: Section 616: Secret Base

Li Yuanhong immediately looked at this bathroom. This should be a hot spring branch room that supplies water to other bathrooms. At this time, the two cleaning servants were walking from a hot spring bathroom on the north side. Li Yuanhong had no choice but to dive into the water again. , Opened the pipeline leading to the south side, and got in at once.
This time it was very short and I arrived at the bathroom on the south side. It was late at night and there was no one here. In order to prevent being discovered, Li Yuanhong quickly climbed out of the hot spring pool, then quickly came to a window and looked out. , There was no one outside, Li Yuanhong quickly got out of the window, then catted to his waist, using the shadow of the building, quickly touched another building.
Now Li Yuanhong has a black eye on this place. He doesn't know what each building is for. He can't help it. He can only touch the big luck now.
In the middle of the movement, Li Yuanhong saw several teams of patrol soldiers patrolling. These soldiers were not land species he was familiar with, but rather evolved like marine life.
Some have fish heads and human bodies, and some have six arms. The arms of each arm are huge pliers, and some have their own armor. The armor is like a huge tortoise shell.
Although these patrolmen are about the same length as the creatures in the sea, they all have human-like legs, which allows them to walk on the ground very freely, without the discomfort of leaving the sea. Moreover, these monsters were about the same size as their own. If it weren't for these monsters with inhuman heads, from a distance, they thought they were human soldiers patrolling.
What made Li Yuanhong even more noticed was that these patrols all patrolled the moving buildings, while the attention to other buildings was not so high.
"It seems that the building is weird!" Li Yuanhong thought while staring at that very special building.
I said that this building is very special because it has a huge Crusu statue in front of the building, which Li Yuanhong can see from a long distance. At first, Li Yuanhong thought it was a crusu standing guard. Let him find out that he had circumvented a big circle secretly, and as a result, there was still a statue of Crusu in the garden behind.
This situation shows that this building must be Crusu's important office location. Li Yuanhong is not familiar with the terrain here, so he just sneaked in and searched for a map that was useful to him.
However, when Li Yuanhong approached the building, Li Yuanhong was stunned. The building was too huge. Looking at it from a distance, I didn’t feel that when I was close, I realized that the building was more than 60 meters high. There are only five floors, that is to say, the average height of each floor is more than ten meters.
However, Li Yuanhong was relieved quickly. Each of these crusues is four or five meters high, or even six or seven meters high. At this height, if the floor is not raised, it is estimated that these crusuu can't be in these houses. Head up.
Li Yuanhong avoided these patrolling monsters, and finally came under the wall of the building. This building is not in European classical style, nor is it Chinese style. It has nothing to do with Arab architectural style. On the exterior wall of the building, there are many depictions. The reliefs, but on the reliefs, are all the pictures of Crusu leading his soldiers to fight. For these, Li Yuanhong doesn't care. What he cares about now is where the things he is looking for will be placed.
Li Yuanhong took out the wall climbing tool, attached himself to the wall, and slowly climbed upward under the cover of night. When Li Yuanhong climbed to the top floor, he finally saw a large office, and in this office, It's very luxurious. There are many decorations inside, all from the sea. There are huge coral trees and fist-sized night pearls inlaid on the roof wall, and not one, but twelve, in the middle of the twelve night pearls. There is also a night pearl that is the size of a sea bowl. These few night pearls illuminate the entire room brightly. Although it is not as dazzling as a light, the soft light gives people a very comfortable feeling.
Li Yuanhong crawled into the room from the window quietly. Li Yuanhong felt that he had entered the table and chair in the giant’s room. It was not something he could do. The chair was two meters high, the table was three meters high, and the bookshelves on both sides could not be made by himself. Easy to reach.
Li Yuanhong looked at these enlarged furnishings with a headache. Looking for something in this giant room is definitely a physical task.
Li Yuanhong struggled to climb up the desk and began to check the documents placed on the desk. These documents were all written in Krusu script. Fortunately, Li Yuanhong had come into contact with this kind of writing before, so that Li Yuanhong could easily understand its content. According to the record of the recent incubation of Crusu eggs, the Crusu eggs have entered the late stage of incubation, and they will be fully hatched in two or three days.
This record is very detailed. It records detailed information such as water temperature, magma temperature and seawater salinity. Originally, Li Yuanhong did not intend to pay attention to these things, but Li Yuanhong suddenly thought of a problem. If he destroys the incubator here, Will these Crusoe continue to study based on these materials, but if he tampered with the information here, what would the next Crusoe's research look like?
