Chapter 448: Seventy old father (3 more)

For the country, Xu Shengnan's space is useless, she is not trustworthy, and there is no way to use her space for anything. Her spiritual spring water is a bit useful, but only a little. After all, there are only one or two bowls a day. For the country as a whole, it is nothing but a drop in the bucket.
In the end, it was her description of the future that was most useful.
Those things that they couldn't imagine become very common in Xu Shengnan's description. Sometimes, when some functional effects are displayed, scientists can reverse the results from the results and study the production process. Although Xu Shengnan didn't know any secret important events, her description of the future was also very helpful.
Xu Shengnan also said some important names. They are all big names that the people know, such as people who can improve rice, people who can promote economic logistics, and real estate tycoons. After she said it, the country found these people and identified them. Focus on cultivating their talents and provide them with convenience so that they can make contributions faster.
There is also the situation of the country. Because Xu Shengnan talked a lot about the evaluation of this era, the college entrance examination, and the economy. Many people in the later generations can say a sentence or two of history. The core layer of the current country is based on analysis, from the original Some of the two ideas are biased towards one of them.
The biggest impact is the announcement of the resumption of the college entrance examination this year in advance, and the decision in advance to package production to households and open the economy. The county town of Xu Zifan was fortunate enough to apply to be the experimental site, and the environment immediately changed.
Song Xin gave the allocated land to his parents immediately, and then ran to the county town to find Xu Zifan and said that he wanted to open a restaurant.
Xu Zifan was a little surprised, because in his memory, Song Xin worked in real estate and did a good job. However, after he asked Song Xin carefully, he found that Song Xin was really thoughtful and also liked food, so he used a portion of the money to sponsor him, which was a good start for him.
Song Xin rented a storeroom, opened a restaurant to sell cooking, and started a small business in a lively manner.
When the news came back to the village, the Xu family felt terribly uncomfortable. Xu Aiguo ran to Xu Zifan to make sense. Xu Zifan didn’t even open the door for him. Finally, Xu Aiguo was beaten by Song Xin, who was rushed over, and he was so embarrassed. Drove him away.
The people in the village were watching the jokes of Xu's family, and at the same time admiring Xu Zifan. He really has the ability to not only have a good life, but also take care of the younger generation. Although Song Xin was unlucky enough to be entangled by Xu Shengnan before, he also got into Xu Zifan's eyes because of a blessing in disguise. Now who mentions him and doesn't say he is blessed?
Others are not as lucky as him, but the land is in his own hands, and everyone is full of energy. The country also allows free trade, and many brainy and courageous people are starting to find ways to make money. Everyone who has studied well began to study hard, and strive to enter the university. Everyone is full of vitality, and everyone is smiling. The country is prosperous.
However, these did not bring any benefits to Xu Shengnan. She was still locked in a glass house as a guinea pig. Not surprisingly, she will always live, but there is no freedom, no dignity, nothing, and she lives like a walking dead. .
Two years later, the county town as the experimental site was already very prosperous, and it was rated as a county-level city, which was raised by one level.
In the past two years, Song Xin opened two more stores, one selling hot pot and the other selling barbecue. The business is very hot, earning more than the first one, and he has become a famous rich man in this place!
Many people praised him for his vision and courage. Even if he had experienced a low point because of being forced to marry, he could still get up to the top. He became a role model for many people without knowing it.
But the one he respected most was Xu Zifan, who happened to be Xu Zifan's 60th birthday, and he celebrated Xu Zifan's birthday with guests at his own store. Everyone in the city came, and a lot of folks from the fourth team came, but the Xu family was not invited.
At the banquet, Song Xin respectfully offered tea to Xu Zifan, saying sincerely: "If Grandpa Xu hadn’t been there, I wouldn’t be who I am today. Grandpa Xu taught me too much, not only to help my business, but also to teach me how to behave. I have come this far, the most grateful is Grandpa Xu.
Grandpa Xu, I have always regarded you as my master in my heart, and want to be filial to you for a lifetime, but I still have a wish today. I want to recognize you as a godfather, and both of us have a status to be the closest relatives. Grandpa Xu, are you okay? "
Many people who don't know Xu Zifan are surprised, and don't understand how a promising boss like Song Xin respects an old man so much. People like Li Zhenhong and Wang Baoguo who have seen Xu Zifan so well laughed and said nothing. They didn't feel that Xu Zifan was ashamed, but instead felt that Song Xin had a big advantage.
