Chapter 985: No Cave Cellar

"These guys are sneaky, and they are not human. What are they? Dust? Fate? Wenxue Xue → Net"
One of the black shadows of "Boom" was struck by lightning immediately.
In Xiao Yi's solitude, the ground was scattered with bones.
"Damn, what are those things?" Xiao Yi frowned.
"The deity should be the undead, just those undead creatures we used to be in a small time."
"Undead Lich?"
"It's possible. After all, we have just come to this world. Look at the deities below. The power used by those people can reach A-level powers.
"Okay, Minglei, take back our power, and here we are."
"Xue Xin, let's go." Just the next moment, Xiao Yila landed on Xue Xin and blinked. When he appeared again, he was back in the street.
"Xiao Yi, where are we going?" Find a safe place to live first. "
"Is the inn?" Lu Xuexin asked in confusion.
"Come with me." Xiao Yi was a little surprised at hearing this, but immediately Lu Xuexin was ahead, Xiao Yi ran quickly after the latter two.
After a few turns left and right, Xiao Yi really saw an inn.
Xiao Yi looked at Lu Xuexin in surprise.
"How do you know the inn here?"
"I saw it in the sky just now." Xiao Yi nodded.
"Let's go." Xiao Yi said, pulling and landing, Xuexin went towards the inn.
Just when Xiao Yi was about to enter the inn's door, Ming Lei's voice rang suddenly.
"Master, don't go in."
"My family, there are no living people in this inn anymore." After hearing this, Xiao Yi stopped.
"My dear, please change to another inn." Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi frowned and turned around.
But it ran towards the other side of the city. This time it was Minglei's guidance.
"Xiao Yi, what's going on? Why don't you go in when you go to the hotel door?"
"Minglei said that there were no living people in that hotel."
"What, how can this happen? I just saw someone walking around in the sky just now."
"Xue Xin, those are not living people." The next moment Ming Lei's voice resounded in Lu Xue Xin's conscious space, and suddenly took over the message from Ming Lei. Lu Xuexin's eyes widened immediately.
Xiao Yila landed on Xuexin, but after seven turns and eight turns, Xiao Yi saw an inn the next moment.
As soon as Xiao Yi arrived at the door, it was suspected that the inn door was closed.
Seeing this, Xiao Yila landed Xuexin and hurried to knock on the door.
"The two of us are going to stay in the store and open the door quickly."
"It's not open today, let's go to another place." Just then, the shop's second voice came out.
Hearing this, Xiao Yi shook his head.
"We can double the price."
"No! Who knows where you are from."
"Anyone who knows where you are from, you can't do it." At this moment a female voice rang again.
"We paid ten times the price and let us go in and avoid it." ‘
"Ten times? Talk?" The next moment, a door slit flashed out, one hand stretched out and gave money. After hearing this, Xiao Yi immediately took out a pile of silver coins from his pocket.
"Are these enough?" Xiao Yi took out a lot.
At the next moment the door creaked, opening a seam to allow one person to pass.
"Come in quickly." Seeing this, Xiao Yi and the two hurried into it.
After the two entered the room, a shopkeeper-like person extended his head and looked around, and immediately closed the door.
"What happened outside this door? Why are you so embarrassed?"
Hearing the shopkeeper's question, Xiao Yi smiled and shook his head.
"We don't know what happened, but we saw tornadoes and lightning again. The people outside were great."
"Well, everyone will follow me to hide in the wine cellar.
The next moment the chief was leading the way, and soon Xiao Yi came to the kitchen with the shopkeeper.
Immediately after seeing Qi flipping a pot, he touched it a few times, and "squeaked", but an authentic entrance appeared in front of Xiao Yi and others.
"So dark, where does it lead?"
"Wine cellar, come in quickly." The next moment someone came over with a stand lamp.
The light was very bright, but Xiao Yi was a little surprised to see it.
"The deity is capable of connecting spar."
Hearing this, Xiao Yi looked a little dazed at the station.
At this moment the shopkeeper is down to the cellar with the lamp.
"This is a wine cellar, but Xiao Yi is somewhat surprised."
"My dear, there is a wine cellar below, but it's not easy below."
Seeing the shopkeeper walking down, Xiao Yi was down, Lu Xuexin was up, so the two started to go down this tunnel.
"Xue Xin and Xiao Yi."
"Well, it's okay, but at this moment there are seven people in the same group.
Not counting Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin are four men and one woman.
As the seven descended into the so-called cellar, Xiao Yi frowned, because the low-key was indeed a little deeper.
After about 5 minutes of footing, several people went down to the cellar.
As soon as he entered the cellar, Xiao Yi looked to the surroundings through the light.
From this position, this is obviously a dug out of the cellar, but Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin just felt a cool feeling when they just entered here.
"Why is it so cold here?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.
"This is a specially designed cellar in our shop. This was originally a water well. It was only because the bottom was dried up that we dug it into a cellar.
Hearing this, Xiao Yi looked to the depths.
"Do you mean, there was a water well here?" Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi suddenly released his own mental power in confusion.
Spiritual power is inherently inexhaustible. With the expansion of spiritual power, Xiao Yi in this cellar has seen it clearly at this moment.
At this moment Xiao Yi and others are standing in a stone-built passage.
The passage looks like a hundred meters deep, but at the moment Xiao Yi noticed the location where the ground was wet.
At the next moment, Xiao Yi pulled the landing Xuexin and walked towards the moist soil.
The others were all around the lamp at this moment.
At that moment, the lamp was gradually releasing a warm atmosphere.
The campus came to the damp soil.
"Xiao Yi, have you found anything?" Lu Xuexin asked, puzzled.
"There seems to be a passage below, but it's blocked because of something."
