Chapter 93: Honest person (1)

After Xu Zifan left the last world, he rested in the void for a long time, until all aspects were adjusted to the best condition before setting off again.
Xu Zifan was lying on the sofa when he woke up this time. The surroundings were dark, only the faint moonlight brought a little brightness through the curtains. He glanced around and could barely see that it was a well-decorated living room. It was quiet at night, there was no other sound in the room, he silently closed his eyes and kept sleeping, and began to understand the situation of the world.
The original owner, Xu Zifan, is dull, introverted, honest, and honest, and even the hairstyle is very dull, with a little social phobia. Fortunately, the professional skills are good. After graduating from university, I applied for the best network technology company in the province and became a programmer in the technical department.
Their family is in the provincial capital. Both Xu's father and Xu's mother are high school teachers. They have an 80-square-meter two-bedroom apartment in the old city. They also bought a 120-square-meter large two-bedroom apartment for the original owner to use as a wedding house. The two elders gave birth relatively late. When Xu Zifan was 30 years old, they had already retired and received pension and pension insurance.
It stands to reason that it is not difficult to find a target under conditions like the original owner. If you find a gentle and virtuous wife, and the two live a good life, the future life will definitely be the same. But the bad thing is that the original owner has a crush on a goddess from high school to college, and this goddess has come to him!
This is the beginning of his nightmare.
The goddess was at the same table in the high school of the original owner, named Wu Xuefei, she was very beautiful, she was the school girl at the time, and was chased by many people. Wu Xuefei doesn't dislike the original owner being dull and boring, and smiles and greets and chats with him every day. After a long time, the original owner puts Wu Xuefei in his heart. But he knew that he was not worthy of Wu Xuefei, never dared to confess, only silently help when Wu Xuefei needed him, and gradually became a good friend of Wu Xuefei.
During the college entrance examination, he secretly took a look at Wu Xuefei's wishes and filled in the same university. Although he is no longer a classmate, but because they have a good relationship, he often met during the four years of university. The original owner hadn't thought about what to develop, so he wanted to stay with Wu Xuefei. At that time, Wu Xuefei would come to him to talk about any unpleasant things, and he already felt very satisfied. Later, after graduating from university, Wu Xuefei went abroad to travel freely, but the original owner went home to find a job, and their contact gradually disappeared.
Unexpectedly, when the original owner put her down and started a blind date, she came back! Xuefei Wu returned to her hometown and met her friends again. She was also very happy to see the goddess in her heart again. The two of them ate and celebrated and drank a lot of wine together. When the original owner sent Wu Xuefei back to the hotel, Wu Xuefei felt a little uncomfortable, and the original owner stayed to take care of her. Later, Wu Xuefei almost fell, and the original owner went to help, and the two fell on the bed together, drunk and unconscious, not knowing how they had a relationship.
The next day Wu Xuefei woke up and kept crying. No matter how much the original owner apologized, Wu Xuefei also said that she would never meet again, and she would never be friends anymore. Wu Xuefei drove the original owner away and immediately changed the hotel, and also blocked all the contact information just added, in a posture of old and deadly reunion. The original owner was extremely frustrated, he blamed himself for guilt, and couldn't get enough energy for a month, always thinking about how to make Wu Xuefei forgive him.
And a month later, Wu Xuefei suddenly appeared haggard in front of him, and when she saw him, she cried and beat him, saying that she was pregnant. She said that she regarded him as a good friend and he actually took advantage of her. She hated him to death!
The more Wu Xuefei said this, the more the original owner felt that he was extremely guilty, but he was a little bit secretly excited because the goddess was pregnant with his child! He tried his best to appease Wu Xuefei, begging her not to beat the child, begging her to marry him, and also showed her the house and savings, and talked about the parents' situation and wealth, etc. Wu Xuefei cried and quarreled with him for several days, and finally decided to marry him for the child and form a family with him.
Being able to marry a goddess who has been in love for many years is almost like a dream to the original owner. Although Xu's father and Xu mother thought Wu Xuefei was too beautiful, they suddenly appeared and didn't like it. This is not only what the original owner likes, but also pregnant with the child, of course, he is more happy than the others, and very enthusiastically accepted this daughter-in-law. Wu Xuefei said that she was not in the mood to prepare for the wedding, and insisted on only getting the certificate, but she did not notify her family, saying she was afraid of being scolded, so she said later.