However, if Xu Zifan recognizes his relatives and has such a good grandson to honor him in the future, that would be great. They were happy to see the result, and followed by a few words to persuade Xu Zifan to agree.
Xu Zifan likes Song Xin very much. After thinking about it, he took the tea and smiled: "Okay, I'm happy to have a grandson like you."
Song Xin laughed excitedly and called out: "Grandpa!"
"Hey." Xu Zifan stretched out his hand to help him and said with a smile, "You will do well in the future, your road is still long."
"Yes, I must listen to Grandpa."
Song Xin happily walked to the stage after speaking and announced that he would open the hotel to the provincial capital, "Thanks to everyone’s care in the past two years, I have made a small gain. My three restaurants have good business. I hope I can Take this good taste outside, to a wider world, so that more people can dishes.
But I was born and raised here, and I will never forget my roots wherever I go. When I am successful in the future, I will definitely come back to give back to my hometown, and everyone will supervise me! "
All business partners, relatives and friends present were all happy for him, applauded and blessed, and the scene suddenly became lively. Under Song Xin's leadership, everyone toasted Xu Zifan one after another. When they drank, Xu Zifan just drank the tea, and everyone showed respect for their elders.
Xu Zifan severed relations with his descendants, but his 60th birthday was still glorious, and he also recognized a filial grandson. This kind of old-age life is simply happy!
After the birthday banquet, Song Xin worked intensively to prepare a restaurant in the provincial capital, and went there to do things up and down. After everything was done, he picked up Xu Zifan and the Song family on the opening day. Song Xin's eldest brother took over from Song Xin to start the project by accident, and now he is doing a good job. After opening a business here, the two of them went back to busy.
Although Song Xin’s parents stayed for a few more days, they just got together with their younger son. They were not used to big cities and liked to stay in the countryside of their hometown. They also helped the elder son with the children. Of course, they could not stay long. In the end, Xu Zifan was the only relative left beside Song Xin, who moved to the provincial capital to take him.
Song Xin is a very clever apprentice. He rarely hesitates or doesn't know what to do. He occasionally meets him. Ask Xu Zifan. A chat with him is clear. The restaurant is also very popular in the provincial capital. It was booming, and also invited well-known chefs from the provincial capital.
Since the chef started working, Xu Zifan has gone to apprenticeship to learn art. He paid a large sum of money, and promised that he would only do it himself, so the chef agreed to teach him the cooking skills.
Originally, Song Xin was afraid that Xu Zifan was sixty, and he would not get used to it when he left his hometown. Who knew he was like a fish in water, he also learned new dishes, and his craftsmanship was better than his serious business.
Song Xin realized to what extent Xu Zifan liked food, and he took it more seriously. He tried every means to find a good chef to come back to Xu Zifan and to add weight to the restaurant.
Song Xin's restaurant is getting bigger and bigger, and he earns more and more. If he stays in the provincial capital for development, he may be able to maintain his reputation as the richest man in the provincial capital for decades. However, because of Xu Zifan's hobbies, his ideals have also changed. After spending a few years in the provincial capital to gain a foothold, he developed out again and went to Yanjing.
It is more difficult to develop in Yanjing, but Song Xin has become more mature and stable in his experience, and he is able to handle everything independently, arrange the business properly, and then take Xu Zifan to Beijing.
This old man Xu Zifan was raised by his grandson all the way to the capital. The capital was legendary in his hometown. The news passed back to his hometown. The names of their fathers became legends. Someone mentioned it from time to time, and the Xu family was even more embarrassed. , Tried every means to leave the country and enter the city, but because he had no money and foundation, and his mentality was not good, he had been mixed up all the time.
They often think of Xu Zifan, and they feel that the days before the separation are their best days. They also occasionally come up with the idea of ​​surrendering to Xu Zifan. Can fathers really ignore the children? But they are too far away from Yenching, and the gap with Yenching is too great. They don't dare to go. Even if they dare, they can't find anyone. They can only hear the news of the old father from others.
Song Xin opened a star restaurant in the provincial capital. In Yanjing, besides opening a star restaurant, he also opened a private restaurant. This private restaurant became Xu Zifan’s most frequent place, because the chef’s cooking is so delicious, and it’s so delicious that people can’t wait to swallow his tongue. Song Xin spent a lot of money to visit the thatched cottage and invited him to teach Xu Zifan because of his affinity. , No tuition at all.
