: Section 599 Infiltration

Just when Li Yuanhong thought that the two patrolmen would leave soon, he didn't know that when the two soldiers came to the edge of the cliff, they stopped. This made Li Yuanhong feel nervous and thought he had been found.
"Why did you stop?" a patrolman asked.
"It's nothing, I'll take a look at the edge of the cliff!" another soldier said.
"Is there anything to see? This night, if I want to see the sea view, I can't see it!" Another soldier said with some dissatisfaction.
The soldier didn't say a word, and rushed straight to the cliff. Li Yuanhong was even more nervous this time. As long as the tauren looked down slightly, he would find himself. Therefore, in order to prevent Li Yuanhong from grasping the gap in the mountain wall tightly and hanging his whole body, the other hand gently presses the Shenyue Knife. As soon as the soldier finds himself, Li Yuanhong will draw the knife immediately, and immediately. Move and kill the soldiers above.
The soldier hurriedly rushed to the edge of the cliff, then slammed the big axe in his hand to the ground, stood next to his body, and then began to untie his belt.
Seeing this, Li Yuanhong understood that the soldier had a urgency. However, it happened that the soldier stood not far from Li Yuanhong's head. As the soldier's trousers were taken off, a hot fishy liquid immediately hit Li Yuanhong's body from top to bottom.
Li Yuanhong was caught in the heat, but he couldn't evade or make any movements, otherwise as long as Li Yuanhong made a little noise, he would be spotted by the soldiers on the cliff.
"Hahaha, I thought you had discovered something. It turned out to be to pee. Was it so scared just now that I was so urinary!" Another soldier laughed.
The ridiculed soldier, after urinating, hurriedly put on his pants, raised his axe, and hurriedly walked to the other soldier.
"How can I be so timid? It's not about eating salty at night and drinking a few more glasses of water!" the soldier explained.
"It's strange if you believe it!" another soldier mumbled.
"What are you talking about?"
"Oh, nothing, let's hurry up and patrol. If we go back early, we need to have a good night's sleep!"
The two soldiers talked and walked into the distance. Gradually, their voices disappeared into the sea breeze. After a long time, Li Yuanhong dared to jump up from under the cliff. When he came up, Li Yuanhong quickly took out a bucket of water from the space, showered himself with water from head to toe, and then quickly changed clothes. This made me feel better. a little.
"What this guy eats at night, this taste is too irritating!" Li Yuanhong thought to himself, but now is not the time to pursue this. Now Li Yuanhong needs to find the enemy's base camp as soon as possible, so as to find out the situation, otherwise the urine will be white Up.
Li Yuanhong quickly cleaned up his body. If he didn't clean it up, wherever the smell went, there was this unpleasant smell everywhere, so he didn't need to hide. The noses of those monsters are very smart, and I don't know that humans have evolved for so many years. How could the nose be less sensitive than the beast.
Li Yuanhong chased the footsteps of the two patrolmen to the inland of the island.
This island of Crete is very large, and Homer’s epic used to describe Crete as follows:
In the middle of the deep blue sea, there is an island named Crete, rich and beautiful, embraced by the waves; a large population, 99 A city where the language is mixed, inhabited by the Akayas, the generous authentic Cretans, the Kudounians, the three Dorian tribes, and the noble Pelaskis. Among the cities, Knossos is the most magnificent, ruled by the 9-year-old King Minos, a friend of the great Zeus."
It’s impossible to have only one camp on such a big island. Soon Li Yuanhong saw a camp at the foot of the mountain. There was a bonfire in the camp. It looked like there were only a dozen tents. In this way, there should be about 50 people in the camp. Although there are not many people, with Li Yuanhong’s current strength, he can’t beat these minotaurs at all. What’s more, there should be a captain in this team. According to past experience, this captain should be at least around level 35, that is, with A level of Qinglong, such a monster, Li Yuanhong didn't dare to head-on.
Li Yuanhong quietly approached the camp with the help of the trees on the island. He must further understand the characteristics of these minotaurs in order to find the weaknesses of these monsters.
When approaching the camp, Li Yuanhong saw a small group of minotaurs patrolling at the entrance of the village, so Li Yuanhong hid behind a stone and scanned these minotaurs with real eyes.
"Minotaur Warrior
Level: Level Thirty
The minotaur warriors are the lowest-ranked warriors among the tauren soldiers, but these tauren are born warriors. They are powerful and have strong magic resistance. Although they do not have any magic power in their attacks, every time they attack, They all have a natural vindictive energy, which is not weaker than magical attacks.
Skills: savage collision, collective rage, giant whirlwind
Brutal collision: Tauren's natural ability to use brute force to rush towards the target, any obstacle that dared to block his charging path will be hit by him.
