: Section 33 Gunshots at the Proving Ground

Leaving the yurt, Li Yuanhong led the convoy and continued to the northeast, slowly leaving the grassland. There were more villages on both sides of the road, but most of the villages were deadly silent. When passing by a relatively small village, Li Yuanhong also stopped. I got out of the car and searched the villages, but the results were not great. There were traces of people searching in these villages. Obviously, the survivors are also starting to search for supplies. However, Li Yuanhong doesn't care. There are many people in the current team who have evolved. Li Yuanhong hopes to make these people familiar with the evolved body as soon as possible through battle.
In the evening of the same day, Li Yuanhong finally approached the test site marked on the map.
The surroundings of the test site were isolated with barbed wire and road signs. A highway leads directly to the test site. In the middle of the road, there is a checkpoint. At this time, the checkpoint is empty. The guard tower of the checkpoint is full of bullet marks. , The glass has been shattered all over the ground. Obviously there has been a fierce shooting here. There were blood stains on the ground, and some blood stains, which stretched into the test field. Strangely, there were no bones on the ground except for the blood stains, just like the corpse disappeared out of thin air. The same.
Li Yuanhong looked farther, and saw that ten kilometers away from the entrance, there was a small hill, not very high, only about two hundred meters. At the foot of the hill, there were some buildings that were too far inside. See clearly what building it is. In addition, the surrounding area is empty, as if this place is not human.
Li Yuanhong asked Zhang Haitao to drive the RV into the proving ground and head straight to the low mountain. When there were five kilometers away from the hill, Li Yuanhong stopped the car again. Li Yuanhong got on the roof of the RV, took out his binoculars, and looked at the house under the low mountain. This time we can see the housing situation more clearly. These are rows of barracks dormitories and warehouses, and near the mountain, there is a special house that attracts Li Yuanhong's attention. The house looks like a warehouse on the outside, but the gate is taller than a normal warehouse gate, and there are a few zombies wandering near the warehouse gate. These zombies are ordinary zombies, and there are not many in number. There are only a dozen zombies. It’s strange that some wear white coats, some wear military uniforms, and some wear plain clothes. These are not what Li Yuanhong cares about. What Li Yuanhong cares about is that the zombies in plain clothes turned out to be foreigners. Yes, they are foreigners. Zombies, when did foreign zombies come to China?
Li Yuanhong didn't dare to care, took the binoculars and looked around, but didn't see other zombies, so Li Yuanhong let the RV start again and drove to the row of houses.
When there was one kilometer away from the row of houses, Li Yuanhong parked again, then took out the binoculars again and looked at the house. He saw that the house was under the sunset glow of the west, and there were many zombies wandering inside. Little, Li Yuanhong didn't dare to provoke these zombies easily. After all, Li Yuanhong couldn't estimate how many zombies there were inside. If there were too many zombies, it would be difficult for him to deal with it. Li Yuanhong decided to adopt kite-flying tactics. Li Yuanhong asked other vehicles to park five kilometers away. The RV turned its head, and drove backwards toward the camp.
Attracted by the sound of cars, when they approached the barracks 500 meters away, the zombies hovering outside turned their heads and rushed towards the RV. Li Yuanhong hurriedly stopped Zhang Haitao from retreating and started to drive forward slowly, taking the zombie image away from the house. When one kilometer away from the house, Li Yuanhong ordered the RV to stop and waited for the zombies to approach. When the zombies were 50 meters away, Zhang Yuan and the others boarded the roof of the RV and started shooting bows and arrows. After a few rounds of bows and arrows, the zombies in front fell one after another. Next, there were no more zombies standing still, Li Yuanhong took the RV to land, and Lu Yi was responsible for searching the undead zombies. Li Yuanhong went straight to the zombies that looked like foreigners.
These zombies have some marks of being shot, but the place where they were shot is not fatal, and these zombies also have a common feature: they have an eagle tattoo on their back, obviously, these zombies did not come by accident Here, they should come from a common organization, and on these zombies, Li Yuanhong actually found a silencer pistol. The appearance of this kind of item seems to have come prepared for them. It is just fate and made a joke with them. The action has just begun, and we have encountered the end times.
Li Yuanhong didn’t know if these people came to test weapons, but these people showed up. Obviously, besides zombies, Li Yuanhong has to be wary of these foreigners in this test site. But Li Yuanhong still needs to pay attention to those zombies, especially those in the house. Zombies, these zombies won't open the door, it is not easy to lead them out of the house.
