Chapter 461: Eating and Broadcasting King's Way (1 more)

When Xu Zifan was hunting, by the way, Shaohua asked Shaohua to add some information to the black group of people, and announced that he was afraid of hardship and refused to film "Dead Island Survival". He is a little white face who cannot be carried on his shoulders. He will definitely become the biggest of this show. Failure. He also said that he was grumpy, uneducated, speechless, and acting inferior to children, etc. In short, he was black to death, but what was black was his ability.
Now the main culprit is that Xiaohua's remnant fan, who is irrational and must spread vigorously to catch any news that can smear him. The original owner had no chance to show himself before. No one really knew him. Netizens were naturally brought into the rhythm by the online comments, thinking that Xu Zifan was doing nothing but doing a lot of things. He was just a little white face who was not dedicated and wanted to take shortcuts.
There was a storm on the Internet, and passers-by were curious about who this star named Xu Zifan was, and why it aroused the anger of the public. There was no hot search for several days. This is to get him out of the entertainment circle, but people never show up. What's the use of scolding so much?
Xu Zifan put the fire on the Internet and left it alone, leaving Shaohua to monitor the trend of public opinion.
He hunted a pheasant and fished a brood of wild eggs by the way. I picked a lot of mushrooms and wild vegetables, and dug a sweet potato-like thing with a lot of starch. I dug more than 20, each of which has a palm-sized and generous portion.
Finally, he picked some natural seasonings, fizzed with water and returned to the camp.
Chen Zaimin and Yi Xiao have already made six small benches. Practice makes perfect and they are very strong. They are building the other half of the cabin. The entire frame was built the day before, but now it's just the roof and walls.
Song Yunjian went to get the vines and leaves, and came back to set up with them, but he was not familiar with them, and was anxious to keep up with the rhythm of the two. He made a few cuts in his hands, not serious, but it was easy to touch, and it hurts. It's not terrible, but it hurts and annoying.
Xu Zifan watched their progress and gave them water. Several people sat on a small bench to rest and talk and laugh. After a while, the three of them set up a small house, and he heated the chicken feathers with water and started to cook chicken stew with mushrooms.
The ingredients are incomplete, so Xu Zifan used a light and nutritious approach to maximize the fresh fragrance of the ingredients. He turned the fire into a small fire, simmered it slowly, and buried a circle of eggs beside the fire, roasting a total of twelve, two per person.
After finishing this, he went to explore the unexplored area of ​​the island. With time, he knew what was there without having to walk a lot, so he started at a distance of 400 meters from the edge of the island, always keeping this distance and walking in circles, and then moved 500 meters inward after walking around. The circle is much smaller, which saves a lot of time, and then another 500 meters walk in, the island is fully explored!
Now he has the most comprehensive map of the island, where foods and animals are clearly marked, and it can be said that he knows the island well.
He walked to the camp with satisfaction, picked a bunch of ripe bananas along the road, picked sweet and sour wild fruits, and went back to the camp at exactly one o'clock in the afternoon, and the chicken was stewed.
Song Yunjian said in surprise: "Youngest, you found a banana? All I saw before were all green."
"I also saw such a bunch of yellow ones. It's pretty good. You can eat it later." Xu Zifan smiled and glanced at the chicken in the pot. He threw a handful of wild vegetables and sour wild fruits in it. Finally, the large leaves were boring, and the fire was changed into a big fire.
While digging out the roasted eggs in the soil, he said to Song Yunjian: "Song brother, can you please call brother and sister Xue, it is time to eat, the chicken soup is nutritious, and give them supplements."
Song Yunjian responded and went into the hut to call someone. Xu Zifan asked Chen Zaimin and Yi Xiao to eat. When everyone washes their hands and sits at the table, the wild vegetables and sour wild fruits are just ripe, and the time is just right.
A big pot of chicken stewed with mushrooms, a little oil star in the pale yellow soup, green wild vegetables and yellow sour wild fruits, the color is really beautiful, and the aroma is also very attractive.
A coconut shell and a pair of chopsticks made of branches were placed in front of each of them. Xu Zifan gave each of them two eggs and a coconut. The eggs were the staple food and the coconut was the drink.
Looking at this table in this way, it actually has a very rich feeling. The cameraman deliberately took a panoramic view, which is a bit like a farmhouse, without the despair of survival on a deserted island.
Everyone held up the coconut and dried it first, then tasted the chicken and drank the chicken soup, all showing contentment.
Chen Zaimin suddenly smiled and said, "Why do I have a feeling of... working hard for a meal? After eating this meal, I feel that the hard work of the morning is worth it."
Song Yunjian said: "No wonder my wife likes to play business simulation games. It turns out that it's super fulfilling to get rewards for building things a little bit. The youngest dish is absolutely perfect. This is the best reward on the island."
"Yes, Yunjian is too right! Come on, let's respect the youngest one, if we don't have the youngest, think about how miserable we are now, maybe we will only drink coconut milk to fill our stomachs. Hunting or fishing Yes, I don’t know if we can eat wild fruits and edible vegetables, and the water source may not be found. Fortunately, we have the youngest. This is the most fortunate thing for us." Chen Zaimin lifted the coconut. He really felt that he was too lucky. He didn't suffer any hardships in life, and he had a hunch that it would be popular after the show was broadcast. This trip was worth it.
