Chapter 514: : Blade Warrior

"Thousand-foot waves?"
"My son, when you take the Snow Country Train, what you encounter is different from when you arrived!"
Murong Xue said worriedly.
Here, only Murong Xue knew that Du Qingke and his party did not belong to Xue Country.
For the earth, Murongxue has not returned for a long time.
Speaking of this, Murong Xue also missed it.
It's just that sometimes, you can't help yourself.
In the position of Her Royal Highness, Murong Xue was already a representative of the Holy Mountain, and could not leave the Snow Country at will.
"Returning on the Snow Country Train is extremely dangerous. Son, if you are not in a hurry, you can follow me back to the Holy Mountain. We have a special teleportation array in the Holy Mountain, which can safely transport people to various places."
Murong Xue retained her way.
"Xue'er, this time, you are not alone with me. I still have so many brothers. The headquarters of the holy mountain must be heavily guarded and have many eyes and ears. I and so many brothers will pass without identification."
"Moreover, to transmit so many of us, we must start a very large array!"
"It's not easy, Xue'er, I know you are good to me, but I don't need to be like that. I, Du Qingke, are an upright man. Returning to my hometown, I can't cause you trouble!"
Du Qingke smiled and said to Murong Xue.
Du Qingke wanted to be the teleportation array of the holy mountain, but this is very troublesome!
Maybe, it may cause a shock at the highest level of the holy mountain!
Today, although Murongxue is on the bright side-the "goddess" position, but there are still many roads to follow in the future.
After all, the "goddess" of the old generation is not dead yet, and the old generations of goddess are now hiding behind the scenes and still have great powers in their hands.
The big and small affairs of the holy mountain still need to be checked by the old goddess.
Moreover, a sacred mountain in Nuo Da, there are some other hidden masters.
These are hidden powerhouses, they are all the core high-levels of the holy mountain.
Du Qingke had been deliberate, and it was safer to take the Snow Country Train.
Murong Xue waved her hand and said softly, "My son, you must never say that. For you, Xue'er is willing to do anything."
"Then Xueer, help me get some tickets!"
Du Qingke smiled.
Of course, the place where you should ask is still asking.
Tickets for the Snow Country Train are not easy!
At this time, Du Qingke could only rely on Murongxue.
"What I lack most now is the ticket! This time I take the train back, there are any difficulties! I Du Qingke believes that I can resist!"
Du Qingke said solemnly.
"I believe in Master Du!"
"The ticket problem, leave it to Cher."
Murong Xue nodded and said.
"thank you!"
Du Qingke thanked him.
"Master Du, there is no need to say so many words of thanks between us."
Murong Xue smiled.
"My son, this is a train manual. You must read it carefully when you take the time. When you return, the train will pass through [Crossing the River Thousand Chi Waves]!"
"This river is-[Hunjiang]! Every year, there are many trains that are hit by a thousand-foot waves and crash into the soul river. The passengers on the train have also become the souls of the soul river."
Murong Xue briefly explained.
At the same time, Murongxue presented Du Qingke with a thick driving manual.
This [Drive Manual] is summarized by a special tourist agency in the Holy Mountain.
They are generally used exclusively for internal use by the high-level of the Holy Mountain, and they are very precious.
The manuals like this in Murong Xue's hands are also limited.
After Du Qingke accepted it, he also looked through it carefully.
In the precautions of the "Drive Manual", impressively marked-[Hunjiang]!
Because of the characteristics of space-time tunnels and space distortions.
The Snow Country Train's return journey to the earth has different roads.
[Hunjiang] is the only way to go when the Snow Country train returns.
Because of the death of many people at the bottom of the river, the soul of the soul gathers all the year round, and there are even some undead wandering, so it is named: the soul river!
In the Soul River, the wind often hangs.
Moreover, on the Soul River, the proverb "three-foot waves without wind" is brought into full play.
Under normal circumstances, as long as there is a little bit of overcast wind blowing.
On the surface of the Soul River, huge corrosive waves of a hundred feet, a thousand feet, or even ten thousand feet will be raised!
