Chapter 435: :8 House Tour Press

"Do these pears look special?"
   Du Qingke picked off a pear and chewed it a few times in his mouth.
   Pears are sweet and refreshing, and the taste is very good.
   This pear melts in the mouth, it is extremely refreshing!
  Moreover, Du Qingke felt a magical power in his body after eating the pear.
   "There is also aura! This pear contains a small amount of aura, um, if you distinguish it carefully, it should contain a little water aura, ice aura, and wood aura."
   Du Qingke slowly and authentic.
   "The content of this aura is extremely small. However, it is possible to directly supplement a variety of auras from the food you eat. This is already extremely rare."
   "Order to go down and mark these pear trees. After the zombie army is eliminated, pay attention to take some pear tree samples back and take them to the laboratory for research."
   Du Qingke exhorted.
"it is good!"
  Tao Bai is a meticulous person. After Du Qingke ordered to go down, he recorded the matter in his notebook.
   then walked along the streets of Tangli Town for more than ten miles.
   approached the front line.
   At the forefront, looking far away, you can already see a group of zombies in large, large, and large tracts.
  These zombies are fully armed, armed with weapons, and have a neat military appearance. They are very different from the second and third reorganized zombie legions that they have encountered before.
   If the previous second and third reorganization zombie army were mobs, then the first reorganization zombie army is the regular army! Ace Army!
  The difference can be said to be the difference between cloud and mud!
   Du Qingke was also standing on the defensive city wall, watching the crowd of zombies gathered under the city wall, and exclaimed, "These zombies are not easy!"
   "I have met a real opponent!"
   Originally, Du Qingke thought in his heart, and planned to devise a strategy to attract all these zombies to charge.
   Then, relying on the crazy plants, they carried out precise strikes on these corpses of zombies, thereby eliminating all the zombies of the first reorganization of the zombie army.
   "It's easy to catch it all in one go. Similar to the plan to destroy the second reorganization of the zombie army, it won't work."
   Du Qingke, whispered.
   Tao Bai and Du Qingke continued: "Boss, there is one more thing, I have to follow you."
   "In this first reorganization of the zombie army, there is also a new type of zombie unit. This new type of zombie unit is: jumping zombies!"
"Pole-jumping zombies, you can lean on the pole-jump, and then rush over quickly. Even directly over the wall of Tangli Town! We have already killed many pole-jumping zombies. Of course, don’t rule out, some jump The zombies were hidden quietly and hid in the town."
   "These zombies are very cunning, quietly hiding and hiding in our Tangli Town. There must be some deliberate plans."
   Tao Baidao.
   "By the way, Bai, how is your [Almighty Eye] practice?"
   Du Qingke asked.
Tao Bai nodded slightly: "Boss, you laughed, the [Almighty Eye] that you brought back to me from the Eye Tribe is really good. The mystery is profound. After I practiced, I feel my strength is increasing. And, Learned a lot of unpredictable skills."
   "However, this [Eye of Almighty], the more you practice it, the more difficult it is. My [Eye of Almighty] has still been able to cultivate to the realm of Dacheng!"
   Tao Bai is a little ashamed and authentic.
   Du Qingke waved his hand: "Bai, you don't have to blame yourself!"
   "This [Almighty Eye] is already difficult. The elders of the Eye tribe, too, were able to cultivate [Almighty Eye] to the Dacheng people. For thousands of years, there were not many people in the entire Eye tribe."
   Du Qingke encouraged.
   "Blame me, if I can practice [Eye of Almighty] to the realm of Dacheng, it will be fine. Those jumping zombies hidden and lurking in Tangli Town can be destroyed!"
   Tao Bai sighed.
   "It's okay, don't worry. You have to walk step by step, and you have to eat a bite. It's okay!"
   Du Qingke smiled and said.
   At this moment, in the command camp of the Southern Wilderness Supervisory District.
   The Southern Wilderness Governor immediately convened a joint military meeting.
   Southern Desolate Supervisor Army, also impressive
   "Governor, summoned us to the top of the Supervisory District so early? Anything to announce?"
   Southern Famine Supervisor asked.
   Southern Wilderness Governor, nodded and said: "Yes, it's a very big thing. The file is now, using a special encryption method, through military satellites, directly transmitted to my Governor's Mansion."
   Governor Nanhuang took up the papers while standing.
   The Southern Desolation Supervisor Army was immediately aroused by curiosity.
   "Why, just send it to you alone? Why not send it to our military guard house?"
   Southern Famine Supervisor Army, a bit dissatisfied with authenticity.
The Governor of Southern Wilderness waved his hand and explained faintly: "The supervising army will calm down for the time being. This document is sent from the League of Legends Asia headquarters. I have a "special coach" in the League of Legends, plus an earl title. The League of Legends is there. If something happens, I will be notified first."
   The Southern Famine Supervisor Army is silent, he is much inferior to his position in the Alliance.
  In the League of Legends, the Southern Desolate Supervisory Army is just a viscount's title, which is a big difference from the Southern Desolate Governor.
   It's no wonder that something big happened, and the Alliance will directly notify Governor Southern Wilderness one step in advance.
   " Gossip, I'm not too much."
   "League of Legends Asia Headquarters will send an eight-family patrol to inspect our Southern Wilderness Supervisory District, Northern Wilderness Supervisory District, and Supervisor Yunyou in this three-supervisory battle!"
   Southern Wilderness Governor said solemnly.
"The Bafu Tour Press is the first honorable position in the Alliance. It is often held by those with tattoos above the Marquis level, and those with great virtuous respect. The Bafu Tour Press directly dispatched from the Alliance Asia Headquarters is even more direct. Responsible to the Intercontinental Conference."
   "According to the documents, the Bafu tour has already set off. The first stop is coming to our Southern Desert Supervisory District! We have to prepare better!"
   Southern Wilderness Governor, solemn and authentic.
  The Southern Famine Supervisor Army was also taken aback. Angrily said: "Our three superintendents are desperately trying to snipe the zombie army! Are you still worried about the Alliance? Will you send an additional eighth government patrol to assess us?"
   "The order was issued by the Asian headquarters of the Alliance, and you and I cannot change it!"
"The documents are also on. The Bafu Inspection is only responsible for patrolling matters, and will not direct our specific combat operations! However, the Bafu Inspection has a part of the power of supervision and the power to cut first and then play. If our Southern Famine Supervisory District is If you don’t perform well, everyone here will be greatly affected in your career!"
   Southern Wilderness Governor, the importance of the matter has gone out.
   The Southern Desolate Supervisor Army felt a chill in his heart, and he couldn't help but sweat.
   He was afraid that some of his thoughts and actions would be found out by the "Eight House Tour Press" that came down from the air.
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