Yi Xiao raised his eyes to see Su Yanchen and Xue Ninglu with pale faces and chapped lips. He frowned and thought, "If we don't have the youngest, we will not only be hungry, but we will also become like Xiao Su and Xiao Xue. It's terrible. I guess it's horrible to shoot. Can't go down."
It is rare for Yi Xiao to say such a long story. Several people looked at Su Yanchen and Xue Ninglu when they heard the words. They were in very poor condition, and they were no better than good morning. It can be seen that the medicine is not so effective.
Song Yunjian persuaded: "You should eat the herbs that the youngest member picked."
The two didn't want to eat, but they were really uncomfortable. Seeing Song Yunjian's healthy appearance, they compromised after hesitating.
Xu Zifan said: "It's better to eat it now. After eating it, it will be uncomfortable for a few minutes, and then after eating the food, the taste will be gradually covered."
Su Yanchen thought of the feeling of chewing wax the day before, and shook his head, "Let's talk about it after eating, otherwise you may not even want to eat rice if you lose your appetite."
The two patients were listless and did not like to talk. Xu Zifan and the four of them discussed setting up the cabin and went to look elsewhere. The two of them couldn't talk. They felt that nothing happened to them in this day's shooting. This is also the reason why they decided to take herbal medicine. They will get better soon to get more shots, or else it will be in vain and the suffering will be in vain.
After eating, they cleaned up, spread hay in the hut, and walled the hut. Because half of the hut built before was the surrounding walls, and now the other half is surrounded, it becomes a whole house, separated by a wall, can only sleep three people at one time, and there is no communication between them.
Su Yanchen and Xue Ninglu lay and rested in the original half of the hut. They fixed the new half here, and decided that they would sleep here. Because of the experience, the new one is more comfortable than the other one, so the extra Song Yunjian can naturally only sleep with the two.
Considering that Xue Ninglu was the only girl, Yi Xiao generously gave her the sleeping bag so that she could sleep in the sleeping bag, which was separated from the other two men.
It was only three o'clock in the afternoon after they were all done. They slept for an hour and took a good rest. Then the four of them took the straw basket, rattan net, and props to go on an "expedition."
In the eyes of the director, Xu Zifan walked three laps on the island, which is a general understanding of the island, so naturally he led the way. He took them to catch crabs. They were big crabs that would climb to the tree, so they were slightly easier to catch.
When I came out this time, the camp was well built, sheltered from wind and rain, and had plenty of food, so everyone was in a good mood and walked without rush, like walking, and in a good mood to enjoy the beautiful scenery along the road.
Once they found any strange plants they hadn't seen before, Chen Zaimin and Song Yunjian cooperated and asked them to look at them and ask them what Xu Zifan was. These were all available shots. Naturally, the photogenic time of the two sleeping in the cabin was compressed to one or two minutes.
The director looked at the screen in the tent and couldn't help shaking his head, "Is it too difficult? Xu Zifan is a survival expert, why doesn't his agent say a word? We are not prepared at all, let's go now, desert island Survival has become an island tour."
The staff next to them thought for a while and said: "Why don't you post tasks for them, let them complete them in two groups, draw lots and make them more difficult."
The director convened a meeting and decided to use this method after research. The experts set a few points on the map, placed things, and decided to let them compete. Although this will turn a survival show into a somewhat entertaining show, there is no way now. It is better than filming a travel show, at least it won't go too far.
Finally, the director sighed: "These days have passed, and the next location is changed. It must be a very difficult place, desert or something, and the materials are scarce. The first period will be a simple threshold for warm-up, barely able to It makes sense."
Xu Zifan took three companions and successfully caught eight crabs. The spicy stir-fried crabs that he ate for dinner were full of seasonings. The spiciness was so irritating to drool, and the cooked sour wild fruits were especially delicious.
There were four of them, one of them and two of them. Su Yanchen and Xue Ninglu were not cured yet. Of course, they could not eat crabs, and they only ate herbs after lunch. The nausea completely covered up the delicacy of lunch. The two retched a few minutes later. It was uncomfortable all afternoon, and there was no appetite at all. The last person ate a "sweet potato".
Seeing Xu Zifan and the others savory fragrant, not to mention too frustrated.
In the evening, Xu Zifan glanced at the situation on the Internet. Not only did passers-by not scold him at the end of the day, but instead became disgusted with Xiaohua's fans.
Someone also stood up to speak for Xu Zifan, questioning those fans, what did Xu Zifan do to make them scold like this. How about they are so nosy so they don't scold the criminals in the news? Besides, the hype is all speculation. Where is the evidence? Isn't the program edited just like how it wants to be edited?
Although he didn't speak much to Xu Zifan, he was soon overwhelmed by the sunspots, but the direction of the wind has gradually changed. At least his popularity has not been lost anymore. Instead, the incident has increased a lot of popularity. Many people who didn't know him remembered it. After knowing his name, he will only wait for him to show up again to decide whether these passers-by will turn into fans or turn black.
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