" Li Yuanhong no longer dared to fight with these zombies, so Li Yuanhong used his sword aura, but these unfavorable sword auras were just Some deep wounds were cut on these zombies, not causing any more damage at all.
Li Yuanhong and these zombies became more and more aggrieved as they fought, just as Guan Yu felt when he was caught by a few small soldiers. At the end of the fight, Li Yuanhong kept roaring "Wow".
Li Yuanhong's roar also triggered the resonance of the zombies. The zombies kept echoing Li Yuanhong's roar and yelled without listening, as if they were mocking Li Yuanhong's incompetence. This made Li Yuanhong even more angry.
Just after Li Yuanhong fought these zombies for more than ten minutes, Li Yuanhong finally found an opportunity to stab a zombie with a knife. The zombie just learned how to scream Li Yuanhong, and he couldn't call it anymore.
After killing a zombie, Li Yuanhong finally remembered the words of the old squad leader. Li Yuanhong began to summarize the battle just now. He always aimed at the places where the zombies were considered vulnerable before. As a result, those places became the hardest places. Need to change strategy.
Li Yuanhong kicked away the zombie that had just been stabbed, and then quickly turned to the back of the other zombie. This time, Li Yuanhong did not go to chop the zombie’s neck, but instead bit at the bend of the zombie’s leg. It wasn't deep, but it just cut off the tendons at the bend of the zombie's legs. This zombie became a lame zombie at once, just so flexible, but now it became like an old man, staggering.
The plan was successful, and Li Yuanhong turned around the zombies, hacking and slashing at the hamstrings and hand tendons of the zombies. Although the speed of the zombies was improved for some reason, it was not as good as Li Yuanhong. With a big chunk, so facing Li Yuanhong's change of tactics of playing fast and slow, he could only scream wherever he was, and finally turned into crippled zombies and fell to the ground.
However, Li Yuanhong was not happy when facing these zombies lying on the ground, because the defense of these zombies became a little abnormal, and it was difficult for him to stab them to death now. So Li Yuanhong stepped on the zombies and made these zombies roar in anger, while the zombies opened their mouths. At that moment, Li Yuanhong quickly plunged the knife into the zombie's mouth, and then executed the zombie.
After dealing with a few zombies, Li Yuanhong felt that he was almost tired and paralyzed, but he was still on the edge of the smoke. It was too dangerous to get on the ground at this time, so Li Yuanhong hurried to the zombie holding the stick and directly wrote the sentence. The corpse was loaded into the space, and then quickly returned to the fortification.
After returning to the fortifications, Li Yuanhong took a breath, then released the corpse of the zombie, and then used the real eye to check the corpse of the zombie: "
Level 25 Lich Sacrifices Zombies
Lich sacrifices to zombies: These zombies were the descendants of the sacrifices of the various tribes of the Dizu tribe. Their bloodline still inherits the blood of the witch tribe. After they become zombies, the magic energy in the air and the dark energy of the ghost city are combined, let The blood of the Witch tribe in these corpses was awakened, thus taking control of some ancient witchcraft of the Witch tribe.
Skills: physical fitness, leopard speed, diamond body protection
Physical fitness: increase the physical fitness of the friendly forces within 100 meters around you, and increase the target's strength by five times. Can stack with other buff magic.
Leopard Speed: Increase the speed of friendly forces within 100 meters, up to 30%. Can stack with other buff magic.
Diamond Guard: It can increase the defense of friendly forces within one hundred meters around, up to three times. Can stack with other buff magic.
Weaknesses: Although buffing magic can enhance the target's physical indicators, it is also a double-edged sword, because this magic overdraws the energy of both the target and the caster. Once the caster runs out of energy, the magic will automatically Ineffective, and the caster is overdrawn due to a large amount of energy. Once the magic expires, he will immediately fall into a period of weakness. At this time, even a child can take a dagger to kill these weak targets. "
After reading this passage, Li Yuanhong realized why these zombies were so difficult. It turned out that the zombies were made by the blood of the sacrificial blood of the witch tribe. Those zombies who had been witchcrafted had already entered an invincible state. If it weren’t for these gain magic, The speed improvement is not very high, so I am afraid I will be planted here today.
However, Li Yuanhong felt that he had overlooked something, so Li Yuanhong read the introduction of the zombie several times. Suddenly Li Yuanhong thought, haven’t the zombies outside the fortifications just been cast with these buffing magics? Will they have already entered into weakness? Period, and Li Yuanhong also guessed that he shot and killed a sacrificial zombie just now. This is likely to increase the cost of the sacrificial zombies. This makes the remaining sacrificial zombies unable to maintain the gain magic for a long time, so he took the initiative to retreat. , Now in the thick fog, it may be those corpses that have become weak.
Just now, Li Yuanhong was tired by a few ordinary zombies and turned into a dog. At this time, in the thick fog, there may be those zombies waiting to be slaughtered. Li Yuanhong immediately came to his mind, so he took out a bottle of mineral water from the space, and then He drank it and added his strength. Then Li Yuanhong jumped out of the fortification again and rushed into the thick fog. Li Yuanhong's actions made the surrounding soldiers confused. I don't know what kind of wind the commanders like. Without saying anything, they entered into the extremely dangerous dense fog. Could it be that their commander was tired of life?
"Quickly arm the defense, maybe the commander-in-chief discovered something, don't wait until the zombies come to defend!" A commander pretended to be clever and began to arm the defense. All the soldiers nervously opened their eyes and looked in the direction of the dense fog. For fear of some terrible creature, got out of it.
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