Chapter 529: : Alchemist Association

Xiao Chen said affirmatively.
Now, Xiao Chen used his pill refining skills with all his strength, and it was not a problem to refine some seventh-grade pill.
While talking, Xiao Chen also began to refine alchemy.
Xiao Chen put all these raw materials into the Sifang Pill furnace.
Inside the Dan furnace, these raw materials began to roll.
At this moment, Xiao Chen's expression also changed!
Originally, from a distance, Xiao Chen was just an ordinary young man.
Now, the real alchemy began.
Xiao Chen's expression suddenly became very solemn, very serious and serious.
Even Xiao Chen's aura was unexpectedly powerful!
Xiao Chen, who was persistent and focused on alchemy, began to show his strength.
Under Xiao Chen's refining, the Sifang Pill Furnace hummed, and the various raw materials in the Pill Furnace began to combine organically.
If you want to be an excellent alchemist, you must first possess the fire roots!
If you have a fire root, you can easily summon many flames to refine alchemy.
To a large extent, the quality of the medicine depends on the flame.
If the flame power is good, the quality of the refined medicine will be much better.
If you look closely, you will find that the flames that burst from Xiao Chen's body were not ordinary flames.
Du Qingke saw the doorway of this flame at a glance.
"This flame is a strange fire! A very powerful strange fire! Unexpectedly, in the dark age, Xiao Chen has already mastered a strange fire!"
Du Qingke sighed, feeling very pleased for the powerful Xiao Chen.
Xiao Chen also introduced: "This is what I obtained by accident-the fire of the meteorite!"
The Fire of the Meteorite is listed in the "Heavenly Fire List".
Normally, [Meteor Fire] will only appear on meteorites outside the sky.
With the blessing of atmospheric transport, some strange small flames will be produced on some special meteorites outside the sky.
Collect these little flames a little bit, and gather them together, it will become-[Meteor Fire]!
【Meteor Fire】Because of the particularity of its formation, 【Meteor Fire】has a peculiar stellar power!
Gathering the power of the stars can inspire a super star flame!
Now, Xiao Chen is the flame of stars to refine alchemy!
If you have a good eye, take a closer look and you can even see the stars on the Sifang Dan furnace at this moment!
Starry, and now, it is even more haunting the Sifang Pill furnace.
The Sifang Pill Furnace is now steaming above!
The various raw materials in the Dan furnace began to be mixed.
After a while, all these raw materials were finally refined.
After about an hour!
Under the skillful control of Xiao Chen, a pot of elixir is out!
There are a total of five green seven-grade wood element pill, out!
"Elemental Pill, it is already refined!"
Xiao Chen handed the five wood element pill respectfully to Du Qingke.
Du Qingke received five wood element pill, and as soon as his palm touched these pill, Du Qingke immediately felt the cool fragrance from these pill.
There is also a torrent of atmospheric energy, pure wood energy!
This is wood energy, very pure energy!
Elemental Pill really deserves its reputation!
Although Du Qingke is not very good at alchemy.
However, Du Qingke is also slightly proficient, and he has his own experience in distinguishing some elixirs.
This time Xiao Chen refined the five Seven-Rank Elemental Pills, and Du Qingke knew that these were all excellent grades!
There are almost no impurities and some remaining erysipelas.
Du Qingke did not hesitate.
Du Qingke directly swallowed all these pills.
Almost all of these superior seven-rank elemental pills melt in the mouth.
After eating the pill, Du Qingke also felt a warm air current flowing in his limbs.
The warm air current began to echo in Du Qingke's body.
This part of the air flow was transformed by the essence of wood energy, and began to wash away the veins and limbs in Du Qingke layer by layer.
In an instant, from Du Qingke's body and some pores, a lot of black impurities were washed out!
Du Qingke's cultivation has also taken a step forward!
At this moment, Du Qingke had already sensed the barrier at the top of the king rank.
Eating these five seven-rank elemental pills saved Du Qingke at least half a year of cultivation time.
"Xiao Chen, thank you so much!"
"Your alchemy skills are truly extraordinary!"
Du Qingke exclaimed with a thumbs up.
