Chapter 519: : Collect Soul Orbs

Following that, the black-robed one-armed Contra troop set off.
A sneer appeared at the corner of the black robe one-armed man's mouth.
In his opinion, there is probably a good show.
Here, Du Qingke and others have survived the 10,000-foot wave!
Finally ushered in a brief calm.
However, Du Qingke did not relax his vigilance.
Du Qingke knows very well that the calmer the wind and the waves, the more horrible it is hidden-"murder"!
The more you get to this critical moment, the more you can't drop the chain!
Du Qingke patted Tao Xiaobai: "Xiaobai, now is the critical moment. Your role is equivalent to our radar. You must be energetic!"
"During this time, I have worked hard for you too!"
Du Qingke, encouraged.
"Boss, Xiao Bai must not have worked hard!"
"Xiao Bai, now, he will definitely open his eyes wide and be up to 120,000 points."
Tao Xiaobai said excitedly.
I have to say that Tao Xiaobai is very good. In many cases, Tao Xiaobai played a very good role by relying on his talent.
In the carriage, Du Qingke also asked the brothers to take turns to rest and maintain combat effectiveness at all times.
This soul Jiang Du Qingke felt very evil.
Even in Du Qingke's heart, there was a more vague premonition.
This vague premonition is now haunting Du Qingke's head like a group of dark clouds.
"Maybe, on the Soul River, we will encounter even greater troubles and dangers!"
Du Qingke's expression has always been very solemn.
Xiong Weiting is more optimistic, he is a natural optimist.
Xiong Weiting walked to the opposite side of Du Qingke, and said with a smile: "Boss, don't you be so serious! Just smile!"
Du Qingke waved his hand and said, "Wittle, you still have to be vigilant! After the ten thousand-foot wave, it is far from safe!"
"Hehe, as long as there is a boss! No matter how dangerous it is, it is not worth mentioning!"
Xiong Weiting said.
"I am not omnipotent either!"
Du Qingke waved his hand.
Soon, as Du Qingke had a hunch!
The crisis is coming!
Tao Xiaobai first discovered the danger, and then began to warn.
"Report boss, I found out ahead-a group of unidentified people, they are flying fast towards us!"
Tao Xiaobai said immediately.
"These people are wearing a kind of strange armor, they are flying fast towards us! Please also the boss to give instructions!"
Tao Xiaobai asked.
"The people in the carriage, climb to the roof with me! Get ready to face off!"
Du Qingke gave an order.
Now, the brothers are not vegetarian anymore, they are getting farther and farther away from Snow Country.
Now everyone's strength is almost restored.
Now, even in the face of some strange creatures, everyone has the power to fight!
The strength of everyone is getting stronger!
Especially the Barbarian King, his current strength gradually recovered to its peak.
The big sword in the hand of Barbarian King is also wielding very powerfully!
The Barbarian King is also eager to fight now, dyeing his big sword with blood!
"Fight! Fight crazy!"
The barbarian king is eager to try!
Soon, the Contras wearing armor suits flew over.
The Contras also immediately locked down Du Qingke and others.
According to the color of the armor on these Contras, these Contras can be divided into-Red Contra, Blue Contra, Black Contra, Green Contra, Brown Contra, etc.
Among the red Contras, he has strong firepower in his body, representing powerful firepower!
This is the representative of the fire element!
As for the Blue Contra, there is plenty of water energy in the body, which is a representative of the water element!
The remaining black Contra is the representative of the dark element.
Like the green Contra, it is the representative of the wood system.
Finally, there is the brown Contra, which is the representative of the earth system.
The red Contra is full of fighting spirit.
The red Contra, once shot, is instantly unmatched!
Moreover, the red Contra is also very combative.
This batch of Contra tribes, in general, totaled more than a thousand people.
More than a thousand Contras, fighting together, are also particularly powerful!
The powerful momentum is also overwhelming!
The Barbarian King couldn't wait any longer, and the Barbarian King directly fought one of the red Contras with his big sword in his hand.
