Chapter 999: Enchanted virus

"This ..." The three of them were a little dumbfounded at the moment, and apparently Ming Lei's move stunned a few of them. Dust and Martial Arts
At the moment, Xiao Yi is in the lava, but at the moment, Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin are diving rapidly.
After a few breaths, Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin came to a strange place.
There is an entrance here, and as soon as the search shuttle shuttle arrives here, it directly enters this entrance.
Seeing this, Xiao Yi didn't hesitate to wear it directly. Xiao Yi's eyes were empty instantly, but Xiao Yi was a little stunned at the moment.
Because at this moment Xiao Yi turned into a transparent color. Obviously it was the sky above, but here he was deeply aware that it was the earth-ground space.
"What is this?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.
"The deity is true of the underground space, but it should be filled with a lot of space elements."
"What do you mean?"
"In other words, this is an energy world, and it can also be said to be an independent world."
"Then where are we going?" Xiao Yi was a little curious at the moment.
"The core of the earth is where the energy world of this world lies."
Xiao Yi was floating in the air at this moment, looking around in confusion.
"It really surprised me a bit, these aliens, they can live here.
At this moment, Xiao Yi has seen some strange alien buildings, buildings like candy canes, appearing around Xiao Yi's vision.
"Is that the building of this world?" Lu Xuexin asked in confusion.
"Yes, Xuexin, these are the buildings in this world."
"Why is it like a candied fruit?"
"It's magnetic field isolation. If they are too close to each other, the magnetic fields will be affected.
"Oh." Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin flew closer to these buildings.
And just then, a harsh siren sounded in the space.
Xiao Yi then found out that she and Lu Xuexin were hit by a beam of light.
"Minglei, have we been found?"
"Yes, deity, but it doesn't matter."
At the next moment, Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin disappeared out of thin air.
When it appeared again, it was already in a mobile building.
"Wow, this building is weird."
"My dear, this is the role of those buildings. You can understand that these houses are spherical rooms built to provide gravity."
"Is there anything special about these rooms?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.
"My deity, you can simulate the gravitational pull of the planet, so that people can stand on the wall."
Hearing this, Xiao Yi was a little confused, and then walked towards the wall.
And at the next moment, Xiao Yi found a force that dragged himself on.
Instantly Xiao Yi stepped on the strong surface.
But at this moment Lu Xuexin was surprised.
"It's weird, too."
"The deity, there is an intelligently controlled gravity field in this space, which can ensure that the life entering here will obtain a stable magnetic field."
"Oh, this is amazing. I didn't expect them to control gravity so cleverly."
"On this way, deity, they can save more space."
"Why save space?" Xiao Yi was somewhat.
"The energy density in this energy world is not as large as expected, so its carrying capacity is limited. If the carrying capacity is too large, space collapse will occur."
"What do you mean?"
"Holy deity, the load of this world is limited. It exists in this world and cannot exceed a certain complexity, otherwise it will collapse here."
"Crash? Then we come in, shouldn't it have crashed here?"
"Our deity, this is different. We are beyond the law. When we come here, there are naturally more advanced laws that are compatible with us, and not the laws here have an impact on us, so we have absolute control over the space here . "
"Wow, this is very interesting." Xiao Yi smiled.
"Well, Ming Lei, we're done here, I don't think there's anything magic here."
"Respect, are we going back?"
"Yes, go back to Earth."
"Okay, deity." At the next moment, Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin pushed open a light door and walked in.
When it reappeared, Xiao Yi had already appeared deep in the ground, in front of the space door, but at this moment the space door had been broken.
Obviously someone intentionally destroyed it.
"My dear, they blow up the door to space here."
"My dear, maybe I'm worried about viruses invading their world."
Hearing this, Xiao Yi smiled bitterly.
"Our world is really by dogs." With that said, Xiao Yi actually pulled an element of Xuexin into the sky and came to the sky.
"The city around the river is really a complicated city." Xiao Yi sighed.
"Xue Xin, let's go and see in space." Lu Xuexin nodded at this.
"It's a beautiful night, and it's really hard for me to imagine the end of the world happening here."
"There is nothing unimaginable, everything is too normal."
"What if the end of the world does not happen here?" Lu Xuexin said suddenly looking at Xiao Yi.
"Does not happen?" Xiao Yi was somewhat confused by Lu Xuexin's question.
"Yeah, if the end of the world does not happen here, everyone here should be alive."
"Minglei, is there any way to prevent this world from ending?"
"My deity, as long as the energy of the magnetic pole reversal is transferred, the magnetic pole reversal will not occur."
"Can we do it?" Xiao Yi asked doubtfully.
"The deity, this world, we are the masters. As long as the deity thinks, there is nothing to do. Although this is a world, it still exists in the body of the deity, and the spiritual power of the deity is not a simple spiritual element , But a powerful element that has been given multiple powers. "
"What if we don't let this world end?"
"Holy deity, if the end of this world is not allowed, the fate of existence in many worlds will be rewritten."
"Regression of civilization, do you mean?"
"Yes, deity. Rise on the ruins, you can know to cherish peace."
"But Minglei, this world is so beautiful, how can I bear it."
"Master, what do you want to do?"
"Does n’t this happen? Even if the deities do not have a magnetic pole upside down this time, this world will also happen."
"Why?" Xiao Yi was somewhat surprised by the answer.
