: The 518th Secret Door

Soon, Jos sent people to the street to search for those strangers. There were really a few people who could not tell who they were. They were brought back. Although Li Yuanhong knew that these people were not Hawke’s people, he would They are imprisoned.
This move made the whole city turbulent. Many people didn't know what happened in the city, but someone who was well informed soon learned from a soldier with a big mouth that this was a spy who was catching Hawke.
In fact, it’s normal to have Hawke’s agents in the city. It’s the first time for such a large-scale arrest. This has caused a storm in the city. Many people are panicking. Fortunately, those who are arrested are those who are unidentified or suspicious. , If you have a normal identity, you will not be affected.
"Master, arrests are starting outside."
Dieter was drinking tea in the living room. He was waiting for news. Today, he took the butler out to inquire about the news to see if the news given by Horslang was accurate. As a result, the butler hadn't come back yet, and he heard news of arrest from the servant.
"Catch people? Who are you arrested?"
"I heard that it was the spy Hawke who caught the gang into the city. I saw just now that several people who didn't bring their identity certificates were arrested." The servant said.
"What the is this José? How can you arrest people indiscriminately! No, I have to ask him to reason!"
Dieter stood up suddenly, but sat down again: "Is there any relationship between the arrested person and the injured person?"
Dieter is not stupid. He was the secretary to the mayor of Darwin before the end of the world. He has worked hard in the officialdom for many years. He has experienced too many intrigues. Any negligence will ruin his official position, so he gave himself to Hoslang. The news was suspicious.
Just when Dieter hesitated, his butler came back. After his butler entered the door, he stood there silently without saying a word.
Dieter knew this was the housekeeper who had something to say to him alone, so he said to the servant: "You go down first, don't come in without my instructions."
"Yes!" The servant bowed and walked out.
"How are things going?" Dieter asked.
The butler still walked to Dieter and whispered: "I have checked. There is a rumor from the hospital that the person who was brought in was sent in because of a mining injury, but I have an insider, he said, The injury was not a fall injury. Although he was not the attending doctor, he could tell at a glance that the man suffered arrow and whipping injuries."
"Oh? Did you ask the person's origin?"
"I have asked, but no one in the entire hospital knows the origin of this person, only that he was sent in by Mr. Jos himself. Moreover, the defense there is very tight and no one is allowed to enter. Even the doctors and nurses are allowed to enter. Be accompanied by a guard."
"So strict? It seems that it is impossible to talk to this person at close range." Dieter shook his head helplessly. He planned to give up. There was so much weirdness in this matter, and he didn't plan to take this trip. Muddy water.
"But I heard a guard say that this patient has been on a spaceship in the sky."
"What, has he been to the spaceship? Then why was he sent down?"
"I heard that no suspicious person is allowed on the ship. The injured person is suspicious, so he was sent down."
"I have been on the spaceship, so that person might know something about the inside of the spaceship?" Dieter asked.
"should be."
"In this way, it is still necessary to get some news from this population. Go and check again, what room that person is locked in."
"Yes!" The butler bowed out of the room.
When the housekeeper went out, Dieter went around the room several times, thinking about this matter. If he had to fight hard, he would definitely not be able to the patient out, so he could only do it secretly, but how to do it , He hasn't thought about it yet.
It was another long time before the housekeeper came back. As soon as he entered the door, the housekeeper picked up the tea on the table and poured it down fiercely. It took a long time before he breathed.
"Master, things are done." The housekeeper gasped.
"Okay, okay! Tell me quickly." Dieter stared at the butler.
At this time, the housekeeper took out a piece of paper from his chest and opened it. This is a hand-drawn map. The butler unfolded the map on the table.
"Look, sir, this is a map of the hospital, and the patient is in this room." The butler said.
"Oh? It's not easy to do!"
After reading the map, Dieter became worried. The room where the patient was located was in the middle of the hospital. It was surrounded by walls. Even the windows had iron bars. The house seemed to be specially prepared for prisoners. There is no escape, and there is no possibility of escape, unless you force through the front door.
"Master, don't just look at it, I also brought you another picture." As he said, the butler took out another picture from his pocket, but this time Dieter did not understand it.
"What picture is this?" Dieter asked.
"Master, this is the hospital sewer map." Dieter said.
"The sewer? You mean you can enter this house from the sewer?" Dieter asked.