The flames in the sky began to burn one after another.
The Barbarian King and this red Contra are already hard to separate!
The barbarian king is grumpy!
This red Contra is also very grumpy!
Moreover, the attack power of the fire attribute is also the most powerful.
Now, the two sides have begun to fight!
The battle continues!
Dang, in the end, it was an ordinary red Contra, definitely not the opponent of Barbarian King.
The first red Contra was chopped directly into meat sauce by the Barbarian King!
As the Contra was chopped into meat sauce, a bead also began to roll out.
"Gu Lulu!"
This bead rolled to the ground.
The Barbarian King was quick to pick up this bead.
"Oh, this bead is still a bit hot!"
This bead is the source of Contra's power!
In each Contra's head, there is a bead like this.
Each bead corresponds to a different attribute element!
Like the Man King now holding in his hand is the Fire Soul Orb.
The temperature of the fire-type soul orb was very high, and the rough-skinned and thick-skinned Man King could not bear it.
The Man King couldn't help yelling again and again: "Hot people, hot people!"
"I don't want this bead! It's hot!"
The barbarian king smashed the beads to the ground!
Unexpectedly, this bead also has a strong resilience!
It happened that this bead bounced back to Du Qingke's side.
Du Qingke didn't dislike it.
Du Qingke held the hot red soul bead in his hand.
The temperature is indeed very high when encountering this soul bead!
However, Du Qingke genuinely used his power source to perceive it.
The hot temperature of this soul ball immediately began to dissipate.
What is left is the essence.
Du Qingke was knowledgeable, holding the soul bead in his hand, and began to hold it carefully.
Begin to flip in the hand.
Now, Du Qingke also understands that this bead is full of-essence!
In order to verify his own ideas, Du Qingke deliberately used some strength.
"Crack, crack, crack!"
This fire soul orb was broken by Du Qingke.
From the soul orb, there began to flow out an unknown substance like red molten lava.
"These are the essence of the fire element! These are the essence of the essence!"
"It's really great!"
Fire essence is the essence of the essence extracted from the fire!
The essence of the essence is a precious thing that is not easy to do.
This thing is already close to the source of the power in the body of the advanced power.
It is of great benefit to the cultivation of transcendents.
Like the Fire Element Essence corresponds to the Fire Element Extraordinary, if the Fire Element Extraordinary is absorbed, it will give the Fire Element Extraordinary the strength to travel at a rapid pace!
"Even if it is a milligram of fire essence, if it is taken to the earth's auction market, it will at least sell millions of golden apricots!"
"The fire essence flowing out of this soul bead just now is no less than a catty (500 grams)!"
And 1 gram is equal to 1000 mg.
In other words, the fire essence in this soul orb is worth about 5 billion golden apricots!
"Madan! Just now, the soul orbs I crushed were wasted five billion in vain!"
Du Qingke couldn't help but stunned to himself.
Here, a green Contra seemed to be eyeing Du Qingke.
Green Contra's eyes were so stern, he immediately stared at Du Qingke.
This green Contra corresponds to the representative of the Wood Element and is a Contra who is good at using the Wood Element!
Of course, Du Qingke was very happy to face this Wood Contra.
Du Qingke hooked his finger towards the green Contra.
Performing a wood attack technique in front of Du Qingke is tantamount to-playing a big sword in front of Guan Gong!
"Wooden Blade!" To "Wooden Blade"!
The attacks from both sides were fiercely confronting each other.
Du Qingke's flexible counterattack directly knocked the green Contra to the ground.
"It's really amazing. It's a good way to play with the wood roots! But with a little skill, it won't work at all!"
Du Qingke suppressed the Green Contra to death!
This green Contra, although it also has many wood-based attack spells, such as: wooden blade, wooden knife, mallet and other attacks.
However, these counterattacks in the face of Du Qingke were all in vain.
Du Qingke played with wood-based abilities and knew the advantages and disadvantages of various wood-based spells.
The Green Contra was quickly killed by Du Qingke.