These original owners all depended on her, and the two of them finally got the marriage certificate smoothly. The wedding room is ready-made and has been renovated a long time ago. The original owner bought high-end furniture, home appliances and daily necessities according to Wu Xuefei's preferences. The new home has become very petty bourgeoisie. Although it has spent a lot of money, the original owner looks at the comfortable home and the goddess wife, and then thinks of the upcoming baby, it really feels like being soaked in a honey jar, sleeping with a smile.
But after getting married, Wu Xuefei was not happy and always cried. Once crying too hard, the original owner asked nervously, and she said that something was wrong with her father. The drunk-driving man was arrested. The family of the deceased said that he would give a letter of understanding as long as he compensated one million, otherwise her father would be allowed to sit in prison.
Wu Xuefei said that her family had no money. Her mother was seriously ill and spent all her savings. She even sold the house and emptied her family without keeping her mother. My father was too sad to get drunk. I didn't expect this to happen. Wu Xuefei cried too hard, almost fainted, and kept talking about why her family was so miserable.
The original owner was reluctant to look at her like this, and crying during pregnancy would hurt the fetus too much. In addition, he always felt that the "miserable" in Wu Xuefei's mouth also included the accidental pregnancy and had to marry him. He blamed himself very much, and finally promised to find a way to help his father-in-law.
Xu's father and Xu's mother became disgusted when they knew it, and they always felt that it was like a fraudulent marriage. But this marriage is also done, and the child is also there. If something happens to your family, you can’t just watch it and let Wu Xuefei cry every day? What if the child cries and aborts again? So even if they were very upset, they still took out all their savings, plus the salary that the original owner had saved in the past few years, barely made up one million, which really emptied their family.
Wu Xuefei knelt down to the two elders excitedly and said with tears that she must be filial to them in the future. The money was taken as borrowed, and after she had given birth to the child, she worked hard to earn money and returned the money to them with her father. She said that really made Xu's father and Xu's mother a little more comfortable. Since then, Wu Xuefei has been very kind to them, and they also believed that Wu Xuefei was really grateful to them.
Wu Xuefei's father, Wu Lidong, happened in another city, so the original owner accompanied Wu Xuefei. Once he arrived, he went to the police station to visit Wu Lidong. The original owner saw his father-in-law for the first time, but under this situation, he was a little nervous. Only noticed that the father-in-law is really young and well maintained, but Wu Xuefei is so beautiful and it is normal for the father-in-law to be handsome and younger.
They ended the visit without saying a few words, and then Wu Xuefei hurriedly contacted the family of the deceased to negotiate. The original owner was not good at talking, and basically stayed with Wu Xuefei to deal with it.
One million was given to the past, and Wu Lidong was released within two days, saying that the deceased was at fault, and the case ended. Wu's house was sold, and Wu Xuefei married again when Wu Lidong didn't know it. Of course, Wu Lidong was worried and went home with them. Their home is a two-bedroom house, and Wu Lidong happened to live in another bedroom. Hearing about their drunkenness and unmarried pregnancy, Wu Lidong had no nose and eyes for the original owner. The original owner can only please his father-in-law, hoping that he can accept him, and the family will live a good life.
The original owner and Wu Lidong are not used to living together with two strangers, but all the savings in the family are gone. The original owner is eager to earn money and actively works overtime at work, unable to take care of Wu Xuefei. Considering that Wu Lidong is very good in taking care of Wu Xuefei, he sincerely begged Wu Lidong to stay for a longer period of time. It is best to live until Wu Xuefei gives birth before leaving. Wu Lidong is not worried about his daughter, so he naturally agreed.
But neither Wu Lidong nor Wu Xuefei knows how to cook. The original owner has to get up early every morning to make breakfast for three people, and go home in the evening to make dinner and clean up the house. At noon or when the original owner can't work overtime to cook dinner, Wu Lidong and Wu Xuefei order takeaways. The original owner mentioned housework twice. Wu Xuefei said that her father had never done this in his life. Now that he can no longer work hard when he comes to care for the elderly, Wu Xuefei learned to cook by herself. As a result, her hands were red hot and the soup was overturned. a mess.
