Chapter 481: :Snow Country

   Snow Country Train drove into the dimensional barrier in the secret realm.
   The secret layer of the secret realm of the Snow Country is very wide, and even a special means of transportation like the Snow Country Train takes a while.
  Through the train window, you can see the condition of the external dimension wall.
   Many people on the train have no such experience.
   This is the first time some people have seen this kind of journey through different dimensions.
   Xiong Weiting's eyes widened, and he looked at the "various colors" outside through the car window.
   "Boss, how long will we have before we can reach the Snow Country!"
   Xiong Weiting asked.
   "I don't know this!"
   "The journey of the Dimension Wall is very wonderful. In this kind of journey, time and space are in a solidification process. The concept of Zheng time has been virtualized."
   Du Qingke explained.
   "However, inferring according to normal laws. This dimensional barrier is indeed very long, and it is indeed very difficult to enter the secret realm of Snow Country."
   Du Qingke added.
   Haitang City Defense Army is also the first time that most people have experienced such a wonderful journey.
   They are all very curious, staring at the pull here
   The journey of the train made them feel very novel.
   At this moment, a voice was also broadcast on the Snow Country Train.
   This sound comes from the car-elf on the train.
   "Welcome passengers, welcome to take this train!"
   "During the next journey, each car will automatically pop up a varying number of video-screens. On the video-screen, everyone will be introduced to show the human geography of the snow country in general, and the general situation."
   Car genie, some screens popped up on each car.
   On the screen, the scenery of the snow country was projected.
   On the screen, everyone can see a large area of ​​"white snow".
   At the same time, there are simultaneous explanations during the video broadcast.
   "Snow Country is a great country..."
   The Snow Country is vast and has complex terrain, mainly living with snow people and some alien races.
  The snow people who rule the snow country often break out wars with some alien races, so the snow country is not peaceful.
  The snow people are good at controlling snow. It snows all the year round, and large areas of land are covered with snow, especially in the snow country.
  According to the method of controlling snow, those who are good at large-scale and long-range attacks are the Snow wizards, who follow the extraordinary route similar to Western wizards and Eastern ascetics.
   Be good at precision strikes and close-range attacks to become a Snow Swordsman, taking an extraordinary route similar to Western Fighting Masters and Eastern Ancient Warriors.
   The snow people admire the strong, because the living environment is relatively bad, the mountains are covered by heavy snow, food is scarce, and they have to face the invasion of some snow monsters.
   The notion of survival of the fittest is very popular here.
   There are a total of 72 cities in the entire Snow Country.
   King Capital-Snow Golden City, directly ruled by the king of Snow Country.
   The remaining seventy-one cities were entrusted by the king to seventy-one founding heroes as territories. They have been for generations, and the inheritance and reception continued.
   Among them, in seventy-one cities, there are also four special alien lords. The most famous ones are: Lord Snow Eagle, Lord Snow Leopard, etc.!
   Then, on the video screen, some magnificence of Snow Country City was played.
   The magnificence of these cities makes people look very shocking!
   But, what resources are there in the Secret Realm of Snow Country?
   People from all major forces began to fall into thinking Zheng
   After all, in each of the eight cars, there are different people in each car.
   Du Qingke and others were in the sixth carriage.
   In the first car, the passengers were: the Griffin Chief of the Vulture Mercenary Corps and others.
   In the second carriage were: the barbarian king of the Ferrerjod tribe and others.
   In the third car, the passengers were: Elsie, Vice President of Kaone Company and others.
   In the fourth car, the passengers are: Binyou University-Professor of Food and others.
   In the fifth car, the passengers are: Kuxue Mineral Water Company-Chairman Ma Ku and others.
   The sixth car is riding: Du Qingke, Xiong Weiting, Tao Bai and other Haitang city defense forces.
   The seventh car rides: The Chinese Power-Alliance near Royce Town.
   The eighth carriage rides are: nearby major casual repairers and solo travelers.
   Each carriage is a representative of a power, and they all represent different interests.
   However, everyone has worked so hard to take the Snow Country Train on this journey across dimensional barriers in order to obtain resources.
  The resources of the Secret Realm of Snow Country are the top priority.
   Du Qingke naturally knows what the core resources of the Secret Realm of Snow Country are.
   In previous lives, the major forces have entered the secret realm of Snow Country.