Li Yuanhong thought of this and immediately started to do it. Li Yuanhong didn’t change much. The precipitation temperature dropped by three degrees and the temperature of the magma was also lowered. However, the salinity of Li Yuanhong was increased. Anyway, it became a salty crusu egg. can not eat.
After the change, Li Yuanhong started searching again. Just as Li Yuanhong was looking for it, suddenly there was the sound of unlocking the door of the room, which shocked Li Yuanhong. There is no good place to hide in this room. Su found out that he was dead.
The door opened quickly, and within five seconds, I heard a "click", the door was opened, and a Crusu walked into the room.
What was printed on Crusu's eyelids at this time was that everything was neatly arranged in the room, and the spotless ground, which made Crusu very satisfied. But at this time, Crusu looked a little worried and hurried into the room.
This Crusoe walked into the room, walked to the table in a few steps, and saw the record placed on the table with a relaxed expression on his face.
"Great, I thought I lost you!" The Crusoe slipped the note into his space ring.
This Klusu did not pay attention to Li Yuanhong who was hiding under the table.
At this time, Li Yuanhong was supporting the two sides of the table with his hands, his back was close to the bottom of the table. As long as Na Klusu lowered his head, I could see Li Yuanhong, but this Klusu seemed to be acting in a hurry and did not pay attention. Li Yuanhong hurried out of the office.
Just after this Crusoe walked out of the office, Li Yuanhong breathed a sigh of relief and got out from under the table, but Li Yuanhong immediately noticed the door where Crusoe was leaving. This Crusoe was not in the middle of the night. Sleeping is so anxious about a note, it is estimated that this Klusu is closely related to the incubation experiment.
Li Yuanhong quickly took out a spider robot from the space.
"Follow that Crusu and see where he is going?" Li Yuanhong released the spider and gave him an order.
Little Spider received the order, got out of the door, and disappeared shortly afterwards. Li Yuanhong was not eager to follow out, but continued to search for information useful to him in the office, finally in a locked drawer. Li Yuanhong found a map. This is a map of an underground laboratory. Although this map does not indicate where the underground laboratory is located, the internal structure is clearly marked.
"I hope Little Spider can surprise me!" Li Yuanhong thought to himself.
Li Yuanhong looked for another circle. There were some documents in it, all of which were copies of the agreement signed directly by the devil and Krusu. From here, you can see that the source of all Krusu's incubation technology was marked in this copy. There is a note that all technologies are stored in a closely guarded archives room in the underground laboratory, which makes Li Yuanhong want to enter the laboratory and destroy all the files.
Just as Li Yuanhong was looking through the document, Li Yuanhong suddenly received a signal from the little spider. The signal marked a location.
Li Yuanhong opened the map, and the marked location was under a cliff on this mountain. This puzzled Li Yuanhong. What did the little spider run down the cliff to do?
However, Li Yuanhong felt that the little spider would not send a message for no reason, so he sneaked out of the office from the window, avoided the soldiers on patrol, and hurried to the cliff.
This is a cliff nearly three hundred meters high. The rock wall here is like being chopped by a huge knife and axe. The rock wall is very smooth, and there are almost no depressions for climbing. What made Li Yuanhong even more unacceptable was that the cliff was blown by the violent storm this time. The reason why the rock wall was so smooth was also blown by the endless wind. It is impossible for even the tiny dust to stay on the rock wall. second.
"How did this little spider get to the bottom of the valley?"
This made Li Yuanhong very puzzled, because the rock walls of this valley, not to mention robotic spiders, even geckos that are good at climbing walls cannot climb.
But this is not what Li Yuanhong wants to consider now, he must rush to the bottom of the valley as soon as possible, there may be Crusu's experimental base.
Li Yuanhong couldn’t help being unable to climb the wall at all. Li Yuanhong jumped and jumped directly off the cliff. In Li Yuanhong’s vision, he had teleporting skills. No matter how high he was, he just needed to land quickly. , Casting teleport skills by yourself, you can easily complete the landing action without any injury.
However, Li Yuanhong overlooked one thing, that is, the wind here is very violent, and the interval is very short, which can almost achieve uninterrupted blowing, and the wind is very strong, and any object can't cling to it. On the stone wall, not to mention Li Yuanhong is in midair without any help. So Li Yuanhong experienced the feeling that Monkey King was fanned by Princess Iron Fan and a banana fan.
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