The river water of the Soul River, because it is soaked by the undead and souls all the year round, not only has a general physical corrosive effect.
More importantly, the scary thing about the waters of the Soul River is that the waters of the Soul River can corrode human souls.
Because, on the surface of the river, the one that is lifted the most is: Thousand-foot waves!
That's why there is the "Thousand-foot Waves Over the River" that Murong Xue said!
If you want to cross the Soul River safely, the first thing you have to face is: Qianchi Wave!
The train can cross the Soul River safely, and the entire journey is considered safe with an 80% probability.
If there is a slight mistake, a huge accident will occur during the journey, causing huge casualties.
In the "Driving Manual", in the [Driving Chapter], it also focused on the technology of how to drive and control the Snow Country train.
In fact, there is a conductor on every train.
The conductor is usually hidden in the front cockpit of the train. There is no emergency, the conductor will not come out.
Du Qingke also looked at [Driving Chapter] seriously.
Although there is a driver on the train, it is better to give your own life to others with confidence.
After Du Qingke was about to set foot on the train, he drove the train by himself.
Crossing the Soul River requires super-high driving skills. Du Qingke is not very trusting of the unmasked train driver.
After some preparations were made, a few days passed.
A Snow Country train drove into Xuemang City on time.
Murongxue also lived up to Du Qingke's trust and obtained tickets for Du Qingke, Tao Xiaobai, Xiong Weiting and other brothers.
Before saying goodbye, Murongxue also found Du Qingke.
Murongxue looked at Du Qingke affectionately: "Master Du, you must pay attention to safety along the way!"
"The communication token I gave you can be used in Snow Country. As long as you encounter any situation in Snow Country, send a message to me. I will let someone solve it as soon as possible!"
Murong Xue exhorted.
"Well, don't worry, Cher! I'm a big man, there won't be any danger!"
Du Qingke smiled and said.
"Master Du, I really can't bear you. Can you not leave! Just stay in Snow Country!"
Murong Xue retained her way.
"Hehe, I have been staying in Snow Country, and don't work. Do you support me?"
Du Qingke asked back.
"Well, I raise you!"
Murong Xue said with a blushing face.
"Okay, I won't talk about it anymore. I really should go. On Earth, I still have many things to do."
Du Qingke said solemnly.
"I know, a good man is going everywhere!"
Murong Xue nodded.
"Master Du, don't worry, Xueer will come to you if she is free!"
Murong Xue said.
"Well, good! You are back to Earth, I will welcome you anytime!"
Du Qingke smiled and said.
Tickets are required to take the Snow Country Train in Snow Country.
Without a ticket, even the door of the car cannot be opened.
If you want to forcibly enter the train, it will trigger the attack mode and whistle inside the train.
The nearby Snow Country soldiers will come over and carry out a containment attack.
Even the train will enter the closed state, delay the departure and so on.
Only a ticket can take the Snow Country Train.
The Snow Country train this time is not very long, with only one carriage and one locomotive.
In the locomotive sat a train driver.
Du Qingke boarded the train with the brothers.
In the train, it is basically empty, although there is only one car, but the car is very large.
Du Qingke, Tao Xiaobai, Xiong Weiting and many other brothers only occupied one third of the space.
The rest of the carriage space, strangely speaking, did not even take any snow people.
Perhaps it was recently-His Majesty the King of Snow Country issued a first-level preparation order.
Almost all the Yeti people are in intensive training and have no intention of wandering around.
At the time of departure, the train departed.
Soon, the train arrived at the next place.
This site is the Lingxue production site.
The train will stay at the Lingxue production site for a short period of time.
Suddenly, the door of the carriage opened slowly.
A dozen familiar faces greeted Du Qingke's eyes.
Du Qingke was also taken aback when he saw these people.
Because Du Qingke was particularly familiar with one of them.
"Chairman Ma Ku!"
"It turned out to be you!"
It turned out that on the platform of the Lingxue production plant, the group of people who came up was Chairman Ma Ku and others.
The door of the carriage was then slowly closed.
