Chapter 601: : Battle of Bloodthorn

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"Shoot the alarm!"
"Report to the Imperial Capital Headquarters immediately!"
The garrison commander immediately ordered.
Here, the garrison commander has just given his order.
The goblin army rushed towards the camp.
The soldiers on the garrison rose up to resist, but the enemy was too few and the strength of the two sides was very different. This was a "crushing" battle.
After a while, the local garrison was all killed by the goblin army.
The invasion of the British Empire by the goblin army was soon reported back to the imperial capital.
The headquarters of the imperial capital, a group of senior generals, gathered together.
Commander Ben Moore said in a deep voice, "Everyone, now we have entered the third great era-the age of the center of the earth. Our Intel Empire is very unfortunate and has suffered the first round of impact from the underground creatures-goblin army!"
"The emperor has already discussed with me, our headquarters, as the highest military authority of the empire, must coordinate and organize the forces of all parties to contain and eliminate this wave of goblin army."
Commander Ben Moore said painfully.
"Bloodthorn Legion-General Iron Hat follows the order. You are specially ordered to go to the front line to consolidate the first line of defense."
"The Sickle Legion-General William takes orders. The Special Order You Department-is in the second line, following the Bloodthorn Legion to consolidate the second line of defense."
"Noble Corps-General Veblen, Reserve Corps-General Roland, you two led your troops to act as the third line of defense."
Commander Benmore coordinated.
"Let's listen!"
The generals of the imperial capital have followed the orders.
An intense battle is about to begin.
The Bloodthorn Legion led by General Iron Hat is undoubtedly the most elite of the Imperial Capital Legion, so it should go to the front line as it should.
In the eastern part of the empire where the goblin army was infested, the Iron Hat General was vigorous and quickly organized the sergeants to build several fortifications.
There are a total of five provinces and five provincial-level garrisons in the eastern part of the empire, all under the unified command of General Iron Hat.
General Iron Hat did not intend to use these five provincial garrisons.
There is no other reason. The provincial-level garrisons also need to take on the heavy responsibility of defending and defending major cities, as well as defending against the surrounding dinosaurs and dark races.
Once drawn out, although it can inflict heavy damage on the goblin army, it is not enough to defend the dinosaurs and dark races.
"This time, against the army of goblins, our Bloodthorn Legion is the main force. Soldiers, you must be determined not to break Loulan and never return! In order to defend your homeland and drive out goblins, it is your duty!"
General Iron Hat encouraged the soldiers.
Goblins are the most numerous race among underground creatures.
The goblin is not big or tall, but has sharp claws on his hands and feet.
This sharp claw can easily dig for gold and soil.
Moreover, because they live underground for a long time, each goblin has a particularly strong resistance to pressure. Each goblin has thick skin and a layer of scale armor.
The most special thing is that every goblin has an earth element attribute. As long as you stand on the earth, you can continuously draw on the power of the earth and exert superpowers.
Specifically, it is calculated by numerical value. An ordinary goblin can increase its original cultivation base by 40% to 60% as long as it stands on the ground and fights.
The goblin is an underground creature, with abundant earth elements, even the newly-born goblin has the strength of the first-level bronze rank.
If the goblin is a little bit stronger, as long as he grows up to adulthood, he will basically have the strength of the top-tier bronze rank.
The scout who went to the battlefield for reconnaissance hurried back soon.
The scout report: "Report that the general, the goblin army, is moving towards our camp at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour."
"The specific number of the goblin army, about how many."
General Iron Hat, asked.
The scout replied: "General, the action of the goblins is to bury half of their body in the soil, and then rush in quickly. The specific number is not easy to detect. However, a rough estimate is that the number of the goblin army may not be less than 500,000! "
The General Iron Hat is full of steel and iron bones, and when the hero I suddenly heard this, his heart was chilled!
Goblins, at least not less than half a million, are now coming in aggressively.
How terrible this is!
Although the Bloodthorn Legion has expanded its troops many times and has the full support of the Imperial Financial Secretary, the current number of soldiers in the full combat formation is just over 300,000.
This will be an extremely fierce battle against an army of 500,000 goblins.
If you are not careful, the Bloodthorn Legion formed by General Iron Hat will be wiped out.
"Order all ministries into the highest state of alert! Ready to fight at any time."
General Iron Hat said in a deep voice.
The movement speed of the goblin army under the ground is extremely fast, and it often has unexpected effects.
No, a wave of advance troops of the goblin army rushed in.
Breaking out of the ground, the first goblin began to kill in the camp.
A camp of the Bloodthorn Legion suffered heavy losses, and the camp commander died on the spot.
Only a few people were lucky enough to retreat to survive.
The Bloodthorn Legion is not a quickly organized a counterattack.
Accompanied by the surrounding camps, this goblin advance force was wiped out.
The commander in charge of cleaning the battlefield counted the casualties.
This time, more than 1,000 people were killed and more than 3,000 injured in the army.
There were more than 800 goblin warriors in the goblin advance troops, but all were killed.
"Kill the enemy eight hundred and lose one thousand!"
General Iron Hat was not satisfied with the small-scale battle ahead.
If he continued to fight like this, even if his bloodthorn legion was exhausted, he would not be able to destroy the goblin army.
"In the empire, the imperial capital is directly related to the legion sequence. Except for the bloodthorn legion, only the sickle legion is left to fight. The remaining noble legions and reserve legions are full of miscellaneous military skills. If we can't be effective To contain the goblin army."
"At that time, as soon as the gap in the eastern region appears, the goblin army commander will drive straight in, and the entire imperial capital will suffer!"
General Iron Hat, knew that the time had come to burn his eyebrows.
"Strike at full speed! Attack! Kill!"
General Iron Hat, roaring like a thunder bell.
This time, General Iron Hat, chose to attack!
"Offensive! Offensive! Instead of waiting to be killed by the goblin army, it is better to take the initiative and capture the thieves first to capture the king! Kill the leader of this goblin army first! At that time, the crisis can be resolved by itself!"
General Iron Hat, said to his generals.
The main force of the Bloodthorn Legion and the goblin army are officially launched!
The battle was about to start, and the two sides fought with each other.
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