  Although, at that time, Du Qingke did not directly participate in the ranks of robbing the secret resources of the Snow Country.
   However, Du Qingke knows some basic information about the secrets of the Snow Country.
   The memory in his mind, like a stream, began to flow slowly.
   just right, at this time, the big screen on the train also began to explain:
   "Surely all passengers who take the Snow Country Train are here to find the treasures of Snow Country!"
   "Snow Country is rich in a kind of crystal, named: Blood Crystal!"
"Blood crystals are an excellent supplement to supplement energy and blood, and practice various spells. There is also a big tree in the snow country, called the silver pine tree. The silver pine tree can produce silver pine cones. If you eat it, you can keep your face and prolong your life. According to the rumors, there is a certain probability that taking silver pine cones will make people immortal!"
"In addition, the white snow on the territory of Snow Country, there is also a kind of white snow, this snow is unusual, this white snow is a special snow. On average every square hectare of Snow Country, there will be a cup of this kind of snow. Snow Country people call it the same. Xuewei: [Lingxue]! The effect of Lingxue is even more amazing. Whether it is used for bathing or drinking, it has extraordinary curative effects. Even some talented blacksmiths prefer to use Lingxue to build weapons. ."
   "When the weapon is built to the point, it is time to add Lingxue to cool the weapon, it can have unexpected effects!"
   The car wizard explained carefully.
   Du Qingke's eyes closed slightly. This car spirit is the three treasures of the Snow Country on the bright side-blood crystal, silver pine cone, and Lingxue!
   In fact, the most precious thing in the entire Snow Country is: the snow king's crown!
   Snow Country-The king's crown hides the mystery of breaking through the realm of Zun.
  The last life, the king of the snow country, mysteriously disappeared, it can be said that it affects the world's respect.
   "Now, I have the opportunity to personally participate in the exploration of the secrets of the Snow Country, and I must take down the supreme crown!"
   Du Qingke said solemnly.
   is to set a goal for myself.
   At this moment, the high-level people of the major forces in the other cars are all thinking.
   The head of Griffin deliberately convened a regiment meeting in the first carriage.
"After entering the Snow Country, the three treasures of the Snow Country-blood crystals, silver pine cones, and spirit snow are all the materials we need to plunder! The snow people are blocked and are a group of indigenous people. Don't worry about it. Our competitors are mainly the other seven. My colleagues in the carriage!"
   The head of the Griffin has a loud and authentic voice.
"Once the train stops in the secret realm, we will be divided into three groups. Mercenaries on one road, stay in the carriages, make sure there are cars on the way back. The other mercenaries go to find the Three Treasures of the Snow Country. The last mercenaries are responsible for the defense work along the way, and are responsible for fighting the other seven Colleagues in the carriage!"
   The head of Griffin assigned the task.
   "The specific details, now, let's discuss it together. The staff of the regiment is responsible for keeping records and careful deployment!"
   Griffon head, solemnly ordered.
   The second carriage-the Freljord tribe-Barbarian King and others, don't have so many intestines.
  They are members of the barbarian tribe, and they always like to go straight to the point, just do it!
   Just cut and cut!
   I don’t like going around.
The Barbarian King waved the sword in his hand, directly roared, and issued a mobilization order: "Warriors, we are about to enter the Snow Country! Where are a lot of treasures! Our Ferrerjod tribe has been poor and weak all the year round! Now, it is time. It's going to change!"
   "Willing to follow Lord Man Wang!"
   "Kill, kill, kill!"
   "When the time comes, who will dare to fight with us! Kill all, kill, kill!"
  The Man King yelled violently.
   "Kill, kill, kill!"
  The barbarian tribe warriors under the Man King also shouted.
   The third carriage-Elsie, the senior vice president of Kaone Company, and several company executives are also intensively formulating plans.
   "Anything that presupposes is established, if not, it is abolished! All of you are senior executives of our company, and you must plan carefully as soon as possible so that our company can successfully seize this batch of resources."
   Elsie ordered.
   "President, Blood Crystal, once we obtain a large amount of raw materials, we can produce a steady stream of Qi pills and elixirs. Then, we can set off a wave in the pharmaceutical stock market. We can make a big profit!"
   An executive is excited and authentic.
   "Yes, there are silver pine cones, this thing is also rare, you can earn a wave of gold in the food industry!"