Xiao Chen waved his hand: "Adults appreciate it, they are all the raw materials given by adults! Those are rare treasures of heaven and earth. Without those alchemy materials, even if I had the ability to reach the sky, I would not be able to refine those pills. Medicine! I just dragged the Lord's blessing."
Zhuge Mingliang, at this time, also smiled and nodded: "Mr. Xiao, really an unparalleled wizard!"
"I will immediately follow the lord's order and allocate 10 billion special alchemy funds to you."
The doubts in Zhuge Mingliang's heart were completely dispelled.
The matter of alchemy was so finalized.
Du Qingke also had another plan in his heart.
Although, funding is more difficult now.
However, after Xiao Chen refines the pill, he can immediately organize sales!
Pills, as long as they are of sufficient grade, are very popular, and there is no worry about selling them.
However, this time, Du Qingke was going to raise a huge amount of funds and asked for a dozen or twenty pills.
This time, Du Qingke was going to sell many elixirs.
In this way, there are more restrictions!
According to the current law, I want to sell pill on the market on a large scale.
It is necessary to obtain the relevant permit --- the sales permit of elixir!
So, who can issue the [Pill Drug Sales Permit]?
At present, only the Alchemist Association has this qualification!
"It seems we have to go to the Alchemist Association! Go and get the [Pill Medicine Sale Permit] down!"
Du Qingke said in a deep voice.
Currently, there is no resident branch of the Alchemist Association in Haitang City.
The resident branch of the Alchemist Association from Haitang City is set up in Luolang City, Nanji province.
Du Qingke clicked on his entourage, ready to go to Luolang City.
Only after the permit is issued, can the sale of medicinal pills be officially carried out.
In these days, the Foundation provided Xiao Chen with sufficient alchemy materials.
Xiao Chen also refined a special treatment for leg ailments【Tin Mai Lian Gu Dan】!
Relying on the medicinal effect of [Tin Mai Lian Gu Dan], Xiao Chen's legs also returned to normal.
Now, Xiao Chen can walk freely with others, there is no difference!
This time to the Alchemist Association, Du Qingke also brought Xiao Chen with him.
Xiao Chen can refine the seven-grade pill, and it will be much more convenient to apply for the [Pill Drug Sales Permit] at that time.
It takes about four or five days to fly directly from Haitang City to Luolang City by helicopter.
This time, I went to apply for a permit.
Du Qingke didn't bring many people there.
This time, the only people Du Qingke brought with him were Xiao Chen, Dian Wei, and Tao Xiaobai.
The helicopter hovered in the sky!
Soon, the helicopter landed on the ground.
The helicopter dragged Du Qingke and others to Luolang City.
Du Qingke asked a pedestrian on the side of the road: "Hello, excuse me. Excuse me, where is the Alchemy Branch of Luolang City?"
The pedestrian yawned and pointed at a spire not far away.
"Have you seen that high tower? That magnificent, majestic spire is: Luolang City Alchemist Branch!"
Pedestrians guide the way.
Du Qingke nodded and said, "Okay, thank you!"
"Xiao Chen, Xiao Bai, Dian Wei, let's go!"
Du Qingke waved his hand, and everyone walked towards the tower together.
Until I came to the door of the tower.
At the door, there were rows of guards with big waists.
The dressing of these guards is very rich!
At a glance, you know that these guards must be fat and oily in the weekdays.
The guards, seeing Du Qingke and others with rather strange faces, immediately shouted:
"Stop for me!"
"This little brother, we came to the association to get a permit."
Tao Xiaobai was more sleek in his life, took out a cigarette from his pocket, and prepared to light it for the guard.
Never thought that this guard was very fierce.
The guard directly knocked Tao Xiaobai's cigarette to the ground.
"Don't give me this set! Just want to buy me one or two cigarettes?"
The guard said disdainfully.
"Little brother, I don't mean anything else. It's just that we are here to do business. Please do it for your convenience and open the door. We go to the association to get a permit!"
Tao Xiaobai said tepidly.
"Apply for a permit?"
"What license?"
The headed one, who seemed to be the Chief Guard, asked.
"Of course it is: the pill sales permit!"
