Chapter 73: Master Educated Youth 5

Xu Zifan had beaten pig grass in front of the villagers, and naturally he was about to start working. Yang Yongqing mentioned that he used to be a teacher in elementary school, but Xu Zifan rejected him. He didn't like to be a teacher. In his career, his only hobby is to be the richest man in business. Only business can excite him. So because his body is still in the recovery period, Yang Yongqing assigned him the work of herding cattle and weeding, one two centimeters, a total of four centimeters, not as good as a half-old child.
Xu Zifan is not in a hurry, the body is the capital of the revolution, and he needs to raise his body before he can do other things. When he was herding cattle, he ran, leaped, and did push-ups. There was no one else. He exercised very comfortably. He had practiced several times before, and he also had some experience. He can make a fitness plan according to his body. Although it is very tired, the effect is particularly good. To live in the village, you must first train your strength.
He basically understood the situation during this period through small talk with his colleagues and memories. Individuals are not allowed to do business now, but if you take something out to sell, no one will take care of it as long as the quantity is small, and it’s okay to go hunting home and eat. This is also the reason why their area is not too strict in this respect, and they will not arrest people if they show a bit of reform.
Xu Zifan did not give up the idea of ​​doing business. After all, if he had to wait for several years, what did he do in the past few years? Nothing interesting. The way is all people think of, he is not in a hurry. He now performs well when weeding the weeds every day, taking exercises when herding cattle, and when others go home to eat after work, he ran to the back mountain to find prey.
Before he saw that everyone was suffering, he thought he wouldn't even let go hunting, he got a few fishes and a dozen sparrows and took them back in hiding. Later, I learned that the seasoning is single, and the cooking is less oily. Basically, it is enough to cook. Of course, I am not happy to make fishy fish and sparrows stuck in their teeth. Only some half-and-half children get hungry.
As for pheasants and hares, some people occasionally hit them, and others have air guns at home and have hit roe deer. But once, a hunter was hit and killed by a wild boar. Everyone dared not go to the mountains and only hunted outside. Over time, these little animals have learned to be smart. They are hiding in the mountains, and people have very few opportunities to hit them.
Their village is black soil, and the crops in the fields are not bad. Although no one in the village can eat fine grains every day, it is still okay to drink thick porridge and eat a cake. Generally, they are not too hungry. And the big guys are tired enough to work, naturally no one puts their energy on this.
Xu Zifan feels that this is a business opportunity. The so-called "backing on the mountain, eating the mountain and relying on the water", how rich is the material in this mountain? That can all become money! Just like the wild boar in the mountains, if there is a way to get it, the meat is delicious and will definitely sell well. There are also several kinds of wild fruits in the mountains. Although they are either sour or sweet and sour. They are usually eaten by few people. But if they are sold to those who have spare money and love snacks in big cities, or sold as canned food as gifts, they are all Excellent market.
There are mushrooms, black fungus, walnuts, and pine nuts in the mountains. People in the village don't find it strange or even tasty, but these things are very nutritious. If they can be packaged into gift boxes, they can be regarded as specialties.
There are also those fish in the river. People are not happy to eat them. What if they are made into canned fish?
These useless sales are the fantasy, and finding a sales is an opportunity to make a fortune. Xu Zifan strolled around in the mountains, but without catching any wild things, he set up a trap and grilled two fishes back. All I have in my mind are ways to make money.
After returning home, he moved a small bench to sit next to Yang Yongqing after eating, and said, "Dad, how about your meeting yesterday? Are there any new instructions from the commune?"
Yang Yongqing frowned and sighed, "What else? Isn't it going to be the autumn harvest soon? He said that we need to pay more food, preferably more than other places. According to me, what is comparable to this? Let the folks stay more. One bite is better than anything, what use is better than that!"
Comparing is certainly useful. Comparing wins and being praised by the boss will be recorded in the file, and future promotions are all advantages. It's just that the people below have to tighten their belts. The problem is that this time we hand over these, and the next time we can’t do less than this time. If we keep doing this, the people will get less and less food.
Xu Zifan felt that it was his opportunity to have such a president. He huddled up with Yang Yongqing and said in a low voice, "Dad, the president just wants people to see the achievements of our commune. Now the whole country needs food, but Other things are also needed. If we can get some food and sell it out, it will be the commune’s political performance. Whether it is making money or changing things, it will be good. It will definitely improve the situation in our village."
Yang Yongqing's expression changed and looked at him, "What do you want to do? Where can I eat in our village? The food is public, so we must not move. It is the pigs and chickens raised by every household, that's half of that. If you want to hand it over to the state, you won’t even let it be sold to others."
"Private people won’t, of course the public ones have, otherwise, how did those factories open up?" Xu Zifan said with a smile, "Dad, don’t worry, I’m not talking about the food from the public, I’m talking about the mountains. I have these days. Don’t you always go to the mountains? There are a lot of wild fruit and mountain treasures that I have never seen before, and there are no other places. This is our specialty. Those are not valuable here, but they are rare goods sold outside."
