: 454th dungeon

Is there anyone in the wine cellar? Li Yuanhong wants to know the most now, so Li Yuanhong thought of a way, so Li Yuanhong took out a few small stones from the space, then threw them into the dark place in the distance, and listened to "pop With a sound, the stone hit the wall, and then bounced back to the ground, making a "grunt."
This is especially clear in the dark enclosed space. But the voice did not say any feedback. Li Yuanhong waited for a long time to confirm that there was no one. Then he turned on the flashlight and took a photo outside, and found that the wine cellar has a lot of space, and the big round wine barrel is three full yards. The storey height, look at these wine barrels, each has the size of a water tank.
"Who is this wine for? I'm not afraid to wake up drunk every day!" Li Yuanhong looked at the huge wine storehouse, really loves wine for these alien creatures, and sighed, but Li Yuanhong's current task was to find an underground passage, so Follow the map and find a huge wine barrel.
But what puzzled Li Yuanhong was that around this wine barrel, there was nothing like a door. It looked like a door. On the top of the canopy, there were tightly connected boulders. The ground was paved with black boulders. Li Yuanhong even stomped hard. I stomped my feet, and there was a real sound from the ground, and there was no hollow echo at all.
Li Yuanhong was stunned. He finally found the map and came here. As a result, there was no way.
Looking at the huge wine barrels around, does Li Yuanhong need to drink and get drunk to find a way?
Of course, Li Yuanhong wouldn’t be so stupid to really drink, but watching these huge wine barrels, Li Yuanhong remembered a previous movie and said that a monastery hid the tunnel entrance in the wine barrel in order to deal with German soldiers. The barrel is the entrance?
Li Yuanhong carefully tapped the surrounding wine barrels. Finally, when he tapped the wine barrel facing him, there was a hollow sound inside. Li Yuanhong concluded that this wine barrel should be the passage.
Li Yuanhong squeezed the halter of the wine barrel, twisted it, and heard a "click" sound. The lid of the wine barrel was opened, revealing the passage inside the wine barrel.
"Sure enough, I'm here!" Li Yuanhong stepped into the wine barrel without saying a word, and began to walk towards this hidden space on the map.
Walking into the wine barrel, there was a hidden secret door on the back. Li Yuanhong searched for a long time, only to find a button in an inconspicuous place. When he pressed it, the door behind the wine barrel opened. There was a long staircase spiraling downwards, Li Yuanhong stepped closely, trying not to let himself make a sound. Li Yuanhong didn’t know whether there were cavemen’s hidden soldiers, so he was still cautious. Yes.
The stairs stretched down for more than ten meters before I saw an iron door with an iron fence observation port. Through the observation port, you can faintly see the lights inside, and the roar of beasts can be heard inside.
"Isn't this the location of the portal? Or did these cavemen arrange some beasts to guard here?" Li Yuanhong was hesitant now, whether to go in or not, the unknown risk made Li Yuanhong uncertain.
However, Li Yuanhong did not hesitate for long, and soon took out two iron wires and began to unlock the iron door lock.
This alien lock-making technology is not much better than the human world. After a minute, he heard a "click" and the lock was unlocked. Li Yuanhong quickly opened the door to a gap and looked inside. No one was found. Then he stepped into the iron gate, and then gently closed the iron gate.
Standing inside the iron gate, Li Yuanhong saw what kind of portal is here? This is a dungeon. Looking around, here is a cell, and each cell contains a fierce beast. Some Li Yuanhong had seen it, and some didn't know what it was. Except for the occasional roar, these fierce beasts were lying motionless in the cage most of the time, as if the world had nothing to do with him.
Li Yuanhong walked quietly to the depths of the prison. The ones near the outside were ordinary fierce beasts. When the moon went in, the higher the level of fierce beasts, they were just ordinary mutant snakes and mutant wolves at first, although there were some. Certain fighting power, this kind of beast, Li Yuanhong is confident that ten or eight can deal with it alone.
Walking inside, Li Yuanhong found that the fierce beasts inside were mutant bears and mutant Siberian tigers. These fierce beasts were far worse than their own white tigers, and Li Yuanhong would not take it seriously.
As a result, when he reached the third floor, Li Yuanhong's brows were frowned. The fierce beasts here were not so ordinary. At first, Li Yuanhong saw a snake, a snake with horns growing on its head. Li Yuanhong knew that there is a legend in China that once the snake grows its horns, it may turn into a dragon.