Collective frenzy: When the tauren team is damaged to a certain extent, they will be frenzied collectively. After frenzy, the combat power of the tauren will instantly increase by 30%, but after frenzy, the tauren also loses reason , Any creature that dared to approach them would be attacked by them, even their comrades in arms. In the frenzied state, any mental magic attacks will not have any effect on them.
Giant Whirlwind: The most basic tomahawk skill of the tauren. Once it is deployed, the minotaur warrior becomes a huge axe whirlwind. Once any creature is involved in this whirlwind, even dragons, it will be twisted by the whirlwind. Into the flesh.
Weaknesses: Tauren are naturally impulsive, and their martial arts are based on brute force, lacking agility, and these barbarians are not good at strategy, and their sticky personality makes them do a lot of stupid things. "
Li Yuanhong has read this introduction and knows that there is hope for defeating these tauren. What Li Yuanhong is most afraid of are those who have the strength and brains, especially the corpses among the zombies, if not for those who have a low evolution level. , Not up to the level of human wisdom, otherwise Li Yuanhong would not easily restore so many cities in China.
Li Yuanhong still has many ways to deal with these guys who have brute force but no brains.
The next step is to find out how many tauren on this island.
Li Yuanhong wrote down the camp and bypassed the camp. Li Yuanhong ran quickly on a dirt road. There were deep rut marks on this dirt road. It should be a place used by tauren to transport supplies. Since there are cars passing by, the road is different. One head should be the base camp of these minotaurs.
After running for nearly an hour, it was late at night. Now Li Yuanhong’s speed is definitely not much slower than that of a horse. Although Li Yuanhong is now at the thirty-second level, the continuous running also made Li Yuanhong sweat all over his body, but quickly, Li Yuanhong saw the phantom of a city in the night, and it seemed that his destination had arrived.
The city is completely shrouded in darkness, and only a light appears on the city wall every other time that makes the tall city wall appear in the dark.
This is an ancient city in the style of ancient Athens. The city gradually rises from the outside to the inside, layered on top of each other. The complex is like a huge labyrinth. Only the deepest part of the city can be illuminated by the night monsters. Occupied.
Li Yuanhong didn't approach the city rashly. After all, Li Yuanhong didn't know whether there were patrol soldiers in the city and on the walls. If he rushed forward, he might encounter those patrolling soldiers.
Sure enough, not long after Li Yuanhong arrived outside the city wall, there was a group of soldiers on the city wall holding a torch, and after a while, another group of soldiers patrolled the city wall.
This patrol is very dense. It would be difficult for ordinary people to sneak into the city in such a dense patrol gap between soldiers. However, Li Yuanhong is a void skill. As long as he knows these simple-minded tauren patrol rules, the rest is easy to handle. Li Yuanhong Simply using a few stealth skills, Li Yuanhong easily avoided these tauren patrols.
Entering the city, Li Yuanhong soon found that he was lost. It turned out that this city was the labyrinth city that trapped Milotaunos back then.
Lost, but big trouble, the Greek prince back then, but with the help of the princess, today he broke into this labyrinth-like city alone, with doors everywhere, and the street is not the kind that leads to the inner castle, but around It won't take long for people to go around, so it is inevitable for Li Yuanhong to get lost this night.
But Li Yuanhong didn't want to be trapped here like this. After all, the tauren would all go out during the day and it would be difficult for him to hide, so now he must sneak into the castle as soon as possible and find a place to hide.
"I can't walk down here, I'll go up!" Li Yuanhong didn't want to be stubborn, and had to stroll around this street. If this is a closed labyrinth, naturally there is no way, but this is a city, an open city, and the roads below are not Knowing how to walk, Li Yuanhong quickly climbed onto the roof of a nearby house. Now his vision is widened. All roads are no longer obstacles. Moreover, Li Yuanhong does not walk through the roads underneath, but like an ape, jumping around on the house. Soon he approached the brightly lit inner city.
The defense of this inner city is tighter than that of the outer city wall. It is true that one post is five steps, one post is ten steps, not only that in many dark places, there are also many secret posts ambush, if anyone wants to sneak in these dim places, it is very They will soon be beheaded by these secret whistles.
This is Li Yuanhong, who has real eyes. Those tauren people think that the concealment is perfect, but in Li Yuanhong's eyes, that is the bright torch. How could Li Yuanhong be caught in such a simple ambush.
So Li Yuanhong quickly sneaked into the castle, but when Li Yuanhong was looking for a hiding place to observe the castle, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a corner of the castle hall where there were many humans, many living humans.
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