"Virus! Someone spread the virus, a mental virus, a virus that converts energy into matter."
"What do you mean?"
"There is a demonized virus that has entered this world."
"Where? There?" Xiao Yi asked in surprise.
"The deity is in the windship's spaceship."
"Windship spaceship?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised.
"Over there?"
"In the energy world in the Bermuda Triangle."
"There is also energy in there?" Xiao Yi was somewhat surprised.
"Holy deity, where the energy is very active, and it can be said to be the only channel in the earth's energy world."
"Then what are they doing there?" Xiao Yi was in doubt.
"If I said, do you believe in capturing energy life there?"
"Capture?" Xiao Yi was taken aback by this statement.
"Yes, the deity is capture."
"What are energy and life?" Xiao Yi was a little curious.
"My dear, you should have heard that things are extremely anti-reverse, and any life that can approach materialization will be the object they capture."
"Is there any use for capturing this life?"
"This is the raw material to demonize the virus."
"What?" Xiao Yi was really surprised at the moment.
"These energy lives are actually brave enough to make magic viruses?"
"Yes, deity, the demonized virus has a strong parasitic ability, but the premise needs to destroy the host's own spiritual will."
"So at this time, these energy lives born in the energy world are used. They have a strong survival instinct and are similar to the human soul. They will only have a battle between them and the battle is over. If both sides are exhausted, this Enchanted viruses activate the devil's genes. "
"If human power is stronger, defeating the remnant of energy life, and suppressing the power of the devil, then a power of the devil will be awakened."
After hearing these things, Xiao Yi's eyes were dull, as if thinking of something.
"My deity, I am Ming Lei. If I am a devil, I can understand it this way, but I am a devil born from my consciousness, not an ordinary devil. I do n’t have a comprehensive memory for the devil.
"Okay, okay." Xiao Yi nodded and led you.
"You mean, if I want to end this doomsday, I just need to clean up all the wind races here?"
"Yes, deity, but the deep root map of the wind clan is not the only one. Many of them have merged with humans to become humans."
"What? They became human?"
"Yes, deity, like Fengjia."
"Well, aren't these winds on earth?"
"No, the deity is an alien wind tribe."
"That being the case, send them to a distant galaxy, I think they will like it there."
As soon as Xiao Yi's idea flashed, the next moment a golden swirling nest suddenly appeared near Bermuda, and then just flashed.
The next moment, the space seemed to stagnate for a moment, and then the world returned to normal again.
But at this moment in the sky, there are occasionally strange clouds.
Seeing these uniquely shaped clouds, Xiao Yi was somewhat surprised.
"What are those?"
"The deity is the life of energy, the life that escaped from the earth's energy world."
With the emergence of these lives, Xiao Yi found that the world is changing a little bit.
"Ming Lei, these things appear in this world, is there really no problem?"
"My deity, it is not known what life is in the energy world. If it is only this life, they will live forever in the sky."
"Can't they land on the ground?"
"Deity, energy characteristics determine them, they only belong to the sky."
"Okay." At the next moment, Xiao Yi's consciousness was put into the underwater world.
At this moment, the underwater world seems to be in ruins. There are actually some weird fishes here.
"What are these fish doing?" At the moment Xiao Yi was a little bit puzzled.
At this moment there was a school of fish, biting each other's tails, without any slackness.
What's even more weird is that there is a red light flashing here.
"What is this?" Xiao Yi was somewhat surprised.
"The deity, it should be energy life, is really merging with these fish."
"Fusion?" Xiao Yi was startled when he heard this.
"How could this be, and if so, wouldn't there be something weird again at this time."
"Yes, deity, this energy world belongs to the state of energy inversion, and what appears in the material world will generally be this dirty energy life."
"What about those in the sky?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.
"Our deity, that's the opposite effect."
"Okay." Xiao Yi nodded.
"Minglei, clean up these filthy things, and restore me to the energy world of this world."
"Yes, deity." Immediately the next moment, a stream of black energy was enveloped by a golden light and flew out of Bermuda.
"My dear, these are the raw materials used to demonize the virus."
"I didn't expect this evil virus to be so evil."
"My deity, these are not as complicated as my imagination. This virus is mainly composed of three modules, which are divided into invasion, intelligence, and fusion of three modules. Generally, as long as it resists humans with two modules, it can become a power person."
"The composition of the invasion part is basically composed of energy life, but the intelligence aspect is dominated by the devil's consciousness, and the fusion part is the devil's ability, which is the different ability."
"Does that mean that if the invasion module is deprived and the devil's will is raised, the source of the power can be removed from this virus?"
"Yes ~ ~ deity." Xiao Yi laughed when she heard this.
"In this case, the spaceships just now will be given to you. I hope you can create more power sources."
"Yes, deity." Xiao Yi, who was here, suddenly remembered a very important question.
"Minglei, why did the wind race bring the demonized virus into the earth?"
"The deity, the awakening ability of the demonized virus is not fixed, but the ability to awaken according to different people's different constitutions."
"Feng people, is there no reason to do this?"
"If it is the origin, it should be the origin of the power. If someone among the humans is awakened, the wind clan has this ability to seize its origin.
After hearing this, Xiao Yi suddenly remembered that the wind clan's approach to energy life.
"Okay, I see. Ming Lei is careful not to let the wind race approach the earth."
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