Walking in, Li Yuanhong saw a tortoise, a huge tortoise, but the tortoise’s neck was very long and it was already a match for the snake, and the tortoise’s naked body was covered with tiny scales, although The scales didn't look very strong, but it showed that the defense of this tortoise had surpassed that of ordinary mutant beasts. This is not the point. The point is that there are faint gossip graphics on the tortoise shell. Before the end of the world, Li Yuanhong often dealt with those bosses. In order to serve his own interests, Li Yuanhong also learned some simple knowledge of Zhouyi, and he still knew the gossip graphics .
"How do you look forward to it, like the legendary basalt beast?" Li Yuanhong speculated to himself.
Walking in, Li Yuanhong saw a lizard, a huge lizard with a body length of more than ten meters. If you don’t pay attention, you think it’s a crocodile. However, this lizard exudes a faint fiery red light pattern. When Li Yuanhong passed this animal cage, the big lizard suddenly opened its mouth and shot out a fireball. It hit the boundary of the cage and was stopped by a wave of magic. Obviously, these cages were blessed by magic. Can't hold these mutant creatures.
Li Yuanhong was taken aback by the large lizard that could only breathe fire, but after knowing that these cages had magical barriers, he was relieved.
Moving on, the fierce beasts inside became more and more advanced, and even Li Yuanhong saw a horse with a one-horned horse. In short, this second-tier mutant animal had been out of Li Yuanhong's cognition.
When Li Yuanhong walked to the third floor, Li Yuanhong settled down. There was only one cage on the third floor. It was a death worm, which was less than five meters long. It seemed that it had just been born. If it is an adult, It is estimated that this guy can't be locked here, but Li Yuanhong, the insect of death, has seen how powerful it is, and this thing is often related to the spar mine. What do these cavemen do to imprison this monster?
When Li Yuanhong was puzzled, footsteps came from deep in the dungeon. Li Yuanhong hurriedly hid his body in the dark place. After a while, three cavemen came over, each of them carrying a sack.
When they walked to the death cage, a caveman took the sack in his hand and opened it. There was a piece of meat inside, and he didn't know what kind of creature it was.
Then the caveman took out a few pieces of meat from the sacks, put them in a tray, and then stuffed the tray into the cage. The death worm smelled the smell of the meat, and immediately rushed forward, opened its big mouth full of sharp teeth, and swallowed a few pieces of meat at once.
"Hehe, really good, wait for a long time, we will give you food again, I hope you are growing up, so that you can take us to find the spar mine!" A cave man saw the dead insect eat the meat , Then said.
"I said, what do we lead these messy creatures for?" a caveman next to him asked in a puzzled manner.
"Why don't you say that your kid can't be the leader? Know why we cave people are always bullied in the dungeon?" The caveman who feeds the worm of death stood up and asked.
"It's not that we are too weak and have any money. If we can build god-level weapons like the dwarves, and then exchange for a lot of money, then we will definitely not be bullied like we are now."
"What does this have to do with raising these beasts?"
"How about you being stupid! If nothing else, this death bug, although very powerful, is the key to finding a spar mine. If we have a spar mine, then we are not in a dungeon. People are bullying." The cave man said excitedly.
"Then we only need to raise a dead insect. Why do we raise so many other beasts? What if they run out?"
"How about you stupid? You think we have a spar mine. If we don't have the strength, this spar mine will not be snatched by others sooner or later. I haven't seen the leader's face today, and it's not by the eagle. The body banshee is bullying, if we are strong, we don’t have to be humble in front of these flying banshees."
"Oh, does our leader plan to domesticate these beasts to fight for us?" another caveman guessed.
"You are only half right. These fierce beasts all contain the blood of ancient beasts. Don’t you see that many fierce beasts have changed. If we can multiply these beasts, we can take the blood of these beasts. At that time, we can transform our bloodline, and then we will not be the weakest clan in the underground world!" Said this, the cave man flushed, as if he was drunk.
The cave man next to it also looked fascinated.
"Okay, let's feed quickly, but everyone must be cautious and don't disclose secrets. If this is known by the banshees, then it will be troublesome!" The caveman said cautiously.
"Don't worry, we have the strictest mouths, or the leader would not arrange us here." The other two cavemen patted their chests.
Then the three cavemen continued to feed the beasts. As these cavemen went away, Li Yuanhong appeared from the darkness, frowning at the dead insects in the cage, and the bad water continued to surge.
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