Chairman Ma Ku exhaled an air-condition, took his subordinates to find a seat, and sat down.
Looking at the many brothers on Du Qingke's side, they were all intact, sitting upright and straight.
Chairman Ma Ku is also grim, and at the same time more expressions contain surprise.
"Master Du, you are really amazing! So many brothers, they all boarded the return train safely!"
Chairman Ma Ku sighed.
When he led the team, there were no fewer men than Du Qingke.
Now, after some tossing, there are only a dozen people left.
"Chairman Ma Ku, you are not extraordinary!"
"This time, there are all major forces in the Snow Country. Mr. Chairman, I was able to get a ticket and brought a dozen of his men. This performance is absolutely dazzling! Presumably, Mr. Chairman, there must be some unknown cards. !"
Du Qingke said lightly.
Tickets for the Snow Country Train are very, very rare.
This time, Du Qingke had Murongxue's help, and he and so many brothers would never be able to board the train.
"Each, each other! Each has its own way!"
Chairman Ma Ku said without a smile.
The door of the carriage suddenly opened again.
The Barbarian King took his gang of tribal warriors and boarded the train.
Seeing that there are hundreds of people on Manwang's side, Chairman Ma Ku raised his eyebrows: "It's really incredible! When are train tickets so cheap?"
Chairman Ma Ku took a lot of exercises and thoughts to grab the tickets in his hand!
Moreover, the number is not large, only enough for him and a dozen core executives.
The Barbarian King didn't even look at Chairman Ma Ku, but he walked straight to Du Qingke and gave his hand to Du Qingke: "Great grace, my Barbarian King is not unforgettable!"
"In this life and this life, I would like to be driven by Lord Sir Alex!"
The Barbarian King said gratefully.
The tickets in the hands of Manwang and others were naturally given to them by Du Qingke.
This time, if it weren't for Du Qingke, the Barbarian King was a sensible person. He knew his fate and would only be beaten to death by the overseers in the dark blood crystal mine!
Du Qingke nodded slightly: "We are all fellow villagers on the earth. This time we are in a foreign country, everyone should take care of each other!"
"I wish to honor Sir Alex!"
Chairman Ma Ku naturally nodded again and again.
Now, Chairman Ma Ku has the weakest influence.
Moreover, Man Wang bowed down to Du Qingke's door with conviction.
Chairman Ma Ku knows his position in this carriage.
"Although we have now boarded the Snow Country Train, the road ahead is still very bumpy, and there are many dangers on the road! My trip can be said to be extremely dangerous!"
While talking, Du Qingke spread out the [Train Operating Manual]!
"According to the speed of the train, we will pass through the space tunnel to the vicinity of the Soul River in about seven days!"
"The Soul is the biggest barrier and hindrance to our return to Earth! If we cannot cross the Soul River, all of us in this vehicle will die!"
Du Qingke will talk about Soul River to Manwang, Chairman Ma Ku and others.
After listening, Man Wang and Chairman Ma Ku also became serious.
Even the Barbarian King, who is not afraid of the sky and the earth, is lost in thought.
"According to Sir Alex Ferguson, it is really difficult for us to cross the Soul River!"
Chairman Ma Ku calmly analyzed.
Chairman Ma Ku’s words just fell.
A built-in monitor in the carriage suddenly lit up.
Then, the broadcast horn in the compartment also resounded!
"Next, we will broadcast an extremely urgent news: the disaster of a blade soldier in Snow Country! Please be alert to all residents to ensure food production and food storage!"
Then, on the display screen, a dense cluster of giant locusts appeared.
Each of these giant locusts is the size of a house, and these locusts have also mutated. Their front jaws have two huge sharp arm blades!
These locusts are flying in the air, waving sharp arm blades, which is really scary!
No wonder, the Snow Country people called these people's special giant locusts: Blade Warriors!
"These locusts seem to be very powerful!"
Chairman Ma Ku said, staring at the screen.
At this moment, the alarm was raised in the carriage!
"The direction of the train is moving, and a colony of giant blade soldiers is found!"
The car elf, reminded!
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