"Do you mean there is a passage buried here?" Lu Xuexin was somewhat surprised.
"Yes, this passage should be deep."
"How deep should it be?" Lu Xuexin asked in confusion.
"At least 500 meters, this is a downward passage."
"Two guests come and sit here. We don't know how long to stay here. If it's cold, the shop can't afford it."
After hearing this, Xiao Yi immediately pulled the landing Xue Xin and walked towards the crowd.
"It's really cold here," Xiao Yi sighed.
"Yes, otherwise it won't be our cellar anymore." It was the shopkeeper.
"It used to be cold, the direction you just went to, there was a tunnel there, and we added it later." It was the woman who spoke.
"Excuse me, is there anything in there?" Lu Xuexin asked in doubt at this moment.
"What's in it, I don't know, ordinary people like us don't dare to go in, do you know that dripping into ice?"
"Well, yeah, I spit at that time, and the drool fell into ice before it fell to the ground."
"It's a wonder all over the world." Xiao Yi sighed.
Just then, at the entrance of Xiao Yi and others, there was a sound of someone climbing the ladder.
"Who is it?" The shopkeeper finally couldn't help the next moment and shouted.
"It's me, Zhang Shun."
"Oh, why did you come down, when did you come back?"
"Just now, there's nothing in the city right now."
"What happened?"
"The city is full of dead people, and we may have to find a way to leave this Shangguan city."
"What happened to Zhang Shun?" Xiao Yi, who heard the conversation between them, communicated with Lu Xuexin in the conscious space.
"It looks like it's really messed up," Xiao Yi sighed.
"Is that the undead?" Lu Xuexin said with some doubt.
"Maybe, Minglei, are you there?"
"Master, of course."
"what are you doing?"
"My dear, of course I monitor the changes outside for you."
"Well, is there anything outside?"
At the next moment, Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin's consciousness space, however, each had an image.
"Wow" Lu Xuexin shouted in surprise.
"What happened?"
"Xiao Yi, look at that person." At the moment, Xiao Yi was talking about an enlarged picture.
On the ground, many places were on fire, but the floor in more areas, including the streets, was completely burnt.
"Did the nuclear bomb explode? How could there be such a thing as God, I didn't feel the vibration."
"Here it is at least a few hundred meters deep. Even if there is an explosion, the vibration force will not be easily transmitted here."
At this moment, the man named Zhang Shun has come down from above.
At this moment, the name of the shopkeeper is a bright light again.
"This lamp is really amazing. What kind of lamp is it?" Someone finally asked in doubt at this moment.
"Magic lamp, it consumes energy spar."
"Energy spar? Isn't that too wasteful?" One asked at the moment.
"No waste, you thought you could really breathe here for so long, you've been strangled long ago." It was the woman who spoke.
"This is it?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.
"This is the owner of our shop." Xiao Yi was a little surprised when he heard this.
"Then who is the boss, are you?" The shopkeeper who heard this said shook his head, and the boss went to the city's main government house, but he had not yet returned. "
"Zhang Shun, what about the boss?"
"In the city's main government building, he hasn't come back yet. He asked me to come back to see you, but I almost lost my life." Then he walked to the boss and asked.
But at this moment Xiao Yi's attention was completely shifted to the outside.
"What the is that?" Lu Xuexin said with a frown.
"At this moment, there is a huge group of dark shadows rushing into the city, killing people when they see them, and instantly turning into a gray bone in one fell swoop. Then these bones will quickly stand up and participate in the Among the human slaughter.
"What the is that?" Lu Xuexin frowned and asked Ming Lei.
"My dear, I haven't seen it in layers, but according to the form of element density, it should be something like a cavalry."
"Undead Knight?" Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin said in unison.
"My dear, we don't have more information about the goal, so I can't give more information."
"My dear, you better ask them." After hearing this, Xiao Yi looked at the six people in front of him.
"Hello, I want to know what this is?" In the next moment, Xiao Yi waved his hand, but projected a picture.
A group of black creatures were really hacked in the city, but at this moment the sky outside was all shrouded in a black mist, almost turning into night.
"What's this?" At this moment, everyone around him looked surprised at the picture Xiao Yi cast.
"This is Shangguan City. This is outside our inn."
"How is that possible? That's a creature. It's purgatory."
"What's going on outside, my family, oh oh ..." Someone started to cry.
With one person's crying, the others also cried, "Woohoo ..."
Seeing this, Xiao Yi was somewhat helpless.
"That's my house. It doesn't seem to be on fire." One of them, however, came to Xiao Yi in a moment, and then "killed" and knelt before Xiao Yi.
"Sir, be sure to save my family. If my wife and children die, what does it mean to live?"
"Hurry, hurry ... that's the house ..." yelling at one of the houses that did not catch fire.
At this moment some undead creatures had gathered in front of the house, and they were beginning to approach the house.
"Come on, I beg you, there must be a way, right." This is one of the chefs.
"Well, get up quickly, I will help you." After hearing this, a few people around, some of them ran down and kneeled in front of Xiao Yi ~ ~ This is my home, also Not attacked, hurry up, save them. "
"This is my house. Save them."
As an individual pointed out his own position, Xiao Yi was already busy in the next moment.
"Okay." At the next moment, Xiao Yi retracted the picture.
"Sir, did you really save them?"
"Let me see if they are okay."
After hearing the question, Xiao Yi nodded, rest assured, those houses are all right.
The reason why Xiao Yi retracted the projection screen at this moment was outside, but at this moment, a weird scene occurred, but a large number of electric snakes condensed out in the air, constantly moving in a space, shuttle, shuttle, obviously Lightning is consciously guarding something.
With the death of the undead creatures, the next moment, these creatures are no longer near these buildings.
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