Chapter 351: Gambling on rocks and less (2 more)

Feng Xiangjun owns a lot of private property. On the same day, he put one of the best villas under Wang Yalin's name, and bought her an apartment in the high-end community near their school to facilitate her commuting to school.
Feng Xiangjun also hired a nanny to clean the apartment and cook for Wang Yalin.
She personally sent Wang Yalin away, feeling very sentimental. It was beyond reproach for her adoptive adoptive mother to do her job. The Wang family treated her daughter that way, she didn't anger Wang Yalin, and she was always thinking about Wang Yalin, she was really benevolent.
There is not much she can help in the future. Both she and the Feng family are in danger, and they won't be able to take care of others at all for a while.
Little did she know that Wang Yalin changed her face as soon as she turned around. She didn't think of her half-heartedly, but felt that she was incompetent, ruthless, hypocritical, and artificial.
Wang Yalin fired the babysitter. She told Feng Xiangjun that she would live on her own in the future, and learn to be frugal and plan for the future. She was too embarrassed to use Feng Xiangjun's money, so she didn't need a nanny anymore.
Feng Xiangjun naturally felt sorry for her and gave her another money without excuse. In addition to the previous payment, Wang Yalin has almost 10 million in deposit. It's just that she didn't feel grateful at all, but instead felt that Feng Xiangjun was sending a beggar!
Feng Xiangjun fell ill when she returned home, but she didn't get any pity, and she had her family doctor and servant to take care of her.
Xiaoqing called Xu Mengyao to report the situation at home. Xu Mengyao and Xu Zifan discussed and said, "My brother and I will go back later. You don't need to teach me anything these days. Rest early."
Xiaoqing said: "Miss, you leave early and come back late. I have nothing to do. Can I ask for three days off?"
Xu Mengyao immediately agreed, "I keep you busy until late every day. It's hard for you. Let's take a good rest during the holidays and have fun. Is three days enough?"
"Enough, thank you Miss."
Xu Zifan waited for Xu Mengyao to hang up, then squinted and asked, "Xiao Qing asks for leave?"
"Well, I asked for three days, I don't know if I want to go home." Xu Mengyao didn't care too much, asking for leave was normal.
Xu Zifan touched her chin, and said to Shaohua: [Locate Xiaoqing's phone, see where she is going, and who she has contacted. 】
[Shaohua: I understand. 】
Not long after that, a virtual screen appeared in front of Xu Zifan's eyes, with a map on it, marking Xiaoqing's real-time location. He looked for a while and found that Xiaoqing had stopped at Dijingyuan, just downstairs from Wang Yalin's new residence!
Xu Zifan was a little surprised. It turned out that Xiao Qing's purpose in Xu's house was Wang Yalin? He rummaged and recalled that Xiaoqing resigned after Wang Yalin left the Xu family in the original owner's life, but at that time the Xu family fired many servants, and Xiao Qing was inconspicuous.
But what exactly does Xiaoqing want to do?
Xu Zifan asked Shaohua to monitor Wang Yalin’s mobile phone, and then sent Xu Mengyao home in the evening. He went to Dijingyuan for a party, and entered the space not far from Xiaoqing’s hiding place so that he could see the situation outside. People outside couldn't find him.
In the dead of night, Wang Yalin brewed a good mood and called Qi Xiangheng. She didn't say anything, just kept crying depressed. Xu Zifan was monitored by Shaohua and heard their conversation clearly.
Qi Xiangheng: "Ya Lin, what's the matter with you? Tell me. I am coming to find you now, don't cry, don't cry!"
Wang Yalin: "I have moved out, Xiang Heng...Xiang Heng, what did I do wrong?"
Qi Xiangheng first thought of her being swept out by the Xu family, asked her whereabouts, and drove all the way to Dijingyuan.
When Xu Zifan saw Xiaoqing moving, she first took pictures of Qi Xiangheng's car, then turned her head to make a call with her mobile phone, and followed Qi Xiangheng.
She wore a peaked cap and a medical mask. She coughed twice from time to time. She was like a cold patient. People who are not very familiar would never recognize her.
Shaohua was monitoring her mobile phone, so she could see Qi Xiangheng in the footage she was recording. She was pretending to make a call until the elevator door was closed. She recorded that Qi Xiangheng's elevator stopped on Wang Yalin's floor.
Then she stopped video recording and quickly operated a software. A picture of Wang Yalin’s door appeared on the screen of her mobile phone, where she installed an invisible camera for remote monitoring!
Xiaoqing entered the stairwell. Shaohua scanned the past and saw that she was hiding in the corner of the lowest floor, carefully monitoring the situation upstairs.
In the video, Qi Xiangheng looked anxious and kept ringing the doorbell, calling Wang Yalin's name. Wang Yalin opened the door and cried as soon as he saw him. Qi Xiangheng hugged her in distress. Wang Yalin shrank in his arms and cried: "Xiang Heng! Only you are willing to see me!"
Because the two stayed at the door for a while, their faces were captured by the camera. After the two entered the house, Xiao Qing was still hiding there, waiting for someone to come out.
This state seems to catch the rape! Xu Zifan searched through his memory again, but didn't realize that Xiao Qing had anything to do with Qi Xiangheng. He was fine anyway. There was food, drink and a soft bed in the space. He decided to just wait for Xiao Qing to see what she wanted to do.
Wang Yalin in the room cried out her grievances, and after repeated questioning by Qi Xiangheng, she told him the truth of the year and told him that she had been driven out by anger.