Of course, the original owner didn't dare to let Wu Xuefei do this anymore, so he could only get a little tired himself. He got up early and took care of all the housework outside of work. He is very tired, but the expectation for the baby and the yearning for the future marriage make him full of motivation. There is no complaint. He just wants to work hard to make his wife and children live a good life.
Because he often worked overtime, he went home and then cleaned up, always disturbing Wu Xuefei's sleep when he returned to the room. Poor sleep means poor spirits. Wu Lidong feels sorry for his daughter and is very dissatisfied with it. He simply proposed to let the original owner sleep on the sofa. Anyway, the sofa is very soft and comfortable, and it can fully sleep him. The original owner wanted Wu Xuefei to rest, but agreed reluctantly, and everything focused on Wu Xuefei.
But soon, Wu Xuefei's smiling face disappeared. She was often angry and shed tears without warning. After seeing the doctor, she was diagnosed with depression during pregnancy. If you want to heal, you must relax, do more happy things, feel the beauty of life more, chat more with people, etc. The most important thing is the company of your family. The original owner knew how their marriage came, knowing how the child came, and seeing the goddess depressed and uncomfortable, but he often worked overtime and couldn't be with him, and felt more self-blaming, so he could only beg his father-in-law to go out with Wu Xuefei and have fun. .
After that, the Wu family father and daughter often went out, played around and ate all kinds of delicacies, let Wu Xuefei experience the beauty of life. This method is really useful. Wu Xuefei's condition has improved a little bit. Of course, the money has not been spent less. The original owner worked hard overtime to make money and wanted to return it to his parents, but did not save a point. He was also maxed out with a credit card and became a card slave. But what can he do? Don't you watch your wife be depressed? Severe depression is very dangerous. He can only hope that his wife will heal soon and their lives will really get better.
Seeing how hard their sons are, Xu's father and Xu's mother give more than half of their pension to the original owner every month, leaving only a small amount of living expenses. They vaguely felt that this marriage was wrong, but their daughter-in-law had depression. They couldn't care about it. Although there were more things, other people weren't in this situation. It's not a rare thing, but they can only be treated as a bit unlucky. Xu's mother also paid special respects to the temple for this, hoping to transfer her to her son.
Wu Xuefei spent the entire pregnancy in this way. The original owner also went from being full of motivation to physical and mental exhaustion, but Wu Xuefei gave birth to a very cute son. The original owner saw their blood continuation and full of satisfaction, and fatigue is not important. But his joy did not infect Wu Xuefei. Wu Xuefei's depression had improved a lot, but he did not expect that it would worsen after giving birth, and he would be very anxious when seeing the child.
She said that she was a DINK and had never thought of being a mother. She had suffered from an unexpected pregnancy for a long time. She didn't want to hurt her little life or her body without abortion. What's more, she has such a good relationship with the original owner. She thinks that the original owner likes the child so much and can't bear to hurt the original owner. But she didn't expect that she would still be unacceptable to give birth. She couldn't take care of the child and was very anxious every second.
In many cases, the reason for postpartum depression is not clear. Xu's father and Xu's mother searched the Internet and found that patients with postpartum depression might hurt themselves and their children. They were so scared that they simply took the child to their home and let them take care of them. They said when Wu Xuefei was better. Pick up the child. Wu Xuefei’s condition has improved and she is no longer so anxious, but after her confinement, because she was always depressed and in a bad mood, she went to play with Wu Lidong again. This time she went to another place without the inconvenience during pregnancy. Basically, it is to visit various tourist attractions, then taste delicious food, buy local characteristics, and enjoy life.
The original owner often worked overtime and went home alone. He missed his son again, so he went back to live with his parents. The sweet and happy life that I had imagined after marrying the goddess was all in vain. Fortunately, there was a child born to him by a goddess, who looked a lot like his wife and father-in-law. He must have grown up to be a handsome handsome guy, and his life is also It's not that there is no joy at all. It is his greatest joy to watch his son grow up every day.
However, when he worked harder and harder and his credit card debts increased, he still couldn't bear it, and suggested to Wu Xuefei and Wu Lidong that he could not continue traveling. I also hope that Wu Lidong can help with the family. After all, he is still young and strong, and the two of them work together to provide Wu Xuefei with a favorable living and treatment environment. Isn't it great?
