Chapter 191: : Pterodactyl Hengkong

On the high tower next to the 9012 training camp, the Raksha instructor stood at the railing and had a panoramic view of the battle that took place on the school field.
The Raksha instructor exclaimed: "Du Qingke's strength is so strong! The boy Jiang Zhen, although his character is inferior, but his body is: Golden rank top-tier mecha warrior. The mecha he drives is also a giant. Scorpion Mecha. The million-horsepower super-powered engine carried by the Giant Scorpion Mecha is not vegetarian!"
"Even so, Jiang Zhen was defeated by Du Qingke, and he broke the cockpit with one stroke!"
The Raksha instructor was shocked.
"This time, Luo Hao really found a good seed for me! In the future, I might really be able to return to the combat unit!"
The Raksha instructor looked at the distance with many thoughts.
Soon, the sun sets and enters the night!
At this moment, late at night on December 31, 2099, most people all over the world have no sense of tension or danger.
On the contrary, many people are immersed in joy!
In many city squares, people have held large-scale evening parties to celebrate: the arrival of the new century!
People sang and danced in the square, talking and laughing, and gathered together!
Only Du Qingke had a tight face and a solemn expression.
Du Qingke returned to his apartment, turned on the TV and watched the live broadcast of the party everywhere, and picked up the mechanical watch, watching the time every minute.
Xiao Qinglong, who was also infected by Du Qingke, lay obediently on Du Qingke's shoulders, and stopped yelling.
"Tick, tick!"
The hands on the watch are spinning every minute and every second.
Du Qingke looked at the time without blinking.
In the same way, the top astronomical observatories around the world have also captured some information.
Some astronomers have magically discovered that the sun is extinguishing at a speed visible to the naked eye!
Originally, the activity of sunspots was also rapidly decreasing until they were no longer active.
Originally, the blazing sun seemed to have been affected by a certain supernatural power in the depths of the universe, and gradually went to destruction.
Ring the bell!
The time freezes at: "0 o'clock!"
The world has officially entered: January 1, 2100!
"Hello, 22nd century! Hello, era of catastrophe!"
Du Qingke sighed softly.
At the same time, the TV screen went black!
All the lights in the apartment went out!
All parts of the world, whether in the southern hemisphere or the northern hemisphere, are all black!
A series of huge changes caught many people by surprise.
Many singing and dancing stages have all lost their luster!
People were still celebrating, but now, everything has stopped.
Originally, the zero o’clock clock used to celebrate, at this time, instead became:
Ring the bell of the end!
Many supercomputers have also failed, all screens are black, and the electronic components no longer work.
People also found that their own car could not start.
Even the walking tractor in the farmland can't be started!
The failure of technological products and the huge changes in the earth's magnetic field are only part of it!
Then, the sun went out completely!
The ice, the cold immediately hit your face and swept the world!
The temperature drops sharply!
Even the temperature in the equatorial region has dropped to minus 20 degrees!
Many people, caught off guard, were frozen into icicles.
There are others in the room, blowing on the air conditioner, spreading the mat, and eating iced watermelon.
Suddenly, the air conditioner stopped working.
The temperature directly drops colder than the Antarctic region.
Of course, the cold is not fatal to the extraordinary.
As long as some quilts are wrapped in time, the extraordinary can easily withstand the severe cold.
However, at the same moment, in the depths of the forest and valley, there was a loud "dragon roar"!
The earth began to tremble!
Many cities near the mountains have been attacked by unknown "creatures"!
Mankind faces a test that has never been known before.
At this moment, Du Qingke knew that he was making a call and couldn't get through.
I was a little unsure of speculation in my heart, not sure, what happened to mom and dad?
And the younger brother, Du Fengchao, did he stay in the school according to his own requirements?
Without sleep all night, Du Qingke hugged Xiao Qinglong, leaned on the chair, and looked at the night outside the window!
"Perhaps, many people are still thinking about waiting until the daytime, after the sun rises! Will the world return to normal again?"
Du Qingke sighed slightly: "But, who knows that from now on, the sun has really gone out and destroyed? It will never rise again!"
"Before the [Spirit Lantern] appeared, the world would be plunged into darkness. There was no light and the temperature was extremely low. Well, if I remember correctly, the [Spirit Lantern] was abruptly at some point on January 10, 2100. Appearing in the solar system, replacing the sun, bringing a different kind of light to the solar system!"
Du Qingke calculated the time.
[Spirit Lantern] is a magical existence that runs through the entire era of catastrophe!
[Spirit Lantern] After the emergence, the aura of heaven and earth on the earth will increase sharply, gradually recovering, and the number of human powers will increase!
In previous lives, many people believed that the [spiritual lamp] was the core of the entire catastrophe era, and most of the auras originated from the [spiritual lamp]!
"Does the revival of heaven and earth aura really come from [Spirit Lamp]? No, in fact, from this moment on, the law of heaven and earth has completely changed! Heaven and earth aura has gradually increased! The era of catastrophe is very complicated!"
Du Qingke could not help but sigh.
The senior management of the school also launched an emergency plan to deal with this emergency.
The school’s reserve team immediately implemented martial law throughout the school.
Although, the technology light can not be used anymore.
However, primitive torches, candles, and kerosene lamps can still be lit, illuminating a faint light!
The members of the reserve team, each with a torch, stood in various key positions inside and outside the school.
January 1, 2100: "6:01:01!"
The whistle of the assembly spread throughout the school!
This is the assembly horn blown by the instructors!
Du Qingke and the other students immediately ran to the school grounds.
At this moment, the sky is still dark!
The sun shows no signs of rising at all!
The dark depression is on everyone's heart.
A trace of panic began to spread.
Some students were already whispering: "Couldn't it be the real end, right? The sun is really destroyed? Extinct?"
At this time, the Raksha instructor, holding a torch, strode forward.
Instructor Raksha, with a heavy expression: "Dear students, today was originally a happy day, but who expected a sudden change... The school decided... ...."
The words of the Raksha instructor are not finished yet.
Strange sound, "buzzing"!
Some students raised torches, candles, and kerosene lamps and looked towards the sky!
From the Southern Wilderness Mountains, many huge pterosaurs flew!
These pterosaurs are hovering above Zhennan Military University!
"what is that?"
Raksha instructor asked in surprise.
Du Qingke's voice was cold: "That is: Pterodactyl Hengkong!"
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