Chapter 666: Azils (free)

"This is...worm-eaten passage?"
Aoting's eyes widened, staring at the huge sphere floating in the air in front of him. There are tiny lines on its surface, and the whole is showing a dim yellow-red color. It makes people think of the dead stars in the universe, cold and silent, Hidden ample oppressive power.
This stone ball is fifteen meters in diameter, like the eye of a Titan, but in Odin's eyes, it is still too small. According to his father's description, the gravitational frenzy smashed the material in the entire worm-eaten channel. Tear, compressed into such a small ball.
Although I didn’t see the full picture of the Worm-Eatted Passage, I thought it wouldn’t be much smaller than Aradea. It’s hard to imagine that this is the final appearance of a world after being squeezed. Odin felt horrified. What kind of power has created such a cold and terrifying thing.
It must not be long before people in the astral world will spread word of mouth, claiming that the Black Emperor has destroyed a world, and nearly tens of millions of demons have been made into collections and added to their showcases.
She tried to touch the ball, and found that it was far less rough than it looked, and it felt smooth and flat, as if stroking delicate ceramics, as if a little force was applied, the whole would break apart.
Aoting tried hard.
Without feeling the feedback of strength, the stone ball is heavy and firm.
She immediately concentrated on it, pushing it with the power of God, but the 100-meter-diameter sphere remained in a static state, motionless.
Azriels on the other side was already horrified at this moment. He was stronger and more sensitive than Odin. Even if the barrier was separated, he could still detect the waves of destruction coming from the worm-eaten channel, and the black dragon fruit really didn't say anything. Kyogen, single-handedly destroyed the world that the demons had excavated for a hundred years.
He looked at the appearance of Odin struggling to push the stone ball, and suddenly remembered some history. It is said that shortly after the creation of the world, the demon Dilos was conceived by the will of the abyss. It is the first demon in history and a veritable master of the abyss. More powerful than the current pillar god.
Delolos quickly passed through the initial period of ignorance and completed the exploration of the birthplace. After that, it left the abyss to the star realm, leaving a blasphemous sin slab on the edge of the source sea. The gods at that time exhausted all means and methods. It is also impossible to move the sin slab, let alone destroy it.
It wasn't until the original snake passed by the sea of ​​origin that the stone slab was taken away. In this way, Delolos arrogantly demonstrated his power.
Now Azliers is facing a power display in the same way.
The Lord of Flame Prison feels very bad.
"Unfortunately, this is the limit." Caesar said, with regrets in his words.
"Is this level not enough? Dad really wants to crush a world into a bead and carry it with him?" Aoting finally gave up his efforts to push the stone ball, and a small face came to him.
"is not what it means."
Heilong shook his head. He had a clear idea. If the gravitational source in the worm-eaten channel is continuously strengthened and continuously squeezed, he will soon be able to create an absolutely dense and distorted space-time "dark realm". The dark realm will swallow all tangible or Intangible things, any element, soul, deity, even light cannot escape.
Unfortunately, with his current strength and physical strength, he couldn't do it yet. After all, it was the authority over the gods.
"Azilius, how about coming over and talking?"
Caesar looked at the Lord of the Hell.
Flirting with power, Azriels grunted in his heart, glanced at the black dragon, and slowly drifted over.
"The worm-infested passage is destroyed, and the threat of Eradia has disappeared. You have nothing to worry about, just go back to sleep." Balrog said coldly, "but beware of Lord Udark, the death of Focalic, he will not forget."
"Hell's battlefield, have you been to it?"
"Of course, there is no abyss lord who has never been to a battle, but that was also a matter of many years ago. Now that the demons are invading, the situation in may have changed a lot."
"Daddy is going to the battlefield?" Oting interrupted next to him, "I want to be together too."
"The battle is a hundred times more intense than the worm-infested channel, and it is not suitable for the Whelplings." Azriels curled his lips in disdain. "If this guy wants to go, let him go alone."
"Ah." Odin's little face collapsed.
There was a sudden flash of lightning in the dark cloud sky, illuminating the undulating ridges in the distance, as well as countless corpses. This half plane originally belonged to the Achilles birdmen, and has now been occupied by the army of Aladya and Odin As a node to attack the worm-eaten channel
It was late, and the army was evacuating one after another and returning to the material world. Azriels scratched his chin boredly, turned his head and spoke to the black dragon again, "You said you are going to the battle in hell, really or not? What does it have to do with you? ?"
Caesar looked up at the half-plane sky and seemed to be thinking about something. At this time, he smiled silently and grinned. "The battle has nothing to do with me, but I heard that Dius and Bahamut are all fighting in hell. They used to Give me a lot of support. I am capable now, and of course I have to find ways to help them.
"It looks like you really want to die."
Azilis whispered, "The three Abyssal Pillar Gods, Lord Udark, Demon Prince, and Undead King, all descended to hell. The Sun Lord, the Mother of Magic, and the Elf Lord, all fought in the battlefield. Asmodeus, Lord of the Nine Hells, can you be sure of his attitude towards you?"
"Abyss Pillar God does not need to mention, that was originally an enemy. I don't care about the attitude of the Lord of the Nine Hells. He can't make enemies out of thin air at this time. As for the three main gods... For a long time, there will always be times when they go out, if they want to fight, they can also try."
Caesar smiled. "Although is dangerous, it is not as terrible as you said. Dius, Madman, and those alien dragons should all be my allies, and I should meet them."
"You really have no choice but to die, but don't expect me to help you."
"Not with me?"
"Blood battle is meaningless to me, I want to return to the abyss."
The Hell Lord snorted, "When I first came to the material world, I didn't expect that I would stay in Elradia for so long. Many important things were not carried with me. Now the Abyss Pillar Gods all descended to ~Even things like the crushing of the worm-eaten passage and the death of Fochalick did not attract the attention of others. This is a perfect opportunity. I can take the opportunity to return to the abyss and retrieve what belongs to me."
"Back to the 606th floor of the abyss?"
"Yes, for such a long time, a new lord may have been born there, but only I can open the door of Hell." There is no lack of arrogance in Azils' tone. "I will be sublimated in Hell."
Caesar nodded, and stretched out his paw, "You are waiting in the Hell, I will bring the Lord Wuan's personality."
Azriels glanced at him suspiciously, hesitated for a moment, and stretched out the dazzling bone claws "I hope you can do it."
"It must be done." Caesar held it.
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