As a result, Wu Lidong said that he didn't know any skills, and he could find a job in this provincial capital for more than 2,000 a month at most. It was not very useful and had no time to take care of Wu Xuefei. At that time, Wu Xuefei was left at home alone thinking and sullen. Who knows what will happen? Then Wu Lidong told the original owner that if he wants to make money, he must work hard to make money. He said that he knew some people in this regard, and he could help the original owner to ask if he could invest.
After that, they did not travel again. The original owner saved his salary and borrowed some money. They were persuaded by their father and daughter to tentatively invest 20,000 yuan, and a month later they returned 25 thousand yuan. Such a generous return made the original owner a little uneasy, but the Wu family father and daughter said that this is very common. The other party is a big business, earning more, and of course more rebates. His investment of 20,000 people is unwilling to accept. Others invested hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars. If it weren't for Wu Lidong's acquaintance with others, they would never give this opportunity.
The original owner did not meet the other party directly, and the money was paid through Wu Lidong, but the money he took back was indeed real. He invested another 50,000, and returned 70,000 in a month, then invested 70,000, and returned 100,000 in a month. The more you vote, the higher the rebate ratio. After a year of hard work, the original owner is really lucky to encounter such an investment. He had always felt guilty for taking so much money from his parents, and now he finally found a way to make money quickly, of course he was excited.
Wu Xuefei’s condition has also improved a lot. Every time she sees the money returned, she is very happy. She often tells him to make one million quickly and return it to Xu’s father and Xu’s mother, so that the original owner feels that she is in good condition. Changed back to understanding. At this time, because Wu Xuefei's condition improved, he was finally allowed to return to the bedroom. His wife's thoughtfulness and constant return on investment made the original owner a lot easier, even his father-in-law was kind to him, and he truly enjoyed a happy life.
He offered to bring his son back. His parents are getting older and it is very hard to take the children. When I went to Xu's father and Xu's mother, Wu Xuefei actually vomited when she smelled the baby milk powder. She went to check and found that she was pregnant again! The original owner, Xu's father, and Xu's mother were very pleasantly surprised. They felt that Wu Xuefei might be fertile, and the second pregnancy made Wu Xuefei's rejection of the child disappear. Naturally, the doctor said her depression should be almost healed.
This is simply double happiness, plus the return on investment is triple happiness.
Wu Xuefei offered to change a big house after paying back one million in-laws. She hoped that her father would live with them all the time, and the two children would have no rooms afterwards. Changing the house is not casual. You have to take into account that the two children go to school. The school district is 21,000 square meters, and the change of a spacious four-bedroom house will cost 800,000 plus this house.
A lot of money is needed, but fortunately, the return on investment is extremely high, which is not very stressful. Before long, Wu Lidong said that there was a good opportunity for investment, saying that a large amount of funds would be needed for a large project in the near future, and the rebate was twice the usual. This was really a surprise. Under Wu Xuefei and Wu Lidong's persuasion, the original owner was ruthless to invest more in order to repay the parents' money as soon as possible and earn the money for the house exchange as soon as possible.
The original owner borrowed a circle of money from relatives and friends, and repaid a lot of online loans. He usually has a good reputation and good character. Although some people advised him to be cautious in investing, he said that he had received rebates several times, so he stopped persuading him. There was also someone who wanted him to introduce and follow the investment, but Wu Lidong refused, saying that the other party would not accept investment from newcomers this time, and doubling the rebate would be considered a return to old customers. In this way, it makes people feel that the opportunity is rare. The original owner borrowed a total of 500,000. Calculated on the basis of the high investment rebate plus double the rebate, two million will be returned to him in one month!
The original owner was also uneasy about this kind of investment, so he decided to invest only this last time. After this time, the money was almost saved. After he continued to work hard, everything would be better.
But this time, there is no rebate. Wu Lidong said that the man had disappeared, and the original owner wanted to call the police if he was struck by lightning. Wu Lidong said that there is no evidence to tell others that there is no IOU or contract. He was also very angry, saying that since he helped lead the line, he must find the person to get the money back. Then Wu Lidong left their city and went to find people for money in person.
When the original owner agreed to repay the money in one month, two months later, when Wu Lidong didn't move, relatives and friends started looking for the original principal. After all, it is not a small number, and if something is wrong, I must go back quickly. Xu's father and Xu's mother became angry and got sick, but they really couldn't help. Seeing that Wu Xuefei was pregnant and couldn't get angry at her, I could only blame his son for keeping them from investing such a freshman. For a sum of money, the original owner was under tremendous pressure.