Xu Zifan made a new friend and learned a lot of good dishes. He almost stayed in a private restaurant like commuting.
Xu Shengnan's relatives have always been on the national surveillance list. Xu Zifan knew about Yanjing's affairs. So when Xu Shengnan was on the verge of mental breakdown, the country found the closest relative to her, Xu Zifan.
The visitor sincerely asked Xu Zifan to see Xu Shengnan to help stabilize her mood.
Xu Zifan raised his eyebrows and smiled: "I'm afraid it's too difficult. If I go, she might collapse faster."
"Mr. Xu, the Song Xin you trained is a capable person, and you are also a very intelligent person. I hope you can help. This matter is very important."
Xu Zifan nodded, "I'm fine, but I really can't guarantee anything. You can watch it then."
Xu Zifan agreed, and was taken to the research institute where Xu Shengnan was located, and met Xu Shengnan through the glass.
How can Xu Shengnan be as beautiful as he was when he was reborn? She is now thin body, withered, gray hair, like a puppet that has lost its vitality, and has no response to the outside world. But when she saw Xu Zifan, her eyes suddenly lit up again.
A researcher said to Xu Zifan: "She seems to be unable to survive."
Xu Zifan smiled. How could it be possible that people who can't survive will not react when they see him. Xu Shengnan clearly has hope deep in his heart, even if it is meager, there is still hope.
He stepped forward and said to Xu Shengnan, "You have always wanted to find a long-term meal ticket. Now you found it, how do you feel?"
Xu Shengnan was speechless, and Xu Zifan said again: "Do you believe in miracles? I think you believe it, will you give up hope? I don't think so." He said to the humanity in the research room, "She might not like immutability. Your life? Or lack of knowledge of the outside world? You have psychologists in this area. You know better than me. It may be useful to chat with her more every day. I won't get mixed up. I am an old man who loves to cook."
Seeing that Xu Zifan was about to leave, Xu Shengnan hurriedly jumped on the glass, "Grandpa...Grandpa..."
She hasn't spoken for a long time, her voice is rough and hoarse, and it's terrible. Xu Zifan shook his head, "I'm not your grandfather anymore, I can't help you."
The country found that his relatives were of no use to Xu Shengnan, so he sent Xu Zifan back without interruption. After analysis by the psychologist, he decided to let Xu Shengnan understand the situation of the outside world, understand that her contribution has brought a good impact on society, and try to inspire her.
What Xu Shengnan wants to know most is how the people she knows are doing. She first asked Xu Zifan. The psychologist told her that Xu Zifan has been learning culinary skills over the past few years. He has learned a good culinary skill, and leads a leisurely life.
She asked Song Xin again, and the psychologist told her that Song Xin had opened a chain of restaurants and was the richest man in the provincial capital. He came to Yenching again for development and had a bright future.
Xu Shengnan was shocked, and hurriedly asked other people. After learning that Song had done real estate, she couldn't accept it. In the previous life, Brother Song had an orchard in his house, and he just opened a factory to make canned food. How come he has become a real estate agent in this life? There is also Song Xin. He has developed better than in his previous life, and even Xu Zifan is more blessed than in his previous life.
What about her? She was born again, did she only bring them good luck? She herself is not as good as her previous life? She can't figure it out, even if a psychologist analyzes the butterfly effect for her, she can't figure it out.
But her thoughts are still not important, she still has to continue to contribute to the spiritual spring water of spatial condensing, it is useless.
After that, her understanding of the future can no longer help the country. She only has spiritual spring water, and the country no longer values ​​her so much. Instead, she dare not die. She has always lived with a glimmer of hope, but she has never seen hope for a lifetime. .
Xu Zifan has a very leisurely life in this life. After he learned almost all the cooking skills he could learn in Yanjing, Song Xin went to other places with gourmet characteristics to open restaurants and took Xu Zifan over so that he could learn more authentic cuisine.
Later, Song Xin also invested in a food show, that is, he traveled all over the world to taste food, learn food, and exchange food. He accompanied Xu Zifan to go there, and by the way, he was a tourist.
Xu Zifan’s old age is not only colorful, but also travels around the world. His name is known by more and more people, and finally he became a model who lived and learned old, set an example in old age, and perfectly completed the original master’s. task.
This old age may be the most enviable. He told everyone with practical actions that if you want to live a wonderful life, age is never a problem.
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