   "There is also Lingxue, which can play a role in the smelting industry! At that time, our Kaone company can also enter the smelting industry!"
  Many executives have admonished.
  Elsie was also very excited.
"Our Kaone company, as long as we seize this opportunity, this year's turnover is likely to exceed the trillion mark! You must work hard! Especially the security manager, your security department is under a lot of pressure, and the other cars are all other forces. People, they are not fuel-efficient lamps!"
   Elsie said coldly.
   "Please rest assured, the vice president, I have brought some biochemical weapons on purpose this time. It is just for emergencies."
   The security manager vowed to be authentic.
   "Okay! If this is successful, I will reward you again!"
   Elsie nodded.
   The fourth car-Binyou University-several professors who led the team sat together.
   "I just looked at it. Through the video on the screen, the geographical topography of Snow Country is not only the Three Treasures of Snow Country, but also a lot of oil. Natural gas resources!"
   A professor of geology, giving his opinion.
   "The Snow Country is backward and the technology is not well-developed. This time, we must make good explorations. Uncertain. There are many new species in the Snow Country, and some valuable things can be discovered."
   A professor of biology, slowly and honestly.
   "Silver pine cones can also make many delicious foods with high value."
  The gourmet professor proposed.
   "However, this time there are many forces who have entered the secret realm of Snow Country. Our Binyou University is mainly a student team, and it is not uniform. Those who have a lot of interests will attack us!"
   A professor who teaches martial arts skills is a little worried and authentic.
In the team this time, Professor Polly, the highest-ranking comprehensive professor and vice president of Binyou University, coughed slightly, and in his tone, he was full of confidence: "Don’t worry, everyone, our Binyou University is the best in Beihuang Supervision District. A good university, countless rich and famous children, are studying in our institution."
"Our Binyou University is a first-class university invested and constructed by the Northern Wilderness Governor's Mansion and directly under the jurisdiction of the Huaxia Academic Department. Those people who dare to attack us, they will be finished! Unless they are not afraid of the Governor, nor the Huaxia Academic Department. ?"
   Professor Polly’s voice was loud and loud:
Of course, very few people can beat the old man by simply talking about force on the train. Do your research boldly! I will provide you with security!

   The fifth carriage-Kuxue Mineral Water Company-Chairman Ma Ku, sitting in the first seat.
"Everyone, I followed my Maku when the company was founded. It is not easy to start a company! It is an opportunity for us to enter the secret of Snow Country. Now, the company’s capital chain has been broken for several months, and the bank has not Give us a loan."
"The company's last cash in stock is almost exhausted. This time, we gave it a go and succeeded. Our Kuxue mineral water survived the difficulties and successfully promoted to eight stars! If we fail, we will be acquired by competitors. There is a high possibility that it will be acquired by the Kaone Company. They have been eyeing our mineral water business for a long time!"
   Ma Ku, chairman of the board, said meaningfully.
"Chairman, please rest assured! As long as we can obtain enough Lingxue, use Lingxue's water, after diluting, make a ratio, add it to our mineral water. When Zheng, our mineral water will surely sell well. Time will surely be booming all over the world!"
   The sales director has a loud and authentic voice.
   "Yes, chairman, we are willing to follow the chairman this time and break the boat!"
  Many executives are solemnly authentic.
"Good! The Three Treasures of Snow Country, our Kuxue Mineral Water Company is not too greedy. We only ask for one of them-[Lingxue]! I hope that all employees will work together with me! Once the company is successful, I will assign you all Shares!"
   Ma Ku, chairman of the board, encouraged.
   Du Qingke and others were made in the sixth carriage.
   Du Qingke smiled faintly: "I don't have much, you guys can do your best! The treasure of the Secret Realm of Snow Country, we are bound to win!"
   "Boss, what you ask us to do, we do!"
   Xiong Weiting and Tao Bai are solemn and authentic.
   As for the seventh car and the eighth car, each has its own voice. Everyone is making plans. It's just that the two cars in the front and the two cars in the back are more confusing because of the crowded people.
   Snow Country Train passed through the dimensional barrier and officially entered the secret of Snow Country!
   Through the window of the car, the silver-clad, snow-covered, ice-covered scene of thousands of miles outside also appeared in front of everyone.
   "This is the look of a snow country!"
   Du Qingke feels like it!
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