As more and more people came to ask for money, Wu Xuefei became anxious. She told the original owner that they had two children to support and they had to support their parents. If the investment money could not be recovered, they would pay their relatives for the house. Then they can't make it through. The original owner said that the house could be sold for 1.5 million yuan, and the debt of 500,000 yuan was repaid, and the rest can go to the old city to buy a very spacious three-bedroom house, and he can work hard in the future.
Wu Xuefei's depression suddenly broke out, and she even began to self-harm, crying that she could not see the future. Wu Xuefei recalled a lot of the things they went from high school to university, and felt a little suicidal, frightening the original owner. In the end, he agreed to Wu Xuefei's method. The two "falsely" divorced and wrote the divorce agreement. The house belongs to Wu Xuefei and the debt belongs to the original owner. Keep the family property first, so that the court can't force him to pay back the money, and then they think of a way, it is best that Wu Lidong can get back the investment money, and everything will be fine.
The successive incidents made the life of the original owner a mess, and his mind was stunned. When Xu's father and Xu's mother found out, he and Wu Xuefei had already applied for a divorce certificate and the house was transferred. The two old men were so angry that they suspected that Wu Xuefei and Wu Lidong were liars for the first time, but how could the liar give birth to the original owner and have a second child?
Before they could figure it out, Wu Xuefei sold the house, and his attitude changed drastically, and he was extremely indifferent to the original owner. Wu Lidong also appeared suddenly, helped Wu Xuefei tidy up everything, and went to Xu's house to pick up her elder son. The original owner was shocked and questioned, but was ridiculed by the two of them, calling him stupid.
It turns out that Wu Lidong is not Wu Xuefei's father at all. They have always been a couple, only a couple of ten years apart! At the beginning, Wu Lidong owed another 200,000 yuan in investment. It happened that Wu Xuefei ran into the original owner. Thinking that the original owner seemed to be in a good family background, she set up a fairy dance with Wu Lidong to create a drunk chaos. The original owner Wu Xuefei had been with Wu Lidong for a month. She was indeed pregnant, but she was pregnant with Wu Lidong's child. She said that the original owner was an honest person, very cheating, and they would definitely not be discovered if they planned well.
Sure enough, the original owner had never doubted her, and no one would be okay to suspect that his father-in-law was a fake, and suspect that the goddess who had known him for many years would use this despicable method to deceive him. Then Wu Lidong went to the field and caused a small accident to enter the police station. They did visit the police station, but the visit would not specifically say that it was because of what went in. The original owner thought Wu Lidong was arrested for the accident, but in fact it was just a fight. The family members of the deceased who were negotiating were hired, and all one million fell into Wu Lidong's pocket. He repaid the two hundred thousand in debt, leaving 800 thousand.
Originally they wanted to leave, but they didn't expect the original owner to be particularly kind to them, and the two of them discussed it and decided to raise the fetus so that the original owner would be wronged. And that wedding house is the pre-marital property of the original owner, and the original owner has no savings, and they don’t get a penny for the divorce. They just tasted the sweetness and there is no danger of being discovered. Of course, they have to work hard to see if they can get the house. Get it.
Afterwards, Wu Xuefei pretended to be depressed, asked the original owner to sleep on the sofa, and gave them money to spend. They lived as a sweet couple when the original owner was at work. They loved and loved at home and enjoyed it everywhere when they went out. Not suspicious. They regard the original owner as a money-making machine and a nanny who takes care of others. They squeeze him to the end every month. They give birth to their sons and throw them to Xu's father and Xu's mother to take care of them. Seeing them take care of the children as if they were babies, the two of them felt special. Cool.
After that, the original owner had a sense of resistance, and they collectively cheated money by investing. They have hundreds of thousands in their hands, and they all gave the investment rebates at the beginning, just to convince the original owner that they would make a big sum for the last time. During this period, they finally thought of how to cheat the house, or use the old tricks, pregnancy anxiety, this time added self-harm.
The excuses they made were good, the acting was good, and the identity of the father and daughter was hard to doubt. Some people may think that the original owner is stupid, but it is really easy to be deceived in it. Even Xu's father and Xu's mother did not see the problem. In particular, the original owner lived a very simple life from childhood to most, and has known Wu Xuefei for many years. I never thought that the fairy jumps in the movie would be found on him, so he was deceived of all his property and debts of 500,000.