Du Qingke replied.
"Haha! What a joke!"
"Pill medicine sales permit, you actually want to apply for this kind of permit? See you, are you up to the level?"
"A bunch of hillbillies, get out of here! Don't be embarrassed at the door! This is the Alchemist Association, and those who enter and exit here are all noble alchemists!"
The guards began to drive Du Qingke and others away.
Dian Wei clenched his fists, already very angry!
If it hadn't been for Du Qingke's signal, tell Dianwei not to take action.
Dian Wei had already cleaned up these guards.
Du Qingke's expression was so cold that he couldn't help it.
This time, I came to do things.
Du Qingke didn't want to cause trouble, but he really didn't expect that it is so complicated now, Hades is good to see, and the kid is difficult!
"What's going on! It's noisy outside!"
A man wearing a big red robe walked out of the tower.
The guard at the door suddenly became very respectful.
"Deacon Tan!"
The guards saluted respectfully.
"what happened?"
The deacon surnamed Tan, strode forward and asked.
"That's it, Deacon Tan, these people don't have work permits and want to enter the tower! We stopped them and created some friction!"
The guard explained.
Du Qingke immediately retorted: "You're talking nonsense! I'm here to apply for a permit, to come to Luolang City Alchemist Association to do things! These guards at the door just stop it!"
Deacon Tan looked at Du Qingke with a cold expression: "You are here to apply for a license? What kind of license do you want to apply for? My Alchemist Association is authorized to grant hundreds of licenses, large and small! Most of them are available online. To apply, just submit the pictures and materials, you don’t need to come to the scene at all. I don’t know, what do you want to apply for?"
"I want to apply for [Pills Sale Permit]!"
Du Qingke said word by word.
The examination and approval of the sales license of medicinal medicine is more troublesome.
This kind of license belongs to the highest level among the many licenses issued by the Alchemist Association!
"If you want to apply for the [Pill Drug Sales License], you must meet a series of conditions! How many can you meet?
Deacon Tan also said with some disdain.
"First, your organization needs to have more than two alchemists, and one alchemist must be at least rank five!"
"Second, the registered capital of your institution must reach: 10 billion golden apricots!"
"Third, you must have complete supporting facilities and no less than 1,000 employees!"
"Fourth, your legal person must have an alliance title, or be able to provide a written guarantee document above the alliance earl!"
"Fifth, you must have at least 10,000 first-grade pill in stock. And the inferiority rate of pill should not be higher than 20%!"
Deacon Tan said all the main requirements.
Some guards around were also snickering.
These harsh conditions are very difficult to achieve.
Just the first requirement requires two alchemists, one of whom must be a Rank 5 or above alchemist.
You know, in the entire Luolang City Alchemist Association, there are only less than ten people who have reached the fifth rank.
Even Deacon Tan who was speaking was just a fourth-rank alchemist.
"I'm sure I meet all the requirements! Deacon, take out the application form, I will fill in the basic information!"
Du Qingke said straightforwardly.
For an instant, Deacon Tan's face was awe-inspiring.
"You are serious, your operating organization really meets these conditions? Our Alchemist Association serves high-class people and does not have so much idle time. To start the application process, you need to prepay a deposit of 100,000 gold apricots. If you all meet the conditions, the 100,000 gold apricot deposit will be refunded in full. Even our alchemist in Luolang City recently has a preferential policy. The cost of issuing the [Pills Sale Permit] will be free for you!
Deacon Tan said in a deep voice.
"However, if you lie to us! Or that your organization does not meet the standard, we will accept all the 100,000 deposits and will not refund them! If you agree, sign the agreement!"
Deacon Tan, took out two agreement templates from him.
On the agreement template, the official seal of the Luolang City Alchemist Association has been stamped.
Now, only Du Qingke has to sign.
"Hundred thousand golden apricots!? Hey! Lord Deacon, I don't think these people can come up with this deposit at all! One hundred thousand golden apricots is already an astronomical figure for ordinary people!"
"They want to apply for the [Pill Drug Sales Permit] and there is no way!"
At this moment, there were some people watching the excitement.
Some people said rushingly.
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