"Yes, sir. This house was used to detain serious criminals for medical purposes. One time, a friend of mine, who was a sewer worker, committed something, but was not caught. This guy was worried all day long. He heard that the prisoner would be held in that room for medical treatment, so he thought of an idea, that is, when repairing the sewers, a secret door was left there, and the secret door was directly connected to the sewer. He thought of committing things in the future, he would never think of a way Get yourself sick, go there for medical treatment and then run away from the sewer." The steward introduced.
"This is amazing, how did you know?" Dieter looked at the butler curiously.
"Hehe, that guy loves to drink, and once he drank too much, he showed it off to me. I didn’t bother to care about his affairs. The thing he committed was not enough to get into the bureau. It is estimated that the police had already given him his affairs. Forgot. I didn't expect it to be cheaper for us this time!" said the butler.
"Okay, great, God will help me, then it should not be too late, we will do it tonight! You hurry up to arrange, first think of a way to transfer the guards, and then we rob people from the secret door, remember, don't have too many people .understand?"
"Understood!" The butler nodded in response, then bowed and walked out.
Watching the steward go out, Dieter was extremely excited. He looked up every day at the spaceship on that day. He was very envious. He always wanted to imagine that one day he would own a spaceship like that, but it was just a fantasy because of that spaceship. He hadn't landed before, which made him want to attack, but he couldn't find the door, besides, he didn't even know the configuration of troops on the spacecraft.
This time someone has boarded a spaceship. As long as they get it, they don't say whether the resource mine is true or not. That is, that person knows the inside of the spacecraft and doesn't risk saving him.
Time always passes unconsciously, and the sky darkens at 8 o'clock in the evening. Because it is the end of the world, people here are very scarce of night life. Most survivors can eat and eat well. There is no spare money to spend at night, so The streets soon disappeared, only a few bars and nightclubs opened for the powerful still had lights.
On this quiet night, several dark shadows quickly walked towards the hospital. They did not go to the front entrance of the hospital, but came to the side wall of the hospital.
"It's here, is there a sewer cover?" a voice whispered.
Soon, someone replied: "Found it, here!"
The person who gave the order, with a few dark shadows, came to the drain lid.
"Open! I'll take someone down for a while, and you two will guard here!"
"Yes, butler!" the shadows replied.
This leader is Dieter’s butler.
"How did I remind you when I came, you can't call me the housekeeper now, you should call me..." the housekeeper said in a low voice and severely.
"Boss!" The others replied very understandingly.
"Okay, hurry up and do the work, do the work well, and I will apply to the master to get you a few bottles of Evolution Liquid as a reward!" the steward said.
"Thank you officer... Boss!" These men almost said the wrong thing again.
"Well, quickly put on the headgear!" The butler ordered, and then opened the sewer.
The sewers are now no longer stinking as they did before the end of the world, because fewer people are used, but the smell inside is still unbearable. But these people, for the sake of evolution liquid, followed the housekeeper one by one down the sewer.
However, they didn't know that in the nearby darkness, someone was staring at their every move.
The butler led someone to the secret door that his friend said. Then the butler put his ear on the wall and listened carefully to the movement inside. The room was very quiet, as if there was no one.
The housekeeper opened the secret door slightly again. There was only a dim candle in the room, which was not very bright, but the general situation in the room could still be seen.
The patient is lying on the bed, and not far from the bed, there are two guards watching the patient there. Although it is midnight, the two guards are still fighting and not sleeping. If they rush in, they can only Found by the other party.
The butler secretly said in his heart: "I hope that the lure plan for a while will succeed, otherwise I can only wait for tomorrow!"
The butler began to wait anxiously, and the time passed every minute, and it was almost midnight.
At this moment, suddenly there were fierce gunfire and explosions outside, and the sound of people shouting, and someone shouted into the house: "Come out and support!"
The people in the house didn't know what was going on outside. It was obvious that the matter was urgent, so the people in the house pulled out the pistol from the waist and rushed out.
Seeing this, the butler secretly rejoiced in his heart that it was fortunate that he had not rushed out, otherwise the other party would have to beat himself into honeycomb briquettes in a mess.
The two ran out in a hurry, the door closed, and the housekeeper ran in quickly, without saying anything, covering the patient's mouth, and then whispered: "Don't say anything, I'm here to save you!"
Then, as soon as they raised their hands to the person behind, the two of them carried a stretcher, they got out of the hidden door, put the patient on the stretcher quickly, and then quickly carried the patient into the hidden door. The door closed and the whole process lasted less than two minutes.
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