Of course, Wu Xuefei’s second child is not his. Wu Xuefei said that she would take birth control pills with him every time, and both children belonged to Wu Lidong. Xu's father and Xu's mother have taken care of their grandson for nearly a year, and their feelings are very deep. When they heard this shocking truth at first, they were totally unacceptable. And the arrogant attitude of Wu Xuefei and Wu Lidong made them unbearable for a while. faint.
The original owner hurriedly rushed the two elders to the hospital, but when they turned back to Wu Xuefei and the others, they could not be found. He called the police, but everything was his willingness, and there was no IOU. There was no evidence that he was deceived by those two people, and it was impossible to trace it.
The second old was very sick. He was hospitalized and infused for many days, but he was hit so hard, his body was not as good as before, and his energy was gone. The original owner was unable to concentrate at work because of the events that happened during this period of time, and the code he wrote almost caused the company to lose a single business. He had no sense of existence at first, and working overtime all day made the boss feel that his work efficiency was not high. This time he made a mistake and fired him directly.
He didn't get better treatment before looking for a job, and the pension of the second elder was not too large. Relatives and friends were pursuing debts tightly. Helpless, the second elder could only sell the house in the old city. The house was worthless, and only sold for more than 300,000 yuan, with a shortfall of more than 100,000 yuan. Fortunately, most of them are online loans, but the interest is high and there is no need to owe favor debt.
The three of them rented a cheap one-bedroom apartment, the second one lived in the bedroom, and the original owner slept in the living room, saving money and paying off the debt. The whole family was depressed and there was no more smile. If this is the case, the character of the original owner hates Wu Xuefei and Wu Lidong, and there is no one who cannot do anything, so he will continue to live his life. Unfortunately, in such a difficult time, Xu's father was diagnosed with early stage lung cancer.
They are still in debt, and relatives and friends know about his family's situation because of previous events and refuse to lend them any more money. The original owner asked his grandpa to tell his grandmother that he couldn't get any money, and Xu's father's treatment was delayed. The cancer cells spread rapidly and soon reached the final stage. And because they didn't have the money to use good medicine, and the effect was not enough, Xu's father often couldn't bear the pain in his last days, and he endured great pain. Seeing her wife suffer such torture, Xu's mother also felt extremely sad both physically and mentally. Finally, after Xu's father died of illness, Xu's mother also fell. She did not last long and went with Xu's father.
The original owner had nothing, his family was destroyed, he went crazy looking for Wu Xuefei and Wu Lidong, but they had gone to other cities long ago, maybe they had gone abroad, the sky is big, where can I find these two people? The original owner had been looking for them for revenge all his life, but he hadn't found anyone in his entire life, and because he was looking for people everywhere, he didn't have a fixed job, and he didn't have much desire to survive. In the end, he died under the bridge with hunger and cold.
The original owner exchanged his soul for the opportunity to let the plane messenger come. His request was only two. One was to have vengeance, so that Wu Xuefei and Wu Lidong would lose everything, life is better than death, miserable and miserable for a lifetime; the other is to be filial to their parents and let They enjoy their twilight years.
Xu Zifan opened his eyes, knowing that it was a safe environment, and sat up directly. Now the original owner has just started sleeping on the sofa, which is the time when Wu Lidong moved in. At this time, Wu Xuefei was ready to pretend to have depression during pregnancy, so that the original owner would use money for their "father and daughter" to go out to play.
The timing was good, Xu Zifan didn't want to sleep with that kind of disgusting woman, let alone spend money for them to play. Since we want to make them lose everything, life is better than death, and miserable pain, then of course they must first be ruined. Since these two actors love acting so much, they have to let the people of the whole country take a good look at them.
Xu Zifan took out his mobile phone from under his pillow and looked at the time. Three o'clock in the morning was the time when people were asleep. These two bullied the original owner and slept beautifully in the house. How could they make them so comfortable? Xu Zifan touched his chin and decided to show his acting skills. He is good at this.
He put on his nightgown and looked around, and saw a very large crystal vase on the coffee table. The roses in it should have been bought by Wu Lidong for Wu Xuefei.
Xu Zifan raised the corners of his mouth, got up and used his nightgown to draw the vase vigorously, and the vase fell to the ground with a "bang", making a loud noise.
