Chapter 115: : Zeri

   Du Qingke did not lose time, after getting the complete ancient silver needle from Ouyang Tiantian, he returned to the Flower Manor.
  In the manor, his father Du Shan is practicing Tai Chi, practicing "Eternal Life Dadian" and taking care of his body.
   Du Shan saw that Du Qingke was back, and smiled slightly: "Qingke, you are back!"
   Du Qingke nodded, and said to his mother Ye Ya: "Mom, you go to a big pot of hot water."
   Ye Ya is a little unsure, so: "What's wrong? Qingke, do you want to scald your feet?"
   Du Qingke shook his head: "This time, when I come back, I have to perform acupuncture on my father. There is something in my father's body. I want to take that thing out!"
   Ye Ya and Du Shan were both taken aback at the same time.
   Du Shan looked at Du Qingke with his eyes fixedly: "Qingke, tell dad what you know."
   Du Qingke's expression was indifferent: "Father, I have learned something now. Don't worry, I haven't done any bad things. In fact, not only your body has something, but also your younger brother's body has also been used by someone with evil spells!"
   Du Shan's face suddenly became very ugly.
   Then, Du Shan's hand had blue veins protruding, and the joints creaked.
   "Damn it!"
   "Those people are really damnable!"
   Du Shan slammed his fist on the table.
Du Qingke walked up to Du Shan and patted Du Shan on the shoulder: "Father, don't be too angry. I will take out the things in your body first. We, the family, I will make a sum with those people. The pen is clear."
   Du Shan looked at Du Qingke worriedly, with a warm and strong palm resting on the back of Du Qingke's hand.
   "Qingke, father made you suffer."
   "The things in my father's body cannot be taken out by ordinary people. You shouldn't think about it at your age. Father is in good health and can bear it."
   Du Shan said in a deep voice.
   Ye Ya put a pot of hot water in front of Du Qingke.
"Qingke, Mom, I know that you have been outside in recent days, and you should have learned a lot of skills with an amazing person. Today, Mom, I hope you will be alive and well. The things in your father's body, you Do it again with confidence."
   "If you are not sure, don't do it for now..."
   Ye Ya warned.
   Du Qingke's eyes are soft, in fact, that "thing" is alluding to-"gene lock"!
  Today, Du Qingke has everything ready!
   The genetic lock in his father Du Shan's body must be broken!
   "Don't worry, Mom and Dad, Qingke is 100% sure now!"
   Du Qingke said solemnly.
   Ye Ya and Du Shan looked at each other.
   "Come on, Qingke!"
   Du Shan nodded.
   Du Qingke spread out the set of ancient silver needles flat, skillfully and smoothly.
   The silver needles floated up.
   "Xuanyuan Soul Needle!"
   Du Qingke directly performed the taboo needle method recorded in the "Huangdi Neijing"!
   "The heaven and the earth are spiritual, the earth is spiritual!"
   "Summon the great ancient Xuanyuan Clan!"
   Du Qingke's forehead, sweat burst out!
   A mysterious beam of light suddenly fell on Du Qingke's body.
   Behind Du Qingke, there is an extra shadow!
   This shadow is very stalwart and full of divine power!
  At this moment, in Du Qingke's eyes, all the odd meridians and twelve meridians in his father Du Shan's body have been seen clearly.
   The enemy is very cunning and insidious. They locked their genes and planted them next to Du Shan's heart.
  Beside the heart, there are many important acupoints and various tendons and blood vessels.
   As long as one is careless, Du Shan’s internal organs will be severely damaged, immortal or disabled.
   Du Qingke took a deep breath, and there was a trace of sacred power in his hand!
   "The needle is coming!"
   Du Qingke moved his finger and a silver needle flew out!
   This silver needle was also filled with a trace of soul, and it was the power of the Xuanyuan clan!
   A soul needle anchored Du Shan's "Supervisor Channel"!
   "The needle is coming!"
   Another soul needle flew out, and it happened to be on Du Shan's "Ren Mai"!
   "The needle is coming!"
   The third soul needle flew out, and it happened to be set on Du Shan's "Chongmai"!
   so back and forth
   The first eight needles of Du Qingke fixed the eight channels of Du Shan's odd meridians:
   Governor Vessel, Ren Vessel, Chong Vessel, Band Vessel, Yin Vessel, Yang Vessel, Yin Vessel, Yang Vessel!
   The eight key bloodlines have been temporarily frozen!
   "Next, twelve seriousness!"
   Du Qingke did not dare to relax, this gene lock is a high-tech gadget with a sophisticated layout that is connected to the genes of the human body.
  If you want to completely remove it, you must perform an operation to isolate the gene.
   The eight meridians and the twelve serious meridians are the mystery of the human body and the inner core of human genes.
   fixed the eight channels of the odd meridian and the twelve serious meridians, which is equivalent to blocking the gene sequence in the body and conquering the gene lock from the source!
   The twelve serious meridians are the main channels through which the human body moves qi and blood and the main body of the meridian system, including:
Hand Taiyin Lung Meridian, Hand Yangming Large Intestine Meridian, Foot Yangming Stomach Meridian, Foot Taiyin Spleen Meridian, Hand Shaoyin Heart Meridian, Hand Sun Small Intestine Meridian, Full Sun Bladder Meridian, Foot Shaoyin Kidney Meridian, Hand Jueyin Pericardial Meridian, Hand Shaoyang Triple Jiao Channel, Foot Shaoyang Gallbladder Channel, Foot Jueyin Liver Channel!
   Du Qingke's twelve silver needles accurately fixed the "twelve seriousness"!
   "Next, start peeling!"
   "It is also the most important step!"
   Du Qingke took a deep breath.
   Du Qingke evenly splashed a pot of hot water on his father Du Shan's body.
   Soon, a vision appeared.
   A "lock", looming, in the heart of Du Shan.
   On Du Shan's skin, there was also a light spot of this "lock"!
   Du Qingke bit the blood on the tip of his tongue, and UU read with the last force, holding the last silver needle. Starting
   Xuanyuan's soul power began to bloom from the needle.
   This silver needle then began to deform. This is also the magic of medical silver needles above the special grade.
   The last silver needle turned into a hook, pierced Du Shan's skin, and hooked the "lock" all at once!
   "Xuanyuan supernatural power!"
   "Tell me out!"
   Du Qingke slammed hard and shouted!
   It's a critical moment, a critical moment! First release https://https://
   Du Qingke held the silver needle and pulled the "lock" out!
   A gene lock the size of a strawberry fell to the ground.
   At the same time, the last silver needle completed its mission, but also broke and turned into powder!
   Du Qingke held the gene lock in his hand, glanced at it, and observed it carefully.
   On this gene lock, there are two small characters-"blind the sun"!
   In an instant, Du Qingke understood a lot!
   "This gene lock turned out to be made by the Zuri faction!"
   Du Qingke is furious!
   "Zhiru faction! I, Du Qingke, must be destroyed!"
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