Yang Yongqing heard that there was such a saying for the first time, and he has never been outside. He has never thought that there are so many differences across the country. He wondered: "Isn't this possible? What can I do for those things? Can he sell money? ?"
"Of course it has to be packaged, not as ordinary things."
"That's ordinary things, why shouldn't they be ordinary?"
"Nutrition." Xu Zifan looked at him and said, "Malted milk is so precious because it is nutritious. Eggs are also nutritious. We don’t lie to others, so we figure out what is good for the body. Just print it out and stick it on the packaging. Someone will buy it."
Yang Yongqing didn't know the nutrition of the mountains and plains. Many fruits were rotten and no one would eat them, so sour. But he saw that Xu Zifan was right, and he doubted that people outside were indeed lacking these things. But it is still impossible to open a factory in a public company.
He shook his head and frowned: "Fanzi, Dad knows what you want to do, but you have to be reliable and practical. I have never heard of what you said. No, what qualifications do we have to start a factory? Take a look at the factories in the county. We can't even be a worker. We have to grab the spot, and we can't grab the spot. Opening a factory is not as easy as you think."
Xu Zifan didn't think it was any difficulty, and smiled: "It's man-made, or else, dad, you will take me with me next time in the county? How can we know if we don't try? The president disagrees, let's just give it a try. Don’t lose anything. Besides, other factories are so high because they have jobs in the city, hukou in the city, and distribution of houses. Even if we open them, they are in this village. Workers, even the folks in our village, don’t need to distribute food and hukou in the county , Our request is so low, maybe the president can agree?"
Yang Yongqing thought for a while, it seems that this is the truth, but what is the reason for opening a factory in the village? How can anyone do this? Why did this kid look for this and let it go?
Xu Zifan also told him a lot of future development prospects and built a good blueprint for him. He is the village head, and his greatest wish is to hope that all villagers will have enough food and clothing to live a good life. If what Xu Zifan said can be realized, then life in their village seems to be better than in the city?
Xu Zifan said that for two hours, and it was too dark to see before Yang Yongqing nodded. Xu Zifan quickly washed up happily and went back to the room to lie down. He quite understands the subject of brainwashing. Today he can brainwash Yang Yongqing, and tomorrow he can brainwash the president. Isn't it just drawing big pie? With the lure of interest, most of the goals can be achieved. What's more, the president of their commune is still an eager person, just right.
Yang Wanyun turned over and looked at him and asked in a low voice, "What you told Dad is the way you want to make money? Can those things in the mountains really be sold for money?"
Xu Zifan nodded, "Really, otherwise, what am I doing so hard?"
"Then you really want to see the president and say it in person? Aren't you afraid?"
"I didn't do anything bad. What's there to fear? I am an activist. Didn't the country let me jump in to study? Then I understand the beauty of this village, and I found the food and want to share with everyone. Isn't that the best learning result? He just doesn’t praise me and he can’t criticize me, otherwise he is attacking the self-motivatedness of the educated youth. Don’t worry, I won’t be scolded."
Because Xu Zifan also turned his face, there was only a pillow left between the two. Lying on the kang in the dark and looking at each other so close, Yang Wanyun suddenly became a little hot and said awkwardly: "Who is worried about you."
After speaking, she turned over and leaned against the wall. Xu Zifan raised her eyebrows, took the pillow away and put it on the stool, and said casually: "There is a pillow for such a small Kang. It is so crowded, don't put it anymore."
Yang Wanyun's face turned red all of a sudden. Fortunately, they covered two quilts. Otherwise, she would definitely have to jump up now. Although they are married couples, they have been in a bad relationship before, and they have never got along like a couple. Now that the misunderstanding is solved and the pillow is taken away, what should I do next?
Yang Wanyun's heart beats abnormally, but Xu Zifan didn't really do anything. He just tucked the quilt for her and whispered: "It's late, go to bed, and get up early to work tomorrow."
Yang Wanyun was relieved, and quietly shrank into the quilt, closed her eyes and fell asleep.
Xu Zifan smiled. Although this age is not very popular, many men and women get married without remembering their faces after seeing each other. The life is the same. But he still felt that they should fall in love and let the flow develop into a real couple. Maybe he should also get a house to make up for the bride price from the previous marriage. It's not his style to marry a daughter-in-law if there is nothing.
Xu Zifan had a dream that night, almost all about how to open a factory and make money. In this era, there are no loopholes, but in fact, there are no loopholes. As long as you do well, you can seize the opportunities of this era and become the first person to become rich! After dreaming the dream of opening the factory, he dreamed that Man Han had a feast again. Exercising every day and eating that little thing is really not enough to eat, and I get hungry in the middle of the night.
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