Wu Lidong and Wu Xuefei in the bedroom were awakened immediately, and both turned on the lights and ran out of the bedroom, "What's the matter? What's the noise?"
No one answered them. Wu Lidong helped Wu Xuefei and turned on the lamp in the living room. When the vase was broken, Xu Zifan looked forward blankly and was walking towards them slowly.
Wu Lidong said unhappily: "What's the matter with you? I wonder if Feifei has been sleeping well after pregnancy? Why are you so careless?"
Wu Xuefei caressed her lower abdomen and frowned, and whispered softly: "Zi Fan, you should be careful next time. Sweep the broken glass first, so don't get it stuck."
But Xu Zifan didn't respond to them at all. He didn't seem to see them either. He was still walking forward, walking in front of Wu Xuefei's a few steps, and suddenly reached out and grabbed Wu Xuefei's neck!
"Ah! What are you doing?! Let go!" Wu Xuefei was terrified, and quickly grabbed his hand and dragged it down.
Wu Lidong rushed over to pull him, angrily said: "Let go! You let me go!"
After a lot of effort, Wu Lidong finally pushed Xu Zifan away, and helped Wu Xuefei back a few steps to fight Xu Zifan. Wu Xuefei grabbed him, coughed a few times, pointed at Xu Zifan and whispered: "Look, he, he seems to be wrong, is he sleepwalking?"
Wu Lidong was taken aback, looked at Xu Zifan, and found that he was walking forward again. This time he walked to the kitchen and began to tidy up the kitchen utensils in it. His face was expressionless, looking like a robot. Wu Lidong frowned tightly, "Sleepwalking? This kid still has this disease? I'll wake him up. Sleepwalking can't pinch people like that."
Wu Xuefei hurriedly stopped him, "No, I heard that people who wake up sleepwalking will scare him to death, and I don't know if it is true. If it is true, then he is dead. Are we not greedy?"
"Then what should I do? Let him continue sleepwalking? In the big night, he was wandering around the house alone. Hey, it's pretty oozing when you think about it." Wu Lidong frowned even more and moved to a good house for nothing. The joy is gone, if Xu Zifan does this every night, how can he sleep?
Wu Xuefei looked at Xu Zifan and saw that he even took out the knives and wiped them slowly. Suddenly he felt a chill on his back and touched his neck and said, "Why do I think he is so dangerous when sleepwalking? He pinched me just now. ...Will you stabb someone with a knife? It's too scary, so I drove him back to his parents to live."
"How to hurry? This is close to his company. You are still pregnant. He has no reason to go there." Wu Lidong irritably brushed his hair, pushed Wu Xuefei into the room, and comforted, "You enter the room and lock the door. He can't get in and can't move you. I can't wake him up now. When he wakes up tomorrow, I will scold him and see how he explains."
Wu Xuefei's eyes lit up and she smiled: "In fact, just tell him sleepwalking and let him go back to his parents. You should go to bed early, and remember to lock the door."
"Well, don't worry. Good night baby!" Wu Lidong supported the wall with one hand and raised Wu Xuefei's chin to kiss her lips.
As soon as the two separated after kissing, they suddenly found Xu Zifan standing next to them holding a knife! The two hurriedly separated with an "Ah", and backed away nervously for several steps. After discovering that Xu Zifan was only looking ahead and not looking at them, they patted their chests and breathed a sigh of relief, but the frightening experience made them particularly unhappy.
The two glared at Xu Zifan, and each went back to the room and locked the door securely. Xu Zifan smiled while playing with the fruit knife in his hand, and slowly returned to the sofa to lie down. This is only the first day, and they will still suffer. Since the two of them were so deliberately tied to him, he wouldn't give them a good return.
Xu Zifan set the alarm clock for work in the morning, covered the quilt and fell asleep peacefully. The two in the room couldn't sleep at all. As soon as they closed their eyes, they thought of Xu Zifan's expressionless face just standing beside them. In particular, Xu Zifan was still holding a knife in his hand. The two of them couldn't sleep. They both searched for sleepwalking with their mobile phones. Who knows that the more they look at it, the more scary they are. Sleepwalking can really do anything. Without Wu Lidong, just said Maybe Xu Zifan will choke Wu Xuefei to death!
I thought I was a fool, but why did I suddenly feel so terrible?
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