Following this, the death of this green Contra, a green soul orb popped out of the brain of this green Contra.
This time, Du Qingke didn't use brute force and directly crushed the soul bead.
Du Qingke carefully collected this soul orb, placed it on the palm of his hand, and began to sense it.
The same is wood!
Du Qingke can clearly sense the incomparable "green soul bead" power contained in this green soul bead!
"This is incredible!"
"This soul orb is too simple!"
Du Qingke couldn't help but exclaim again and again.
"I only need to hold this soul orb every day and start to absorb the corresponding wood energy! I can rise to the top of the king rank as soon as possible!"
After all, the rough value of this soul orb is equivalent to 5 billion!
5 billion soul beads are rare!
Xiong Weiting also killed a brown Contra over there.
This brown Contra is the representative of the earth system.
From the head of this brown Contra, a brown soul bead popped out.
Xiong Weiting directly handed this soul bead to Du Qingke.
"Boss, I don't know what this thing is. You can study it!"
Xiong Weiting said in a clever manner.
Du Qingke took the brown soul bead and squeezed it, as expected, in this brown soul bead, there is also rich soil essence.
The energy of the essence of the earth is particularly pure.
"It seems that every Contra's brain has a soul orb!"
Du Qingke whispered.
Currently, there are more than 1,000 Contras on the scene!
If you kill all these Contras, you can collect more than a thousand soul orbs!
In this way, just the value of money, these soul beads are worth more than 5 trillion golden apricots!
You know that in the current stock market, the threshold for an eight-star company is one trillion.
The total capital of the newly promoted eight-star company cannot reach more than RMB 5 trillion.
"As long as these soul beads are collected! I can push the small sunflower biotechnology company in the territory to the GEM of the Equator Stock Exchange first, and then to the main board of the Earth Stock Exchange!"
As long as the funds are in place, Du Qingke has the information to push his small sunflower biotechnology company to a seven-star company in a short period of time, or even an eight-star company!
Of course, with so many soul beads, it is impossible for Du Qingke to exchange all of them for money.
These soul beads contain the essence of various lines, which are the best quality for cultivation.
It must be left a large part for cultivation.
"Great Ting, tell the brothers to fight hard! Fight with these Contras!"
Du Qingke greeted.
Xiong Weiting salutes: "Guaranteed to complete the task!"
"By the way, Great Ting, you have to remember! Collect all the beads from which Contra's brain he dropped! Don't throw one away! Remember, remember!"
Du Qingke solemnly instructed.
"Okay, please rest assured, boss! I promise to complete the task!"
Xiong Weiting patted his chest and promised The Barbarian King had already brought a part of the Freljord tribe warriors to fight these Contras in full swing.
However, the Contras are not vegetarian.
They have the blessing of soul beads in their brains, and they have soul beads to provide the Contras with a steady supply of power.
Some of the weaker Freljord's tribal warriors were all seriously injured.
Even some fighters of the Freljord tribe were killed by Contra.
On the Haitang City Defense Army's side, although the combat effectiveness was very strong, Xiong Weiting personally directed the charge to move forward.
However, the Contras are also desperate to fight.
Another terrifying thing about the Contras is that these Contras are like steel.
Moreover, these Contras are basically "invulnerable", they don't have any "sensory organs", they don't know the pain, they only know the endless battle.
Gradually, the Haitang City Defense Army also suffered from many "sergeants" who suffered severe injuries.
Dou Shi-Liu Wushuang had a few more wounds all over his body because he rushed forward.
At the bottom of the water of the Soul River, there have been a pair of icy eyes, quietly watching this scene.
The scenes of this scene also made the one-armed man in black robe lurking under the bottom of the river secretly angry.
Those Contra troops were cultivated by his thousands of choices. This time, I never thought that the loss was so great.
"Every Contra warrior has a soul orb! That is a soul orb! Every soul orb needs to be at the bottom of the soul river for more than a thousand years to condense and form."
The one-armed man in black robes clenched his fists, as if he wanted to do it himself!
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