Qi Xiangheng was shocked and blamed Xu Zifan for sending Wang Yalin back to Wang's house. What was his heart? Do you have to kill Wang Yalin!
Qi Xiangheng hugged Wang Yalin distressedly, wishing to replace her with her body. After the two had spoken for a long time, Wang Yalin's voice gradually became smaller, and she fell asleep in his arms, with tears on her face.
Qi Xiangheng was stunned, and gently hugged her onto the bed, but when he got up he found Wang Yalin clutching his clothes tightly.
This is an expression of insecurity, what has his girl experienced? He wanted to call Xu Zifan to question Xu Zifan, but when he saw it, he had to lie down beside Wang Yalin carefully, like a guardian.
Although they didn't do anything, on such a night, lonely men, widows, talking about their concerns, and sharing the same bed, narrowed the distance between them as much as possible.
Qi Xiangheng looked at Wang Yalin quietly, feeling that he was her last support. Apart from the distress, there was a hint of happiness, and slowly fell asleep next to my sweetheart.
After his breathing stabilized, Wang Yalin quietly opened her eyes, showing a smug smile. She moved gently, next to Qi Xiangheng, and placed Qi Xiangheng's palm on her chest.
It was worthless to catch up. She just found a good friend crying when she was helpless. It was Qi Xiangheng who took the initiative to lie down on her bed after she fell asleep and touched her. Based on her understanding of Qi Xiangheng, Qi Xiangheng will definitely be ashamed, will be responsible, and will confess to pursue her. He has a crush on her, isn't he?
No one knows this scene in the room, and what Xiao Qing'an's surveillance captured is that Qi Xiangheng has not come out.
At three o'clock in the morning, Xu Zifan discovered that Xiaoqing had uploaded the video to another mobile phone and sent it out with that mobile phone.
Shaohua quickly tracked down, and the recipients were Qi Xiangheng's parents and grandparents!
Xiaoqing made harassing calls to the four of them separately, sent text messages to let them read the mail, and then took out the calling card to break.
Xu Zifan felt that Wang Yalin was likely to calculate Qi Xiangheng, and Qi Xiangheng would not listen to persuasion, but in the end it was the brother of the original owner. It would be a good thing if the Qi family could control him and prevent him from entanglement with Wang Yalin.
So he let Shaohua hack into the phones of the four people, popped up the emails to play, and blocked Qi Xiangheng's cell phone signals. This was the last time he helped Qi Xiangheng stay out of trouble, and it could be regarded as helping Xiaoqing.
But he still didn't understand what Xiaoqing was doing. This was obviously the rhythm of beating the mandarin ducks.
While analyzing Xiaoqing's motives, he paid attention to the movements of the Qi family. Xiaoqing continued to look at the surveillance footage, as if planning to take pictures until the people inside came out.
The Qi family was awakened, and after watching the video, they got up and gathered in the study seriously. Qi's mother called Qi Xiangheng, but she was not in the service area all the time, and she became more anxious, "Who on earth recorded this and sent it to us? What does he want to do?"
Elder Qi said in a deep voice: "No matter what he wants to do, get Xiang Heng back first."
Father Qi stood up and said, "I will find it myself."
Elder Qi exhorted: "This person deliberately sent us a video. I don't know what the purpose is and whether it will harm Xiang Heng. You bring more people and be careful."
When Father Qi left, the old lady Qi watched the video and asked suspiciously: "This girl is the original girl from the Xu family? What's wrong with her?"
"It's Yalin, there is no letter from the Xu family, but it seems that the Xu family loves the girl she got back more," Qi Mu frowned, "Xiang Heng has always liked her. She used to be the right one, but now it is not suitable. I'll talk to Xiang Heng when I look back."
"Well, in the middle of the night, I asked Xiang Heng to go to her place. She didn't come out at 3 in the morning. It was not a good girl's behavior. You look at Dian Xiangheng." Old lady Qi coldly looked very displeased with Wang Yalin.
Here Qi's father led people into Dijingyuan, Xiaoqing hurried upstairs from the stairs, pressing the elevator every time he reached the first floor, and asked Qi's father and others to wait for the elevator downstairs.
Panting, she rushed to Wang Yalin's floor, opened the door with the spare key she had provided privately, and took off the hidden camera and quickly went downstairs. After Qi's father entered the elevator, Xiaoqing came out of the corridor and walked out naturally.
Regardless of the follow-up, it is quite safe.
The camera was gone, and Xu Zifan didn't know how upstairs was. He was more interested in Xiaoqing than the people upstairs, so he simply came out of the space and followed Xiaoqing not too close.
There are no people near the school at night. Xiaoqing soon discovered that someone had been behind her, she was walking slowly, the person behind was also slow, she was fast, and the person behind was also fast. This situation was either the gangster or the Qi family, and she suddenly became nervous.
Passing a corner, she hid by the wall, took out the anti-wolf spray from her bag and got ready, and sprayed it on as soon as the person showed up.
Xu Zifan paused when he saw Shaohua's scan, feeling helpless. I still need to find a chance to practice Kung Fu, and I was found after tracking an individual. I knew it would be called Shaohua Scan at 500 meters.
This is also the feeling that Xiaoqing is harmless to him, and when he really wants to face the enemy, he is naturally more cautious.
He didn't intend to hide when he was discovered, stopped a few steps away from Xiaoqing, and said: "Come out, your holiday is very exciting."
Xiao Qing froze, her eyes widened in the dark night.
It was Young Master Xu that found her, this is a problem!
Xu Zifan waited for a moment, then tilted his head and chuckled, "I can't come out yet, wait for me to catch you? Little maid?"
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