Li Yuanhong drove the RV back one kilometer in front of the barracks again, and climbed on the roof again. Li Yuanhong looked inside the house again. The sound of the car just now attracted the attention of the zombies. Many zombies crowded in front of the window and kept shaking. These windows have long been broken, and there are bullet marks around the windows. Obviously there has been a fierce gun battle here. Obviously outsiders have been found, and there has been a gun battle with the guards in the barracks, but both sides were attacked by zombies. The specific situation is I don't know.
Li Yuanhong looked at the dangling zombies and thought of a way, so Li Yuanhong took out the walkie-talkie: "Wang Jingrong, please answer when you receive it, and please answer when you receive it."
"Received, received!" Wang Jingrong replied.
"Bring your combat team here, we will practice marksmanship here." Li Yuanhong said to the walkie-talkie.
"Okay, received!"
Within two minutes, Wang Jingrong drove an armored car over, and the armored car stopped in front of the RV. Wang Jingrong got out of the car and ran in front of Li Yuanhong. He saluted a standard military salute. Li Yuanhong smiled and said, "Jing Rong need not be so polite. Look at those zombies, they are all trapped in the house, just because they can't get out, we can use them to practice marksmanship."
Wang Jingrong looked in the direction pointed by Li Yuanhong, and saw that the zombies were still swaying in front of the window. The red light of the sunset just sprinkled on the hideous faces of these zombies, making the beautiful sunset scenery a little bit. No beauty. So Wang Jingrong replied readily: "No problem!"
So Wang Jingrong took the armored vehicle and drove to a distance of 50 meters from the barracks. Five rifles stretched out of the armored vehicle and aimed at the windows of the barracks. With Wang Jingrong's order, the gunfire sounded. Although the distance is not very far, there will really be looting here. There are only two people. The other three are Skinny Monkey, Sending Breeze and Sparrow. The marksmanship of these three people is really not good. Ten shots can hit two shots. That's not bad, but this time it was originally for practicing marksmanship. Wang Jingrong continued to guide him, correcting his shooting posture and pointing the key points of shooting. With the continuous shooting, the shooting accuracy of the three people has improved rapidly.
The shooting continued for half an hour. At least a few hundred rounds of bullets were fired. There were no more zombies standing in the house. What made Wang Jingrong most gratified was that in the last few minutes, the shooting accuracy rate of the three people including Send Qingfeng finally increased. Now, ten shots can get seven or eight shots, which is considered qualified.
As soon as the gunfire ended, Li Yuanhong rushed over with the gunmen, and then approached the barracks cautiously. Through the window, you could see the corpses of many zombies lying downside down in the barracks. Look at the clothes these corpses were wearing, all of them belonged to soldiers. Clothing, Li Yuanhong sighed, but now these fighters have become zombies, Li Yuanhong has no choice but to kill these zombies completely, completely kill them, in order to save their souls.
Li Yuanhong asked the spearmen to open the barracks gate, and then the spearmen cautiously went in and began to clean up the undead zombies. Finally, after the cleaning was completed, Li Yuanhong checked them. There were more than 50 zombies in total. The corpse should have been eaten by the zombies, and more than 70 rifles were found in the barracks. The most exciting thing is that Wang Jingrong even found five machine guns for the squad, but he didn’t find many bullets. Several hundred rounds, but more than fifty empty magazines have been found, and more than 30 magazines have been trampled by zombies, including rifles, most of which have been damaged by zombies.
The result was gratifying, but Li Yuanhong did not have much joy. Li Yuanhong asked everyone to help move these zombies and corpses to the open space, and then pour gasoline on them, and burn the corpses of these soldiers completely. When the fire burned, Li Yuanhong Silently muttered in my heart: May you guardians of the Republic return to heaven.
Those survivors who followed were also silently watching the raging fire, and everyone showed a sad expression. They not only sighed for the dead, but also silently chanted for their loved ones, and were confused about their future destiny. . But when everyone saw Li Yuanhong standing in front of the crowd, they rekind their hope of life!
The evening slowly fell, hiding the last afterglow below the horizon, the earth was completely shrouded in black, and the test field was completely silent, and the burning flame was also extinguished. Li Yuanhong will camp here.
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